Genshin Impact: Villain Life Simulator

Villain Simulator, Ch 51

Lucas was already well-versed in the simulator's patterns.

"I'll pick the second option."

[Your desire for victory ultimately overcame your sense of honor. The day before the competition, you pretended to kindly offer Parsifal a piece of candy. Unaware of your trick, Parsifal accepted the gesture from his 'brother' and ate the tampered candy without suspicion.]

[He smiled apologetically and said, "Eberhart, I know tomorrow's competition means a lot to you. If you need me to… I can go easy on you. Winning or losing doesn't matter to me."]

[Faced with his offer, your response was…]

- 1. Well, I'll leave it to you, brother!

- 2. No, that would tarnish the honor of the Lawrence family.

Since you've already drugged him, there's no need to have him go easy on you. Furthermore, your father Ingobert, a highly skilled swordsman, might notice if Parsifal holds back. If that happens, your plan will lose all its meaning.

[You shook your head and said, "No, that would tarnish the honor of the Lawrence family."]

[Parsifal blinked in surprise, but then smiled, clearly impressed.]

[Indeed, no matter how many times Parsifal loses, he will always remain the legitimate heir of the Lawrence family. But if you lose just once, you may never have another chance to turn your life around.]

[Parsifal's kindness, his carefree attitude, and his righteousness stem from the fact that he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Everything you strive for, everything you dream of, is something he simply doesn't care about.]

[The next day, the tournament begins as scheduled. Both you and Parsifal emerge as dark horses in the competition. None of the other children are your match, and the two of you ultimately meet in the final round.]

[Your presence in the finals surprises everyone. After all, you are a mere illegitimate child without even a family name, and standing here is an insult to the other noble children.]

[However, no one dares to voice their objections. Even as a bastard, you are still the son of the family head. For the first time, you feel your father's eyes on you—this might be the first time he's ever looked at you seriously.]

[The final match begins. Faced with Parsifal's aggressive attacks, you continue to retreat, just as planned. You're only waiting for the effects of the drug to kick in.]

[Finally, the drug takes effect. Parsifal's movements become sluggish, and in that moment, you step forward and strike his hand with your wooden sword, knocking his weapon from his grasp.]

[Wracked with abdominal pain from the drug, Parsifal falls to his knees. At this moment, you…]

- 1. Defeat him outright.

- 2. Put down your weapon to demonstrate fairness.

This is likely a trap. While it may seem best to defeat him directly, Parsifal is still the heir of the Lawrence family. If he loses, it would be a great embarrassment to Ingobert. You can't afford to lose, but you can't afford to win outright either.

"I'll choose the second option."

[Instead of seizing the opportunity to win, you lay down your weapon and announce to everyone that your opponent is feeling unwell. You offer to wait until he recovers before continuing the match.]

[This is a risky move, but fortunately, it pays off. Your father, Ingobert, declares that both you and Parsifal will share the championship.]

[No one could have predicted that an eight-year-old child would be so calculating. After the tournament, your father summoned you and your mother for the first time. You were thrilled, thinking that you would finally receive his recognition. But what awaited you was a choice.]

[Your father offered to continue supporting you and, if you performed well, he might even grant you the Lawrence surname. However, in return, you would have to sever all ties with your past, especially with your low-born mother.]

[To become a noble, you would need to abandon everything. But as you looked at your mother, you already knew your answer: to hell with wealth and status. To hell with the Lawrence family. How could they ever compare to your mother?]

[However, your mother didn't give you the chance to choose. Seeing your decision in your eyes, she took a step back and struck her head against the stone pillar behind her. Her fragile yet resilient life ended before you.]

[Your father merely remarked, "She was indeed a remarkable woman. You should thank her. She gave you the chance to change your fate without the burden of being labeled unfilial."]

[You wanted to lash out, but your mother's words echoed in your mind: Endure. Always endure.]

["Thank you, Father…" you said, bowing your head. But the respect in your eyes had long since faded, replaced by a deep, smoldering hatred.]

[Age 9: Since your recognition by Ingobert, your status within the Lawrence family has risen quickly. Though you lack your brother Parsifal's natural talent with a sword, you are far more shrewd and mature than him.]

[Your father seems to be growing increasingly fond of you. Were it not for your status as a bastard, which prevents you from taking the Lawrence surname, he might even reconsider who the future heir should be.]

[Age 10: Your father has two great passions—watching gladiator battles and going on adventures. The gladiator arena is one of Mondstadt's signature attractions. Nobles train their slaves to become gladiators, sending them to fight to the death for entertainment.]

[A powerful gladiator, like a prized horse, is another way for nobles to flaunt their wealth and status.]

[Of course, the nobles consider themselves "generous." If a gladiator wins enough battles, they are granted their freedom.]

