Ghost in the City: Cyberpunk Gamer SI

Chapter 4

The next morning Jun slept in like normal, and I continued to workout. I went for a jog, to get more Athletics XP with the 25% buff enjoying the way the numbers kept going up.

And finally I got the alert.

*Body Leveled up!*

I whooped mid jog as I cheered and danced around. I did it! At Body 3, my body was now the equivalent of a bare minimum V.

Hell yeah!

I wiped the sweat from my brow and took a moment to look over the edge of the street into Cherry Blossom Market. It was pretty with all the trees.

I would have to get some actual exercise equipment soon. Or maybe a gym membership. I wonder if the Tyger Claws have some Gym that I can go to? Or use?

Even if I am super hesitant to be anymore connected to a gang than I already was.

I kinda hated the gangs.

I sighed and turned around. Time to get home. Maybe Jun would be up?

Jun was awake and eating his breakfast burrito as I wandered in which I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at. Just because the vending machine was right outside our door Jun…

“Morning Jun-Nii.”

“Morning.” He mumbled, still waking up. Good, it gave me time to slip into a shower. After Jun was ready to go we wandered out onto the street and then into the parking garage before he walked up to a motorcycle. Another modded Kusanagi I noted, although it was absolutely covered in stickers, and Tyger Claw signs.

“C’mon.” He ordered hopping on and I sighed. The stupid high back on these always looked dumb. Why mess with the Kusanagi!? It was based on Akira's bike! It was already perfect!

“Sure sure.” I grumbled as I settled in behind Jun and we were off.

Fortunately he was a better driver than Hiromi.

Unfortunately that wasn’t saying much.

I kept track of where we were going but we were heading towards Little China. We stopped at a little gated building deep inside the city and there were plenty of Tyger Claw bikes already waiting.

“C’mon Toko don’t fall behind.”

“Yep!” I agreed seeing plenty of men and women all wearing Tyger Claw tattoos and none of them looked gentle. It was as we were walking into the little walled compound that I realized where we were. It was the Tyger Claw Dojo. I remember the mission, you had to save a guy in the basement but the interior was all swords and equipment.

Nice. Unfortunately we didn’t walk into the dojo. Instead walking to the side and entered into what I would have thought was an apartment building of some sort, but we kept going, through dark trash filled hallways, until Jun stopped at a certain apartment. Inside the apartment it was set up like a reception area.

The Tyger Claws milling around all looked up at our entrance but relaxed when Jun headed to the woman sitting behind a set of bullet proof glass.

“I need an alley, and ammunition.” He said and the receptionist took a moment, her eyes glowing before she nodded.

“Welcome Mr. Kusanagi. Alley twelve is open for you. You know the rules about ammunition.” She said simply and Jun nodded, leading me through another door that led to some stairs heading down.

Then we entered a shooting range. All of it set up for the Tyger Claws as every person inside besides me was a member.

Huh underground secret shooting range? Cool.

Jun led me through but I was definitely getting some looks as he led me to our stall which already had two boxes of ammunition sitting on the floor and after Jun checked them he went back to an alcove along the wall and grabbed a different box.

“Load up!” He shouted over the sounds of gunfire and I nodded.

I guess hearing protection wasn’t really a concern in the future.

I only had the single magazine for my Unity, which was already loaded, but Jun pulled out his own Unity I noticed and dropped a quartet of extra magazines onto the table.

Jun quickly split two from the number and pushed them to me as I smiled at him. And then he just started firing.

I watched for a minute as he emptied his magazine hitting pretty often, although his aim wasn’t super great.

“Well get to it!” He called out and I realized I had just been watching when I should be shooting!

Grinning, I closed my eyes for a moment putting my Unity back into my holster. Then I opened my eyes, whipped a hand behind me, grabbed my Unity and drew it just like I had been training. Three rounds went downrange. Which instantly got me an alert.

*100 Handguns XP Gained.*

Which was awesome! That had been an instant xp boost. I continued doing the same thing. Standing straight and putting my handgun into my holster before quick drawing it and sending a few rounds down range. Pleased that with the new complexity of actually aiming and firing, I was getting more Reflex XP too.

Jun though was just firing downrange mechanically, he was definitely more accurate than I was, but I think when it really came down to it, my muscle memory would be more useful than his rigid quick shots.

“Jun-Nii! Don’t forget to practice your draw fire as well!” I called out over the din while I was switching to a new magazine, and he seemed to take what I said for a moment before rolling his eyes.

But he did practice it a few times and his accuracy sharply declined.

Well that is what happens when you actually have to draw a gun and fire it in a hurry.

Still I was very happy, because XP was rolling in, and very soon I got another alert.

*Handguns skill level up!*

*1 Perk Point Gained.*

I barely managed to keep myself from cheering. Another perk point! I guess I got one whenever I leveled a skill to two?

I took a moment while reloading my magazines to check the options. I was right. All of the perks this time had something to do with Handguns.

Most of them were pretty expected.

Fast reload. Quick Draw. That sort of thing, but there were a bunch more. The options were pretty huge, although 99% of them were grayed out needing higher stats, a prerequisite perk, some even needing perks from other perk trees. Handgun design needed a perk from crafting skill tree for example.

