Genshin Impact: Villain Life Simulator

Villain Simulator, Ch 53

["The second son of the esteemed Lawrence family, practicing a form of spear technique scorned by nobles—this is quite amusing," the Spear Witch seems to be quite intrigued by you: "However, your spear skills are still far too immature."]

[You know that the Spear Witch possesses remarkable strength. Seeing such a master of spear techniques right in front of you, you decide...]

[1. Become her disciple]

[2. Recruit her under your command]

[3. Walk away]

Recruiting her would undoubtedly be the fastest way to gain the Spear Witch's power.

However, right now, she is busy hunting down the elusive Phantom Thief and likely won't be available to serve you.

"Option one!"

[You wish to become the disciple of the Spear Witch and learn her spear techniques. She doesn't reject your request but makes her own demand—that you use your informants to provide her with information on the Phantom Thief.]

[This is an easy task for you, and you agree to the deal, beginning your training under the Spear Witch.]

[One day, out of curiosity, you ask her why she is so obsessed with chasing the Phantom Thief. If it's just for a reward, with her skills, she could easily take on other tasks.]

[The Spear Witch lets out a soft sigh. She pulls back her long hair, revealing a sin mark engraved on her pale forehead. She then tells you a story.]

[Once, the Phantom Thief infiltrated a noble's residence to steal a silver urn filled with jewelry. Just as he was about to escape after succeeding, the Spear Witch tracked him down.]

[Unexpectedly, instead of fleeing, the Phantom Thief used a dagger to pry the blue crystal from the urn, handing it to the Spear Witch with a smile, saying: "I never realized that the one chasing me was such a beauty. This blue crystal, as beautiful as your blue eyes, is my gift to you."]

[For the first time, the cold and razor-sharp Spear Witch showed a flustered expression, while the Phantom Thief seized the moment to escape.]

[However, the story quickly spread. The noble who had been robbed learned of it, and to punish the Spear Witch, they branded an everlasting sin mark on her once-beautiful face.]

[The Spear Witch took out a necklace from under her clothes—a beautiful blue crystal. She tells you that she later bought the crystal back with her own money as a reminder to herself that no matter what, she must capture the Phantom Thief and avenge the shame of the sin mark.]

[It's indeed something worthy of hatred, but in her eyes, you see no trace of resentment. After all, who keeps their enemy's gift close to their heart?]

[Achievement unlocked: Noble Silver Urn]

[You have obtained a reward item: Noble Silver Urn]

[Noble Silver Urn]

[Type: Set]

[Effect: (1/4) Elemental damage increased by 5%]

[Description: Once belonging to an old Mondstadt noble family, its hollow interior seems to echo with the mournful sound of the wind.]

Another relic?

This "Noble Silver Urn" must be the same one stolen by the Phantom Thief in the Spear Witch's story.

Just like the previous [Gladiator's Finale].

So, as long as you experience events related to certain relics in the simulator, you can obtain rewards.

Considering Mihoyo's ability to weave hidden plots in item stories, it seems you can expect to get quite a few more rewards like this in the future.

[Age 20: Under the guidance of the Spear Witch, your spear skills have improved significantly, but you still can't surpass her. Your swordsmanship is no match for Parsifal, and your spear techniques pale in comparison to the Spear Witch. This leaves you feeling somewhat disheartened.]

[Perhaps noticing your disappointment, the Spear Witch shares the secret of her invincibility. She shows you her left eye, where a mysterious symbol seems to be engraved in her beautiful blue iris.]

[She tells you that it is a "magic eye" that can see the "lines of death"—those who fear death will reveal their fatal weak points, which, when struck, lead to immediate death. The spear in her hand, as sharp as a needle's point, is called "Flowing Moon Needle," designed specifically for this purpose.]

[You immediately ask your master how to gain the ability to see the lines of death, but the Spear Witch tells you that only by killing the owner of the magic eye in battle can this power be inherited—in other words, you must kill her to gain the magic eye.]

[You cannot kill the Spear Witch because she has no "line of death." In her own words, only those who fear death will show their line, and she has never feared death, so she has none.]

