Glitched Isekai

Chapter 15 – The Super Spy

Sam watched helplessly as the demonic arm dropped Selene's broken body and narrowly missed hitting Alice who was firing her firearms endlessly at the portal. 

A demonic head popped out and the other arm came through the portal, eating endless streams of bullet fire and arrows as it crawled through the portal revealing it's enormous body, which was more than 5 times the height of an average man.

Avada Kedavra!

Hermione cast the death curse on the demon, but while it did stun it for a second, allowing Mindy to dodge one of it's attacks, it only angered it further. 

While all this was happening, Sam could only watch from the Nexus, unable to bring them into the Nexus or even help them at all. 

Gritting his teeth, he mumbled "Nexus.... Mind...Link" he said, struggling with his tongue and lips that were fully flexed and barely under his control. 

[Karma Point used - Ability Mind Link granted]

Suddenly, a jumble of voices appeared in his head, confusing him. It took him a short while to regroup and calmed down.

By then, the demon was holding Alice's leg and smashing her body around like a rag doll.

<No! Alice... Nexus!> he thought in his mind.

Suddenly, the demon lost it's grip on Alice as she disappeared into the Nexus.

<Run! Run all of you!> he yelled in his head.

The girls immediately recognized Sam's voice in their head and rushed to the stone bridge. 

Realizing that he could use the Nexus with his mind now using the mind link, he brought Selene's body into the Nexus too.

Tauriel had nearly crossed the bridge while Mindy was half way over the long bridge with Hermione far behind still running towards the bridge. 

Just then, Sam looked at Tauriel at the end of the bridge and mind linked with her. Suddenly, the view of the Nexus changed. It had shifted position from where he was in the middle of the platform, to where Tauriel was, at the edge of the bridge

Hermione stood just at the edge of the platform and turned around with a determined look, raising her wand at the fast approaching demon.

"YOU.... SHALL NOT...P..."

<Hermione.. Nexus> Sam commanded and she ended up in the Nexus facing away from Sam

"What did you do that for? I was going to apparate out of there after I cast my spell" she said, looking at Sam

<Ok... ok... sorry. I didn't think of that>

<Hermoine, exit the Nexus. Destroy the bridge>

<Mindy, into the Nexus>

<Tauriel, keep running, You will be the place marker of the Nexus, so get us out of there>

Tauriel nodded and sprinted away while Hermione appeared again at the edge of the bridge. The demon stopped at the edge of the platform, unable to cross the narrow bridge. 

Bombarda Maximus

Hermoine cast, causing explosions to go off, destroying the stone bridge as the demon roared in rage. It opened it's mouth and shot molten lava at Hermione, who apparated off after Tauriel as the lava splashed at the entrance of the secret passage. 

While all this was happening, a pretty face had already formed and her arms were pushing her body out of his. She had red hair and she looked exactly like the Natasha Romanoff aka the Black Widow from the Marvel Cinematic Universe acted by Scarlett Johansson.

Sam formed the mind link with her and in her mind, she could see all the many times the others were summoned. Deftly, she positioned her body to the right position and they separated, causing both of them to groan as her sex gripped tightly onto his. 

She gasped in pleasure as she had long ago been sterilized. As a former spy and assassin, she had sex before many times with her targets, and even though she actually had lovers before this, this was the first time sex felt so good to her. 

She leaned down to kiss him and started rocking her body on his. 

"Here we go again. What a playboy" Mindy grumbled enviously at the side while she carefully pulled Selene and Alice's body near the couple on either side of them.

Mindy had tried to help Alice and Selene but they were too badly injured, so this was the best she could do. Selene's insides were crushed and Alice was bashed badly as even her limbs were bend the wrong way with bones sticking out of her flesh.

Both of them have special healing abilities, so although they should be dead, they were barely still alive. They were breathing shallow breaths as their bodies slowly healed their unconscious mangled bodies.

Sam nodded and extended his hands to both Alice and Selene and cast [Heal] on them. Immediately, their bodies healed at a incredible rate, with limbs even bending back to their proper position with bones healed and flesh mended. 

Both of them regained consciousness as they noticed Sam fucking a new redhead and Mindy staring outside the Nexus.

While in the Nexus, they were watching the Nexus move from Tauriel's point of view. It was like viewing a first person shooter game from another player's point of view as Tauriel retraced her steps back through the whole base. Besides her, Hermione appeared as she apparated in white smoke. 

They could feel tremors throughout the base and rushed towards the exit of the base at full speed. They exited the mountain and crossed the hanging bridge that was the only way over the ravine that separated the base from the forest. 

Behind them, the base was shaking hard and as the base was built into a mountain, and it started to collapse. The demon raged so hard that the base was imploding on itself.

Hermione was mid way apparating over the ravine, but Tauriel was still on the hanging bridge when the bridge started collapsing from the base end as the base imploded.

Time seemed to move in slow motion as Tauriel seemed to be able to propel herself on the falling bridge without pushing the bridge downwards any faster, seemingly breaking the laws of physics. With each jump, instead of falling, she somehow managed to propel herself higher and higher towards the end of the bridge to safety. 

However, just as she was about to reach the end, there was no more bridge to propel herself off, and her last leap, although a large and mighty leap it was, happened to be just short of reaching the end. She jumped with all her might with her arms outstretched but she could not reach and started plunging to her death.

Sam and the rest of the girls inside the Nexus watched helplessly as Sam had linked the Nexus with Tauriel's viewpoint. As she fell, they would fall with her. Although they won't be killed inside the Nexus, but it was unknown what would happen or where the Nexus would end up if Tauriel died from the fall. 

Just then...

Wingardium Leviosa

Hermione yelled, casting her spell with her wand from the edge of the ravine, causing Tauriel to levitate to the other end of the ravine, right next to her. 

"Thank you" Tauriel said as she gripped Hermione's arm. They had explored each other's bodies intimately in the earlier orgy, but right now, it seemed armshake seemed more appropriate. 

Sam and the others exited the Nexus as they looked at the base imploding on itself. Lava burst out from several holes in the collapsing base and the demon's roar could continually be heard. 

"Is it ok if we leave the demon unchecked like that?" Selene asked. 

"I am not sure. But since the mission is to go to Willow, lets go do that first. I am sure once I am more powerful, I can summon enough of you girls to get rid of the demon" Sam answered. 

"That's rather irresponsible. But I suppose you are right. We don't have a plan on how to banish it" Natasha said. 

"You could summon specialists in getting rid of demons" Selene said. 

"Yes, there are wizards and witches who specialize in demonology, but unfortunately, I am not a specialist" Hermione added. 

"So maybe I should summon more mages huh?" Sam asked

"You want to do that now?" Natasha asked as she looked at him. She was the only one among them besides Sam that was still naked as Hermione had not clothed her yet. 

"No. Maybe later. Lets see what our journey to Willow brings us" he answered. They glanced again at the base and then turned around and finally headed down the road in the correct direction towards Willow. 


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