While it was all neat. I picked Quick Draw. I was already training it, and honestly in a gun fight getting your gun out and shooting faster than the other guy is a big thing.

The moment I took it I felt that same feeling as if I simply knew how to do what I had been doing better.

This time when I finished reloading the magazine and slotted it into the pistol when I slipped the gun back into its holster. I knew exactly how to do it. No more guessing or just practicing ineffectually.

No this time when I opened my eyes my hand and body simply moved without conscious thought. Habit ingrained through the system.

And three rounds shot off in just a second, all three hitting my target within just a heartbeat.

Jun didn’t notice, but that was okay. Because as I got an alert for reflex XP I smiled and simply did it again and again. My accuracy wasn’t perfect, but the fact I was drawing my gun and firing so fast was its own reward.

A junky or Scav trying to take me for some Cyberware would find a gun pressed against their throat in a heartbeat.

I smiled at the idea.

“Kid!” A voice called out from behind us, and Jun and I both turned, seeing an older man grizzled and graying in his five o’clock shadow.

“Yes?” we both asked at the same time, but the guy was looking to Jun.

“Who’s the girl?” The old man demanded as Jun looked from me to him.

“Little sister!” Jun called out loud enough to be heard over the gunshots and the man looked pleased.

“Girl. You know how to fire anything else?” He asked and I shrugged. I mean Handguns should go for anything that is a handgun, but I didn’t know what this guy was talking about.

“A second.” He demanded turned and wandered out to a back room that I hadn’t noticed, when he came back out a few moments later he was carrying a sub machine gun.

“You ever shot one of these?” He demanded and I shook my head.

“Go on then.” He ordered handing it over along with a few magazines which he handed to Jun after a moment.

I shrugged. Took a look over the gun, finding the safety I aimed it down the alley flipped the safety and pulled the trigger. A few seconds later I adjusted myself because for a submachine gun it kicked like a mule and fired again.

“Huh.” I heard him grunt from behind me sounding unimpressed. As he noticed, my grouping was terrible.

*Assault Experience Gained.*

*Skill not unlocked, no XP gained.*

*Assault Unlocked.*

I nodded. Assault was the tree for rifles and submachine guns. Not sure why it wasn’t split, but whatever.

I still had more in the mag and so I continued to feel the gun out, Aiming small groupings, single shot and a few bursts, grabbing the mags from Jun as I went.

This was another skill after all, and another skill under Reflex. So slowly between the consistent alerts about the assault skill reflex was getting buffed up. It was certainly a lot faster than body had.

I ignored the man. Not sure what his game was, but I was going to milk this for all it is worth.

I finished the third magazine, and I felt how close I was.

I turned and grabbed the ammo box, swiftly filling up a magazine and funnily getting a bit of reflex XP from how fast I was doing it.

Then I grabbed the sub machine gun, reloaded and fired again.

*Assault skill level up!*

I blinked. That was what I was waiting for. Yeah that was the good shit. I stopped shifting my body, holding myself differently to adjust for the kick back. Cradling the stock against a different part of my shoulder and holding the trigger differently on my finger.

This time my rounds zipped out and while I still wasn’t where I wanted to be, I was hitting consistently, and my grouping was much tighter.

I finished up the magazine pleased I was able to get another XP alert, before I stopped.

“Thanks, that was fun.” I told him and the old man was looking between me and the electronic targets with an interested look in his eye.

“You never shot something like that before.” He demanded but it wasn’t a question. Not really.

“No, I only shot my pistol for the first time here.” I tell him.

He huffed a laugh. “You have a killers draw with that pistol. I’ve never seen a kid with a draw like that before.” He turned to Jun. “Bring her around more often. She has talent.” He says taking the sub machine gun and the magazines back after and heading back into the room he had disappeared into.

“What was that?” Jun asked after a moment and I shrugged. I honestly didn’t know either. I guess he noticed how fast my quick draw was? I shrugged. It didn’t matter. We still had more ammo in the boxes and I wanted to make sure I milked every experience point I could out of this.

I settled back in to quickdraw my pistol and this time Jun actually noticed just how fast it was.

“How are you doing that?” He demanded of me, looking shocked at the sight.

“Oh you have to sorta do… This?” I offered slowing my draw to show the motion.

I ended up spending the next hour helping Jun with his quickdraw, walking him through on how to improve his own. The Perk had given me a pretty comprehensive knowledge of what to do to improve at it.

Sure I didn’t get to practice anymore which sucked, but Jun got a lot quicker with his, and so I figured that was a fair trade.

I needed to make sure Jun stayed alive in Night City too after all.


Afterwards Jun drove us both home although he was quiet all the way out of the gun range and back home.

We pulled up inside and after I washed my hands off from the gun powder smell I noticed he was still being quiet.

“You okay Jun-Nii?”

“You never used guns before. You were hopeless at them.” He said eventually from where he was sitting back on the couch fully splayed out. “How did you know how to quick draw like that?”

“Don’t know? Made sense I guess. I’ve been practicing for a while.”

“It’s only been what, a week since I gave you the gun?”

I shrugged. I don't remember days blur together when you exercise for a few hours before going to sleep to recover.

