Global Games: Start with 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Chapter 1016

Chapter 1015 Three Springs Put Anti-Recrystal Drills

Chapter 1015 Three springs cast anti-recrystal drills

The Skrulls and Kussman exchanged glances, but no one disagreed with the vote.

AI cyan also quickly gives the option panel for voting.

No one insisted on not voting this time, so the results of the vote came out very quickly – 6 out of 8 votes chose “allow the use of anti-barite drills”, and the remaining two votes abstained.

Seeing this result, all the Skrull bosses in the conference room showed tacit smiles.

In fact, whether Manina is allowed to use the anti-barite drill at this time is not a problem for most Skrull bosses.

Of course, those who support the use of Manina will not care; those who do not support the use of crystal drills actually don’t matter.

Now there are only two days left until Cao Cao and Yingzheng return to Blue Star, that is to say, there are only two days left until the Blue Star people recover the springs of Mount Elbert, Mount Rainier and Mount McKinley.

For two days, even if Manina used the anti-barite drill with all his strength, the psychic energy that could be squeezed out was not particularly large, and it could not damage the root of the spring.

As long as the psionic fountain is not exhausted, it will not affect their interests too much, so there is no need to keep Manina from coming to power for these two days.

is also because of this, most of the Skrull gods voted in favor, and no one objected.

Since the Skrulls unanimously approved, they acted quickly.

The Skrull Expeditionary Force headquarters also stores six spare anti-barite rigs.

Lanchi received the order and immediately ordered these anti-barite drills to be transported to Blue Star for use.

Half an hour later, at 8:30 am on March 22, the Blue Star powerhouses who had just captured Mitchell Mountain Spring received news from AI Blue Whale.

AI Blue Whale converted the emergency event that had just happened into text and sent it to Su Yu and the electronic terminals of all players and monks present. Everyone received a message:

“Emergency! Anti-barite rigs have been launched over the three springs of Mount Elbert, Mount Rainier and Mount McKinley. Now the rigs are in the process of being installed. Please respond in time. .”

Seeing this news, the expressions of all the Blue Stars present immediately changed!

Only Alijie and Morningstar did not have electronic terminals. At this time, they didn’t know what happened, so they looked at everyone blankly.

Old Li was the first to exclaim: “What’s the situation? The Skrulls actually put anti-barite drills on the three springs of Mount Elbert, Mount Rainier, and Mount McKinley? What are they doing? ”

Lao Li didn’t think about what the Skrulls were going to do for the first time. But many players have a quick mind, and they immediately realized the purpose of the Skrulls’ behavior.

Fujiwara Chika blushed, gritted her teeth and said: “The Skrulls are going to give up these three springs. After the spiritual energy is squeezed out by the crystal drill, the springs are completely worthless. And obviously, they want to give up these three springs. The last station is set at our Mount Fuji spring!”

As the Blue Star humans became stronger and stronger, the Skrulls gave up all the psionic fountains and finally only held on to one. This is an inevitable historical trend.

The Skrulls are now giving the answer, which is very consistent with what the Blue Stars want, that is, they decided to last stationed in the Neon Country’s Mount Fuji Spring Eye.

For this, Su Yu and everyone present were actually very surprised!

Because if you think from the perspective of the Skrulls, the best place to station is not the spring of Mount Fuji, but the spring of Elbert Peak in the Rocky Mountains in the middle of the North American continent.

There are two reasons:

First, Elbert’s Peak Spring was originally the most dedicated spring base for the Skrulls. They spent a lot of effort in the construction of this base, and the density of defensive weapons is definitely the highest of all springs!

It was in this spring that Lankey’s deputy Jennifer brought Gordon, the prime minister of the Pacific countries, back to Skrull;

Second, this spring is located in the middle of the North American continent and can effectively radiate the entire North American continent.

After the war begins, the Skrulls can quickly rush out of the spring to occupy the entire North American continent. They have a huge strategic depth, and the long front line is also convenient for the Skrull Star’s military potential to be brought into play.

In the past, Su Yu and other Blue Star executives always thought that the Skrulls would choose the Elbert Spring as the last station, and they also had a headache how to trick the Skrulls into the Neon Mount Fuji Spring.

