Get to Know about Wife Fan

Chapter 32 - All Fans Withdraw and Turn to Sheng Qiao

Chapter 32 – All Fans Withdraw and Turn to Sheng Qiao

Sheng Qiao told Fu Ziqing that she had been contacted by two brokerage companies before.

Fu Ziqing recalled the two companies she said and said: “He’s Media is a family business, He’s a miner, and He’s inherited from several generations. In the past two years, He’s began to involve the entertainment industry. They are still very strong and willing to spend money on artists, but they don’t have good methods for star making. “

“Qian Tang is an old brokerage company. It has made several famous stars. They mainly work in film and television, but they have declined in the recent two years. What do you think about? “

“I don’t know, I’m so confused,” Sheng Qiao said.

Fu Ziqing laughed: “it doesn’t matter. It’s not urgent. You should think about it slowly and compare with others. I’ll sort out the situation of the three companies and send them to you in a moment. You can have a look first. Next, there should be other companies to contact you. You don’t have an agent now. Before making a decision, you should think about it for yourself and tell me where you need help. “

“Well, I see.”

After hanging up, she cleaned the room and received the document from Fu Ziqing. The document not only compares the resource strength and the current artists of the three companies, but also lists other reliable brokerage companies in the circle.

Sheng Qiao read it several times and finally got some score in her mind. It was getting dark. She had supper, washed and climbed into bed, and spread out her little notebook.

Life planning is always to be done, she can’t wait to sign the company, and be led by the agent again.

After planning for a long time, she found that she had no acting skills, could not sing or dance, and the artistic creation was even blank. In short, as an artist, she can’t do anything.

Art talent is something that can’t be forced to come. She’s not young. She can’t walk the way of singing and dancing idol. The only thing that can be broken through by hard work is acting.

She can’t go to those film schools now. She can’t go to the college entrance examination again. She can only grope for her own way and practice more. She’d better find a teacher to teach her. First, she can practice her acting foundation.

With the goal set, half of loss in the brain is gone. She also searched for ways to improve her education level. The lies she told in the live broadcast about going to college should be covered.

After two days of serious planning at home and it was the weekend, Sheng Qiao put on light make-up and dressed appropriately to meet with the two brokerage companies.

The locations of the two appointments are very hidden. Sheng Qiao talks with them and gets the artist proposal and contract conditions that they customized for her.

The share of Fu Ziqing’s company has also been handed over. In fact, the conditions of the three companies are almost the same. They don’t take advantage of her or let her take advantage of them.

In recent days, she has received seven or eight phone calls, all is brokerage companies who want to meet her and talk with her, and some of them are small companies she hasn’t heard of. Only one of the big brokerage companies listed in the documents Fu Ziqing gave her has contacted her.

Zhongxia Media.

This big brand company has strong strength and strong means of star making, pushing one then one getting popular. One third of the most popular artists in the entertainment industry today are from this company.

However, there is a problem in the creation of stars in Zhongxia Media, that is setting character images forcefully. Some artists are high in IQ and EQ and set character images successfully. They are naturally popular. But some artists can’t set, and they will be replaced by new artists soon after their character images fails.

There are a lot of artists who want to sign Zhongxia, but who can really get through is tough. After all, where there are many opportunities, there is great competition.

Sheng Qiao told Fu Ziqing about the contact from Zhongxia. He was surprised: “Zhongxia media? This is an opportunity, but like star shining media, they are too tough. “

“I’ll have a look at it again. It’ll be after the Spring Festival that I really get rid of the contract.”

Two days later, it was the concert of Huo Xi.

This time, the venue is in Shanghai. Le Xiao called early in the morning and said they could go there earlier and hang out. Sheng Qiao looked at the Oriental Pearl outside her window and said, “I have something to do, doesn’t Weiwei happen to have a show in Shanghai. You can find her. “

In fact, she went to Shanghai last night. She secretly got on the plane and booked a hotel. She didn’t tell anyone. If it wasn’t for fear of exposure, she would sneak out to the gym and eavesdrop on rehearsals.

In the evening near the opening, she is the same as the last time, packing herself well and sneaking in.

It’s so good that she’s still here for the 10th concert.