“Is that bad?” I asked, and he seemed to actually think about that for a moment.

“No. It makes you safer. I just… You are a different person. It made me realize that the Motoko that I knew. She doesn’t exist anymore. I have to learn about… This Motoko.”

I flinched back at that. I knew I would be different from street kid Motoko, but yikes that was pretty harsh.

“I’m sorry.”

“You didn’t do anything. Don’t be sorry Toko, you survived. That is all… that is all I ever wanted.” He said rising up from his slouch to pull me into a hug.

“Finding you like that was the scariest moment in my life.”

I nodded and hugged him back, but my mind was just focused on what he just said.

Jun had been the one to rescue me from the Scavs? What had really happened that day? I knew from the games most people weren’t rescued from Scavs. Most people were just chopped up and killed.


Bright and early the next day I went out for a run, Athletics booooy!

I grinned as I jogged up and down the concrete stairs around the block. While I still wasn’t great I could jog for a lot more than I could have before. Meaning my Athletics XP kept dinging in.

*Athletics skill level up!* I smiled as I hit level 1 with Athletics. It did seem to take longer than some of the other skills, but then again I wasn’t really doing anything crazy, just jogging around a block and up and down some stairs. I continued, but it was on the last quarter of the route when it happened.

A gunshot rang out practically on top of me and I dropped to the ground, rolling into the sheltered entrance to a shop, that was unfortunately closed. I wanted to curse but making noise was asking for attention. I kept myself low, handgun in my hand as I waited for something to happen. Slowly I heard more shouting and aggressive calls from the alleyway. The damn alley way that I had to walk past to get home. I couldn’t even turn around because the alleyway had another exit on the north side of the block that I would have to walk past.

I waited for a while, slowly peeking out from the edge of the shop to see if something would happen. Just shouting for a while, and then it quieted down. Slowly I crept out. Which was stupid.

I knew it was stupid but I did it anyways.

I slowly crept out to the edge of the alley and peeked over for just a second, before doing it more slowly. Nothing. I breathed a sigh of relief, whatever was happening it was happening deeper in the alley.

I felt my hand sweat.

Do I go help? From the noise someone had been shot… No. I’m not a hero, and I’m not a cop. And I had nothing to really protect myself with. Who knows how many people there were?

So instead I decided to sneak past the alley and get home. If I made it back to the apartment I would be safe and this craziness would be on the outside.

But just as I started to slide out from along the edge of the Alley I saw it, someone walking around the corner. I dropped hiding behind some trash and the edge of the alley and just prayed it was enough.

Through the slats of an old pallet that I was hiding behind I noticed that the woman checking the alley had a fucking machine gun held at her waist.

I swallowed and kept motionless pretending to not be there as she checked the alleyway before turning and heading back in.

A fucking machine gun!

Once she was gone I rose slowly and snuck my way across the alleyway entrance before hurriedly but as quietly as I could getting back to the apartment.

As I finally felt the door shut behind me safe behind the apartment door and the security gate, I feel like I could breath again.

I exhaled and shook, setting my pistol on the living room table and just sitting down for a while with my head on my knees.


Turns out I got something besides nightmares that thankfully I couldn’t experience anymore out of the situation.

I hadn’t noticed because I was freaking out, but I got a new skill.

*Ninjutsu Experience Gained.*

*Skill not unlocked, no XP gained.*

*Ninjutsu Unlocked.*

Honestly I wish I had thought about training stealth before this. It was… powerful. A truly powerful skill. And something I was going to have to figure out a way to level because I liked the idea of not being seen by gonks wanting to kill me.

There was a problem though.

“Okay I can level Ninjutsu through stealth training… But how do I level Cool?” I mean… Cool? What kind of stat was fuckin Cool!?

I grumbled about it as I rested on the couch feeling a little wrung out after everything. I guess… Well I could level reflex by training the sub skills, so I guess for now I would just train stealth and hope I would figure out a good way to level cool later?

I shrugged it was as good a plan as any. I mean the only other skill tree that I knew was under Cool… In the game it was called Cold Blood. Which… I could guess how I leveled that one.


I guess Cyberpunk and this gamer system was trying to tell me Murder was cool… Riiight.

I shrugged and decided to take the matter into my own hands.

Stealth huh? Well I had level 1 Cool. So I might as well get stealth up to level 1. It could save my life in the future.

So I headed outside and started sneaking around. Doing my best not to be seen to slip close to people that were talking so I could listen in, and basically doing anything I could think of to raise my stealth skill.

So what if I creeped a couple of people out. They weren’t important! As I snuck around the block and market.

I did manage to get a few alerts for cool when I successfully snuck up on people without them noticing but as hours passed Ninjutsu leveled faster.

*Ninjutsu skill level up!*

It popped in and I shivered as I went from a child trying to sneak around to… well a child trying to sneak around, but I was quieter about it.

Yay me.


I jerked as I had been heading home when a call came in. Hiromi.

“Hiromi?” I responded.

“Motoko! I’ve been waiting forever and ever! Where are you? I came to pick you up to have some fun!” She instantly yelled out full force causing me to wince. How it caused a similar pain to being too loud despite there not actually being any sound? Ugh stupid future tech.

