Genshin Impact: Villain Life Simulator

Villain Simulator, Ch 57

[However, you didn't pay them any mind. You have always been pursuing the power to eliminate the dragon Ursa. How could a mere band shake you?]

[The only thing that bothers you is that your son, Kreuzlied, hasn't written back for a long time. He's been away from home for a long time. By now, he must have grown into a fine young man, right?]

[Age 42: The Windblume Festival is held as usual this year, but the people seem numb. After all, in the past, only one sacrifice was chosen annually, but now, one is chosen every day.]

[The festivities are no different from previous years. You sit in the VIP seat, utterly bored, watching this year's performance.]

[You glance at the sacrifice on the high platform. She is a beautiful, ethereal girl. Despite having tasted countless fine wines since the First Cup of Red Wine Act was implemented, this one still makes your eyes light up.]

[Of course, you're not the only one who noticed. The young men of the Lawrence family have already gathered beneath the platform, their eyes hungry like wolves, awaiting the feather-throwing ceremony after the performance. Who knows which lucky scoundrel will get this beauty tonight?]

[The final performance is by a band with interesting instruments—a longsword as a flute, a shortbow as a violin, and a greatsword as a bell. The conductor, wearing a fancy hat, holds a music sheet and gives you a slight bow. They all wear intricate masks.]

[Naturally, this is tradition. Performers for the nobility must wear masks if they are unattractive to avoid offending the nobles' eyes.]

[Although you're not versed in music, their sound and singing are quite captivating, even lulling you into enjoyment. But just as you're immersed in the music, the violinist suddenly pulls out an arrow, using their instrument as a bow, and fires it directly at you.]

[It all happens too suddenly. Despite your formidable skills, you barely manage to dodge, but the arrow still grazes your cheek.]

[The band has already turned their instruments into weapons and launched an assault on you. Chaos erupts on the scene. It seems they were well-prepared—even the guards assigned to watch over the event have vanished without a trace.]

[The four of them are powerful, but they've underestimated your strength. Years of "accumulation" have made you terrifyingly strong. More than shock, what you feel is rage.]

[Why betray me? Don't you know that everything I've done was to protect you? I point my spear-blade at external enemies, but you aim your weapons at me!]

[Your fury fuels the fire element within you, making it even more violent. They seem to realize your strength. The first to show a weakness is the conductor. Even with the mask on, you can see the "death line" in her eyes. Without hesitation, you pierce her mask with a single shot, the needle-like spear-blade driving through the back of her skull.]

[The conductor's gruesome death leaves the other three members frozen in place. You, however, wear a menacing smile: "You should envy her because she didn't die in pain. The rest of you will pay for your betrayal!"]

[The flutist, wielding the flute-sword, rushes at you. The blade whistles through the air, producing a beautiful flute sound. But you catch her blade with one hand, the searing flames from your palm instantly melting the exquisite weapon into molten iron.]

["Your biggest mistake was making your weapons into toys," you sneer, delivering a punch to her abdomen, instantly knocking her out. "Your swordsmanship has potential. You could serve as a gladiator for others' entertainment."]

["Die, you tyrant who harms innocent girls!" The violinist fires a rapid volley of arrows at you, but the moment they get close, they vaporize in the heat of your fiery aura.]

[Your spear technique is known for its precision, capable of lifting the morning dew. Your spear strikes like a shadow, and when you finish, the delicate bow-violin has fallen to the ground. The violinist screams in agony; all ten of his fingers have been pierced by your needle-like spear tip. Ten fingers connected to the heart—he's in unbearable pain.]

["Now you won't be able to pluck either bowstrings or violin strings," you say coldly, turning your gaze to the last remaining opponent—a teenage boy wielding a massive bell-sword.]

[Despite his youth, he shows no fear, gripping his greatsword and charging at you. You don't hold back, slicing through his tendons with your spear-blade as if it were a serpent.]

[The greatsword crashes to the ground with a deep, resounding bell sound, followed by the boy's mask.]

[When you see his face, you freeze. Though it's been years since you last saw this face, you recognize it instantly.]

["Kreuzlied… my son… Why is it you?" You can't believe that your most cherished son would join a rebellion against you.]

["Because you've gone mad!" Kreuzlied says, his expression complicated. "I know all the atrocities you've committed. I'm here to overthrow you and the corrupt nobles like you!"]

[The prophecy from over a decade ago replays in your mind. Your son, it seems, truly does want to kill you. But this prophecy has already been broken—you did not die by your son's hand like your father did.]

[Fate has been shattered!]

[You raise your spear, pointing it at Kreuzlied, and coldly say, "My son, if you swear never to associate with these rebels again and obediently become a noble, I can pretend today never happened."]

[However, Kreuzlied resolutely replies, "Do you remember when I was kidnapped as a child? They never hurt me. Instead, they told me about your crimes. From that moment, the seed of rebellion took root in my heart. Meeting the band gave me the determination to return to Mondstadt and overthrow your tyranny. The thing I hate most in this life... is that the filthy blood of the nobility runs through my veins!"]

