Genshin Impact: Villain Life Simulator

Villain Simulator, Ch 41

Lucas naturally understood what Barbara meant. After her "deal" with him, she felt she had become a "tainted" girl, no longer worthy of being loved.

"You're doing that 'Versailles' thing again," Lucas chuckled as he patted Barbara's head. "Over the past few days, your fan base has grown exponentially, almost catching up to…"

"Catching up to who?" Barbara frowned.

Oops, almost let it slip!

"Catching up to the one I intended to promote the most—Raiden Mai," Lucas quickly corrected himself. "To be honest, you might just be the most popular girl in Mondstadt right now."

Despite her complicated feelings toward Lucas, hearing such praise brought a hint of pride to Barbara's face. Yes, her hard work had finally paid off. Her sister's condition was improving, and even though the cost had been great, it all seemed worth it.

"It seems your sister is recovering well," Lucas said, glancing at Jean lying in the bed. He smiled. "Her complexion looks much better than before. She really is a beauty."

"Get lost!" Barbara quickly stepped between Lucas and Jean, glaring at him with a wary expression. "Don't you dare have any improper thoughts about my sister!"

"It's just a compliment," Lucas shrugged. "Even if I wanted to do something, I prefer interactions, and an unconscious Sleeping Beauty doesn't really interest me."

"My sister will wake up!" Barbara declared firmly. "The doctor told me today that her condition is improving. As long as I keep working hard, she will recover fully."

Looking into Barbara's eyes, Lucas couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity.

Ever since their "deal," Lucas had rarely seen Barbara show this kind of determined expression. 

Aside from moments like this, she only wore such a genuine, happy smile when she was on stage.

"Don't worry. Your sister will recover," Lucas said softly. "In this world, there's nothing Mora can't buy."

In the past, Barbara would have immediately argued back with the moral lessons she had learned. But after experiencing her family's decline and the coldness of the world, Barbara had come to realize that maybe that statement was true. Money had paid for her sister's treatment. Money could control people's fates. Money had even bought… her.

"Can I ask you a question?" Lucas's voice broke through Barbara's wandering thoughts. "If your sister wakes up and recovers, will you… continue being an idol?"

"I… I don't know," Barbara sighed. "I feel genuinely happy when I'm performing on stage, but… I don't want to be controlled by you anymore."

"You're right. Not just you, but all the idols under me are in my control," Lucas said, surprisingly calm. "But don't worry. As long as you can pay the contract's penalty fees, you're free to leave anytime."

Lucas didn't deny being a ruthless businessman. But, on the other hand, everything was clearly written in the contracts. The girls, lost in their dreams of fame and success, rarely paid attention to the fine print.

"I will pay back everything I owe you," Barbara said, her voice firm. "And after that, I will cut all ties with you."

"Speaking of what you owe me…" Lucas narrowed his eyes, a mischievous smile forming. "You still haven't paid me for the last 'private lesson,' have you?"

"The… the last time?" Barbara's face flushed as she recalled something. "I was too exhausted that time. You can set a date, and I'll… I'll make it up to you."

"How about… right now?"

Without waiting for an answer, Lucas reached out and placed his hand on Barbara's shoulder.

"What?" Barbara's eyes widened in shock. "How… how can you do it here? How can you…?"

How can you do this in front of my sister?

"Relax. When I came in earlier, there wasn't a soul around," Lucas said, stepping closer. "And as for your sister, she won't know a thing."

"But… but…" Barbara weakly protested, still trying to resist. She pleaded, "Can we do it somewhere else? Anywhere but here?"

"You don't have the right to bargain with me," Lucas whispered in her ear. "Keep your voice down, my little nun. This is part of the deal."

In the end, Barbara gave in.

For the first time, she was grateful her sister was completely unconscious.

Avoiding looking at her sister, Barbara failed to notice the smile creeping across Lucas's face.

He glanced at the unconscious Jean and then at the prominent portraits of the Gunnhildr family heads that adorned the wall. It felt as though they were watching him, but Lucas knew that what he was doing was trampling on the last remnants of this family's dignity.

The image of his father had long faded from his memory, but the desire for revenge only grew stronger with each passing day.


Kent was from the small village of Springvale, just outside Mondstadt. Most of the villagers worked as hunters, but Kent lacked the talent. While his peers could hunt boars, Kent couldn't even catch a rabbit.

On the recommendation of the hunter leader, Doolaf, Kent first worked at Diluc's stables before being sent to work at the Gunnhildr estate, where he found a job tending the gardens.

