Give Me the Name of God

v4 Chapter 888 - Multiple ascension

Kaijero and Circe returned to the mushroom house. The heavy mushroom house swayed from side to side in the sky, like a flying elephant, slowly leaving Manda’s sight.

There was no breath of other gods on the island, and Manda did not feel anyone’s gaze. It is now certain that he is the only one on the fourth-level island.

He didn’t need to pretend to be a stone man anymore, and moved his muscles a bit. He sat on the ground, looked at this desolate land, and began to quietly sort out his thoughts these days.

These days, he has a new understanding of the technique of ascension, but it really takes some thought to sort out all the information he has gained.

First of all, it is certain that Aiyo Island is an ascending celestial body. It is precisely because of the celestial body’s characteristics that it is difficult to perceive that it makes Aiyo Island so mysterious. No matter the gods or mortals, little is known about it.

But this celestial body is different from the celestial body that Manda normally understands. After removing most of the minor details, there are four main problems that puzzle Manda.

First, how did multi-layer islands emerge?

Before coming to Aiyo Island, Manda had a relatively simple understanding of the technique of ascension, which was to take a piece of land from the ground and fly to the sky, but he never thought that there would be such an operation, and then take it from the flying land. Take a piece of land and fly to a higher sky.

Aiyo Island is a typical product of the ascension technique. The person who created this island first used the ascension technique to fly the original island into the air to form a second-level island. Three-tier island.

It sounds simple, but how can it be implemented technically?

Take the wooden house on Zuoying Mountain as an example. Manda took the wooden house and flew into the sky. If he uses the ascension technique again, can he create an extra layer of celestial bodies?

Of course it’s impossible. Using the ascension technique again will only make the wooden house fly higher. This kind of thing, Manda has tried too many times, first fly 10,000 feet, let himself rest, and then fly 10,000 feet. , The wooden house is still that wooden house, and the vacuum is still that vacuum, without any intermediate layers.

What if part of the wooden house continues to soar?

If an area is delineated among the ascending wooden houses and the ascending technique is used again on this area, will new celestial bodies be formed in this area?

This idea is in line with the current situation of Aiyo Island. Through observations during this period, Manda found that the area of ​​the third-tier islands is obviously smaller than that of the second-tier islands, and the fourth-tier islands are much smaller than the third-tier islands.

But with respect to the skills Manda currently masters, this idea is not feasible.

The premise of ascension is to mark. If you want to make the wooden house soar, you must make a mark around the wooden house.

If you want a certain area inside the wooden house to ascend again, you must mark it again, but the prerequisite for marking is to cancel the current ascension skills, otherwise there will be serious conflicts between the skills.

That is to say, the wooden house must be returned to the ground, otherwise the mark cannot be created, which is one of the characteristics of the ascension technique.

It seems that this is a brand new skill, which is very different from the ascension technique that Manda has learned. Manda simply calls it multiple ascension.

This leads to the second question, who has mastered the skill of multiple ascension? Who made Aiyo Island again?

Mortals don’t have the power to make a huge island rise into the air. It should be a **** who masters the ascension skills to make this island.

Which **** has mastered the technique of ascension? The ascension technique is so mysterious. According to Manda’s speculation, the **** who made Ayo Island is likely to be the **** of celestial bodies himself. This raises the third question.

Where is the **** of celestial bodies?

If he created Aiyo Island, he should be on this island, otherwise, who will maintain the skills?

Does the **** of celestial bodies have special powers, even if they leave Aiyu Island, they can continue to maintain the effects of their skills?

This is not impossible.

But how did he leave?

Before coming to Aiyo Island, Manda always believed that there is an iron law in the ascension technique: an area becomes a celestial body after ascending, things outside the area cannot enter the celestial body, and things in the area cannot leave the celestial body, including the skill holder.

Just like Manda was trapped in Bayev’s castle, he tried every means to leave, and people outside couldn’t get in touch with him. The castle after ascending seemed to be completely isolated from the whole world. The people here want to leave and must wait until the castle returns to the ground.

But after coming to Aiyo Island, this iron law was overthrown. Manda entered the second, third, and fourth-tier islands, and these islands all rose up. That is to say, the celestial bodies after the ascent still have ways to get in and out. This leads to the fourth question.