“I’m on my way back now. I was out… Exercising.” I offered lying through my teeth. No way was I going to admit to faux sneaking around people.

That would be weird.

“Ugh hurry! Everyone is waiiiiiting.” She whined and I broke out into a jog.

“Alright alright I’m almost at the front.” I said as I turned the corner from beside Cherry Blossom Market, and hurried down the block towards home. I could see Hiromi’s Kusanagi revving and waiting at the entrance causing people to avoid her bike that was sitting on the side of the sidewalk.

Really Hiromi? At least don’t rev your bike if you are on the sidewalk. People are freaking out! I hurry over and she gives me a once over. “Eh, I guess it’ll do. You really need some new threads choom.” She offers before hiking a thumb behind her. “Now get on!”

“Alright alright!” I repeated as I hopped on and clutched her tight as she peeled out from the sidewalk.

That mark was never going away.

And we raced down the street in a blur.

“Too fast!” I squealed as she seemed to be in an actual hurry this time.

“Hahahahaha!” was my only answer.


“Nice of you to finally make it Hiromi.” Ichi called out as we pulled into a small parking lot. The rest of the ‘gang’ was already there. Malcolm smoking a cigarette while Omaeda was already messing with his suitcase sized Cyberdeck.

“What’s going on?” I ask, realizing that they were all armed, and even Hiromi had an actual Katana sheathed behind her back.

“We are running a gig!” Hiromi offered with a smile. And I instantly frowned at her.


“Relax Motoko. It’s not a gig. We are going to make some eddies though and Hiromi wanted you cut in. You are still one of us, even if you don’t remember so I accepted. Sorry for the short notice.” He offered with a smile.

“What are we doing?”

“Snatch and grab. We got this Gonk who is definitely not but sorta a wannabe Valentino. He has been trying to push some drugs up here in Kabuki.” Ichi replied.

“Kabuki is Tyger Claw Territory. Obviously.” Hiromi added for my benefit which I nodded already knowing.

“So we are going to klep his ride. Hopefully his product is inside, and we deliver it back to the Club. Shobo-Sama will take care of the rest.”

“That sounds dangerous. Is he alone, or does he have guards?” I asked.

“This is child's play stuff Motoko. We klepped so many cars when we were younger!” Hiromi offered with a giggle and a side hug that didn’t at all reassure me.

“Not an Alvarado, which is why I am here.” Omaeda said cutting off Hiromi. “It’s got a security system. I’ll break in, but I’ll need some serious time. You guys will try and klep the security shard.”

“Right. So I don’t think we will be able to get the shard easy. Not on this guy, so we are the distraction, our job is to keep our gonk Gonzalez busy. So we try it stealth first, but if we don’t break the security fast enough we distract the guy and keep him from bothering Omaeda.”

“This sounds really dangerous.” I muttered and got a shoulder push from Hiromi.

“Don't be a scaredy cat.”

“This is so stupid.” I muttered, but I was in. This was Night City. Crime wasn’t just something that happened, it was a fact of life, and I couldn’t pull a David Martinez. I wasn’t in Arasaka Academy or something like that.

If I wanted money I would have to earn it. Somehow.

“Alright here is the plan. Right now Gonzalez is wandering the dock area selling. We keep an eye on him. As long as we don’t act stupid he won’t even notice. We are supposed to be here after all. This gives Omaeda time to set up and hopefully klep the ride. If Gonzalez starts heading back to the car we distract him, either as buyers, or if that doesn’t work we can cause a little bit of trouble. Hiromi! I say when that happens, not you. Don’t jump the gun again.”

“Hey C’mon Ichi! You know me?”

“Hence the warning.” He growled. “Alright Motoko, I know you are fresh, but really should be a super easy job to get you back into it. Just follow my orders. Malcolm, you are up first to buy time if we need to.”

“Ugh. I don’t want to talk to this asshole.”

“Just do it, he'll make sure he sees that you don't like him if you want. You don’t actually have to buy anything, just keep him busy. Just don’t escalate into a fight. We want to avoid a gunfight.”

“Good idea.” I agreed earning some snickers from the others.

“Alright break.” He ordered and before I could take a step Hiromi had me by the arm. “C’mon!” She urged me on and forced me to follow her down the concrete pathway. The ocean was right there, but right on the beach was a ton of broken down shanty towns.

I remembered this area from the game. It was full of Tyger Claw people and it was pretty rough.

Which was weird. Why was there a Valentino wannabe pusher hanging out trying to sell drugs here? That was… Suicidal.

“Stop freaking C’mon it’ll be fun we get to sit and watch a fat ‘Tino guy try to sell drugs to a bunch of kids! Entertainment for everyone!” She said as she laughed, and I just shrugged. Honestly. I was just nervous.

I didn’t like this.

Eventually Hiromi set me on the concrete coastal breaker and we just sat and overlooked the entire shanty town. Every once in a while we could see the target. Ichi had sent a picture of the man to everyone, and while he and Malcolm were hanging out closer to the guy Hiromi and I were on overwatch.

“Good luck Omaeda.” I muttered, earning a snort from Hiromi.

“He can do it. Not his first hotwire.”

“But it is the first time he tried to take that car right?”