Even though the work was simple, Kent was more than satisfied. The pay was good, and most importantly, he occasionally got to see the angelic second daughter of the family—Barbara.

Barbara wasn't just beautiful; she was kind and approachable, the only family member who ever greeted him. No matter how hard the day's work was, seeing her smile made Kent feel like all the fatigue had vanished.

So when he learned that Barbara's idol group was hosting a live concert, Kent didn't hesitate to spend all his savings on a ticket.

Watching Barbara shine on stage, Kent made up his mind. No matter how hard he had to work for the rest of his life, he would stay with the Gunnhildr family just to catch glimpses of her smile.

Now, lunch was ready, and Kent stood outside Jean's room, lightly knocking on the door. "Miss Barbara, Mr. Lucas, lunch is ready. You can come eat now."

There was no reply, only a faint sound of movement inside.

Must be the wind blowing through the window, Kent thought to himself. I should fix that loose window later.

"Miss Barbara?" Kent called again.

"I heard you…" Barbara's voice came from inside. "You go ahead. I'll be right there."

"But…" Kent hesitated, concerned. "If we wait too long, the food might get cold. Whatever you're discussing, it can wait until after you eat."

Barbara's stomach had always been sensitive. It wouldn't be good for her to eat cold food.

"It's fine," Lucas's voice replied from inside. "We'll be there together, right, Barbara?"

"Mm…" Barbara's voice sounded soft and faint. "I'll be right there."

A long silence followed.

Kent felt a bit uneasy. Something seemed off about the way Barbara had spoken, but he couldn't quite pinpoint why. 

He knew the door wasn't locked, but as a servant, he didn't dare to open it without permission.

Finally, the door slowly opened, and Barbara stepped out, her face slightly flushed for some reason.

Naive Kent didn't realize what had just transpired in the room. Concerned, he asked, "Miss Barbara, are you feeling unwell? You look a little flushed. Do you have a fever or something?"

"Don't worry," Lucas appeared behind Barbara, smiling. "I know Barbara's body very well. She's fine… perfectly fine."

Lucas's acting was undeniably top-notch. Although his special ability was called "You're Too Beautiful, Chicken", his acting skills far surpassed a certain kun.

To Kent, Lucas seemed like a considerate, graceful, and charismatic producer. But Barbara knew all too well that it was just a façade. If she were to describe him with the harshest words she could think of, they still wouldn't do him justice.

"Let's go eat," Lucas patted his stomach with a smile. "After some intense exercise, I always get hungry."

"Intense exercise?" Kent asked innocently. "Did you exercise earlier, Mr. Lucas?"

As soon as Kent asked, Barbara's face turned a few shades redder. She struggled to think of an explanation, but Lucas casually nodded and replied, "Before I came here, I went horse riding for a bit at Mr. Diluc's stables."

"Mr.Diluc's stables?" Kent's face lit up with excitement. "I used to work there! Which horse did you ride?"

"Let me think..." Lucas made a show of stroking his chin thoughtfully. "It was a beautiful little white horse with golden hair and the most mesmerizing blue eyes."

"Golden hair and blue eyes?" Kent tilted his head, confused. "I don't remember any horse like that."

"It must've been a recent arrival," Lucas said, smoothly running his hand down Barbara's back. "She looked quite tame, but in reality, she's quite wild. I've tried for a while, but I still haven't fully broken her in."

Barbara caught the hidden meaning behind Lucas's words but couldn't find the right way to respond. She could only bite her lip in frustration as her face grew redder, like she was about to burst.

"Breaking in a horse takes skill," Kent continued, seemingly unaware of the subtext. "You need to get close to the horse, give her regular baths, take her for walks, and make sure to keep a leash on her, of course."

"Bathing and walking her, huh?" Lucas looked at Barbara with a mischievous grin. "Sounds like a good plan."

Ugh, this guy—he's talking about horses, but in his mind, it's clearly about…

Barbara puffed her cheeks in frustration, though Kent remained oblivious. He continued on, "But being too gentle isn't always good. If the horse misbehaves, you've got to use the whip to get her in line."

"Kent!" Barbara shouted suddenly. "Enough about horses. I'm hungry—let's eat!"

"S-Sure!" Kent jumped, surprised by Barbara's outburst. It was the first time he'd ever seen her so upset.

Strange, he thought. Did I say something wrong to anger her?

