Glorious Vanity (SI LitRPG)

30 – Shameless flirt, silver tongue, and the many ways to use it

Silver lights flickered through the air and pierced into the ground. When they did, blobs of gel and wooden shrapnel flew through the air, along with clouds of dust.

[I am still currently away and resting. ETA until I return: 10 hours.]
[Until I return, I've delegated some of my duties to the automatic system.]

[Green slime has perished!]
[Green slime has perished!]
[Blue slime has perished!]

[Your level has increased by one. Please confirm your status.]

I lowered my hand and dissolved the rain of iron spears I used to kill the slimes.

<Master is impressive as always!>

"Thanks Avalon. Doesn't make me feel better about myself though..."

After making the decision to do some level grinding, Freyr and I wandered further away from civilization and into monster territory.

Well, probably. In actuality, I just picked a random direction and kept walking until we made our way into a forest and ran across monsters.

And, typical of a first floor to an RPG like setting, most of the monsters were the usual mobs. Slimes, wolves, boars... etc.

The orc horde seemed to be a special event... Which made sense considering how Lucy went out of his way to give me a quest for it.

Anyway... after that random encounter, we went around with Freyr luring some mobs towards me while I killed them in different ways to see what got me the most experience.

Or at least, I tried to figure that out. But this stupid status system didn't list exp or exp to next level, so I was just shooting in the dark.

Still, it looked like killing things with projectiles were working a bit. At least, that only took killing a group of about twenty slimes to level me up after I switched to doing that. Though *finding* that many slimes took a while...

Freyr brushed her hands on her blood-stained jeans and then looked towards me. "Did that work at all, Vain?"

"Seems like it." I glanced towards her and said, "I finally leveled up from that."

<I did as well, Master! Six times!>

What?! Goddammit! This system is rigged! Rigged!

Still, as pissed off as I was about that, I kept a calm expression on. Wouldn't be good to make my cute goddess worry.


...Just how did I end up in this situation again...?

Freyr smiled and said, "Wonderful! It seems like your growth is a bit slower than the average human, but one level from two hours of work is fairly normal." She sighed and said, "What a relief."

"Mm... maybe." I waved my hand and dissolved the steel spears I made with [World Creator (Minor)]. "Though I'm getting a bit worried about the future at this rate..."

It was neat being able to basically AOE spam everything and level grind, but carpet bombing stuff kind of hard to hide. And it also drew attention.

I mean, it was a good thing. Freyr was great at 1 v. 1 fights and I could do support along with stalling hordes of enemies. But at this rate, I think my hopes of being a normal person were pretty much dead in the water...

<Master wanted to be a normal person?>

More like I wanted to avoid situations where I could drop dead at any moment with a single misstep... but it looks like that went out the window when I made Freyr fall in love with me, so... yeah.

Freyr shook her head. "Do not be!" She walked over and grabbed my hand. Holding it up, she smiled and said, "Even if you are weak now, I believe in you! One day, surely, even the gods will tremble at your name!"

"...You know, they say love changes a person, but I think falling in love with me really made your personality take a weird turn, huh, Freyr?"

"P-P-Pardon?! L-L-Love? That... I do not... I mean..." Freyr turned a deep shade of red and let me go, taking a few steps back.

I laughed and said, "You don't need to be shy about it, Freyr. I like you a lot too, you know? Though I prefer taking things slow... especially since I'm still fairly squishy. So be patient a bit, okay? I'll take you out on a date later."

"Wha-? V-Vain? You..." Freyr turned even redder and then placed her hands on her chest. "B-Be still my beating heart!"

I laughed again.

<Master is shameless.>

Yep. But Freyr's cute like that, isn't she?

<True. Miss Freyr is cute...>

[A Goddess of Magic lets out a happy squeal.]
[A God of Wisdom strokes his beard, thoughtfully contemplating your attack.]
[A Herald of the End huffs and says he will surely make you regret siding with Freyr.]
[An Invincible God of Light gazes upon you with jealousy.]
[A Phantom Thief marvels at your shameless flirting and smooth delivery.]

[System Message: The Phantom Thief of Hearts offers to sponsor you.]

It seemed like the in-laws were approving... And some probable simps/creeps were getting ticked off.

Though... The Phantom Thief of Hearts? Hey man, I'm flattered. But I'm pretty sure life would get way too crazy if a suspicious guy like you was my sponsor, so I'll pass.