The atmosphere of the concert continued to soar. Sheng Qiao had been involved in it for a long time, and the fluorescent rods in her hands were almost flying. She didn’t look at her mobile phone. She didn’t know that a video had spread rapidly on the Internet.

A silent surveillance video.

In the video, she and Yue Shuyan are standing in the corridor of the hotel. This angle just makes their faces and bodies clear. The video is not long. The two are talking. After that, Sheng Qiao reaches out to hold Yue Shuyan, who shakes her off and leaves the elevator in anger.

The title is “Sheng Qiao shows her love for little fresh meat, but her pursuit is rejected”.

A lot of people didn’t know the little fresh meat in the video until the marketing numbers came out. It was just a solo singing and dancing idol, Yue Shuyan. They recorded the star sports games together not long ago.

Sheng Qiao is now popular. In the video, she reaches out to pull Yue Shuyan, but is clearly shaken off. She is surrounded by passers-by and revealed by the marketing numbers, then the speed of hot search is fast.

Gossip netizens checked and found that Sheng Qiao was seven years older than Yue Shuyan.

So she likes this kind?

Everyone has the right to pursue love. In fact, it’s nothing, but it’s embarrassing to be dumped face to face. They thought she was exhausted by the termination of the contract, and she still had the energy to do this.

The anti-fans was so happy by the news that was sent to the door. They said that Sheng Qiao was an old cow trying to eat tender grass, and all kinds of ridicule. Some people also think that Sheng Qiao’s vision is not so good. This guy named Yue Shuyan has no ability to look good without being young.

Of course, Qiao’s fans refuse to admit that Sheng Qiao in the video is showing love. Who knows what they said just because there is no sound in the picture. However, most people have the attitude of eating melon with gossip, and automatically ignore the explanation of Qiao’s fans.

Fans of Yue Shuyan:…

The newcomer shuddered and did not participate in the conversation. If someone pursues idol, you can’t scold her. Our Shuyan is just very good, so he will be pursued!

It’s been a hot search. People just need to eat a melon. It may be gone in a few hours. It didn’t take long for Yue Shuyan to post a Weibo:

——Yue Shuyan: I don’t look up to anyone usually.

Melon eating netizen:???

Young man, you are so awesome.

His Weibo confirmed the video rumors, showing disgust and the momentum of ridiculing Sheng Qiao is spreading on the whole network.

Cha Cha opens voice directly in the management group and screams: kill him! Kill this Yue Shuyan! WTF kill him !!

Wang Zai led the anti-blacken group to move out quickly and started a large-scale of anti-blacken, report and control review.

But they can’t stand the passion of netizens.

At the end of the concert, Sheng Qiao left the venue ahead of schedule as usual, took a taxi, and looked at the photos in the SLR happily. Her mobile phone was almost exploded by the news of the management group.

She didn’t know it until she got home.

The first reaction is the same as that of cha cha. I want to kill Yue Shuyan.

Second reaction, shit, there’s no evidence.

There’s no proof for her words. Now mockery has become the trend of the whole network. Even if she stands up, no one will believe her. Would those fans of Yue Shuyan believe that their idol would say that? They will definitely think it’s her slander and rush up and tear her.

The more you respond to some people, the more they bite you. As soon as you go back and forth, the heat will snowball. It’s better to ignore it at the beginning. He barks for a period of time, and no one answers, and then he’s bored.

Calm down, Sheng Qiao tells them not giving this matter more heat. Anti-blackening continues, controlling review stops, and let those marketing numbers enjoy themselves.

In the process of appeasing the aggrieved management one by one, Qiao Mai suddenly sent out a dozen exclamation marks.

Qiao Mai:!!!!!!!! Comrades! Look at Weibo! Yue Shuyan’s bid fan announced the withdrawing!!!! Wrote a long paragraph of text with video, I haven’t read it yet!!!! I’ll send you the link! Look at it together!

Sheng Qiao clicks the link Qiao Mai sent in the group, and the page jumps to Weibo. It’s a yellow V certified user with the ID of Shuyan and moonlight.

[Shuyan and Moonlight: I wanted to leave silently and leave each other a last dignity. But tonight, things have come to this point, which has caused serious damage to the reputation of Miss Sheng Qiao. I can’t be silent any more.

