Getting A System In A Modern World

Chapter 46 LUNAR, The Perfect PA

46 LUNAR, The Perfect PA

"A fully customized Gulfstream G650ER?!...

Silas was surprised and had a lot of questions when he saw the... unusual reward that was given to him by the system.

Money, cars, buildings, shares, he understood but never has he read about anyone getting a private jet as a reward, and a fully customized one at that.

He couldn't hold in his curiosity and he decided to ask the system, "System, the reward you gave me, the private jet. Did you make a mistake or something?"

[There's no mistake, host.]

"I see.... but it says fully customized. What type of customization was done to it?"

[You will have to find out for yourself, host.]

"Ughh.. you really don't tell me anything.... Forget it," Silas said, and brought out his phone to search for information about the aircraft.

After a few minutes of going through the aircraft's information on the internet, a smile appeared on Silas' face as he nodded with satisfaction.

The Gulfstream G650ER is among the top three long range private jets and one of the best luxury private jets in the world, with a purchase price of $78 million. "Since the aircraft's actual cost is $78 million, how much was used for the customization? Was it taken out of the rebate rewards," Silas asked himself curiously.

Even till now, Silas still doesn't understand the system rebate rewards' mechanism.

Silas decided to put the situation surrounding the private jet aside for now and focus on other, more important things.

His first move to starting his business is to release an AI into the market and start competing with other AIs already out there. He already has the AI ready, all they remain is to release it.

This is the plan he came up with after a long thinking session and he was confident about his success.

The reasons for his confidence are LUNAR and the quantum computer. Two things that will give his business a huge boost.

With the help of LUNAR's huge database and advanced technology, and the quantum computer's mammoth-like computing power, he felt that he would crush his competitors.

His plan is to use ELLA that was created by LUNAR. While Silas was creating LUNAR, he made sure to incorporate every single knowledge of his into her.

This means LUNAR can do almost anything that Silas wants her to do and even better.

Just like the knowledge related to quantum computers, LUNAR also has every single knowledge he has.

LUNAR can also create AI, just like she did with ELLA but she currently can't create ones as advanced as herself, due to the restrictions that were placed on her by Silas.

Back to the present, Silas felt a vibration from the smartwatch.


{Sir, I have hacked into the devices belonging to those individuals and I have gathered the needed information.}

"Nice," Silas was very satisfied when he heard this.

"First, send the information to my phone and send it to the contacts I will give to you."

{Already done, sir.}

"Good..." Silas also heard a notification sound from his phone to confirm this. After that, he forwarded the contacts to LUNAR.

"Yeah... LUNAR, what about the islands? Any progress?" Silas asked, as he started going through the information that LUNAR sent to him.

{I have sent an email to the three countries in charge of the islands but I'm yet to receive a response.}

"Hmm... Names of the countries?"

{For the Caribbean, it's Columbia and Venezuela, and for Europe, it's Belgium.}

"I guess that's the reason why…"

"LUNAR, make the base buying price for the islands $500 million, and tell those countries that we are willing to increase the price but we won't go beyond $1.5 billion.

Just put the base price at $500 million and let them know that we would be willing to increase it but with conditions."

{Ok sir, but isn't that amount of money too excessive for these islands? From the satellite view of these islands, they are not worth even quarter of the amount you want to buy it for.}

Silas stopped what he was reading, and smiled as he heard what LUNAR said.

"LUNAR, what you said is true but we are talking about humans and politicians here. They have seen that we want something of theirs and badly at that, that alone puts us in a disadvantageous position and they would want to play us and frustrate us.

So, to get what we want, we either use violence, underhanded methods, or simply stimulate their greed and the latter is what we are doing.

There's no way a government official would see such an amount of money and turn a blind eye to it. As long as the human heart exists, there will also be greed and corruption.

Though I'm not sure about the Belgian government but those two South American countries, they will definitely fall for it and hard."

{I understand what you said, sir, but won't it be better to just take control of a country? Just like you said, we can use money to make the government officials of the country compliant. We can take over the country and put a puppet president.}

Silas chuckled when he heard this. He was very happy with his best creation, LUNAR and how smart she is. She is already so smart that it's almost scary.

"LUNAR, you forgot something, I would need more than just money to take over a country and it won't be easy.

Even if we are to do as you said, we won't achieve instantaneous results. Even if we're to be successful and words are to get out, countries all over the world will start slamming their hypocritical sanctions on us, and sanctions are the specialty of the USA and UN.

If multiple countries are to place sanctions on the country, it means the country is dead economically and this is going to be bad for us."

"Actually, I did consider your idea but the reason why I didn't go ahead with it is because due to my lack of influence, no country will actually take me seriously.

If they are, I will only be their golden goose and their cash cow."

{Understood, sir.}

"Mmhmm.." Silas nodded, and continued what he was reading.

It wasn't long before Silas got a response from LUNAR saying that she had already sent the email with the improved buying bids for the island.

"OK, that's perfect. LUNAR, I want you to create a website for ELLA, where people can access and use her services.

ELLA should be able to answer questions and provide the right answers or in their term, 'generate a response'. I also don't want her making errors.

Ella should also be able to generate perfect images and videos, and even lyrics. What I want is for her to be able to do anything that those AIs are already doing and I want her to be better at it.

And the most important thing, she should have access to real-time information. Do that, I will check it later."

"Oh, and before I forgot, I want you to hack into the US government intelligence systems and get me information related to these things, AI, aliens, space exploration, alien civilizations, levels of civilizations, extraterrestrials, the Phenomenals…

Use these words I mentioned as keywords and pay special attention to anything that has a 'CONFIDENTIAL' tag on it or anything classified."

"I want information on new things and confidential ones that they refuse to release to the public"

{Ok, sir.}

"Good. Information is what I need."

"Just like a famous man once said, 'If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.'

Another one said 'Knowledge is power. Information is power. The secreting or hoarding of knowledge and information may be an act of tyranny camouflaged as humility'

One mustn't also forget the words of a wise woman who said, "power is power." Silas felt philosophical and sage-like when said this, and he couldn't help but stroke his non-existent beard.


He continued going through the information that LUNAR sent to him and he couldn't help but be shocked by what he saw.

"Wait, what?!... What did I just read?! How has Daniel's father committed so much crimes and is not yet behind bars?"

"So many crimes that would have easily have him serve life imprisonment or even received the death penalty, and he was acquitted.

How did the court acquit the bastard for these crimes?"

Of course, Silas knew that for something like to be possible, there was more to it than what meets the eye.

Just as Silas was still trying to understand the situation surrounding Daniel's father, his phone started ringing.

He brought it and checked the caller; Mr Williams.

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