But now it seems, don’t lie.

The Skrulls have taken the initiative to choose the final garrison location at the spring of Mount Fuji, where the two civilizations will finally fight!

Over Mitchell Spring.

Because of the sudden action of the Skrulls, the Blue Star powerhouses in Quan’s eyes were all agitated.

Su Yu was not impatient at all, he thoughtfully said to himself: “The Skrulls took the initiative to set the final battle location at the spring of Mount Fuji, they should have decided to fight with us head-on, rather than choose the American continent to rely on A tug-of-war between strategic depths.”

Senior Yang Jian was not impatient either, he stroked his beard and said with a smile, “This is definitely a good thing for us! After all, our plan is to lure Skrull to Mount Fuji.

In the future, we don’t have to hide anymore, we can show the defenses that have been arranged around Mount Fuji generously! ”

Since it was decided two months ago that the final battle would be on Mount Fuji, the Blue Star side began to focus on setting up defenses around Mount Fuji.

In order to confuse the Skrulls, the Blue Star humans have also built a lot of fortifications near other giant springs, but they are not of the same order of magnitude as the Mount Fuji springs, basically a gap of 1:10.

In the past, they just hid in the dark and secretly built, but now they can finally reveal these things and speed up the construction in an open and fair way!

Of course, Blue Star humans also have many secret weapons, such as the [Tower Defense Network]. In order to prevent the Skrulls from thoroughly researching these secret weapons, they had to wait until the last moment to come out.

“Su Yu.” At this time, Zhong Feng’s voice came from Su Yu’s ear: “The Skrulls have moved, what should we do? Should we continue to attack Rainier Volcano Spring as originally planned?”

“This…” Su Yu touched his chin and thought about it.

After a short thought, he replied seriously: “Let’s stick to the original plan. Apart from attacking the Rainier Volcano Spring, I really can’t think of anything else to do. Let’s continue to attack the spring and put pressure on the Skrulls. .”


After Mitchell’s mountain spring was recovered, the Blue Star powerhouses disbanded on the spot, went to a nearby city to rest and regained their strength, and then entered the “Evolution” game online.

Today’s 12 hours of game time should be fully utilized and not wasted.

As for the attack on Rainier Volcano Spring, it will not be dispatched until 0:00 tomorrow morning.

Two and a half hours later, the springs of Mount Elbert and Mount Fuji.

In these two springs, Prandtl and Manina III lifted off at the same time, and returned to their parent stars through the cracks in space.

The purpose of their trip was to meet the god-level powerhouse sent by the chant together. This god-level powerhouse is a holy silver man. When the distinguished guests arrive, they must take the initiative to welcome them. This is the way of hospitality.

But returning to the home planet now will also give Elbert Spring and Mount Fuji Spring a three-hour defensive gap. After all, after they left, the cracks in the space shrank and oscillated, and the god-level powerhouse could not pass through within three hours.

But the two of them didn’t care at all.

First of all, the defensive capabilities of the two springs of Mount Elbert and Mount Fuji are very strong. There are 30 or 40 resident practitioners of the seventh order, and four or five hundred practitioners of the sixth order.

True · There are as many as dogs in the sixth order, and the seventh order walks everywhere.

With so many high-level powerhouses gathered, coupled with the defensive weapons and force field shields in the base, it is definitely impossible for Blue Star humans to break through in just three hours.

Moreover, the Blue Star Humans have just won the Mitchell Mountain Spring, and they are still in the recovery period and have not returned to their prosperous state.

So Plant and Manina III were very relieved when they returned to their home planet without any worries.

Passed through the space crack, and the two met in the space crack area above Sun City.

They greeted each other, and then descended toward the Sun City below together.

For the god-level powerhouse sent by the chant, the Skrulls of course prepared a welcome ceremony early.

The person who presided over the arrangement ceremony was the Emperor of the Sun, Manina. The venue for the welcome ceremony was set on a floating island floating in the sky just below the space crack area.

This floating island is very similar to the floating island that Su Yu once sank. The Skrulls dug a suitable mountain from the mountain, and drew a large number of floating and anti-gravity arrays on the surface of the mountain, so that the Floating islands formed by mountains floating in the sky.