[You know that in order to defeat your father, Ingobert, you must gain this ability. The Spear Witch does not fear death because she has no attachments to this world. Only by giving her a reason not to die will she fear death.]

[Thus, a plan that benefits both sides begins to take shape in your mind.]

[Age 21: The thief Phantom Thief has eluded capture in Mondstadt for five or six years. Many have tried to catch him, but eventually gave up, while only the Spear Witch continues to pursue this elusive criminal, causing much frustration among Mondstadt's nobles.]

[You've long noticed that when your brother Parsifal mentions the Spear Witch, his eyes do not reflect hatred or fear, but instead, an unintentional smile. Similarly, when the Spear Witch speaks of the Phantom Thief, her cold face reveals a trace of emotion.]

[Their chase seems more like a lover's game. And that blue crystal the Spear Witch keeps close—it's practically their token of love.]

[Tonight, as usual, you arrange a heist for the Phantom Thief—this time, he's to steal an antique statue purchased with ill-gotten wealth from a noble's home. It should have been a simple task, but you sneak into the noble's house as well, and while the Phantom Thief is picking the lock, you make a noise to wake the noble.]

[The Phantom Thief's cover is blown, and the enraged noble draws his sword to defend his property. The Phantom Thief, left with no choice, injures the noble and quickly escapes.]

[This should have been a minor slip-up, but after the Phantom Thief leaves, you appear like a phantom behind the noble and plunge your sword into his heart.]

[The next day, the news that "The Phantom Thief's whereabouts were exposed, and in a rage, he killed a nobleman" spreads like wildfire throughout Mondstadt. In the past, the Phantom Thief's actions were merely stealing from the rich to help the poor or punishing corrupt nobles, never taking a life. This was why the Mondstadt nobility had tolerated his existence.]

[But now, things have escalated beyond control. Mondstadt's major nobles unite to carry out a full-scale investigation, and whoever the killer is will be executed by hanging immediately!]

[Even your brother Parsifal believes that he unintentionally killed the noble. Faced with the imminent punishment, he finally realizes that his "thief game" had no meaning and that in the end, he changed nothing.]

[As the mastermind behind the scenes, you persuade your brother to leave Mondstadt temporarily and hide in Liyue until the situation calms down. You also tell him that this might be the perfect opportunity to confess his feelings to the Spear Witch and take her away.]

[Parsifal takes your advice immediately. He hides in a cabin outside the city and writes a letter to the Spear Witch, using his sword, "The Phantom Thief," as a token of his love, entrusting you to deliver it to her.]

[That evening, you meet the Spear Witch at your usual training ground and hand her both the letter and the sword. After reading the letter, for the first time, you see her smile. You guess it must be filled with sweet words and hopes for the future.]

[If you weren't Eberhart, perhaps you would wish for these fated lovers to run away together. But alas… you are. You know that now is the moment to close the trap!]

[Without any warning, you challenge the Spear Witch to a final duel. Unlike before, this time, in her beautiful blue eyes, you see panic, hesitation… and fear.]

[Yes, because now she has attachments, hopes for a future. For the first time, she fears death.]

[Your skill may not surpass the Spear Witch's, but your true weapon is your scheming. In the midst of the intense battle, you suddenly speak: "My dear master, there's something I lied to you about. You'll never be able to leave with the Phantom Thief because… I've already killed him!"]

[At that moment, the Spear Witch's pupils dilate, and you take advantage of her distraction to pierce her chest with your spear.]

[Blood stains her flawless body, and for some reason, you suddenly feel a tightness in your chest—something that wasn't part of your plan.]

[In her rapidly fading eyes, a mark suddenly flies out and shoots into your left eye.]


[Achievement Unlocked: Master Slayer]

[Talent Reward Acquired: Mystic Eye of Death Perception]

[Effect: You gain a chance to see the "Lines of Death" on your target. If you strike the Line of Death, you can kill the target instantly. The more they fear death, the higher the probability of a Line appearing. Conversely, the more fearless they are, the lower the probability.]

