Gilgamesh Reborn in Naruto





50 ❤️ for three chapters this week.



Gilgamesh let go of the blade when he entered the pool and observed that it could float if he willed and left it floating above his pool much to the amazement of the jacketed man. The pool was crystal clear, reflecting the sunlight like a bed of diamonds. The gentle ripples created a soothing ambience, the water's surface mirroring the surrounding lush foliage and the azure sky above.


I was going to test him with a light spar, but I think that is unnecessary with all I have seen. He has the mental fortitude and patience to wield a blade in such unfavourable conditions and still keep a calm mind to interact with someone interrupting his forging,’ the man in black thought and sighed.


“I am Ibiki Morino, from the special interrogation unit, a leaf jounin,” Ibiki introduced himself.


“There’s no need to introduce yourself, you are already getting popular these days. Your presence is required at the Hokage mansion now,” Ibiki stated.


“Hmm? I guess sending someone of your calibre to deliver a message is only respectful towards me. I am guessing Team Zero's suspension will be lifted today? Fine, I’ll be there,” Gilgamesh said. Ibiki nodded and body flickered out of there.


Ibiki reappeared deep in the forest and kept running in a particular direction. The forest was dense, with towering trees whose canopies created a mosaic of shadows on the forest floor. He passed a boy with similar hair colour to Gilgamesh trying to run up a tree and continued his journey.


It didn’t take long for Ibiki to feel the temperature drop even though he was well clothed and had gloves on. The once vibrant forest began to take on a more ominous hue. He noticed animal life of any kind wasn’t consistent as he ran through the forest. The forest had light shades of white and blue as he ventured forward through the tree branches until he was breathing out cold air.


What is this?’ Ibiki wondered as he looked up and even saw the clouds in front of him… snowing?


What is this unnatural phenomenon?’ Ibiki thought as he prepared himself and checked if he had a light signal to notify the leaf village of any threats in the forest.


Further on he saw flowers and grasses looking stiff and brittle. The air was getting colder and the ambiance of the area, was grey.


Soon, Ibiki met frozen grounds, trees, large wild animals and… dragons???


Ibiki landed on the frozen ground since there were no trees ahead and observed the area… it looked like as if he was walking through an art museum featuring spears, large swords, wolves, winged humans and Asian dragons all frozen in an artistic way. Some were frozen to the ground, some on top of each other, some random but Ibiki couldn’t help but marvel at the artist as tiny patches of ice spread on his body.




A voice bellowed deep inside the area and Ibiki wondered how someone could even survive this cold further in and tried to speak.


“From the headband, it looks like you are from the leaf,” a voice was heard behind Ibiki who… wait for it… froze in fear.


“What do you want?” the voice asked as Ibiki turned around slowly to find a shirtless young adult whose body had patches of ice and his chakra leaking all over the place that Ibiki couldn’t say anything for a while and as he froze slowly.


“What’s wrong? Why can’t he talk? Is there any problem?” The young adult looked at him confused then slapped himself.


“Ah! He’s freezing!” The young adult realized and took in a deep breath and breathed out air that warmed the environment and increased the temperature until Ibiki’s color returned.


“Now that you can speak. Leave,” the young adult warned once again until Ibiki managed to use words.


“Are you Mura of Squad Zero?” Ibiki asked.




“You are needed at the Hokage's mansion!” Ibiki said and began running as soon as the temperature dropped again.


Since when did we have ninjas like that? I thought the only talents in our village were Kakashi, Guy, Kurenai, Asuma, that weird guy who can use wood release and those two that guard the gates! That’s a scary ice kekkei genkai! How am I supposed to be testing shinobi that will have no problems making quick work of me?’ Ibiki thought as he ran through the tree branches.


He even has ice sculptures that look amazing! Could he have manipulated the temperature of the environment to allow those sculptures to last? Whatever, I sure have a report that would sound silly before Shikaku. I wonder how I have to say it so he will believe me.


Ibiki passed the boy who was running up a tree earlier to see him pause his training and notice him run by even though he made no noise and remained hidden in the leaves.


Am I the only one left behind on what’s happening in the village? Is there another war again? Is that why everyone is preparing and polishing their skills?’ Ibiki thought and headed for the Hokage mansion.


Gilgamesh got out of the pool after a bath and struck the pool with lightning causing it to boil to evaporation. The pool's transformation was swift, the water bubbling furiously before dissipating into steam that washed over Gilgamesh, sanitizing him after his bath. He looked at an outfit, asked a Shinobi tailor to customize it, and added his final touches to it. As he wore it, his sheathed blade flew to his back. With everything in place, Gilgamesh’s body vanished!


Mura also made preparations to leave at that time and wore a new outfit.


Near the roof of the Hokage's office,


Mura's body appeared on a rooftop near the Hokage's mansion. Cold winds could be felt as some hidden Anbu ninjas around the area had to rub their arms for a second till they saw a young adult with brown curly hair in a montsuki (male kimono). He wore one that was less informal. The floor beneath him turned white with ice for a second before melting.


Finally!’ Mura thought as he observed the great distance his body flicker enhanced with his kekkei genkai in the span of three seconds from the training forest.


Mura immediately sensed eyes on him that were a bit hesitant to approach but he knew for sure he was surrounded in a formation and any powerful jutsu could rain down on him now.


For once Mura wasn’t scared of the hidden Anbu and only felt the need to try his new jutsus and abilities on someone strong. His master and captain had already told him to surpass the strength of a kage if he wanted to follow him and he wanted to see how far he had come now.


But before anything could happen, golden particles began to gather on the same roof near the Hokage's office warranting the attention of every Anbu ninja nearby.




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