The Skrulls don’t have many floating islands.

Because it needs to depict a large number of magic circles to use, the surface area of the floating island should be at least ten square kilometers.

And a big thing of more than ten square kilometers floating in the sky requires a huge amount of psionic energy, so unless there is a need or a major festival, no one is willing to use it.

The reason why Manina used the floating island this time was because he received news from Morgan that the powerful Saint Silver tribe would use the interstellar portal to teleport directly to the space rift area.

And according to the narration of the chant, the current state of this god-level powerhouse is very bad, and he needs a lot of care from Skrull. (Exact words)

When    received news from Morgan, Manina certainly did not dare to neglect.

The hymn has asked them to “take care”, don’t they have to play 120,000 be careful?

So he didn’t hesitate, and drove a floating island directly to the bottom of the space crack area to welcome the arrival of the Holy Silver God.

And he also led a lot of royal families, big nobles, big power leaders, and high-level cultivators in Sun City. A total of more than 500 elites stood on the floating island, welcoming the Holy Silver God level lively.

Not only that, but he wanted to start a live broadcast and make the whole process of the floating island welcoming the Holy Silver God-level public all over the world, which could greatly stimulate the morale of the Skrulls all over the world.

But for some special reasons, Manina was called off.

In desperation, he could only change the live broadcast to recorded broadcast. The photographer on the scene recorded the whole process, edited and processed it later, and then released it.

More than 500 elites of Sun City are waiting anxiously on the floating island.

Manina didn’t allow them to chat privately or do other small gestures, so they had to wait.

At this time, Plante and Manina III came together and appeared above their heads.

And these two didn’t hide their aura at all, the powerful aura of the god-level peak traversed the audience, impacting everyone present.

Seeing the arrival of the two gods, more than 500 elites immediately burst into cheers!

They all saluted towards Plante and Manina III above their heads, welcoming the arrival of the two gods with their most sincere respects!

Prundt and Manina III smiled and waved to the more than 500 elites, and landed towards the floating island at a slow speed.

But in the process of landing, the attention of the two of them shifted from the more than 500 elites to another person.

This person is of course not the Sun Emperor Manina.

Although Manina has a high position and a distinguished status, there is no need to pay too much attention to him in the current occasion.

The attention of the two of them was on the other.

This person is a female. She floats in the sky 500 meters above the floating island, standing alone, out of tune with the elites on the island.

Even when they first came to the sky above Sun City, Manina III and Plant directly ignored her existence.

But after seeing her, Manina III and Plante took it seriously.

The two of them turned and flew towards her, and sent her greetings from a long distance: “It’s nice to see you again, Your Excellency Mona.”

That’s right, the one standing alone in the sky on the floating island is the god-level peak powerhouse of the Holy Silver Human Race—Mona.

It was also her request that Manina was forced to cancel the live broadcast instead of recording it, and was asked to cut all the clips in which she appeared.

During the time when    came to Scrooge, Mona’s life can be completely described by the word “plain as water”.

On the first day of   , Mona took the initiative to go to Blue Star to find Link and have some small friction with him.

But since then, Mona has always locked herself in the accommodation provided by the Skrulls, ate, slept, slept, ate, and never took a step forward.

And she doesn’t take the initiative to try food and clothing from other planets like Donna and Link do, and she comes with her own food and clothing fees, so to the Skrulls, it seems like there is no such person at all.

The Skrulls have encountered many crises during this period of time, and many crises have been in urgent need of manpower, and they especially want Mona to take action.

But every time Manina begged Mona in a low voice, Mona would refuse without hesitation, saying that she would only play in the final battle, leaving Manina helpless.

Manina certainly couldn’t force Mona to do things. Just kidding, Mona is the pinnacle of **** level!

So the relationship between the two sides has been very stiff.

This time, we welcome the arrival of the new Holy Silver God-level, and Mona didn’t want to come.

But she received a message from Anthem – Anthem told her that the newcomer was not in a good state and that she was in full command.

In desperation, she could only come to the scene and wait for the arrival of this compatriot.

(end of this chapter)

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