Genshin Impact: Villain Life Simulator

Villain Simulator, Ch 56

[Age 23: Although you've assumed the position of the head of the Lawrence family, it isn't entirely secure. After all, you're still too young. Yet, with your swift and decisive actions, you silenced rumors and removed all obstacles.]

[As for Mondstadt's current state, you have no intention of changing anything. Like the previous Lawrence heads, you are cunning and greedy. You thrive in the aristocratic circle, navigating it with grace, enjoying a life of luxury and comfort.]

Reading these words, Lucas couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy.

It's worth noting that in the simulator, you don't have the memories of your true self, so naturally, Eberhart is unaware that Mondstadt's decaying aristocratic class is like a candle flickering in the wind.

In the near future, Vennessa, the "Lionfang Knight," will lead a revolution to overthrow Mondstadt's rule, with the Lawrence family being the first to fall.

However, the plot in the simulator doesn't exactly mirror reality, and how things will unfold remains uncertain.

[Age 24: Of course, you're not a brainless leader. You often conceal your identity, mingling among the common folk of Mondstadt to understand their living conditions and... their attitudes toward the nobility.]

[You don't expect the commoners to love or respect the aristocracy, but at the very least, you cannot allow the spark of rebellion to ignite. Interestingly, despite being hidden for years, you can still hear tales from bards about the Phantom Thief.]

[Some say he was secretly executed by the aristocracy; others insist he escaped Mondstadt long ago. There are even rumors that his true identity is a certain bored noble. ]

[Whenever you hear these tales, you reward the bard with a few Mora, as if these far-fetched stories remind you of your brother. Over the years, you've sent spies to track him down, but to no avail. Perhaps he has fled to the ends of the earth, or maybe he's already dead in some forgotten place.]

[He no longer poses a threat to you, and your position as head of the Lawrence family is secure. But you know that if you ever find a clue to his whereabouts, you will ruthlessly eliminate him. You can't allow any unforeseen threats to arise.]

[Age 25: Your wife, Priscilla, is finally pregnant with your first child. This is, naturally, a cause for great celebration. Watching her belly swell, you feel the joy and excitement of becoming a father.]

[Like your mother, Priscilla is a commoner. But you've made up your mind—you will never be a father like Ingobert.]

[Perhaps in your happiness, on one particular day, you did something out of the ordinary. Disguised as a commoner, you visited your favorite tavern and, for once, treated all the patrons to a drink.]

[The tavern was instantly filled with joy. A young bard even offered to sing a song for free, to which you gladly agreed. But the lyrics of his song sent a chill down your spine.]

["The traitor who killed his brother and father returns home, seated proudly upon the throne. But fate has already begun to stir: His wife will die in childbirth, his throne will be overthrown by a red-haired warrior, and he will meet the same fate as his father..."]

[You interrupted the bard, grabbing him by the collar and demanding to know why he was cursing you. But he simply shook his head and said, "These are the fates written in the stars. None of us can change them."]

[You tried to catch him for further questioning, but he vanished like the wind. Yet the three prophecies in his song remained deeply etched in your mind. You consoled yourself, thinking it was just a cruel joke or a drunken hallucination.]

[Age 26: Unfortunately, your worst fears came true. Even though you had already summoned the best doctors in all of Mondstadt, your wife died of excessive bleeding after giving birth to a son. As she lay dying, she held your hand and gave her final words: "Take care of our child."]

[Her death left you devastated, but it also filled you with dread. Since the first prophecy had come true, could the next two also unfold in time?]

[No, you've fought against fate since birth, and you won't be defeated so easily by some supposed destiny. Now that you know of the prophecies, you'll break them, no matter what.]

[The second prophecy foretells that you will be overthrown by a red-haired warrior. So, you decide to implement sweeping reforms to ensure that all of Mondstadt is under your control, so no one would dare rise against you.]

[Of course, that's not enough. You also issue an order to register and investigate every red-haired person in Mondstadt.]

[The third prophecy leaves you somewhat hesitant, because only you know your father's fate—he was killed by his own son.]

[As you look at your infant son, your feelings are conflicted. Could it be true? Will you really die by his hand, just as the prophecy says?]

[You shake off the thought. After all, you promised Priscilla you would take care of him. First, you decide to give him a name...]

[1. Kratos]

[2. Arthas]

[3. Tyrion]

Looking at these names, Lucas fell into silence.

"Good grief, these choices are just screaming bad luck!"

The god of war who killed his father Zeus.

The foolish prince who slew his father with a sword of filial piety.

And the little imp who shot his father dead in a toilet with a crossbow.

No matter which one you pick, it seems like a dangerous choice!

"Are you messing with me, system?" Lucas muttered helplessly. "Is there really no other option besides these three?"

[You can also choose a random name, but if it's weird, the system holds no responsibility.]

"Random! Random!" Lucas quickly replied.

Even if it turned out to be something like "Nutmeg" or "Cornstarch" it would still be better than these three!

[You chose a random name: Kreuzlied.]


Lucas found the name vaguely familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere before, but couldn't quite recall.

After all, he wasn't the type of gamer who obsessively studied every detail. It wasn't possible to remember everything perfectly.

