Global Reincarnation: My Own Story Library

Chapter 382

Vol 10 Chapter 18: The **** Team Arrives

On the big screen is the scene captured by night vision equipment on the satellite, as well as the bombing assessment report displayed at the bottom left of the screen.

Although he was promoted from division commander to commander and seemed to be the winner in this matter, he was still very uneasy.

Not only him, but the entire Giant Bear Legion who knew this order would think that General Balf was too crazy.

It is estimated that he will hate General Balf and him now, but he feels that he is only carrying out orders, and General Balf obviously only cares about the result, not the process.

“What an unscrupulous guy.” Dilly secretly said.

Deely’s palpitations not only came from the tragedy at the scene, but also from his worries about his own future. After all, bombing his base was not an ordinary order.

Before, when the former commander’s official dismissal notice was issued, the other two division commanders who were not dead, as well as the former commander and many adjutants and subordinate brigade commanders of the three divisions stationed at the base all expressed their opposition to the order and resigned on the spot. Position.

It is impossible to find a candidate so quickly, and the command system of the headquarters base has actually been paralyzed.

So Dilly is under a lot of pressure, and he might become a scapegoat.

As for the parliament, Dieley didn’t have to guess to know that those guys only issued orders to remove the former commander and gave Diely an order for promotion.

Not surprisingly, they were still clean, and they could even deduce that they didn’t know about General Balfe’s crazy orders.

In fact, most of them probably don’t really know.

As smart and capable as General Balf, he would not report in detail the specific reasons for the dismissal of the former commander. If the defectors escaped from the place of detention and did not obey the order, the difficulty of arrest would increase again. This reason alone is enough.

This is one of the ways to achieve your goals safely and quickly.

At the same time, it also protects those big men.

As long as things are done as planned and estimated, everyone gets the benefits, not counting those who die.

If things go wrong, then Balfe can only fight against it himself, and it will not harm the interests of those big men.

The upper echelon likes a character like General Balfe.

“The casualties are heavy, but we can’t be sure whether the enemy has been eliminated,” the sergeant said.

“Don’t worry about the base.” Balfe’s demonic voice sounded from the communicator, “Our goal is to give priority to live capture, but please remember, it’s just priority.”

“Defectors must not be allowed to flee, but it is an order that must be strictly enforced at all costs.”

Balf’s tone was indifferent: “If you are dead, you just have to wait until dawn to find the body. If you are not dead, you must have fled. Check the streets outside the base.”

“Sergeant, do it quickly.”

Dilly found that the non-commissioned officer was a little reluctant. He could understand that the non-commissioned officer hated Balfe, maybe he also hated him, but now was not the time to be emotional, so he ordered.

“Yes, Commander.” The non-commissioned officer finally changed his name to Deeley, and called up a high-definition video recording of the base outside the base taken by satellite.

“It’s these two people. With such a fast movement speed, they are definitely not people who come out to hang out at night.”

In fact, you don’t need to look at the speed, you can basically judge, because it is about two in the morning, and there is no one on the street outside the base. It is not the main road there, just a deserted suburb, and there are not even trucks passing by.

“It’s amazing that they didn’t die like this, but they probably won’t last long.”

Deely ordered: “Notify the nearest base over there, let the gunship fleet depart, and they must be eliminated before they enter the forest.”

Although the headquarters base was built in a very deserted suburb of the county, there are still some factories and residential areas nearby, where they would not dare to use large cruise missiles, otherwise the public opinion of condemnation would directly drown them.

“After killing them, confirm your identity as soon as possible.” No matter how crazy Balfe was, he didn’t dare to do that, so he also agreed with the new commander’s tactic.

Now they can’t determine whether there is No. 18 among the two who escaped.

And when Artoria was dodging the missile, she spread her wings, and they didn’t know it, because they couldn’t see the scene at all during the explosion.

Although the headquarters of the Giant Bear Legion was bombed and the command system of the three divisions stationed at the headquarters was suspended, Lu Feng and the others easily passed the interception on the periphery of the base.

But after arriving further outside, some people did not know what happened to the headquarters base, and they still carried out the original order.

