Global Adventure: The Strongest Anchor In History

Chapter 26 One-On-One Battle With The Giant Lizard

A few minutes later.

The stone ship that had finished its 'charging' started to move.

The starting speed is not too fast at first, almost as fast as a bicycle.

After cleaning up the sand, Ye Xing saw a circular pedal underneath.

Ye Xing stepped on it with his foot, and the speed of the stone ship skyrocketed.

He estimated that the speed should have reached 30-40km/h.

It seems that pedal is used to accelerate.

As Ye Xing guessed, apart from accelerating, there was no way to control the direction of the stone ship.

It follows a fixed route.

"I don't know where to stay tonight. There are no people in the flat sand for thousands of miles."

Ye Xing sat firmly on the bow of the boat, letting the hot wind ruffle his hair.

Quietly enjoying the scenery along the way, although there is nothing interesting to see.

[Ouch, wow, the host started reciting poetry. 】

[Traveling by boat in the desert is so damn smooth. 】

[Tell me, will this ship take the anchor to the monster's lair? 】

[Can you hope for something better? Maybe you can find a treasure. 】

[For the first time, I feel that the desert is more beautiful than I imagined~]


We marched like this for more than an hour.

As Leafstar drinks water, a huge creature rises from the sand.

The next second,

It opened its extremely smelly mouth and bit into Ye Xing's head.


Ye Xing was shocked when he saw what it looked like.

It has sandy brown skin, thick scales, and a body length of more than five meters.

There are still some burn marks on the body.

Isn't this the man-eating monitor lizard I encountered the night before?

This thing is like a chameleon. Lying in the desert, its skin is very similar to the color of the sand.

Someone who wasn't paying attention gave this thing a chance to make a sneak attack.

Ye Xing leaned back, and the man-eating lizard bit the entire thing.

What's not good is that this guy climbed onto the stone boat.

Ye Xing pulled out his tactical knife and faced it head-on.

The cannibal lizard's gloomy little eyes showed anthropomorphic contempt. Last time Ye Xing failed to hurt it with a knife, it was even more unafraid this time.

Turning around like lightning, he swallowed Ye Xing into his belly.

[People...are just gone? ! 】

[It was eaten, the anchor was eaten by it! 】

[Woooooooooo, what should I do? This is too sudden, I can't accept it! 】

[We were joking and laughing just now, why...]

[The restricted area of ​​​​life is indeed not a place for joking. If I had known this, why bother in the first place? Hey! 】

[Something's wrong, look, the anchor seems to be still alive! 】

After the man-eating lizard swallowed the leaf star, it began to twist wildly before it had time to digest.

A knife came out of its body.

Then, the knife cut open its entire abdomen.

Ye Xing, covered in blood, climbed out of the gap.

"You can swallow some things, but you can't mess with some people. Let's eat more in the next life."

Ye Xing stabbed it a few times on its vitals, completely understanding its life.

"Haha, sorry, I scared everyone."

"Originally, I wanted to hack it to death from the outside, but this thing was hiding something. It turned around too fast, so I took advantage of it and attacked it from the inside."

"It's just that the blood smells a bit bad."

Ye Xing rubbed his body a few times. He really wanted to take a cold shower now.

But conditions don’t allow it.

[Princess Chichi: I knew my brother would never leave me alone (I was wiping my tears). 】

[The operation of this wave of Qiankun in the belly is really awkward, but I like it. 】

[Killing the giant lizard with one sword, Ning is really strong! 】

[Heart disease scares you. Can you say hello in advance before you risk your life next time? 】

【Good people have a safe life~】

Just as Leafstar was considering whether to serve it for dinner, a whinnying sound filled the air.

Looking intently, one after another man-eating lizards appeared on the vast sand.

1234567......too many to count!

At least hundreds of man-eating lizards emerged from the sand one after another.

Their size is smaller, about 2-3 meters.

He ran toward the stone ship with a bloodthirsty desire.

Is this a crazy situation?

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