[You named your son "Kreuzlied Lawrence," and you've resolved to raise him as an excellent heir.]

[Age 27: To prevent the aristocratic class, represented by the Lawrence family, from being overthrown, you began a series of reforms to reduce tensions between nobles and commoners.]

[These reforms inevitably affected the interests and power of the nobility, but as the head of the Lawrence family, you firmly implemented your decisions.]

[However, even as the aristocracy compromised, there were two things they refused to yield on. First, the gladiatorial arena must remain open, and slavery must not be abolished. Second, the tradition of the WindBlume Festival sacrifices must be upheld.]

[The reason was simple—both practices symbolize the "privileges" of Mondstadt's nobility. The aristocrats were willing to make small concessions, but they demanded their high status remain untouchable.]

[You understood that reform wasn't something that could be accomplished overnight, and you couldn't afford to openly clash with the noble class. So, you preserved the institution of slavery and the traditions of the WindBlume Festival.]

[Naturally, you no longer took part in the WindBlume Festival to receive the "sacrificial feather" In the past, you accepted the feathers largely to gain the power from the "First Cup of Red Wine," but now, you no longer needed that strength.]

[Age 28: Your son Kreuzlied is in excellent health.]

[Age 29: Kreuzliede shows a natural talent and interest in music and swordsmanship, which delights you.]

[Age 30: After years of eliminating rivals, the Lawrence family's position in Mondstadt is more secure than ever. Although you're only the head of the Lawrence family, many secretly believe you're the true "king" of Mondstadt.]

[Of course, you're not foolish enough to declare yourself king. Mondstadt's last "king" was branded a tyrant and overthrown by his people.]

[Age 31: Thanks to your continued reforms, Mondstadt's national strength is increasing, and the standard of living for its citizens is gradually improving.]

[Age 32: Despite granting more power to the commoners, they still aren't satisfied, especially when it comes to the issues of slavery and the WindBlume Festival traditions.]

[Age 33: Extremist groups formed among the populace, organizing into resistance movements. They even kidnapped your son Kreuzlied as a bargaining chip.]

[Your son is your greatest weakness. You went alone to negotiate with the rebels. They didn't think much of a noble coming to them alone, and some even saw it as an opportunity to kill you, the "scourge" of Mondstadt.]

[However, underestimating you was their fatal mistake. Grabbing a nearby stick, you quickly sharpened one end. Despite not having fought in years, your skills hadn't dulled at all.]

[And the rebels' resolve wasn't as strong as you thought. Through your mystic eyes, you could clearly see the "death lines" on their bodies.]

[In front of your son, you killed every rebel with a single blow, the sharpened stick becoming a reaper's scythe, mercilessly harvesting their fragile lives.]

[Although Kreuzlied was rescued, he seemed deeply traumatized. To avoid such an incident from happening again, and to prevent the prophecy from coming true, you disguised your son's identity and sent him to study in Sumeru. You planned to bring him back once Mondstadt was fully secured.]

[Age 34: The kidnapping left a lasting impact. You began to rule with an iron fist, hunting down anyone who opposed you. This included intense interrogations and torture, especially targeting red-haired individuals, whom you gave special "attention."]

[Age 35: The dragon Ursa, which once attacked Mondstadt, returned. Despite the soldiers' best efforts, they barely managed to repel it, but not before the dragon caused immense destruction, killing hundreds.]

[Age 36: Ursa's attacks became more frequent, and to protect Mondstadt, you began training the army to prepare for an all-out campaign against the dragon.]

[Age 37: The heavy military expenses forced you to raise taxes. While this was a minor inconvenience for the nobility, it became a significant burden on the commoners.]

[Age 38: You personally led the army to battle Ursa, but to your despair, the troops you trained with so much effort crumbled before the dragon's might. Even your spear skills were useless against the massive beast.]

[The campaign ended in disaster, with fewer than one-tenth of the troops returning. The citizens' outcry against you surged like a flood.]

[Age 39: You found yourself lost in thought. Everything you had done—wasn't it to protect this city and its people? Both the nobles and the commoners. You nearly died leading the army yourself, so why were you met with such condemnation?]

[Have I truly made a mistake?]

[No! The only mistake, the sole error, was my own weakness. If I were strong enough, if I could defeat the dragon Ursa, none of this would have happened. That's right, power! I need more power!]

[But how can I quickly obtain such immense power?]

[Suddenly, you glance at the portrait of your deceased wife, Priscilla, hanging on the wall. Memories flood back to your first encounter and… the first sip of "The First Cup of Red Wine" you drank from her, which granted you a power that felt like a divine gift.]

[Yes, this is the only way to increase your strength in a short time. You must destroy the dragon Ursa to protect this city, even if this method will make you a target of scorn, or even forever reviled.]

[A few days later, you announce a new law—the "First Cup of Wine Act." According to the law, all pure maidens in Mondstadt must spend the night before their wedding atop the city's high tower, offering the first cup of wine to Barbatos, the Anemo Archon.]