Hiromi groaned at my words. “Ugh stop being such a downer. We are making eddies here. Be happy.”

“I’m just… I don’t think I’m ready for this yet Hiromi. I still have so much to learn, and… It would have been nice if you asked first.”

“Pssht. You obviously just need to get back into the saddle. Why do you think I let you drive my bike? You picked it up again quick. You’re just too… hesitant now. Gotta get you used to doing again.”

“I really don’t think that’s right, but I know you are trying to help. Just… Help a little less maybe.” I said with a sigh as I patted her on the thigh. She just rolled her eyes at me and nudged my shoulder with hers.

“Target seems to be moving out of the slums. Malcolm. You are up. Distract. Omaeda, time?”

“Longer if you keep bothering me.” The other boy replied before shutting down the call.

Yikes. Not going well.

“Alright Malcolm, remember try not to get him so pissed he pulls a gun. Girls, get closer in case we need you.” Ichi offered before he too went quiet.

“C’mon.” Hiromi offered sounding serious for the first time since I met her. She stood and rushed down into the shanty town, cutting across a few rooftops before dropping down.

“Dammit, what happened to this being easy?” I growled as I followed after Hiromi, gently I released the catch on my holster, and sheath.

Might need a quickdraw.

I almost lost sight of Hiromi as she was pretty quick across the roofs and I took a little longer.

I didn’t want to fall and break my stupid neck. But I caught up with her as she had stopped, peaking around a corner with her Katana in her hand.

I fell back on every bit of Ninjutsu I had learned so far and did the same. Since I was taller than her I was able to peek out over her head.

Malcolm was doing a good job I thought. He was actually waving an eddie shard around in one hand while arguing with… Gonzales? The man wasn’t really fat. Hiromi was just being mean.

But he was definitely someone that I would have pegged as a Valentino if not for Ichi’s description. He had a lot of tattoos. The bad part was the two guards flanking him.

Realizing that nothing serious was happening yet. I peeled back and straightened up looking casual as I crossed the street to Hiromi’s shock as if I was just out for a stroll. I even looked over and rolled my eyes at the obvious drug deal as I crossed the little path and entered into a shanty house. Disappearing from their sight.

I kneeled down once I was out of sight and began circling around, to get closer. I wanted to get eyes on his guards. The two guys that I would have pegged for scavs. They were the sort of guys that were only considered muscle because they could shoot a gun. They were actually smaller than Gonzales himself, but they were each carrying an SMG and they looked like they knew how to use it.

And Malcolm was making himself a target.

“Fuck you Vato!” Malcolm cussed purposefully using a spanish word. “I asked if you had some shit, but you keep trying to change the fucking subject.”

“You have asked for three different drugs now. If you aren’t buying then get out of my face. Or my friends will make you.” Gonzales growled and the much taller man was glaring balefully over a pair of gold rimmed sunglasses that were pulled down to his nose.

“Man what fuck pusher comes here to sell drugs and doesn’t fuckin’ sell? What are you some corpo plant or some shit? Come here to spy?”

I could see his words were really riling up the man, and he wasn’t hitting the point where his distraction was closer to a fight.

I was trying to figure out what to do when an element of chaos was thrown in.

“Mal! God you piece of shit! There you are! Where is my fuckin glitter? I sent you out to get one thing you useless fuck!” Hiromi called out, sauntering into view naked blade in her hand but she was pointing it at Malcolm.

Malcolm had a look of shock on his face before he figured it out. “Aw c’mon babe, I’m working on it! See right here, this nice looking pusher has your glitter, don’t you… Whatever your name is.” Malcolm added.

“I don’t sell Glitter. Also back up. Or my friends will act.” He ordered stepping back a bit from Hiromi who seemed to ignore the guy.

“The Fuck Mal!? You really been trying to get my high from a guy that don’t even push? Fuck off!” She growled nearly cutting Malcolm as she seemed to swing the blade in annoyance at the boy.

“Whoa! Watch it you bitch! Fuck!” Malcolm yelled no longer acting as he checked his arm just to make sure he wasn’t cut.

“Bitch!? Fuck you! You piece of shit. I’ll cut your balls off!” She screamed.

I honestly wasn’t sure she was acting anymore either. Like I said. Chaos.

Gonzales though seemed to be done with this sideshow. He jerked his head. And to my shock before anything could be done, one of the guards came up and slammed Hiromi on the back of the head.

The entire area went silent.

“Let’s go. Take care of your very annoying girl boy.” Gonzales offered without a backwards glance, but his men were still pointing at Malcolm with their guns keeping him from doing more than glaring and cradling Hiromi.

They started moving. But I wasn’t able to see anything but Hiromi.

My friend.

“Ichi. They are moving.” Malcolms voice called over our channel. “I’m gonna have to look after Hiromi.”

“I see it. Focus on Hiromi, make sure she is okay. Omaeda. Gimme an update.”

“Nothing. The security on this is too fucking tight. I need more time here!”

“I think we need to abort this time, Ichi. This isn’t working.” Malcolm called, for once being a voice of reason.

All I could see was the red dripping from Hiromi’s head.

“... Fuck that.” Ichi said and that was it.


