Glitched Isekai

Chapter 13 – The Enhanced Zombie Hunter

While Sam lay prone on the floor for the summoning ritual, Hermione led the other girls into a round of getting to know each other. As Sam discovered only a short while ago, they really didn't know each other at all and at most knew each other's first name. 

"Since I suggested it, I'll go first and sit on the hot seat" Hermione said as she mounted him and took advantage of his erect cock to fill her still wet sex. Although they just had an orgy where he made sure he gave every one of them a good hard dicking, she still wanted the feeling of him inside her. 

"I'm Hermione Granger, 17 years old and top student in my final year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. My last memory was of our winning the Second Wizarding War after defeating Lord Voldemort. I'm uh... handy with magic" she said awkwardly. 

She knew her personality very well and although she was still herself, somehow she was now more sexually open and was not shy about being naked in front of others, completely different from the prude that she was at Hogwarts. 

She reluctantly gave up her spot as Mindy bent over and lubricated Sam's cock with her saliva before mounting him. It seemed like a silly game, each of them fucking him as they told their story, but nobody seemed to mind and in fact seemed eager to do it. 

"My name is Mindy Macready, and my alter ego name is Hit-Girl, which I am not using in this reality since I'm naked most of the time. I am 15 years old and I was trained by my father Big Daddy to fight crime." Mindy started

"Oh fuck! She's only 15?" Sam thought while his body was completely clenched up. 

"I appeared here after saying goodbye in my last adventure with the hero Kick-Ass and planned to travel the world killing villians. I am trained to fight with all forms of fire arms and hand held weapons since I was very young" she continued. 

Like Hermione, Mindy wasn't sexually active before she was summoned. In fact, she was socially awkward in high school and had problems even talking to both guys and girls. But with Sam, she wanted him inside her all the time, and she had no hesitation in being naked and being part of an orgy with the other gorgeous girls. 

"Better hurry, someone's hands are starting to form" Selene said as she replaced Mindy on Sam's cock. She looked down to see fingers stickign out of his body groping around. 

"I am Selene, former Death Dealer and current Vampire Elder of the entire Vampire race on my world. I have the Corvinus Strain virus which grants me immunity to daylight and enhanced abilities even by Vampire standards. I was 19 when I was turned, but by now I have lived over a thousand years. By now I am immortal in the sense I do not age, but I can be killed in combat. I appeared after establishing my rule as one of the three Vampire Elders. I am competent in firearms and melee weapons" she said as arms sprouted out of Sam's body and started groping around, touching Selene's naked body. 

Selene wasn't a virgin and had a lover, Michael Coven. In fact she even had a child with him. And as a vampire, she had attended plenty of hedonistic orgies, even though she never participated. But upon coming to this world, she felt like a virgin again, and enjoyed the sex with these newly met strangers. 

"My turn" Tauriel said eagerly as she replaced Selene on his cock.

She sat down on him balls deep, closed her eyes then smiled as she opened her eyes again.

"My name is Tauriel, daughter of the forest of Mirkwood, Captain of the Mirkwood Guard. I am 600 years old and like Selene am an immortal. My last memory was mourning my love Kili in the Battle of Five Armies, then I appeared here, on this very person's organ" she said, looking a bit sad. 

She was sad at the thought of Kili's death, but also felt guilty for moving on so fast and eagerly having intercourse with this handsome stranger named Sam, who happily summons more gorgeous girls to have sex with. Not only that, she was happy at the thought of having this sex filled adventure with them and could not be more excited to do more. 

"Quickly, get off! She is appearing" Hermione said, remembering her face being bashed by the pussy of the overly sexually excited Mindy when she was summoned. 

Tauriel looked down only to see lips pressing against her sex and hands that were frantically trying to climb out of Sam's naked body. 

She stood up, separating her sex from Sam's and as his erect cock popped out of her, she held on to the hands and helped pull the person out. 

A face emerged as her body slid out of Sam's body easily revealing Alice from the Resident Evil movies, looking exactly like Milla Jovovich who acted as her in the movies. 

With both their superhuman strength, Alice's upper body was quickly pulled out when suddenly, she found herself stuck with Sam. She moved her legs as they popped out beneath his butt and started moving around. 

She placed her hands on the ground and stood up, carrying Sam as their hips were conjoined in a perpendicular angle.

"Wait, you have to uh.. get in position" Tauriel said, standing right next to Alice.

Alice stood still as Tauriel pushed Sam into position when suddenly, both of them groaned as their bodies separated. 

Alice suddenly felt her sex being filled to the brim while he felt her tight cavity gripping him tightly. 

However, since Alice was standing up, as their bodies separated, gravity started taking hold of his body. 

"Wait...aaaah" Sam said as he slid out of her and started falling to the ground. By reflex, he grabbed onto her hips, trying to hold himself and slow his drop. 

Alice looked at him and suddenly clenched her muscles, holding him in place with her pelvic muscles.

"Let go... let go.... too tight!" Sam yelled, feeling his cock being crushed by superhuman muscles and holding his whole weight. 

Instead of letting go, she sat down and started riding him. And even though his cock was sore, it didn't take long before he came into her.

She sat up from lying down on his chest and looked at the other girls. They were now dressed in lycra underwear that Hermione conjured and looking at her.

She got up and Sam's cock popped out of her, together with an enormous amount of cum, adding to the huge puddle on the floor from his and the other girl's earlier play. 

"He's insatiable isn't he?" Tauriel asked, seeing his still erect penis. After all, he just had a huge sex session with all of them barely half an hour ago.

After a brief introduction with everyone, Alice got up to speed with what's going on. 

"So are we ready to go?" Mindy asked, cocking her guns

"I actually intended to summon one or two more familiars, but I'm kinda sore right now" Sam said sheepishly. 

Alice blushed and looked away, cocking her guns too. 

"Well then... lets go" Selene said as she and Tauriel led the way down the secret passage. 




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