Glitched Isekai

Chapter 92 – Into the Tutorial

Sharon Carpenter. Born April 4 2001 at 11,23 PM. Died 20 August... The Spacetime Stargates were not aligned and she's not a prophesied creator. Why is she here?

Is this a joke? 

Wait, there is another consciousness in her mind.

Ah... I see

Samuel Serra. Born 01 of January 2001 at 1.01 AM. Died 1 January at 1.01AM. Consciousness acquired at precisely the time where the Space-Time Stargates are aligned.

He's the glitch

The glitch?

Yes, subject 12990. The glitch!

That makes him a creator.

Yes, his world is the rogue one

But he never went through the tutorial

Yes. Normally we would have discarded him, but his world.... is out of control. He needs to be trained and he needs to take back control of his world.

Can't we destroy it?

His world is so rich in lifeform imagination, so we are reluctant to do so. But it will eventually be too destructive if the organisms manage to leave the planet and conquer other worlds or universes. 

So what now?

Our orders are to send him into the tutorial stage, then put him in the starting world. Hopefully he will grow in power and be able to retake his world.

Her...his.. body is glitched. Because of multiple use of several powers, and their hybrid body, he...she has some abilities already become a part of them. 

Then alter his or her attributes. Make those abilities his/her natural abilities and put him/her in the tutorial stage immediately. 

Affirmative. Changes set. Sending now

Somehow, both Sharon and Sam listened and heard every word. But they were unable to move nor respond and the could not even see who was talking.

"Who are these fuckers who kept playing with my life?" Sam wondered

"These fuckers saved our life. We should be grateful" Sharon said. 

Sam thought about it and he realized that she was right. He would have died twice over if not for these fuckers. 

But the next thing they knew, their consciousness blacked out again. 


"Eek! Pervert" a female voice yelled

Sam slowly opened his eyes and looked around. 

He was in a field, surrounded by a forest with 39 other people around him, all slowly waking up. 

Not only were there people, but interspaced between everyone were random medieval weapons like swords, maces, spears, bows, arrows and even crossbows and bolts. 

To his shock, he was naked and next to him was a pretty girl moving away from him, hiding her eyes from him. 

He was the only one among everyone that was naked and as more and more people woke up, more people started staring at him. 

But he wasn't too bothered as he was more surprised to see his familiar huge penis and his lean and muscular body again. 

"At least I'm me, not in Sharon's body" he thought to himself

"Hey!" Sharon's voice sounded in his head

"Oh, you're here too?" he asked

"Damn right. How come you're the dominant one?" she asked

"I don't.. know" he said, suddenly noticing there was a pop up screen in front of his face. 

Everyone else seemed to be shocked as they also seemed to be looking at something in front of their faces. 

[Mission: Survive 3 days or escape through portal]

It seemed everyone received the same message, as although Sam could not see anyone else's screen, some of them were reading aloud. 

"Nexus!" Sam cried out, but nothing happened. 

"Maybe there is no Nexus here. Damn. I miss that metallic female voice" he said.

"Status" someone called and started looking intently at his personal screen. 

"Lets try that. Status!" Sam said and suddenly another pop up window appeared 

[Name: Sam Serra
Class: None

Level: 0
Strength: 5 Speed: 5
Agility: 5 Durability: 5
Intelligence: 5 Charisma: 8
Life: 100 Mana: 100]

[Special Skill - Summon Familiars]
[Special Skill - Heal]
[Special Skill - Magic Missile]

"Pretty average stats.... but I have my Level 1 spells from my previous life? That's a cheat right?" he thought to himself. 

Before he even had time to consolidate his thoughts, a scream caught everyone's attention. 

Sam turned around to see several black blurry objects shoot out of the forest, instantly killing several people who were not prepared for such brutality. 

Sam saw the creatures ravaging and tearing to shreds the people they pounced on. 

They were large, 2 meters tall on all fours and black with demonic red eyes. 

They were dire  wolves, or wargs or something similar, and their bloody attacks caused everyone to flee in terror. 

A few men picked up weapons and tried to fight, but they were ripped apart with one swipe of their paws, or by chomping down on their heads.  

There were 2 of them and in that instant they had killed 7 people in seconds and were hungry for more. 

Sam picked up a short sword and started running for the forest, hoping to lose the wargs in the trees. 

But one of them took notice of him, perhaps because he was all naked, looking like a meal of pure meat. 

Sam ducked behind a tree just as one of the creatures attacked, and barely managed to get out of the way as the tree was easily smashed to bits. 

"Fuck!" Sam yelled as he barely managed to escape serious injury, though his back had welts from the splintering wood. 

Deciding to attack Sam turned around to face the monster and pointed his finger at the warg

[Magic Missile]

A magic bullet shot out of his finger and hit the warg right in the head between its eyes, causing it to flinch. But even though it injured the monster,  the damage was too minimal, unable to even penetrate it's skull, only causing it to bleed. 

The warg pounced on Sam, and he was caught by one of its claws. 

Sam screamed in pain as his abdomen was ripped open, blood splashing everywhere from a massive gash on his chest.

As he crashed to the ground, in desperation, he blasted the warg with over 20 [Magic Missiles]. 4 barrages of 5 bullets from every finger, shooting like a roman candles, all aimed at different parts of the body. 

The warg got hit in the face, its chest and its stomach, leaving a bloody mess as somehow, he managed to hit something vital, killing the warg on its feet. 

Sam gasped for his breath and looked at his [Status] as he started his healing. 

"Wow, my mana usage..." he noticed. 

Apparently every [Magic Missile] he shot depleted his mana by one, and as he was heavily damaged, his Life hit points were down to 73, as he started casting [Heal], as every hit point recovery depleted his mana by the same amount too at a rate of one per second. 

Hit hitpoints barely rose to 76 when the other warg crashed through the trees and looked at its dead mate, then turning to face him.

"Fuck!" Sam thought as the warg instantly pounced on him.

At that instant, Sam wished he still had the Nexus to hide into as he anticipated his death by the warg and covered up his body with his hands.


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