Fucking hotheads! All of them! I growled, tearing my eyes away from Hiromi. There was nothing I could do for her right this minute, but Ichi sounded like he was going to do something stupid.

I hurried after sneaking through the shanty town to keep Gonzales and his people in sight. I had no idea where Ichi was, but I was really scared he was going to do something stupid.

Just as the Shanty town started to end, I saw him. Ichi was up ahead sitting on the concrete railing with his pistol in his hand resting in his lap. Full Tyger Claw regalia on display.

The sight slowled Gonzales as well.

“You aren’t in your territory ‘Tino.” Ichi said strongly. Tapping his pistol against his knee a bit. “An explanation is needed.” He was even playing up the Japanese accent, but I wasn’t focused on that. I was watching Gonzales’s men.

“I don’t need to do shit, kid. You aren’t even a Tyger. I don’t see a ‘real’ tat or symbol on you. Get lost brat. Before my friends here flatline you.”

I realized Ichi was running out of time. He was trying to bluff, but Gonzales wasn’t looking to play along. His two guards were both raising their guns.


I growled, slowly crept out from the shanty, using every ounce of stealth I had learned so far to creep closer. Since they were all focused on Ichi and the noise of the city they didn’t hear my feet gently tap against the concrete.

Even if, to my ears it sounded like an explosion with every step. Every breath sounded like a hurricane.

What the fuck was I doing?

What the fuck was I going to do!?

I got closer, close enough that his guards were in arms length of me, and I was standing at his back.

People were just fucking blind here in Night City weren’t they?

Fuck it.

My eyes instantly were drawn to the pistol at Gonzales' hip. A stupid overly chromed out handgun. The sort of thing that is so ostentatious just thinking about using it makes you want to puke.

So I klepped it. Quick Draw, was a perk. Not a skill. It allowed me to draw and fire a weapon faster than nearly anyone, and would only get faster if my reflex skill improved.

So I stepped forward even as Ichi’s eyes widened, with my heart hammering. I quick drawed Gonzales’s own gun. And my own. Ambidextrous came into play before anyone realized what had happened.

And I started putting bullets into the two guards. Both arms outstretched the guard on my right close enough I was practically punching the gun into his stomach as I started firing.

It was chaos. And noise, and movement.

It just… Happened. Shooting, the two guards flinching back, Gonzales freaking out reaching for his gun that didn’t exist in his holster anymore. My left arm ached from the stupid chromed out mega revolver Gonazles had.

But the two guards were utterly surprised. Their aim was off as they both pulled the trigger. Bullets flew, and I kept my guns on target as best as I was able. Pulling the trigger over and over until finally the noise stopped.

Ichi was there, his gun in Gonzales’s face, and the two guards?

They were dying. I watched them a bit stunned as the one closest to me gargled and gasped on his own blood, his hand reaching and fumbling for his lost gun. The other one?

Well it might be a stupid chromed out ugly revolver. But it was still a big fucking revolver.

He was dead already.

I stood there, realizing that the irritation over my eye was blood. That I was coated in it.

The guard closest to me, had bled all over me.

With a sigh, I pulled the revolver to my chest and popped my Unity’s mag, grabbing the spare one that I had slipped into my holster for the gun, and did the frustrating dance of trying to keep four things in my hands at once as I replaced it with a new mag. I slipped the ugly revolver into the front of my pants after.

It was empty anyways. And then I walked over to the guard that was still burbling.

And put a bullet in his head.

The noise caused Ichi and Gonzales to flinch back as they both looked at me.

I honestly. Had nothing to say. I was so… Blank? Cold? No… Cool. I was cool. “What?” I asked simply, as I bent down and grabbed the SMG. Holstering my pistol as I did so and started checking the guy over for loot.

I felt so weird. I almost felt like humming. Was that weird? It was weird. I decided and didn’t hum as I looted pockets for extra mags, and slipped the guys Eddie shard out of his port. Pocketing that for myself. Then even as both guys were staring at me with a certain horror and shock. I moved to the next.

Two SMG’s. Nice. I wouldn’t have to borrow one from the Grizzled Tyger Claw guy at the range next time. I could just bring my own. Oh! I two meant I could give one to Jun. That will be safer for him I bet.

“H-hey. You okay?” Ichi asked, breaking the quiet of the beach.

“Yeah? Fuck these guys. They hit my friend.” I tell him simply. Yep. That made sense. They hurt Hiromi. So I could kill them… Or should kill them? Not sure. I’ll think about it. Then I moved on glad that the SMGs had a little shoulder strap so I slipped one over my shoulder and readied the second one.

“We flatline this guy too?” I asked calmly, seeing the surprise and horror of the situation turn to real fear.

“H-hey wait a minute! We can talk about this!”

“We weren’t supposed to flatline them.”

“They were going to flat line you.” I tell him simply with a look. Which had him flinch a little. I was sure it was because I pointed out he was about to be killed and not because I was covered in blood.


“Right.” He uttered slowly as if he was dealing with a wild animal.


“You.” I pointed at the idiot that caused all of this.


“You got ammo for this disgrace of a gun?” I demand pointing towards the revolver.