What is the way to get in and out?

Manda entered the bottom layer of Aiyo Island, relying on Circe’s sleigh, which could not prove anything. The first layer of islands was just a vacuum zone after the ascent.

Entering the second-level island, Manda and Circe rode a flying horse together. This is the true sense of entering the ascending celestial body, but the horse is drawn. Is the method of getting in and out of the celestial body related to witchcraft?

Entering the third level of the island, Circe rode the broom monster, Manda used flying boots, on the grounds that the broom monster refused to let Manda ride.

But this is actually Manda’s hands and feet deliberately. The broom monster has always been very docile. When he flew into the air, Manda fell off by himself. The broom monster tried to save him, but it caused the illusion that Manda was thrown off by the broom monster.

The reason for creating this illusion is to test whether he can fly to the third-tier island without resorting to witchcraft.

Manda did it. Does this also mean that multiple ascending celestial bodies can move in and out freely?

Now you can do an experiment. Manda came to the edge of the fourth layer of island, watching the fog below, he jumped directly.

Using flying shoes to control the speed of falling, Manda walked through the mist for a long time, and fell from the sky above the fourth layer of islands.

Like his encounter in the castle, it is impossible to leave the celestial body by flying alone.

How did Circe do it? He just flew to the fourth-level island with a mushroom house, and then left the fourth-level island with this mushroom house.

How did Manda do it? He flew to the third island with flying boots.

After thinking for a long time, Manda finally found the answer.

He did fly to the third island with flying boots, but at that time, he had been flying with Circe.

Circe can indeed enter and exit the ascending island, but this is not sorcery, but location, the location of entrances and exits.

The ascending celestial bodies have entrances and exits, and Circe knows where the entrances and exits are.

If Manda wants to leave here, he has to find an exit. He remembers the location where the mushroom house left, but he does not remember the flight path of the mushroom house. Although he can see the outside with the peeling eyes, he can’t find a reference during the flight. Things.

If you can’t find an exit, and want to leave this place safely, there is only one way left to ask the **** of celestial bodies for help.

Assuming that the **** of celestial bodies is here, Manda prays to him, and he should respond.

If the **** of celestial bodies is not here, according to previous experience, as long as Manda is in the ascending celestial body, he can receive a response from the **** of celestial bodies.

But this time is an exception. Manda prayed for a long time, not only did not receive a response, but did not even feel the gaze of the celestial **** at all.

Is the **** of celestial bodies really not here?

Could it be that the **** of celestial bodies is also cut off by Aiyo Island?

Or maybe the **** of celestial bodies is But for some reason, he is unwilling to help Manda?

The third situation can basically be ruled out. The **** of celestial bodies imparted skills to Manda again and again because he regarded Manda as the only hope to help him get rid of his imprisonment. Now Manda is in trouble and the **** of celestial bodies should not be ignored.

It seems that he is really not here, and now he must find a way to get in touch with the **** of celestial bodies.

Manda was pondering for a while, and suddenly realized one thing. Every time he communicated with the **** of celestial bodies, he was in the celestial body, but that celestial body was made by Manda himself.

But the fourth layer of islands was not made by Manda himself, he did not use skills.

The channel through which the **** of celestial bodies can get in touch with him is not celestial bodies, but skills.

Although Manda is above the celestial body, he has not performed the ascension skills now.

He made a circle of marks on the place about five feet in diameter under his feet, let the divine power be poured into the circle, and took this piece of land away from the ground.

This is the first time Manda has created a new celestial body on a celestial body. I thought the process was very complicated, but unexpectedly it came smoothly. Manda hasn’t exerted any power yet, and the land has soared more than a hundred feet. Fly much faster than usual.

“Stop!” Without waiting for Manda to pray, the Celestial God himself said, “Where is this place? Why is it so familiar? How can you fly so fast?”

“I’m also very curious,” Manda smiled and looked at the sky. “This is Aiyo Island. I really want to leave here. You should know the way, right?”

“Island of Aiyo!” The celestial **** exclaimed, “What are you doing here?”

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