Getting A System In A Modern World

Chapter 49 AR And VR Gear And Pod

49 AR And VR Gear And Pod

Thinking of his future plans, Silas decided to round up his plans and complete the website.

"LUNAR, you know what to do about the website right?"

{Yes sir.}

"Umm... Don't forget to put the terms and conditions of our company, its policies, and other needed shenanigans that needs to be there."


"Also, I will give you access to my bank account. I want you to contact ComCast for advertising.

Since they are a telecommunication and media company, and I'm one of their top shareholders, I should be top on their list of priorities.

I want our website to be advertised as much as possible. Take any amount you need. I want ELLA to go live next month."

{Okay, sir.}

"Good, I will leave you to it then."

After assigning the task to LUNAR, Silas turned his attention to the next thing; Hiring workers.

"I wonder if Kim can do it? There's no one else I know I can trust with this," Silas said, and decided to call Kim.

It has been a long time since he went home or called home, as he has been busy for the past month and weeks.

Few seconds later, the call went through and it took a few rings before it got answered.

"Hi Kim."

"Silas... How are you?," Kim's enthusiastic voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I'm fine Kim. How are things at home? How are you and Alex?," Silas asked.

"I'm fine Silas. Alex is also fine, he just misses you,' Kim replied.

"Yeah, I miss him too. I've been really busy lately, that's why I haven't been able to come home. I might come home this week or the next."

"Ok, I will let Alex know. I'm sure he would be very happy to hear it."

"I'm sure he will. Umm... Kim, I called because I have something to ask of you."

"Ohh.. what would that be?," Kim asked in interest.

"I want to start a business and I want someone who can help me run it," Silas said, stating his true purpose for calling.

"Ohh.. what type of business is that, if I may ask?"

"It has to do with tech. You know, AI, games, devices and things along that line."

"Tech... I see... When do you plan to start and how much do you have as a startup fund?," Kim asked, and her voice became serious and professional.

"$1 billion as a startup fund and also a 30 story building to be used as an office building.

I don't know if the building is big enough but it will only be temporary as I plan for the permanent location of the business to be somewhere else," Silas replied, giving Kim the details on things.

"$1 billion is quite a substantial amount and you also already have a building, so I think you're ready to go. We also have to consider the legal side and other related issues."

"I already have the legal side of things sorted as I have already retained a law firm. I'm sure you're familiar with them, it's Vanguard Legal Services."

"Vanguard Legal Services?... Yeah, I'm very familiar with them. Silas, why don't we discuss this more when you come back home."

"Ok, till then it is."

"Yeah, we will be waiting," Kim said, and Silas hung up.

Silas was just getting off the phone when he felt the smartwatch vibrate.

{Completed sir.}

"Ohh... LUNAR. Good job."

"The advertising?"

{Already done.}

"Show me what the website looks like now?," Silas said and LUNAR loaded the website on his laptop.

Silas went through the website and nodded in approval.

"This is perfect. We can launch it as planned by next month. The whole of the month will be a free trial and the following month after it, the premium will roll out. I will leave you to do things at your own discretion."

{Yes, sir. I also received a reply from the Venezuelan government to the email I sent. It contains the time, date and location of the meeting.}

"Ohh.. Where is it?"

{The island we intend to buy.}

"I see. Date and time?"

{12PM tomorrow.}

"Ok, LUNAR, make the necessary preparations. We will be visiting Venezuela tomorrow."

"Anything else I should know."


"Ok, continue with whatever you're doing," Silas said and turned to the system.

"System, is it possible to mute or cancel the reward notification?"

[Yes, it can be muted if you don't want it.]

"Good. With the way things are going, I feel like I will be hearing it more often. Not gonna lie, it will be very uncomfortable."

"System, status."

[Name: Silas Kurt]


[Race: Human]

[System Level: Max]


[Strength: 80]

[Agility: 35]

[Stamina: 35]

[Intelligence: 100]

[Charisma: 18]

[Stats Point(s): 0(+)]

[Superpower: Matter Manipulation (Rank F)]


[Lottery Ticket(s): 38,637]

[System Point(s): 59,109,000(+)]


[Chained Mission (I): Start up a business and get an evaluation of $1 billion in a year.]

[Reward: Reward will depend on host level of performance.]

[Mission Progress: 60.9% (Evaluation: $609 million)]

[Time Limit: 338 Days 12 Hour.]

"I still have so many lottery tickets, time to draw some lottery tickets. I wonder if I can get knowledge or a free pass this time. The free pass is more important, I need it more."

"System, draw 8637 lottery tickets."

[8637 lottery tickets drawn.]

[You received nothing.]

[You received 34,000 system points.] x234

[You received 80,000 system points.] x321

[You received nothing.] x145

[You received 1000 system points.] x565

[You received nothing.] x765

[You received 300,000 system points.] X123

[You received 65,000 system points.]

[You received nothing.] x344

[You received a Free Pass: AR & VR Gear.]

[You received 289,000 system points.] x45

[You received nothing.] x1490

[You received 54,000 system points.]

[You received nothing.] x320

[You received 1000 system points.] x2067

[You received nothing.] X2,108

[You received a Free Pass: AR & VR Pod.]

[You received 902,600 system points.] x60


Silas was very happy when he saw the reward he got after drawing the lottery tickets.

Excluding the free pass he got, just the amount of system points he received as reward from this set of lottery tickets drawn, sent him to the ninth heaven.

Filled with excitement, Silas quickly opened the system store and went to the item section to search for the information of gear and pod he got.

{AR & VR Gear}

Description: A device that seamlessly integrates with the user's neural interface, providing a direct brain-computer interaction and it also decodes neural signals for an unparalleled immersive experience. It adapts in real-time to user thoughts, emotions, and sensory input. Advanced haptic feedback and sensory stimulation further enhance realism, creating an unprecedented level of engagement. (Cost: 35,000 system points.)

{AR & VR Pod} 13:52

Description: A device that seamlessly integrates with the user's neural interface, providing a direct brain-computer interaction and it also decodes neural signals for an unparalleled immersive experience. It adapts in real-time to user thoughts, emotions, and sensory input. It also allows customized time dilation by adjusting the time difference between the real world and the digital world. It also provides the necessary nutrients for the body during extended usage, ensuring users' well-being throughout prolonged interactions with the device. (Cost: 237,000 system points.)]

Wow!... Look at these two baddies!," Silas exclaimed to himself, his eyes widening in gleaming excitement when he saw the visual display of the two items on their description panels.

Silas couldn't describe the type of excitement he was feeling just from reading the two items description, and seeing their system store visual display.

He didn't even know how he would feel when he gets to hold it in his hands.

Well, Silas didn't have to keep fantasizing about it as it's something that's easily affordable with the amount of system points he currently has.

Immediately, Silas bought one of each items, one AR & VR Gear and one AR & VR Pod costing him a total of 272,000 system points.

As the purchase was made, the Gear materialized on his bed, followed by the pod which materialized beside his bed.


Seeing the two items right in front of him, made Silas completely speechless.

The emotions he felt was just like someone getting his dream car delivered right to his doorstep.

The Gear looks like an ordinary black eyeglass, with nothing out of the ordinary.

Yes, the ordinary looking black eyeglass is the AR and VR Gear.

As a person who has read the description of the device in the system's store, he knew how much of a beast this seemingly ordinary eyeglass in front of him is.

Curiously, Silas picked up the glass and wore it, and he was shocked by what happened next.

The eyeglass-lenses lit up and different messages started popping up.

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