Getting A System In A Modern World

Chapter 60 Massive Changes(II), Going Home And Creating A New AGI

60 Massive Changes(II), Going Home And Creating A New AGI

Few minutes later, in the cabin house's bathroom, Silas was having his bath.

After bathing in the sea, maybe because he didn't use bathing products, Silas' body still stinks but it wasn't as bad it initially was.

Seeing this, the first thing Silas did when he got to the cabin house was to bath thoroughly and get rid of the smell from his body.

After a long, thorough bathing session, Silas had already achieved his aim. He walked out of the bathroom with a satisfied smile on his face.

After dressing up, Silas changed into a set of clothes, disposing off the one he wore before.

After he was done, he stood in front of the mirror, admiring his body.

"Is this really me?," Silas asked in surprise when he saw a completely different person being in the mirror.

Not that the reflection in the mirror is an unknown person, but the person is very similar to him, yet strange at the same time.

"What happened to me?!," Silas couldn't help but ask.

His appearance seems to have evolved overnight. Unlike the slight, significant changes his body experienced after he took the GES, his appearance underwent a very drastic change this time around.

Silas noticed that his previous dark hair, got darker, his skin fairer and soft to the touch and perfect. His previous blue iris now have a small green tint. His muscles has also become well defined and chiselled, complimenting his handsome structure even further.

His body and frame now perfect, without any blemish. To top it all, he gained some heights, his height is now 6'2" from the previous 5'7".

Not only his physical appearance but Silas also felt the intense amount of vitality that the system talked about, brimming and coursing through his body, and continuously nourishing it. freёweɓ

The system said that it's intense, but Silas felt that it's excessive.

Thinking of this, Silas called up his status panel to confirm something.

[Name: Silas Kurt]


[Race: Human]

[System Level: Max]

[Strength: 1000]

[Agility: 1000]

[Stamina: 1000]

[Intelligence: 1000]

[Charisma: 1000]

[Stats Point(s): 268(+)]

[Superpower: Matter Manipulation (Rank F), Regeneration.]


[Lottery Ticket(s): 30,000]

[System Point(s): 194,285,000(+)]


[Chained Mission (I): Start up a business and get an evaluation of $1 billion in a year.]

[Reward: Reward will depend on host level of performance.]

[Mission Progress: 60.9% (Evaluation: $609 million)]

[Time Limit: 309 Days 21 Hour.]

"It seems like during the process of the system repairing my body with the aid of the tree's vitality, maybe my body absorbed too much of the vitality and the remaining was condensed, and that's how I got a new superpower."

Silas felt that his theory was correct but he couldn't confirm it as even the system itself doesn't understand what happened.

This incident made Silas realize something; his system might not really be omnipotent as he thought it to be.

After his long session of self-admiration, Silas decided to get some sleep.

Though his body is brimming with vitality, he's not immune to mental fatigue.


The next morning, after waking up, Silas told LUNAR to have the speedboat and car ready for him, as he intends to return to the hotel.

After he was done with his morning duties, Silas made his way to the pier where Mr Antonio was already waiting for him.

Mr Antonio saw a young man walking up to him. Seeing the young man walking towards him, Mr Antonio felt that the individual was familiar but he couldn't remember when or where he has seen him before.

It felt similar and and at the same time, strange. He just couldn't place his hands on it.

As the got closer, the feeling became stronger and when he saw the face of the young man, Mr Antonio was shocked by how beautiful the young man looks, and it finally clicked.

'M-Mr Silas!'


Silas, seeing Mr Antonio's expression understood what was happening, didn't bother to explain and got into the speedboat, and they left for the port.

Mr Antonio wasn't the only who felt the changes in Silas, as Silas grasped the attention of everyone that saw him.

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When Silas got to the port, he walked towards Mr José, without paying attention to those who were gawking at his appearance or trying to grab his attention.

After getting into the car, the unspared and equally shocked Mr José started the car, and started driving towards the hotel.

When he got back to his hotel room, Silas started packing his things, as he decided that it was finally time to go home.

He has already achieved everything he set out to achieve and more, before coming to Venezuela.