[Description: Only those with no attachments can be fearless in the face of death.]

[You feel a sharp pain in your eye. Although it quickly diminishes, the lingering ache brings tears to your eyes—a small price, perhaps, for the ability to see the Lines of Death.]

[The Spear Witch's breathing grows weaker. After a year of being master and apprentice, you've developed some sense of affection for each other, but for the sake of your goal, she had to be sacrificed.]

[You tear off the precious blue crystal necklace from the Spear Witch and whisper in her ear: "Actually, the Phantom Thief isn't dead, but... I will kill him soon. At least you two can reunite in another world."]

[You bury the Spear Witch's body and, with the bloodstained blue crystal in hand, return to Parsifal's hiding place. You plan to show him the blue crystal and take the opportunity to kill him when he breaks down.]

[Now that you have the ability to see the Lines of Death, you're confident you can defeat your brother. However, when you open the door, the room is already empty. On the wall, Parsifal has left you a coded message—'Pursuers were nearby, so I had to leave. Tell the Spear Witch I will wait for her in Liyue Harbor. Also, please look after Father. I look forward to seeing you again, my dear brother.']

[For some reason, seeing this message, you feel a sense of relief—whether it's because you don't have to fight your brother, or because you don't have to kill him, you aren't sure. Even you don't fully understand your own feelings.]

[All you know is that the three things Parsifal mentioned in his message will likely never come to pass. The Spear Witch, who once troubled him so much, will never chase him again.]

[Regarding the disappearance of the family's eldest son, your father, Ingobert, seems unsurprised. When you tell him that Parsifal was the Phantom Thief, he calmly replies that he already knew.]

[You're not surprised either. Without that level of insight, Ingobert wouldn't have become the head of the Lawrence family.]

[Ingobert thought Parsifal's actions were just a phase, so he didn't intervene. After all, for a noble, this kind of hobby isn't that outrageous. But since Parsifal made such a grave mistake, a temporary retreat might do him some good. Let him learn his lesson, and after a few years, when things calm down, he can return.]

[So, Ingobert announces publicly that the Phantom Thief has been secretly executed, and that his eldest son Parsifal is conveniently studying abroad during this period.]

[Parsifal was not wrong in his realization—his role as the thief "Phantom Thief" was nothing more than a buzzing mosquito, at most making the Mondstadt nobility wrinkle their noses in irritation. But when that mosquito angered them, it was met with an iron fist.]

[Moreover, the reason Parsifal wasn't caught all these years wasn't just because of your cooperation as brothers, but also because your father had been secretly helping him. No matter how corrupt Mondstadt's nobility may be, they're not so incompetent as to fail at catching a petty thief.]

[When you ask your father why he helped, he simply gives a faint smile and says, "He is my son after all… just like you."]

[You know these are just empty words. Even if you're both his sons, your standing is completely different from Parsifal's. Parsifal is the legitimate heir, and no matter how grave his mistakes, someone will always clean up after him. But you are nothing more than an illegitimate child, unworthy of a surname.]

[Nevertheless, most of your plan is already in place. Your father, Ingobert, is the last obstacle you need to eliminate in order to take over the Lawrence family. You must kill him before Parsifal returns and claim the title of family head.]

[To accomplish this final task, two conditions must be met: first, you must have the strength to defeat Ingobert, and second, you must disguise his death as an accident, ensuring that you are not exposed.]

[Both conditions are difficult to fulfill. Not only is Ingobert far more powerful than Parsifal, but he also wields the power of a Vision, bearing the family's "Crest of Frost." Defeating him won't be easy.]

[Age 22: Finally, you get a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Dragonspine, long sealed by snow, has just opened its path for the first time. It is said that hidden within Dragonspine are the remnants of the lost nation of "Sal Vindagnyr," buried treasures, and secrets awaiting discovery.]

[Your father, Ingobert, is a die-hard adventurer. Now over fifty, he wants to go on one last adventure before he grows too old—this time, to seek the hidden treasures of Dragonspine.]