So, Lu Feng and the others had to force their way through, grab a military jeep, and leave in a car.

The headquarters of the Giant Bear Legion was on the outskirts of the county town, but in the north, Lu Feng and the others couldn’t escape north. There was a plain village there, and they didn’t have time to come back.

They went south, through the entire county town, and then into the main road at the edge of the southern forest.

Because they still need to attract enemies, they are better on the road, and they can quickly hide in the forest when bombarded.

Lu Feng was driving the jeep at almost the fastest speed, and after twenty minutes, he entered the city center avenue beside the central square.

At this time, a large number of black dots appeared in the distance ahead.

“It’s an attack helicopter group.” Lu Feng handed the car to Artoria, and the sluggish king is relatively common in terms of driving, because he just learned it, but now he can only give it to her.

Lu Feng opened the roof cover and stood on the roof.

Huuuuuu, a large number of small missiles flew over, Lu Feng released lightning, and a grid of lightning formed in the air ahead, and those missiles exploded before they arrived.

This kind of lightning network is much more effective than that kind of missile jamming barrage, and almost no missile can penetrate it.

Large cruise missiles can easily blow up the entire football field, spread more widely, and are very powerful, so the jamming barrage cannot deal with cruise missiles.

However, the helicopter carried only small missiles, and the explosion spread was not large, so it could be easily prevented. Ordinary shock waves were also fine to Lu Feng.

Military-grade jeeps are also very solid, including bulletproof glass.

Therefore, so many missiles are completely in vain, and it has no effect on Lu Feng and the others.

Chi Chi, electric shock sparks appeared on Lu Feng’s arm, and soon a super-electromagnetic gun flew over, and the helicopter in front failed to evade and directly exploded and fell.

“Hurry up and dodge.” The remaining helicopters dodged quickly, and two of them came around from the side, and started to use the airborne machine guns to fire at a distance of tens of meters.

Lu Feng continued to use the railgun to shoot down the two helicopters.

The remaining helicopters had no missiles, tried to get close again, attacked with machine guns, but was shot down again, and the rest started to flee.

This attack was only a temporary victory.

Next, the second batch of helicopters came quickly, this time with longer and larger air-to-surface missiles.

However, Lu Feng used the lightning grid again to get all the missiles down, then shot down two helicopters, and the other side fled again.

They finally left the city streets and entered the main road at the southern edge of the forest.

The sky was black again and rushed over. This time it was an attack aircraft. The Giant Bear Legion did not dare to use helicopters, nor did they dare to approach the attack. Instead, they dived and dropped bombs at high altitudes.

“At least fifty planes, I suggest, either I fly up to kill them all, or go into the forest.” Arturia said.

“Enter the forest.” Lu Feng slammed the steering wheel and drove into the forest.

From the time the other party sent the gunship over, Lu Feng knew that the Giant Bear Legion had not noticed that Arturia could fly.

The air force can’t handle the players who can fly, even if it’s not the kind of flying ability that epic players use bloodline, just encounter ordinary players and use skill bits, and they will be completely defeated.

It’s not a matter of the degree of attack, but it is simply incomparable in terms of mobility, and it was shot down in minutes.

Since Infinite World came out, air combat units can be said to be basically abolished. Before dispatching, various assessments must be made to ensure that the opponent has no players who can fly. It is no longer the core combat unit.

If it weren’t for the strong attack power of aerial bombardment, the Air Force would probably be cancelled.

Therefore, research and development in this area has basically stopped, and the entire technology has stayed before the player war.

Lu Feng and the two have flying ability, the sooner they are exposed, the better, so as to avoid the opponent making adjustments to their attacks, because they still have to take No. 18, Bai Xue and Wu Linger out, and Arturia cannot do it alone.

Seeing that Lu Feng and the others entered the forest, the planes in the air had to blindly drop bombs over the forest.

After the bombing was over, Lu Feng entered the road again.

The armed helicopter did not dare to come over again. It took time for the attack plane to dispatch. Lu Feng stepped on the accelerator and accelerated.

Entering the South Giant Bear River area, that is, near the meeting point with Bai Xue and the three, they only encountered an aerial attack again.

The Giant Bear Legion, the fifth division military airfield.