[His words are so ironic. The noble identity you've pursued all your life has become a burden to him. But you haven't completely given up on your son. He's only fifteen, still too young. Perhaps, as he matures, he'll realize how naive his thinking is.]

[However, Kreuzlied's treason can no longer be hidden. You must give the other nobles an explanation. You have no choice but to strip him of his noble title and exile him.]

[In his stubborn gaze, you see a reflection of your brother. Perhaps this is karma for what you did years ago.]

[As a noble, Kreuzlied is spared from death, but the other two rebels—you're determined to give them the harshest punishment, so the people of Mondstadt will understand the price of defying you.]

[You order the conductor's body to be hung at the city gate, so all passersby can see the gruesome sight of her pierced skull.]

[As for the flutist, you throw her into the gladiatorial arena, where she will face countless battles daily until her inevitable death.]

[Regarding the violinist, after reviewing his background, you devise a most brutal punishment.]

[Forced entry into immersive mode commencing.]

[Task prompt: In this immersive mode, act like a villain and drive the violinist to mental collapse. Your rewards will be based on the level of his breakdown.]

Immersive mode task?

This seems to be the first time...

But what exactly does this task mean?

[Simply put, it's... psychological torment.]

"Got it."

Lucas immediately understood what the system meant.

If the conductor's punishment was death, and the flutist's was physical torment, then the violinist's punishment would be mental destruction.

Having spent so much time with the system, Lucas had already mastered the art of playing the villain.

Lucas found himself in a very familiar place…

The high tower where the "sacrifices" took place.

In the simulator, he had drunk countless cups of fine wine here.

In front of him is a young man bound by ropes. His face is handsome, perhaps even more so than Eberhart in his youth. But now, he looks disheveled, his once-beautiful fingers broken and horrifyingly mangled.

"Hello, young man," Lucas said with a smile, sitting before the violinist. "I didn't expect someone rebelling against me would be such a good-looking fellow. I bet many girls are infatuated with that face of yours, right?"

The violinist showed no expression. His parched lips moved slightly as he muttered, "Kill me."

"No? That would be too easy," Lucas shook his head. "Do you know? The people of this country misunderstand me. They're like Kreuzlied, rebellious children. But I will forgive them."

"Stop deceiving yourself," the violinist's beautiful eyes flashed with hatred. "You're nothing but a hedonistic tyrant."

"And how much do you really know about this country?" Lucas fiddled with the documents in his hand. "I investigated you. You're from Fontaine. Why travel so far to rebel against a foreign noble?"

"Wherever there is oppression, there will be resistance!" the violinist said defiantly,"Every year during the Windblume Festival, you force an innocent common girl to be sacrificed by the nobles. Isn't this atrocious act something that should be overthrown?" 

"Well said," Lucas sneered. "But the tradition of the Windblume Festival has been passed down for thousands of years. Why are you just now playing the hero?" 

"That... that's just a coincidence..." the violinist murmured, momentarily at a loss for words. 

"Really... just a coincidence?" Lucas clapped his hands gently and said, "Bring her in!" 

At his command, a beautiful girl was escorted into the room by two soldiers. She was none other than the "sacrifice" selected for this year's Windblume Festival. 

Their eyes met for a brief moment before quickly looking away, as if trying to conceal the connection between them. 

"There's no need to hide anymore," Lucas patted the girl on the head, smiling. "You're in love with this girl and didn't want her to become the sacrifice. That's why you planned this rebellion, isn't it?" 

Seeing that his motives had been exposed, the violinist finally sighed. He glared at Lucas and said, "So what if that's true? What we did was still an act of justice!" 


Lucas suddenly stood up, grabbing the violinist by the hair. The girl, seeing this, showed a pained expression. 

"You did all this just because you happened to love this girl. If today's sacrifice wasn't her, but some ugly old woman, would you still have acted?" 

Lucas's demeanor completely shifted from calm to hysterical: "Is this your so-called 'justice'? You attempted to assassinate me because of a fleeting emotion? Do you realize how many people will suffer because of this? Do you even understand that without me, there would be no one left to protect this city from the dragon Ursa's invasion?" 

His rapid-fire questions left the violinist, who moments earlier had been resolute, momentarily at a loss for words—perhaps even a bit afraid. 

"I'm sorry, I may have lost my temper," Lucas said, his face softening as quickly as it had hardened. Releasing the violinist's hair, he patted it gently and said warmly: 

"I hope I didn't scare you, young man. You see, I'm really not such a bad person. Everything can be negotiated. Your two companions—one's body is now hanging from the city gates, while the other has been thrown into the gladiator arena to fight until her death. But... I can give you a way out."

"Stop talking!" the violinist said resolutely. "They've all met a terrible fate. How could I live on in cowardice?"

"Don't you think it's unfair? The conductor is dead, and the sword dancer won't last more than three months," Lucas shook his head and said, "But my son Kreuzlied was merely exiled. In a few years, I might find an opportunity to pardon him. By then, he could return to his prestigious noble status. Meanwhile, the grass on your graves will likely be three feet tall."