[Although Parsifal's identity as the Phantom Thief hasn't been exposed, his disappearance along with the Lawrence family's eldest son has raised suspicion. Over the years, the Lawrence family's influence has waned, and if Ingobert can make a significant discovery in Dragonspine, it might restore the family's former glory.]

[Many in the family oppose this venture, as it's too risky for the head of the family to take such a personal gamble. But Ingobert insists on going. To ensure his safety, he hires mercenaries and prepares a large amount of supplies. Seeing how well-prepared he is, the opposition gradually subsides.]

[Ingobert also brings along his most trusted servant, Luther, whose father was the previous butler of the Lawrence family, and who has always been fiercely loyal.]

[Coincidentally, Luther has just gotten married. The invitation reveals that his young bride's name is Priscilla.]

[At the lively wedding, your gaze casually sweeps over the newlyweds, and you're surprised to recognize the bride.]

[The young and beautiful woman in the wedding dress is none other than the first "sacrifice" you took on the Festival eight years ago.]

[Over the years, you've met many girls. Although you were their first, you may not remember all of them.]

[A man may forget many women he's been with, but there are usually two he can't forget. The first is the one he loved the most, and the second is his first.]

[That night of the Festival when the girl called out for her brother—she wasn't the most enchanting woman you'd ever been with, and she certainly wasn't the one you loved the most. But despite the years that have passed, you recognized her at a glance.]

[She looks much more mature than she did eight years ago, but there's a bit less sparkle in her eyes.]

[The newlyweds make their way around the tables offering drinks, and the table where Ingobert, the head of the family, sits naturally receives the most attention. Sitting at the same table, you are also offered a drink by the bride.]

["Come on! Let me introduce you!" A very drunk Luther pushes his wife toward you, as if she were nothing more than an object. "This is the second young master! Come on… give him a toast!"]

[In that moment when your eyes meet Priscilla's, both of you show a flash of surprise, but she quickly regains her composure, drinks the wine in her cup in one gulp, and gives a slight bow: "So, you're Master Eberhart? I've heard so much about you."]

[You quietly drink your wine as well, though for some reason, the dandelion wine, aged for ten years, tastes slightly bitter as it goes down.]

[As the wedding drags on into the late night, most of the guests have left. The groom, Luther, has already thrown up two or three times and is completely unconscious. By some twist of fate, your father, Ingobert, asks you to help the bride carry Luther back to their room.]

[You and Priscilla carry Luther to their newlywed chamber. Looking at the bride's flushed face, you suddenly think that perhaps she could be of use in your plan. You decide...]

[1. Leave immediately]

[2. Ask for her help (This option requires the host to enter Immersive Mode for persuasion)]

What? I have to do the persuasion myself, huh?

Lucas chuckled and said, "Alright, Immersive Mode it is."

[Successfully entered Immersive Mode]

Before Lucas stands a neatly arranged room. Today's groom, Luther, is passed out drunk on the bed, completely unaware.

His bride, however, gazes at you with a subtle expression.

["So, your name is Priscilla?" Lucas asked casually, sitting down and pouring himself a cup of tea. "How many years has it been since we last met?"]

["Eight years," Priscilla responded offhandedly. "I didn't expect you to still remember me."]

["Men," Lucas nodded, "tend to remember their first times."]

["There's no need to flatter me," Priscilla sighed softly. "I know you've ruined plenty of good girls over the years."]

["It was all consensual," Lucas said with a shameless grin. "But you—why did you marry him?"]

Even though Luther was a servant of the Lawrence family, it wasn't exactly a prestigious position.

["Because of money," Priscilla replied frankly, showing no intention of hiding it. "My brother owed him a large sum of money from a loan shark. The interest kept piling up, and we couldn't repay it. So… I married him to clear the debt."]

["You really do have a brother?" Lucas was momentarily surprised. "I thought you said that was just a lie."]

["Never believe what a woman says," Priscilla smiled. "Especially if she's beautiful, Master Eberhart."]

["But…" Lucas muttered, "does he know about your past?"]

Lucas was, of course, referring to her role as a sacrifice during the WindBlume Festival.



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