A small jet plane slowly landed in the airport, and a team of three people quickly came out, all wearing simple and durable brown military uniforms.

Walking in the front, in the middle is a tall, serious-looking young man with no emotional fluctuations on his face. He looks twenty-seven or eight-year-old, and he definitely looks no more than thirty years old.

Behind the youth were two middle-aged men in their forties.

The three of them are the **** team, responsible for bringing No. 18 back to the imperial capital. They originally came a few days later, but now they are coming from the imperial capital urgently.

That young man was General Balf. He was so young that he had just retired from the Infinite World for a few years, and he had already sat in this position. Obviously, he was deeply appreciated by Emperor Xuelang.

“General Balfe, this is a briefing of the incident.”

The fifth division commander, Dilly, had already led one of his female adjutants, waiting there, and immediately stepped forward and handed over a tablet.

“Have you reached the South Giant Bear River? Your containment is very inefficient.” General Balf read the report very quickly.

“Containment, no, we intend to eliminate those two people, but the other party has the ability of lightning and the forest as a cover, and the air unit is of little significance.” Deely said.

“It seems that you are very unqualified as a commander.”

General Balfe said: “I didn’t expect you to do much. It is our real goal to restrain them and reduce their escape speed.”

Dilly opened his mouth to explain, but held back.

He knew that General Balf was a popular man in front of Emperor Xuelang, and the crazy order before that shocked everyone who knew and experienced it.

It is better to be cautious in front of such people.

“So, General Deeley, no, now it’s Commander Deeley, you can only stay in the regular army, you can’t enter the special operations bureau.” General Balfe patted Deeley on the shoulder, “But here, your Contribution is greater, so you commander will be very stable.”

It’s a reassurance that Deeley won’t be like the former commander, he’s a recognized man.

Deely nodded, wanting to say thank you, but couldn’t.

“Prepare a transport plane to take the three of us, by the way, and a few generals. You don’t need to go if you are not at the epic level, but you stay here to command.”

General Balf said: “Drop us and two vehicles to a position five kilometers away from the defectors. You let other troops continue to contain them. Don’t let the enemy escape near the South Giant Bear River. We will finally arrest them.”

The Special Operations Agency will not fly close to the enemy, because once the plane is shot down, the person who is incapable of flying is finished.

Therefore, they are all air-dropped to a place that is relatively far away from the enemy, and then pass from the ground.

“I’ll do it right away,” Deeley replied.

The three of Bai Xue were much slower than the two of Lu Feng. When Lu Feng and the others were about to arrive, the three of Bai Xue were still a hundred kilometers away.

However, there are still more than two hours before the sunrise, using physical recovery props, forcibly marching, time is too late.

Lu Feng and the others encountered a little trouble, but they saw countless heavy tanks lined up in front of the bridge, there must be thousands of them.

This is the armored group of the Giant Bear Legion. Before the armed helicopters were dispatched, they began to assemble. The key point was to go to several bridges on the South Giant Bear River to intercept them.

In addition to tanks, there are at least two divisions in total, which have entered several bridges on both sides of the bank to stand by, but there are no heavy artillery, because time is too late, only armored vehicles and infantry, and some armed helicopters.

There were more than 4,000 troops on both sides of the bridge in front. UU Reading

Since General Balf guessed that No. 18 is likely to be a spy of the Qinglong Empire, they certainly knew that most of them would flee south.

When Lu Feng and the others left the road, they also confirmed their guesses, so all the ground troops who could arrive decided to intercept them near the big river.

As soon as Landwind’s jeep came into effective range, the tanks fired.

Thousands of heavy tanks attacked at the same time, and those armor-piercing and high-explosive shells slanted down like raindrops, instantly turning the vicinity of the highway into a **** on earth.

“To keep attacking, to fully saturate the front, until the shells are exhausted.”

The commander of the 6th Division was in charge of the scene, and the troops defending the bridges on the lower reaches of the South Giant Bear River were all under his command. He shouted with a communicator.


At the stall where the shells were being bombarded, a figure suddenly rushed out from the artillery fire, at an extremely fast speed, and entered the tank group in just a few moments.

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