Sure enough, the violinist hesitated. The initial reason they had planned this assassination was to save the girl he loved. As for rebelling against tyranny, that was merely a convenient excuse.

The wandering band had always acted as knights of justice, and with their impressive skills, they had never suffered a loss—perhaps they even thought this time would be no different.

But now, faced with the blood-soaked reality, the idealistic man from Fontaine finally realized the harshness of the real world.

At that moment, a shadow suddenly descended from outside the window. The violinist, quick to react, looked toward the window, only to immediately gag at the sight before him.

Hanging outside the window was the conductor's rotting corpse, maggots crawling in and out of her broken eye sockets. Her once elegant and beautiful face now resembled a decaying plant.

"Speak…" The violinist, his mental defenses completely shattered, frowned and said, "What is your deal?"

"It's simple. I can give you two choices," Lucas, seemingly having predicted the violinist's decision, raised one finger. "First, I'll torture you with the 72 methods of the Lawrence family, one each day, and on the last day, I'll release you from your suffering."

"W-What kind of torture?" Sweat dripped down the violinist's forehead.

"If I were to explain all of them, we wouldn't have enough time tonight," Lucas said casually, taking out a small, transparent object and placing it before the violinist. "Here's an example—the first one."

It was a transparent piece about the size of a fingernail. Of course, this description might be redundant because... it was a fingernail, complete and stained with blood.

"This belonged to your friend, the sword dancer," Lucas said nonchalantly. "After each victory in the gladiatorial arena, she gets one of her nails pulled out."

"Why?" The violinist's eyes widened in shock. "Didn't she win?"

"Yes, so only one nail was removed. If she had lost…" Lucas extended both hands and said, "They'd all be pulled out."

Seeing the violinist's expression twist in horror, Lucas waved a hand, smiling. "Just kidding. Gladiators who lose face only one outcome—death. The victor usually opens their chest and pulls out their heart. Have you ever seen a heart beating in someone's palm?"

"Stop... stop talking!" The violinist swallowed hard and asked, "W-What's the second option?"

"The second is much simpler," Lucas pointed to the girl who had been brought in and smiled. "Tonight, she'll complete the Windblume Festival ritual according to tradition, and afterward, you can leave with her. If you need it, I can even give you some money for the road."

"H-How can you..." the violinist mumbled, "This is too much! You're a monster! A demon!"

"I've already been quite lenient. After all, this was her fate," Lucas shrugged with a smile. "But if you're willing to sacrifice yourself, I can guarantee that she won't become a sacrifice. She's so beautiful—she'll surely find a good man and start a new family."

The violinist was at a loss for words, but the girl suddenly spoke, "I... I'm will—"

"Shut up!" Lucas's roar startled the girl into immediate silence. "I'm asking him. If you dare say another word, I'll cut out your tongue."

"Make your choice, little violinist," Lucas looked down at the violinist, his tone mocking. "Will you sacrifice yourself, or her?"

The violinist glanced at the corpse of his fallen friend hanging outside the window, then at the Mondstadt girl he adored. Forcing a smile, he said, "I... I won't abandon you. We'll run away together, far from here, to a place where no one knows us, okay?"

The girl didn't dare speak but was moved to tears, nodding repeatedly.

"How touching," Lucas clapped his hands, laughing. "Love is truly beautiful. Guards, bring in the equipment."

At his command, the two soldiers returned, carrying a metal helmet. Without a word, they placed it on the violinist's head and secured it tightly around his neck.

Seeing this, the violinist began to struggle slightly, panic rising in his voice. "What... what is this?"

"Just a simple torture device," Lucas said casually. "It can force someone's eyelids open, preventing them from sleeping. And when the neck is fixed in place, it forces the person to stare at one spot. Quite an interesting tool, don't you think?"

The violinist seemed to realize what Lucas was planning, and he muttered, "Please... why are you doing this to me?"

"Why?" Lucas's smile faded, his tone growing cold. "You only have yourselves to blame—for your ignorance, your childishness, and for leading my carefully groomed son astray. Did you really think all nobles are fools? Now, you must pay for your recklessness!"

The device was quickly secured, forcing the violinist's eyes wide open, his gaze locked on the direction of the sacrificial ritual. His neck immobilized, he couldn't even turn away.

"To be honest, I'd feel weird having someone stare directly at me," Lucas said, placing a thin screen between the violinist and the ritual. "There, that's better."

The screen displayed only faint shadows, resembling a puppet show. However, for the violinist, the sounds were perfectly clear. Each word, each note, played clearly in his sensitive musician's ears.

Whether it was from the prolonged lack of sleep or the overwhelming emotional trauma, tears began to stream continuously from the violinist's forcibly open eyes.

He recalled the first time he met the girl by the lake.

He remembered the joyful times playing music with his friends at the tavern.

He remembered the confident preparation of their plan.

In their plan, by now, they would have overthrown Mondstadt's nobles and played the song of victory, celebrated by the liberated citizens.

But now, he realized just how foolish their actions had been.



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