Getting A System In A Modern World

Chapter 65 Spending Time With Alex

Chapter 65  Spending Time With Alex

The next morning, after he was done with his morning duties, Silas came down to the living room with his laptop.

One of the reasons why Silas came back home is to discuss his business plan with Kim and have her take charge of the company.

He took his seat and switched on the laptop, and waited for it to load. After that was done, he opened the website that was created for ELLA.

With everything set and ready, all that remains is for Kim to have a look at it. Silas was still waiting for Kim to wake up and come downstairs when his phone started ringing.

He picked up the phone and checked the caller ID, President Odetta.

Silas was a bit surprised when he saw the name on the caller ID. He has been expecting her to call him in regards to replacing the lab equipments he 'decomissioned' while he was creating the quantum computer.

"Hello President Odetta," Silas said, as he picked the call.

"Hello Mr Silas. I'm calling you in regards to the replacement of the damaged equipments. After the assessments was done, we found the cost for replacing the equipments estimated to be $13 million," President Odetta said, immediately stating her reason for calling.

Silas was not surprised when he heard the amount that will be needed to replace the damaged equipments.

He was actually disappointed. He had expected it to cost more than that.

The reason why Silas was expecting the cost to be higher? Lottery tickets!

The higher the expenses, the more lottery tickets he gets, and more lottery tickets means more free system points and more chances at getting item's free passes.

"Okay, President Odetta, the money will be sent to you immediately."

"Ok, Mr Silas. Thank you. I will be expecting the payment. Also, Mr Silas, two months have gone by and you're yet to choose your courses. You do remember our agreement, right?"

Hearing what President Odetta said, Silas was reminded of something that he has completely forgotten about; choosing his preferred courses.

"Yes, I remember the agreement we had. I will be in the institution next week to do that." Silas replied.

Hearing this, President Odetta remained silent for a while before hanging up.

After President Odetta hung up, Silas saw that he was no longer alone in the living room. He saw Kim standing at a distance looking at him with a curious and questioning look on her face.

"Hi Kim, Good morning," Silas greeted her.

"Good morning Silas," Kim replied and took her seat on a sofa opposite Silas'.

"You working?," She asked when she saw the laptop in front of him.

"No, I actually wanted to show you something. It's related to what we talked about before," Silas replied, and turned the screen of the laptop that already has the loaded webpage of ELLA, to her.

Kim saw this and brought the laptop closer to herself, and started going through the website curiously.

She remembered the conversation she had with Silas on the phone, about him wanting to start a business.

She wasn't sure if he was being serious about it but as she went through the website, from what she saw, she understood that he was very serious about it and he was prepared.

Still, she was curious. He said that he already has a capital of $1 billion and a thirty storey office building ready.

The question is where did he get such huge amount of money from? Also, who's this President Odetta he was talking to on the phone? How did his appearance change in so much in such a short time and when did he start using lenses?

So many questions she has but she hardly believes she will ever get an answer from Silas if he doesn't want to tell her.

Kim bottled up her curiosity and questions, and went through the website meticulously, trying to get as much detail and information as she could, so that she can better understand what she's dealing with.

After a few minutes, she was done with what she was doing as she directed her attention to Silas.

"Wow! I must say that I'm impressed. It has an almost infinite amount of potential. If it's to be released, it will be a big competition for the AIs currently out in the market," Kim said after going through the website.

As the former sales department manager of a company, assessing a product for its market viability is very easy for her, and that was the reason why she said what she said.

Silas nodded at Kim's words. He already knew that ELLA will rival the top AIs that have been released.

Wrong, ELLA will dominate them!

"I plan to launch it next month," Silas said to Kim.

"Ohh.. that's good," Kim said.

"Yeah, I want you to take care of the business side of things. Like the hiring of workers, marketing it, customer care and other things," Silas said and Kim nodded.

"That, I can take care of," Kim replied with a nod.

"Okay then, I will leave it to you. Whenever you're ready, let me know. I will get the law firm to help you with any legal assistance you need, so that the process can be faster and easier for you."

"Yeah, I will let you know when I'm ready," Kim said and stood, "Alex will soon be up, let me go and prepare breakfast," She said and walked to the kitchen.

"That has been settled, now to other things," Silas said to himself after his discussion with Kim.

"LUNAR, transfer $13 million, $20 million and $2 million, twice, to the account of Stanford University."

{That's a total of $35 million, sir.}

"Yes, transfer and put a note on each transactions. The $13 million is for equipments replacement, the $30 million is for the monthly donation, for the previous months and the current month. The same is for the $3 million, research funding," Silas said to LUNAR.

{Done sir,} LUNAR said after some seconds.

"Alright. What about the game? How's the progress with it?," Silas asked.

{I was just about to inform you sir. It seems like creating the game will take a significant amount of time,} LUNAR replied.

"How long will it take?"

{A week.}

"A week?! That's shorter than I expected. I was thinking it will take months or maybe even a year," Silas said in surprise.

A week to create a VR game that billions of people could potentially play?! Another thing to note is that it's not a shabby or casual game but one with peak storyline, rich content, amazing gameplay mechanics and a virtual economy, as Silas told APOLLO to give him the best of the best.

I guess it will take a week to see the result of APOLLO's hardwork.

Silas was still lost in his thoughts when he felt his leg being tapped lightly.

He looked towards it and saw Alex standing in front of him.

"Good morning brother," Alex said when he saw that he had gotten his brother's attention.

"Good morning Alex, how are you"


How was your night?"

" Fine."

"Mmhm.. you look like you have brushed your teeth and taken your bath?," Silas asked Alex as he ruffled his hair.

"Yes, I already did," Alex said and nodded.

"Good boy. Breakfast will be ready soon, okay." Silas said and Alex nodded.

Few minutes later, Kim was done preparing breakfast and had already started setting the dining table.

Silas stood up and went to assist her. After the table was set, the three of them sat down to eat a breakfast of burrito filled with egg and a side dish of bacon.

The trio ate their food in silence and they enjoyed it very much. After they were done eating, Alex cleared the table and did the dishes before going to meet Silas in the living room.

After they were done eating and Alex was done doing the dishes, Silas decided to take Alex and Kim out to spend the weekend.

The weekend went by uneventfully with Silas spending it with Alex and Kim.

In the blink of an eye, it was already Monday morning.

Today is the day Silas decided to go to Stanford University to choose his preferred courses.

As he came downstairs, he saw Alex seated at the dining table and eating his breakfast.

"How are you champ? Ready for school?," Silas asked as he took his seat beside him.


"Ok. When you're done, I will drop you off at school."

Few minutes later, the two of them were done with their breakfast and were ready to leave.

Silas stood up and walked towards the Corvette while Alex went to get his school bag.

He didn't have to wait long as he saw Alex  walking out of the door, towards him.

"Get in," Silas said, and Alex nodded as he opened the door and got in.

Immediately, Silas steered out as drove off towards the location of Alex's school.


Few minutes later, Silas walked into an office and was greeted by a middle-aged woman exuding a strong authoritative aura.

An aura that would have previously made Silas to cower before her but not after meeting Mr Andrés.

And for those curious, the middle-aged woman is none other than President Odetta.

After dropping Alex off at his school, Silas made his way directly to Stanford University.

"Mr Silas, Welcome."

"Thank you, President Odetta."

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