[Your brother Parsifal detests the bloodshed of the arena and avoids it, considering it barbaric. But you often accompany your father to the gladiator battles in his place.]

[Age 11: On your birthday, your father takes you to the arena and presents you with a special gift—a gladiator of your own.]

[You spot a particularly striking figure in the arena. Though over fifty years old, this gladiator remains strong and agile, using brutal spear techniques to defeat one younger, stronger opponent after another.]

[This gladiator belongs to the Lawrence family. His name has long been forgotten, and he is known simply as the "Gladiator Slave." You call him to your side as his new master, pinning a small flower to his chest and smiling, "Will you become my gladiator?"]

[Your father is surprised by your choice. Most people would have chosen a younger, stronger fighter, but since it's your decision, he doesn't object.]

[In the gladiator's clouded eyes, you see a flicker of light as he kneels before you, swearing his loyalty.]

[Achievement Unlocked: Gladiator's Fondness]

[Reward Item: Gladiator's Nostalgia]

[Gladiator's Finale]

[- Type: Set (Collecting 2, 3, or 4 pieces will grant additional bonuses)]
[- Effect: (1/4) Increases attack by 5%]
[- Description: No one knows why the legendary gladiator always wears this small flower on his chest. It's the only weak spot on this brutal warrior's body.]

A "set item," similar to Genshin Impact's artifacts.

Unexpectedly, you've earned a reward like this.

Each artifact tells a story, and it seems this storyline is connected to the Gladiator's Finale artifact, which is why you received this reward.

However, a single artifact's effect isn't very impressive. It looks like you'll need to collect more pieces to unlock its full potential.


[Age 12: The gladiator, now your loyal servant, could have long since earned his freedom, but out of gratitude for your kindness, he remains by your side. He uses his spear to win you honor and also serves as your personal guard. One night, you ask him to teach you his spear techniques.]

[The gladiator is surprised by your request. After all, in Mondstadt, spear techniques are considered lowly skills, meant only for slaves and gladiators. Nevertheless, he agrees without hesitation.]

[Your reason for learning spear techniques is simple: you know you will never match your father and brother in swordsmanship. Thus, you decide to secretly train with the spear.]

[What the gladiator teaches you is less a formal technique and more a brutal style honed through countless life-and-death battles. Its only purpose is to find the opportunity to kill your opponent by any means necessary.]

[Age 13: Driven by the fire of revenge, you quickly master all the gladiator's spear techniques. Of course, you are still no match for him, as the techniques can only be improved through real combat experience.]

[You name this style simply, "Duelist's Spear." It's a technique meant to be used in one-on-one duels, where it reaches its peak potential.]

[Achievement Unlocked: Gladiator's Teachings]

[Reward: Skill—Duelist's Spear]

- Level: B
- Effect: Increases attack by 50% when fighting a single enemy.


[Age 14: To better hide your ambitions, you start pretending to be a spoiled playboy, surrounding yourself with a group of good-for-nothing friends. Gambling, bird-fighting, bug-battling, horse racing... you indulge in nearly every vice. Of course, women are no exception.]

[Your first woman is an 18-year-old girl chosen as a "sacrifice" for the Windblume Festival. This once grand festival has been corrupted under the rule of the Lawrence family.]

[During the festival, a young woman is selected to throw a ceremonial feather into the crowd. Whoever catches it receives her 'blessing'—though the feather always ends up in the hands of the Lawrence family, and the poor girl is forced to offer her "first glass of wine" to the nobleman who catches it.] (virginity)

[This year, the chosen girl throws the feather to you.]

[That night, the girl is delivered to your room. You don't refuse her, knowing that even if you did, she would never leave the Lawrence estate untouched.]

[The girl, chosen for her beauty, blushes shyly as she avoids eye contact. Out of curiosity, you ask, "Why did you pick me?"]

[The girl hesitates nervously before replying, "Because you're the youngest... and you reminded me of my little brother."]

[Indeed, the girl knows her fate is sealed. She would rather choose the least threatening of her captors than be defiled by one of the more grotesque noblemen.]

[Her answer makes you smile. You decide…]

- 1: Do nothing.

- 2: Show her that you're not as small as she thinks.

- 3: Secretly help her escape.

"Of course, I'll choose the second option."

Lucas wasn't naive enough to rebel against his family for the sake of a stranger.

["I'm not small at all." After saying this, you proved that the Lawrence family's second son was quite honest through your actions.]

[Though you're only 14 years old, years of training have already given you the physical strength of an adult.]

[Your spear was stained with blood—a scene that had often appeared in your dreams, but today, it became reality in this manner. You couldn't help but find it a bit ironic.]

[To the nobles of the Lawrence family, women were never in short supply.]