Lucas followed the two out of the room, but before closing the door, he cast a meaningful glance at the still-unconscious Jean. "Keep sleeping, my Sleeping Beauty," he murmured. "It's not yet time for you to wake up."

Lunch was a far cry from anything lavish, yet Lucas didn't utter a word of complaint. In fact, he seemed to relish the simple meal.

Barbara had likely spent all her earnings on her sister's treatment, leaving little to cover household expenses.

After the meal, Lucas didn't linger. He left the estate, but instead of heading home, he rounded a corner. Waiting for him there was a woman dressed in white, as if she had been expecting him.

If Barbara had seen this woman, she would have been shocked—because standing there was none other than Florence, the renowned doctor treating her sister.

"Thank you for your hard work, Doctor Florence," Lucas said, bowing slightly. "What's the current status of Captain Jean's condition?"

"To be honest, it's not good," Florence sighed. "With my skills alone, it'll be very difficult to save her."

Lucas's brow furrowed. "So, she's going to die?"

"Not necessarily. While there are very few ways to save her, there are plenty of methods to keep her from dying," Florence replied, narrowing her eyes.

"That's all I need," Lucas exhaled in relief. "No matter what method, make sure to keep Jean alive."

"Mr. Lucas, if I may speak frankly, from a medical perspective, this is pointless," Florence said. "Even if we keep her alive, she won't regain consciousness. She'll be no different from the dead. Maintaining her life will also require a large amount of Mora. Given the Gunnhildr family's current financial state, I doubt they'll be able to afford it."

"Just charge a symbolic fee for the treatment—not too much, but not too little either," Lucas said as he handed Florence a check. "I'll cover the rest of the expenses."

"I don't know why you're doing this, but money is money, after all," Florence accepted the check. "If you're willing to pay, then why not?"

Lucas wasn't acting out of kindness. He knew Jean was Barbara's only emotional support. If Jean were to die, Barbara's resolve would crumble, and she wouldn't be able to continue as an idol.


[Age 26: The popularity of the "Dandelion Song" idol group exploded, surpassing previous idols and solidifying their place in the industry.]

There was little left that Lucas could teach Barbara, but he had many ways to keep her by his side. He realized he was starting to feel dependent on the little nun.

Whether it was in his villa, the Gunnhildr estate, the quiet dance studio late at night, or even the dressing room before a show—any place could become their battleground.

One minute, Barbara might be exhausted from backstage battles; the next, she would be on stage, full of energy, giving a powerful performance.

Watching her energetically sing and dance on stage, while carefully hiding the "knowledge" he had taught her, gave Lucas an unprecedented thrill. 

Barbara had become the face of Mondstadt's idol scene, and her infectious voice was rekindling the spirit of a city once left in despair by the dragon disaster.

But if her fans knew about her "little secrets," what would they think?

Yes, it was time to "reel in the net." Barbara's popularity had reached its peak. If her scandals were exposed now, it would be the final blow to both her and the Gunnhildr family.

But Lucas hesitated. It wasn't because he had grown soft. No, the truth was that Barbara's career had brought enormous profits to his agency.

On top of that, after experiencing Barbara, other women began to lose their appeal.

There was something strange about the male desire for conquest. Barbara's beauty, body, and abilities weren't the best Lucas had ever encountered, but seeing this once-innocent idol, adored by millions, submit to him gave him unparalleled satisfaction.

So, he decided to let Barbara "grow" a little longer. When the time was right, he would destroy her completely.

For now, he maintained his vigilance. By using the identity of Raiden Mai, he stayed close to Barbara, both to observe her and to extract her innermost thoughts.


[Age 27: Maybe it was because Raiden Mai was slightly older than Barbara, or maybe it was their time spent together, but Barbara began to see Raiden as a trusted confidant, like a sister. ]

[Initially, their interactions were limited to things like shopping and eating together.]

[But gradually, their closeness deepened, to the point where Barbara would now bathe with Raiden and even sleep in the same bed.]

[Lucas didn't think much of it. After all, as long as he and Raiden Mai didn't appear together, there was no issue. Whether it was Barbara clinging to one body or the other, it made no difference to him.]

[That evening, after their rehearsal, Barbara used the excuse of "it's too late" to once again stay in Raiden Mai's room.]


[Entering Immersive Mode]



Author's Note: Pfft I wonder how far this mf will go for his plans... What if barbara pegg.. pegs him? STOP DONT LEAVE IT WAS JUST A JOKE

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