He blinked before nodding slowly. Starting to reach for a pocket. Which I raised the gun at him for. “I’ll check.” I tell him firmly, as I walk up and start patting him down while Ichi keeps him at gunpoint. Finding a pocket full of ammo was nice, but they were all etched.

“Fuckin’ wannabe.” I muttered as I looked at the shell casings all having ornate crucifixes carved into them.

I pocketed them anyway. Also found a few shards that looked like eddies so I snatched those and passed them to Ichi after. “He is disarmed.” I confirmed. As I didn’t find any other weapons on him.

“Great… Just great. Let me… Let me think.” He demanded. And I nodded as Ichi seemed to breathe a bit.

This had definitely gone off the fuckin rails.

I could see Ichi make a call as his eyes glowed, so I instead focused on Gonzales, which seemed to freak him out a bit as once more I had my shiny new SMG pointed at the fucker.

I could see him sweat.

And honestly my aim was getting a bit jittery.

“Alright.” Ichi said aloud, finishing his call. “Sorry Gonzales. Nothing personal.” Ichi offered, setting down a sentence on the man. His eyes widened, and Gonzales moved. Realizing he was about to be flatlined the big wannabe ‘Tino leapt to try and attack Ichi. Probably hoping to get his gun.

A shot rang out.


“Huh?” I asked looking to Ichi. Gonzales’s corpse cooling at my feet. Barrel smoking. What just happened?

“Thanks. I didn’t expect him to try and jump me… You okay?”

“Okay?” I asked confused.

He blinked his eyes lighting up as he made a call. I looked down at Gonzales…

Well he won’t be needing this anymore. I thought reaching down and snagging all the shards in his ports. Including his car access shard.

I started walking back to Malcolm only to find Hiromi grumbling as she stumbled along held up by Malcolm.

“‘M fine! Let me see those fuckers I’ll shove my sword up their ass!” She called out sounding a little off as Malcolm hurried her along.

“Yeah C’mon Hiromi let’s get you out of here, You need to see a doc.” Malcolm grunted, keeping her moving.

“Malcolm!” Ichi called out hurrying to help and with that they were dragging a grumbling Hiromi along. Her short height meant her feet weren't even touching the ground as they carried her.

“Holy shit.” Malcolm whispered as he caught sight of me.

“Wha? Whaaaa! Motoko! You’re hurt! Who did it! I’ll kill ‘em!” Hiromi nearly screamed struggling a bit in the two boys' grip.

I reached out and put a hand against her cheek stilling her.

“Not my blood. I’m fine. C’mon Hiromi you are hurt. Let’s get out of here.” I told her calmly which took the wind out of her sails. Despite the fact I could see her eyes not quite focusing right she quieted.

“Wow.” She muttered and then the next thing I knew we were standing by the car. Omaeda still cursing as Ichi asked him if he had gotten in yet.

“Fuck no! This shit’s security is top notch! Bullshit fucking car!”

“Here.” I told him simply holding out the shard I had taken from Gonzales.

“Fuck.” He grumbled taking the shard from me and slotting it and a moment later the car unlocked. “Not a word.” He demanded from Ichi but the boy didn’t look like he wanted to say anything.

Hiromi was quickly grumbling, arguing and struggling as the boys tried to pull her inside.

“I’m not leaving my bike here! It’ll get klepped! I’ll drive it! Stop holding me down you gonk brain-”

I reached in and pushed a finger against Hiromi’s port, finding the right one, I poked her. “Give me the keys, I’ll drive it.” I told her, and while everyone was giving me wide eyed looks Hiromi did as I said. A moment later it was slotted in my neck. I dumped the SMG’s on the floor of the Alvardo. And took the stupid revolver and put in inside as well, and walked over to Hiromi’s bike.

Honestly I still hated the stupid swoopy back seat. But I clambered on and started it up. Looking at the boys that were still staring at me before they noticed my attention and hurriedly got the more compliant Hiromi in order.

Omaeda drove out of the parking lot me following behind him.

I felt jittery. But all I had to do was follow the taillights in front of me.

Easy. Easy easy.


Next thing I knew I stopped. We weren’t at the club. No, instead I noticed it was a ripperdoc.

Ichi hauled an annoyed Hiromi inside but I stayed out with the car and the bike. I was feeling… floaty.

Also pretty cool.

Well I would probably be cooler without all the blood on my face.

Eventually Ichi came back out, and he said something about staying here, or following and I just shrugged.

We drove off again with me tailing this time we stopped at the club. Although we went in through a garage beside it. Hiding the car we had stolen from sight.

Inside I finally slipped off the Kusanagi. Honestly if not for the stupid alteration to it… Well I wanted one. I really wanted to do a power slide in one. Like so bad. My attention wavered, and I noticed that Ichi was there suddenly beside me gently touching my shoulder.

“What’s up Ichi?” I asked confused as he startled before relaxing.

“Hey Motoko, why don’t we go inside, we can get you cleaned up a bit okay?”

“Sure… I guess.” I answered and he seemed to want to guide me inside despite me being perfectly fine.


But I was led into the back of the club where a Tyger Claw woman was waiting. She was looking a little irritated, until she caught sight of me, and her eyes which were glowing gold, and actually slitted.

Okay that is kinda cool.