He got the island and even a partnership with Mr Andrés. Even though Mr Andrés is yet to call him, Silas believes that his conditions will be accepted. He knew that they had no choice but to do so.

"LUNAR, is everything ready?"

{Yes, the plane is prepped and ready.}

"Good. Now, it's time to go home," Silas said and took his bag, and left his room.

He made his way to the hotel's entrance. He didn't bother to check out, as LUNAR had already taken care of it.

Outside, Silas saw Mr José waiting for him.

"Mr Silas," Mr José greeted and opened the door for him.

"Thank you. Airport," Silas said as he got into the car and took his seat.

"Yes, sir."

Mr José got in and started the car, and drove off towards Caracas International Airport.

Sitting in the car, Silas noticed the subtle change in Mr José's attitude and smiled.


Some minutes later, a blue BMW pulled up at the parking spot of Caracas International Airport and a young man opened the door, and stepped out.

"Thank you, Mr José."

"Thanks for your patronage, Mr Silas. Please don't forget us the next time you visit Venezuela."

"Of course," Silas said and walked into the airport building.

After walking in, Silas made his way, directly towards the runway where his private jet was waiting.

Unsurprisingly, it was the same thing as the first time he came. He didn't walk towards any checking point and he wasn't stopped by anyone.

Unlike the first time, his appearance attracted people's attention but due to the fact that he was using the VIP route, he wasn't disturbed by anyone.

It didn't take Silas long to see the aircraft parked on the runway.

As Silas got closer to the aircraft, he saw the boarding door open up by itself.

"Still can't believe that it's a fully automated self-driving aircraft," Silas said with a smile, as climbed into the aircraft and the boarding door closed automatically.

Immediately, the aircraft's engine came alive and it began its run for takeoff

Silas took his seat and brought up the seat's touch-screen to place his order.

After he was done placing his order and was waiting for it to recover, Silas thought of something; how to release the Gear and Pod.

Actually, he already has an idea but he was having a little bit of headache with the Pod, as he doesn't want to release it as it is, with the Domain available to others.

The Domain is a platform that comes with the Pod, and this is something that will give him an advantage, and one mustn't give out their advantage.

"LUNAR, the Domain ability of the Pod, is there a way to remove it from other Pods?"


"How?" Silas knew that LUNAR might have a way of achieving what he wants, and hearing her response confirmed it.

{Since the Pod have to connect to the Main Server during its set-up, I can use that connection to encrypt and hide the Domain, making it unavailable to anyone who doesn't have the encryption key. The platform won't be visible in the Pod's lobby and the user would need an encryption key to access it.}

"Nice. You're the best LUNAR."

{I know.}

Hearing LUNAR's response, Silas rolled his eyes and tsked.

"I want to create two different games, one for the Pod and another for the Gear."

"Maybe, I don't really need to create one for the Gear, I can collaborate with other game studios to help them create the VR version of their games. It would be better and more cost-effective that way."Silas said to himself, with a villainous smile.

Not that some of the games haven't been created but they can't be released at the moment due to copyright.

{Do you want me to start creating the game for the Pod?}

"No, I will create another AGI for it. It will be responsible for managing everything related to the game, from contents to its gameplay, mechanics, in-game economy and character."

With that thought, Silas tapped the screen on the arm of the screen and a holographic screen popped up, with a floating holographic keyboard under it.


Silas touched the holographic keyboard and instead of his hand passing through it, it felt like he was touching something solid.

"Dope," Silas said with a smile.

Immediately, he got to typing the code for his new AGI: APOLLO.

While he was typing, his order was delivered to his seat by an automatic food trolley.

Silas paused what he was doing and wolfed down his food. After he was done, he got back to his typing.

An hour later, Silas was done with writing the codes and a loading page could now be seen on the holographic screen.

'That was fast. Unlike when I was creating LUNAR. I guess it's because of the difference between this and my laptop.'

"LUNAR, when APOLLO comes online, connect it to the Main Server, and transfer to it, every related game creation knowledge and information."


"Good. Now, I will spend the rest of my time, gaming. Only alert me when we're about to land."

{Yes, sir.}

"Thank you."

Silas stood up from the seat and walked towards his room.

"Time to raise more internet storms."

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