[The Phantom Thief of Hearts] LOL. You right. It'd be funny, but you right. Hit me up if you change your mind though.

...Wait. Phantom Thief of Hearts, talking like that...

...Nah. Just because Lucy was here and some other people were similar to fictional characters didn't mean that guy was here, right?

[A Phantom Thief winks.]

Freyr's deep sigh pulled me out of my thoughts.

I looked over at her and said, "You calmed down yet?"

"H-Hmph." Freyr crossed her arms and said, "You shameless flirt. Do you have to test my heart every waking moment?"

"I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling. Wanna make you understand... You know? Never gonna give you up, after all."

Freyr's ears turned red, but that time she managed to maintain her composure. "...You rude man."

"And you love me anyway."

"...In any case." Freyr pointedly turned away from me and looked at the sky. "It seems to be getting late. Should we try to return to Eden or set up camp? I do not mind either way... but I believe it may be dangerous to return with nightfall so near."

"Hm. That's true..."

We were pretty far off from civilization. Only Sjur knew where we got warped too.

Well, I could probably figure it out by making my drone again and looking, but even then it would take a while. And we'd have to be traveling at a fast speed to make it back.

So instead...

"I think we should just set up base here."

Freyr looked back at me and nodded. "That seems like the wisest decision. Then... Please, stay alert while I gather materials, Vain."

"Ah, don't worry about that." I focused on our surroundings and said, "I wanted to test something out anyway... And if it works, it should be more comfortable than some makeshift shelter."

A forest with trees all around... When night fell, it'd be dangerous since monsters knew this place better than we did.

Making a tree house was tempting. So was making a log cabin. But that ran the risk of people coming across us and attacking at night.

In that case...

Well, I'd made an underground bunker before. And if I fixed the damage to the surroundings at the same time and used trees to cover it up...

And then for the interior... Well, I just had a luxurious room burned into my memory after sleeping with a certain goddess, so...

"Yep. That should work."

I nodded and envisioned it.

The same suite we were in, with all the furnishings and appliances. The trees in the forest, restored. That suite, serving as an underground bunker beneath those trees. And just to make sure, I envisioned Freyr standing close to me so that she wouldn't be left out.

"W-What in Valhalla-?!"

An instant change.

The surroundings shifted and then both Freyr and I fell into the ground.

At the same time, the broken trees and scattered dirt flew back, turning the landscape the same as it was before I unleashed my storm of spears.

And then it was like the day had never happened, both Freyr and I standing in the middle of our deluxe suite bedroom that Lucy gave us.

Except that the doors and windows were gone.

Obviously. They were pretty pointless underground, after all.

There were some lamps to light up the place though, so it wasn't pitch black.

<...I want to know how to do that.>

Some day, Avalon. Some day.

Freyr slowly spun around and said, "A teleport spell? No, I did not sense any mana. And we simply moved downwards... But then...?"

I walked over to the hot tub and turned on the water.

As expected... Or rather, as I envisioned, clean and warm water spilled from the faucet.

...I didn't know exactly how that worked or where it was coming from, but I wasn't about to question it.

Turning off the water, I leaned back and smiled. "There we go. Gotta live in some comfort after a long day like this, right Freyr?"

Freyr stared at the hot tub with wide eyes. And then she stared at me.


"Vain." Freyr stepped forward, her eyes never leaving my face.

<...Master? This... seems a bit dangerous...>

My instincts told me to step back. But I refused. Instead, I let out a relaxed smile and bowed, sweeping towards the hot tub. "After you, my cute goddess. As beautiful as you appear covered in the blood of your enemies, I think your pristine appearance is even more lovely."

-Wait. What the hell am I saying!?

[Silver Tongue activates!]

[Freyr has been charmed!]

Oi! Oioioioi!


I quickly straightened my body to look at Freyr. And then a silver blur rushed towards me, pulling me into a warm embrace.

Suddenly, I was standing very close to a lovely silver-haired goddess... Who was licking her lips and gulping as her blue eyes stared into my own.

"...Vain," Freyr said. "Doing so much for me, giving me so many wonderful items, saving my life... and now providing such a luxurious and intimate setting for a resting area..." She grabbed my hand and placed it against her chest. "My heart will not rest. Tell me, what am I supposed to do?"