Widened as she saw me.

“Yeah I’ll take care of it. You go.” She demanded and then she walked up to me and wrapped an arm over my shoulder. “Let’s get you washed up. Can’t have you lookin bad after a Gig. Yeah?”

“Yeah.” I agreed that was true. I let her guide me into a bathroom and she was washing me down with a towel in the sink.

Poor towel. It had been white, but it was now brown and red. Gonna have to toss that after probably. I doubted it was really washable.

But eventually the towel stopped leaving the water it was washed with red, and the woman nodded.

“You did a good job. Kept your chooms safe. Don’t worry about this. Everyone gets a little off at first. Just remember you saved your choom. That’s what matters.” She says simply after putting both hands on my shoulders. Then she nods and gently tugs me along guiding me back out the bathroom. I still felt floaty, but my eye wasn’t irritated with blood anymore.

That was nice.

She settled me into the same spot that I had first met the gang. It must be an official young Tyger Claw table or something, Ichi and Omaeda were already there. Malcolm was missing though.

“Hey guys.” I offered simply as I settled onto the table.

“What does she want to drink?” The Tyger Claw woman asked but as the boys started talking I interrupted.

“Something fizzy and sweet, but no alcohol. The taste makes me sick.”

“Usually I get a real drink for first timers… But alright.” She agreed and disappeared.

“She is nice.” I told the boys who both nodded slowly at me.

“Hiromi is going to be okay?”

“Yeah the doc said it was just a concussion. We will pick her up after.”

“Cool. Cool… I’m pretty cool. Did you see how I killed them both? I even took that gonks own gun. Ugh that gun is the worst. Malcolm, you look like the kinda guy that would chrome out his gun, but please never do that. It makes you look like a joke. Really he even had the bullets etched, look at these.” I said pulling out one of the rounds from my pocket. “What kind of cunt etches his rounds?”

“A foolish one. Soon to lose them I believe.” A voice interrupted my word vomit as I blinked and looked up.

Oh it was the boss guy. Something something -Sama.

“Shobo-Sama!” Ichi said standing and offering a bow. I just blinked and nodded.

“Well he did lose it, so I guess that fits.” I offered simply getting a chuckle.

“The mission didn’t go as planned.” He spoke to Ichi sounding, not quite happy.

“No sir. The security on the car was… Better than expected, and he started heading back almost as soon as we got there. We had to make time, but… he assaulted one of my squad thankfully non-lethally, and then… Well. I tried to confront him. He was going to flatline me. So Motoko stepped in.”

“I see.” He nodded looking towards me with a nod. “A lucky choom to have on hand it seems. Well the gig is completed even if I am not entirely satisfied. I had wanted the man stranded, not dead. But plans change. The eddies.” He offered and I could see Ichi flinch a bit before nodding in seeming thanks.

“Let’s have your next job go a little smoother… Although if you bring along this one again, perhaps I can think of some other jobs for you to do.” He offered looking to me.

I didn’t know what to say or do. Did I nod? I nodded.

He seemed pleased. Oh good right answer then? Man this was so easy. Just nod and that was the right answer. Eaaaasy.

Suddenly I blinked at the taste of something sweet on my tongue. I looked down.

“Oh that is kinda nice.” I said looking at the can of some weird soda that I had just taken a drink of. When did that get there?

“Back with us?” The Tyger woman asked from beside me, I blinked.

“Was I somewhere else?”

“Only for a while. Nothing to worry about boys, this isn’t abnormal.” The woman said looking from me to Ichi and Malcolm who both looked a little pale.

“Weird.” I informed them as I took another drink of the soda. The carbonation was nice.

“Motoko!” I jerked at the voice looking up.


The boy looked frazzled as he pulled me up into a hug holding me tight as he crushed me into his chest.

This was nice… but Jun was hugging a bit too tight.

“Too tight.” I grumbled at him which had him go way too loose.

Silly Jun, we have to grind your hugging skill if this is what I get.

“You are okay, no injuries?” He demanded looking me over.

“I’m fine. I didn't even get touched… I mean I was the one who shot them.” I tell him informing him I had been the murderer in the circumstances.

“What’s wrong with her?” He demanded turning to the boys.

I just told him I was fine though?

“She has been… Like that since.” Ichi spoke up, sounding quiet.

“She is fine boy.” The Tyger woman said walking up behind Jun, another soda in her hand. “Here girl drink this.”

“Oh thank you.” I tell her popping the tab and taking a drink. Nice. This one tasted different.

“Just give her time.” The woman said which was weird.

“I don’t think I need time… Time is just time. Weird.”

“Sure girl.” She replied, quickly. Ah that’s good she understood.

Jun swiftly was glaring at everything but me. Ah he was doing that stress angry thing. Jun was such a hothead.

“Jun is such a hothead.” I poke his brow where his skin crinkled when he got mad.

“I’m not angry.” He growls obviously angry, not quite snapping at me. I just nodded at him a white lie to agree with him. I reached for my drink and accidentally knocked it over.

Purple soda spread across the table.

Only it was red. Wow. Red… Red. Like the blood that had been spreading across the concrete when I murdered two men. I puked. Right on Jun’s shoes.

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