[This, of course, is a thinly veiled excuse. The high tower is owned by the Lawrence family, and for years, the "sacrifices" for the WindBlume Festival have been forced to endure a grim ritual there.]

[Everyone understands what this so-called "First Cup of Wine Act" truly means. This outrageous law appalls not only commoners but even some nobles, who find it disgraceful.]

[However, with you now holding absolute power in Mondstadt, no one can challenge your decision. Some think you've lost your mind in your battle with the dragon Ursa, while others believe you've simply given up, embracing a hedonistic life before the end.]

[Still, there are those who scoff at the law and proceed with lavish weddings, only to realize it's no joke when soldiers break into their homes and forcibly take the newlywed brides away.]

[To minimize unrest, you came up with a small compromise.]

[Mondstadt's population is quite large, and many couples marry daily. Every night, the brides are sent to the high tower. You order their eyes to be blindfolded and select only one each night. This way, no one knows who the "chosen one" is, except the victim herself.]

[One per night—this is far from your limit, but balance is key. Overdoing it could lead to unforeseen consequences.]

[Although one bride is forced to undergo the ritual every night, as long as her family remains silent, there's no public shame. Additionally, the chosen bride receives a hefty "compensation" upon her departure.]

[The lights of the high tower burn through the night. Those with sharp eyes might even glimpse a shadowy figure—each day's sacrifice performing the first cup of wine ritual.]

[As expected, your power grows at an astonishing rate.]

[Age 39: After a year of accumulation, you've grown significantly stronger. You realize, however, that brides with the fire element are the rarest, and enhancing your fire elemental abilities would greatly boost your strength.]

[Nevertheless, you've become increasingly reclusive, and only letters from your son occasionally bring a smile to your face.]

[Age 40: The dragon Ursa attacks Mondstadt once again. This time, you stand atop the high tower and strike the overconfident dragon with searing flames, forcing it to retreat in fear.]

[Below the tower, countless Mondstadt citizens bow their heads. You believe they are showing respect, but little do you know—they are merely too terrified to look up.]

[Although you didn't kill the dragon, this battle proves that your decision was the right one. As long as you continue to strengthen yourself, you will surely be able to eliminate this threat once and for all.]

[In rare good spirits, you don a simple linen garment you haven't worn in years and, once again, disguise yourself as a commoner to wander the city.]

[Returning to the familiar tavern, you find that the once joyful atmosphere is gone. The place is now filled with gloom. Only then do you recall that, to maintain your rule, you planted numerous spies among the commoners. Anyone caught speaking ill of you is immediately arrested.]

[Amidst the gloom, you spot a flash of bright red. A red-haired woman sits at the bar, drinking beer in large gulps, with a square object strapped to her back.]

[You suddenly remember the prophecy—that a red-haired warrior would overthrow your rule. Feigning nonchalance, you strike up a conversation with her. To your surprise, she is quite free-spirited, and the two of you get along well.]

[For some reason, you feel an inexplicable sense of closeness to this red-haired woman, someone you've never met before. It's the most fun you've had since sending your son away.]

[She tells you that she isn't from Mondstadt. She grew up in Liyue with her mother, who gave birth to her out of wedlock and never spoke about her father.]

[Recently, her mother passed away, and in her belongings, the woman found a portrait of a man. She suspects this man might be her father, so she returned to her mother's homeland in search of clues.]

[Your heart skips a beat, and you can't help but recall the red-haired girl from the WindBlume Festival twenty years ago. Could it really be possible that this world holds such strange coincidences? You ask to see the portrait, and to your surprise, she agrees.]

[The fine canvas and paint haven't faded with time. The young man in the portrait, his smile restrained, is none other than your 18-year-old self.]

[Instinctively, you fear being recognized. But when you glance at your reflection in a distant mirror, you realize your face has long since changed from those youthful days. The red-haired woman doesn't seem to suspect that you're the man she's looking for.]

[Casually, you ask, "What will you do if you find this man?"]

[The red-haired woman laughs, clenching her fist and saying, "If I really find him, I'll definitely give him a good beating. But I probably won't hit his face, since he's pretty handsome. Although I hate the guy, I have to admit that I inherited some of his good looks... well, maybe a third at most."]

[She isn't boasting. The woman has indeed inherited her mother's beauty, along with that striking red hair.]

[Facing the woman who is most likely your daughter, you decide...]

[1. To reveal the truth]

[2. To keep it hidden]

After a brief hesitation, Lucas still chose the second option.

Even if you were to acknowledge her, what would be the point?

Would you really tell her that her birth was the result of a forced encounter twenty-two years ago?

And that her biological father spends his days atop the high tower, engaged in disgraceful deeds?

Now, he finally understood how Ingobert must have felt when he learned of Eberhart, his illegitimate son.

Would revealing the truth bring her happiness?

[In the end, you couldn't muster the courage to acknowledge her. Instead, you wished her luck in finding the man she was looking for. Before leaving, you discreetly slipped a few gems into her pocket.]

[Age 41: According to your spies, a strange troupe has recently appeared in Mondstadt. They seem to wander the world, and after arriving in Mondstadt, they've been singing songs with a rebellious tone.]


Author's Note: Good or bad ending? 

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