I’m a fan of Yue Shuyan, and I’ve been following him since his first draft. Yue Shuyan in my heart, is simple and upright, not good tempered, smiling warm, will ask us if we are hungry. I always thought he is until the day when the star sports games was recorded.

On that day, Yue Shuyan made an agreement with us on Weibo to pick him up to work. The moons went to the door of the hotel early in the morning and waited, but he didn’t come out until the rehearsal began. It was Miss Sheng Qiao who asked her assistant to come back to the hotel and tell us that Yue Shuyan had entered the gym.

We missed work and didn’t want to miss it again, so we continued to wait. It was cold that day, and it rained. Every moonlight was shivering with cold, but no one left. Because this is our agreement with him. Later, the rehearsal artists all came back, but Yue Shuyan still didn’t show up. Little sister Sheng Qiao told us that he left in another car and let us go home early.

But we firmly believe that he will come back and insist on waiting. After the little sister Sheng Qiao went in, she asked the hotel attendant to send us hot water. At that time, we were really moved. Until after eleven o’clock, when I went to the toilet, I met the cleaning staff of the hotel. She told me that she had just seen Yue Shuyan getting on the elevator.

I don’t believe that he won’t show up with knowing that we are waiting for him. I’ve made a wrong demonstration. I’d like to apologize to you first. I hope you can take me as a warning and don’t learn from me.

When I got on the elevator of the hotel, I didn’t know what I was doing. I was cold, hungry and tired, and I couldn’t believe that he really didn’t care about us. I pressed one floor casually. Maybe God couldn’t see it anymore. When I got out of the elevator, I saw Yue Shuyan and Sheng Qiao.

They were standing in the corridor. I heard little sister Sheng Qiao ask, “where did you come in?”? Yue Shuyan said, fire fighting access.

The next scene is really a picture that I never thought about in my life. I never thought that Yue Shuyan, who looks at moonlight as his family, would say such a thing. I’m glad I turned on my cell phone and recorded this scene.

Here’s the video. You can listen to it.

I came home crying. My sincere heart was really fed the dog. All the good memories are fake. I won’t chase any more stars, but I will always thank the little sister Sheng Qiao for her kindness and warmth in the cold winter.

Such a nice person should not be defiled by such a bastard as Yue Shuyan.

Above, goodbye. ]

The attached video is not clear, but combining the clothes of the two people in the monitoring video, it can be confirmed that they are Sheng Qiao and Yue Shuyan.

The picture is not clear, the voice is turned to the maximum, and it can be heard very clearly:

——Do you know your fans are still waiting for you at the door?

——I don’t know. I’ll go back to my room first if there’s nothing wrong.

——Go down now, say hello to your fans, let them go home early, and pay attention to safety.

——You’re fucking sick! My fans have nothing to do with you. They love to wait then they go to wait. It’s not me who makes them wait.

——Yue Shuyan, can you believe I’ll let you go on hot search tomorrow and let your fans have a good look at your face?

——I know. I’ll go now.

Every word can be heard clearly.

[Shuyan and moonlight] is a big fan with a focus of 50000. It’s an influential figure in the fans circle. As soon as her micro blog was published, the fans of Yue Shuyan felt as if they had been slapped in the head.

This reversal turned to eating melon netizens’ melon are broken.

In response, they scold Yu Shuyan with angry one after another: are you fucking shameless? If there isn’t this video, do you want to say black is white?

Yue Shuyan deleted the microblog and didn’t go online again.

Sheng Qiao’s management group was silent. Then Cha Cha asked, “should I first sob or ha ha ha?”

Qiao Mai: I love Qiao Qiao all my life!!!!

Wang Zai: Qiao is the best fairy in the world!!!

Ten minutes later, each station of Yue Shuyan announced the withdrawing.

Fifteen minutes later, the battle group and online voting group of Yue Shuyan were dissolved.

Twenty minutes later, all fans of Yue Shuyan withdraw.

Among them, a group of fans changed to be Sheng Qiao’s fans.

After watching a concert, she didn’t know how things happened and ended quickly. She connected the data line, opened the library and began to photograph the pictures.

Wuwuwu Huo Xi is so beautiful.

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