Soft and warm flesh, cupped beneath my palm. Freyr's pounding heart. Her ragged breathing right in front of my face. The strangely intoxicating mixed aroma of iron from the dried blood, ozone, and vanilla...

...Well. Looks like I'll need to expedite my level up plans after tonight. Ah, and you should probably look away, Avalon.


I hugged Freyr tight.

Freyr gulped.

[A Phantom Thief whistles and says he'll handle the peepers.]

[A Trickster God chuckles and says he'll help as well.]

[System Message: The area within your domain has been excluded from external influences.]

...Well, I liked taking it slow, but if a beautiful woman like Freyr was offering and didn't seem like she'd regret it... And since Freyr really loved me...

[A Phantom Thief says he'll give you some privacy.]

[A Trickster God says he'll start getting the wedding gifts ready.]

"Vain?" Freyr looked at me, her gaze soft and expectant.

I smiled and cupped her chin, pulling her face close.

Freyr blushed and closed her eyes, leaning towards me.

After that...

[Silver Tongue activates!]
[Freyr has been charmed!]
[Freyr has been charmed!]
[Freyr has been charmed!]
[Freyr cannot look at anyone but you.]

<O-Oh my! M-Master.... A-A-And Miss Freyr...! Y-Your clothes.... Uwawawawa...>


[Status Screen]


Name: Vain Glory

Age: 20 (Adjusted)

Race: Human (Heaven Defying)

Class: Shameless Flirt

Current Condition: Healthy

-Racial Traits-

Divine Anathema - Those not only forsaken by their gods, but those who have killed their gods and constructed their own. Drastically reduces effectiveness of Divine Attacks. Minor probability of obtaining partial Divine Authority through analysis and perception. Greatly increased hostility by Divine Beings.


Man of a Thousand Faces (Can filter emotions and experience through personas)

Well-Read (Increased intelligence growth)

Self-Determined (Luck is treated as 100 for calculations)


World Creator (Minor) - Allows construction of non-magical items through one's will

Hero Creator - Removes growth limitations on user and their allies. Rapidly accelerates growth of allies.


Level: 8

Strength: 24

Agility: 31

Vitality: 21

Intelligence: 107

Mana: 70

Luck: 15 [100]

Bonus Stat Points: -37


No One's Story - A gambit that defies the gods through sacrificing one's identity and very memory. All attempts to scry your status are denied. Removes skill requirements. Memory and visualization abilities are enhanced.

A Different Path - Direct interference with a hero's fate, granting him a new path and divergent futures. Allows reproduction of 'conceptual weapons' provided the requisite materials. Allows reproduction of 'sword skills' provided the requisite understanding.

Lesser Flames of Muspell - The flames that will harken the end in Ragnarok. A world-consuming fire that will burn even the divine. You are immune to all but absolute temperature changes. Even then, you can function normally in absolute temperature ranges. You can summon (Mana/10) square meters of flames. You can dominate all flames.

First Aid - A basic healing spell that stops bleeding and accelerates the body's natural regeneration.

Disengage - A skill that allows the user to immediately retreat from battle as well as return the user's condition to the state prior to engaging in combat. Can be used once per engagement per hostile opponent.

Loki's Blessing (Minor) - A blessing from the Trickster God, Loki. Can change and conceal one's appearance. Due to synergy with No One's Story, it is a flawless disguise, capable of fooling even Loki without intense scrutiny.

Item Box (Minor) - A skill that grants the user a small spatial pocket to store items. Time is slowed within the spatial pocket to 1/10th of the normal flow. Can hold approximately 1 cubic meter of items.

First Night: Slash (Fake) - An ability that embodies the concept of severing through striking at the inherent weaknesses within an existing object. Inflicts Strength as true damage.

-Class Skills-

Silver Tongue - A skill that aids in persuasion and manipulating the emotions of the target. Super effective against members of the opposite sex, or those interested in the user. Chance to instantly charm the opponent. (Extreme Synergy with <Well-Read> and <Man of a Thousand Faces>)

Rapport - A skill that builds rapport with the target. Passively increases general likability. Similar to <Charisma>, but the core of this skill is trust and empathy rather than admiration. With enough mastery, it is possible to create allies willing to throw their lives away for your sake. (Extreme Synergy with <Hero Creator> and <Well-Read>)



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