Ghost Slayer: The Great Swordsman System at the beginning, our teacher follows the country

Chapter 47 Yuan 1's dying request, the arrival of the bloody moon

The secretary's words were so soft that they were instantly drowned out by the noise of the surrounding crowd.

But just such a sentence made Yuan who was standing in the field paused.

Turning his head, he began to search for the person in his memory in the crowd.

It's a pity that there is not a 70-[-]-year-old old man among the surrounding crowd.

Just when Yuanyi thought he heard it wrong, a flute sounded.


The sound of the flute sounds very weird, and it can even be said to be out of tune.

But for Yuanyi, it was a familiar reminder.

More than once, he played it beside his disciples.

Following the prestige, Yuanyi finally fixed his eyes on a young man.

The moment he saw the young man, he knew that he had found the right person.

Even if the appearance of the other party is completely different from what he imagined, he will never admit to the aura on his body.

Walking to the secretary's side, Yuan Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then came to his senses.

'Secretary, you have grown up. '

Without speaking, the secretary just looked at Yuanyi with a smile.

The memory of 60 years ago unfolded silently between the two, and they seemed to have returned to the days when they did missions and hunted ghosts together.

Although there was no earth-shattering cry, it was already the best reunion for the two of them.

"It's too noisy here, let's talk in another place."

"it is good."

Nodding, Yuanyi walked out of the crowd following the secretary.

As for the bastard lying on the ground, he will only be spurned and condemned by others.

Back at the previous hotel, Secretary Si opened a room for himself and Yuanyi.

After buying some wine and meals, the master and apprentice sat in the room, facing each other.

"Master, aren't you curious about my appearance?"

Shaking his head, Yuanyi said that he didn't want to ask more questions.

Everyone has their own secrets, even himself.

He is already very satisfied when he can see his disciples get healthy and happy.

Seeing that Yuanyi didn't want to ask any more questions, the Secretary stopped explaining.

He took out the handmade flute from his arms, and slowly pushed it in front of Yuanyi.

The flute has hardly changed from 60 years ago, but the emerald green bamboo flute has turned dark yellow because of the passage of time.

Seeing that the secretary kept his flute so well, Yuanyi's hand suddenly paused.

Slowly, he also took out a few pieces of paper from his pocket.

Under the moonlight, Secretary Secretary discovered the strangeness of the paper.

It was tattered, with marks of pasting all over it.

Judging from the color, each sheet is pieced together.

The above image is also the same, it can be seen that it is a little different from before.

The secretary also understands that it is difficult to keep a few pieces of paper in 60 years.

It can also be seen from the patchwork traces that Yuanyi has spent a lot of thought.


Yuan Yi just wanted to speak, but was stopped by the secretary.

Putting the flute in his hand, the secretary put the paper in his arms.

"Our agreement is to hand over the things to the other party again. Besides, didn't I protect the flute completely?"

Facing his disciple's understanding, Yuan Yi could only sigh in his heart.

After exchanging tokens, he suddenly spoke.

"Have you ever returned to the Ghost Killing Squad these years?"

Without speaking, the secretary just shook his head slightly.

Although I have met many swordsmen from the Ghost Killing Squad over the years, the secretary has never revealed his identity to them.

Not to mention, back to the Ghost Killing Squad.

In his heart, from the moment he and Yuanyi were expelled, the two parties had no relationship at all.

"If possible, I hope you can help them at the right time."

After hearing these words, a nameless feeling of coldness suddenly rushed into the secretary's heart.

He felt that what Yuanyi said next was the key point.

"After all, you will be the only Swordsman of the Breath of the Sun at that time."

"Now, I only have a few days left to live."

Hearing this, Secretary Secretary's hand that was pouring the wine suddenly stopped.

From the moment he heard the news of Blood Moon, he felt something was wrong.

What Yuanyi said now confirmed his previous conjecture.

Today's Yuanyi is already dying, and his life span has almost come to an end.

"Birth, old age, sickness and death are human nature."

Patting the secretary on the shoulder, Yuanyi comforted him.

"The reason why I came here is to complete the last ghost hunt at the end of my life."

With his head down, the Secretary's fists were slowly clenched.

Is the reunion of brothers under the blood moon finally coming?

"I will kill my elder brother with my own hands."

With a plain face, Yuan Yi stated his goal.

The reason why he appeared here was because there were rumors that a six-eyed evil spirit with a knife appeared nearby.

Judging from the rumored appearance, it is not difficult to deduce that Yuan Yi is his ghostly elder brother.

The user of Moon's Breath, Black Death Mou.

"You are a good disciple and an excellent ghost hunter."

Getting up, Yuanyi stood in front of the bed, raised his head and looked at the moon.

"But only this time, I hope you don't make a move."

The bright moonlight shone on Yuanyi's body, and there was a hint of sadness on his old face.

This is Yuanyi's last request before dying.

The secretary was very clear that the other party didn't want him to sit idly by Hei Simou's evil deeds.

He just hoped that he could be the last witness of the two brothers and draw an end to the story of more than 80 years.

Standing up, Secretary Secretary looked into Yuanyi's eyes.

"Master, I promise you."

"Thank you."

After 60 years of separation, the secretary once again saw a smile on Yuanyi's body.

Different from the smile when we parted with Tanji back then, Yuanyi now is more about letting go and relief.

A sense of loneliness came from him, making people feel a little sad.

He lost his mother when he was young, his wife when he was young, and then his brother betrayed him and was kicked out by his teammates.

If it wasn't for the appearance of the secretary, I'm afraid Yuanyi would think that his life is nothing, and he is just a person who can't do anything well.

The high-hanging moon kept tilting and finally fell below the horizon.

The rising sun also sets over time and is replaced by the moon again.

In just a few days, Si Shu and Yuan Yi talked a lot.

Although the story of 60 years is very long, it is far from enough for the two of them to talk about.

At dusk on a certain day, Yuan Yi suddenly got up and looked at the sunset in the distance.

"The time has come."

Nodding his head, the Secretary handed the Rilun Saber to Yuanyi.

After receiving the Japanese sword, Yuanyi pinned it on his waist, and then left the hotel.

And the secretary also silently followed behind him without saying a word.

The sun disappears and is replaced by a moon.

It was as bright red as blood, as if foreshadowing something.

The bloody moon has finally arrived.


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