[Unless someone had a particular fondness for purity, the opportunity to claim the Windblume Festival's "sacrifice" was of little importance to most members of the Lawrence family. They had far too many pleasures and privileges to enjoy in Mondstadt, with women merely being a small part of that.]

[However, what mattered most was that this "sacrifice" had to be claimed by a Lawrence family member. This symbolized the absolute privilege of the Lawrence family in Mondstadt and their unshakable status.]

[Your "First Glass of Red Wine" talent activates. Depending on the element you absorb from your target, you gain a permanent attribute boost.]

[Element detected: Electro. Attribute gained: Strength.]

[Your strength has permanently increased by 10%.]

So this was the effect of the "First Glass of Red Wine" talent.

The activation conditions weren't simple, but the rewards were permanent attribute boosts.

Though people without a Vision couldn't use elemental powers, everyone still had their own "element" within them.

The talent's effect was to absorb a target's element and convert it into a corresponding attribute boost. 

It seems Electro represents strength. As for the other elements and their corresponding attributes, it looks like I'll need to learn through personal experience.

[Perhaps due to nervousness, the girl softly murmured the word "brother," and in return, you granted her the only kindness you had left, calling her "sister."]

[After it was over, you enjoyed the brief calm after the storm. The girl would leave before dawn, and you told her she could take anything she wanted from the room. To maintain your image as a spoiled noble, you had collected many valuable antiques. Any one of them could provide this girl with a good life.]

[However, she simply took a delicate cufflink. Then she revealed a small secret to you—she didn't actually have a brother. The reason she threw the feather to you was simply because you were the most handsome.]

[You weren't sure whether she was telling the truth or not, nor did you care to find out. In the vast city of Mondstadt, the two of you, separated by your status, would never cross paths again. A few years from now, she would marry someone else, and the Windblume Festival would always have a new "sacrifice."]

[When your brother Parsifal learned of this incident, he was furious, scolding you for how you could do such a thing.]

[Though your relationship with your brother had always been good, Parsifal was something of an oddity among the Lawrence nobles. He despised the excesses of nobility and was fascinated by stories of heroic thieves. His bookshelf was filled with tales of vigilantes rather than poetry and etiquette.]

[Faced with his scolding, you calmly countered, "The problem isn't me; it's Mondstadt's system. Even if I hadn't done it, the Windblume Festival's sacrifice would still be violated. If you're so righteous, why not fight this rotten system instead of blaming me, someone equally forced to accept their fate?"]

[Your retort left Parsifal momentarily speechless. While you couldn't surpass him in swordsmanship, when it came to rhetoric and debate, ten Parsifals couldn't best you.]

[You continued to provoke him: "My dear brother, if you're so committed to justice, why not become like the vigilantes you admire and fight back? Or are your ideals just empty words, and in the end, you can't let go of your noble status?"]

[Your taunt had the desired effect. Parsifal declared earnestly, "Even if it's only a little, I want to use my power to change this corrupt world!"]

[As you watched Parsifal storm off, you knew that your plan had just fallen perfectly into place.]


{Age 15: Once again, you were chosen as the target during the Windblume Festival. This was no accident. Compared to the other Lawrence nobles, whose very appearance repulsed the chosen sacrifices, your youthful, handsome face naturally made you a more appealing choice.}

[Although some of your family members were displeased, they didn't dare voice their objections. Even though you were a bastard, it was clear to everyone that in recent years, Ingobert had been favoring you more and more. Receiving the Lawrence surname was only a matter of time.]

[The chosen sacrifices not only had to be beautiful but also had to be pure maidens, which made your talent perfectly compatible.]

[Target's element: Anemo. Attribute gained: Agility.]

[Your agility has permanently increased by 17%.]

Not only do the attributes vary, but even the percentage of the boost differs. It seems this also depends on the individual.

[This time, Parsifal didn't say anything because he now had a new "hobby."]

[Throughout the year, a vigilante had been active in Mondstadt, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. Armed with a dark longsword, this masked figure roamed the city's alleys, stealing from the nobility to help the needy or teaching bullies a lesson. People had started calling him "Phantom Thief," a glimmer of hope in the corrupt, decaying city of Mondstadt.]

[This "Phantom Thief" was, of course, your brother Parsifal. It was a secret only the two of you knew. His cloak, mask, and even the timing and routes of his operations were all planned with your help. In this way, you played the role of Alfred to his Batman, selflessly supporting his vigilante activities.]

[Within a year, Phantom Thief had committed countless acts of theft and vigilante justice, yet Mondstadt's soldiers remained clueless. Your clever planning combined with Parsifal's combat prowess made them an unstoppable force.]

[Unless captured, the identity of the Phantom Thief would forever remain a mystery. After all, who would ever suspect that Mondstadt's greatest rebel was none other than the heir to the city's most powerful noble family—the Lawrence family?]



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