Glorious Vanity (SI LitRPG)

34 – Partying up!

A fancy restaurant in the middle of Eden. After meeting up with Vain and Freyr at the entrance, the former offered to buy food for Aqua and Gale to make up for the stamina potion. His treat, and whatever they wanted.

Obviously, Aqua wasn't about to let an opportunity like that pass by. So, ignoring Gale's judging look, she immediately recommended the most expensive restaurant in town: Heaven's Fall.

But the guy hadn't flinched. Not only that, but he took the lead, walked them all in, and even stared down all the weird looks people gave them before getting them all a table.

And so there they were, Vain and Freyr on one side of the table with Aqua and Gale on the other.

Aqua glared at the man in front of her. Vain... yes, he certainly was Vain cozying up to Freyr like that.

And why in the world was Freyr letting him?! She was a goddess! A literal goddess! What in the world happened to make her be so loveydovey to just an average looking guy like that? He wasn't even very attractive!

...Okay, maybe he was above average when you took into his foreign appearance. Those almond eyes and dark hair made him a bit mysterious, but still!

He might seem strong... and she still remembered how he let out that scary aura the other day, but that had to be a fluke! Look! He didn't even emit any mana or battle aura! And what kind of warrior picked a *shield* for a weapon?!

Vain noticed Aqua staring and tilted his head. "Something on my face?"

Aqua snorted and looked over at Freyr. "I don't get it, Freyr." She pointed at Vain and said, "What do you even see in a guy like that?"

Freyr blinked and then said, "What do you mean?"

"I mean that he's just an ordinary guy! He's not even a warrior or a magician! And even if he was, those are a dime a dozen! Why are you hanging around with him?"

Freyr frowned. "That is because-"

Vain waved his hand and said, "No need to defend me, Freyr. I really am just an ordinary guy, you know?"

"See!?" Aqua pointed at Vain and said, "He admits it!"

Gale sighed. The green-haired knight shook his head and said, "Don't mind the princess. She's been rather sheltered and is used to voicing her opinion and getting her way."

Aqua rounded on Gale and said, "I am not!"


Aqua huffed and then crossed her arms, leaning back in her chair.

Stupid Gale... Always trying to act like her big brother.

At that time, a soft chime echoed. Holographic menus floating in front of each member at the table.

Seeing that made Aqua forget about that guy for a bit and focus on what was in front of her instead. Holding out her hand, she poked at the menu in awe. "I keep forgetting how amazing this place is..." She turned to Gale and said, "Imagine if the entire kingdom was like this, Gale! I'd never have to leave my room!"

Gale chuckled. "And that is *exactly* why it is not, Princess."

"Hm?" Vain looked over at Aqua and said, "Oh right. You guys are from a kingdom or something, right?"

Aqua glared at Vain and said, "Not just *some* kingdom! We're from the Holy Kingdom of Aquarius on the Celestial Blue Star Elemens!"

Vain frowned and said, "What is with that generic JRPG setting name?"

Aqua jumped out of her chair. "What?!"

Gale pulled her down and said, "Princess. You're embarrassing yourself."

Aqua blushed, suddenly noticing that people were staring. "H-Hmph."

"Ah." Vain shook his head and said, "Sorry. Didn't mean to offend you. Just getting used to all of this."

Freyr nodded. "Yes. Vain was pulled to Babel against his will without any preparation or knowledge. He truly does not mean to offend."

"Again, no need to defend me, Freyr."

"Yes. But you are rather... blunt when it comes to diplomacy, Vain."

"Oh? Then should I be blunt when it comes to love as well, my beloved?"

Freyr blushed.

Aqua glared at Vain.

He flinched and then rubbed his face. "Goddammit. This stupid skill..."

Gale blinked. "Skill?"

Vain sighed and said, "Yeah. My class is weird and I've got a passive skill that does... interesting things when it comes to talking to women."

"Oho~? Maybe I should- Ow!"

Aqua pulled her leg back and huffed. "Stupid Gale. Who needs a dumb skill like that anyway?"

Vain looked at Gale and Aqua before his eyes lit up. "Ah. You two are like that, huh?"

Aqua blushed. "D-Don't get the wrong idea! I don't like Gale!"

"But I never said that?"

Aqua turned red. "You...!"

Freyr cut in and said, "Perhaps we should make our orders now. It will take a while to prepare everything, so we should place them before we talk."

"Ah." Vain nodded. "Good point. And don't hold back. I recently became a noveau rich person so don't worry about funding."

Aqua blinked. "Noveau rich? What does that mean?"

Gale scrolled through the menu and said, "A newly rich person who came across a great deal of money. Like an adventurer who stumbled across the ancient legacy of a great empire."

"Oh!" Aqua nodded. "So that's why Freyr is hanging around him. He's got money."

Freyr wrinkled her nose.

Gale sighed and bopped Aqua on the head.

"Ow!" She grabbed her head and frowned. "What was that for?!"

"You're being bratty again."


Gale let out a deep sigh and said, "Just order some food, Princess."

"...Hmph." Fine. Since everybody was brushing her off, she might as well order some food. "Let's see..."

Aqua scrolled through the menu. And then she froze.

A platter of fried poultry was 300 merit points? A glass of fruit juice was 100?!

She knew that the restaurant was expensive, but... most quests only gave 10 merit points for an hour of work. Didn't that mean that she'd have to work for a whole day just to afford a drink here?!

Freyr looked at Aqua and said, "Is something the matter, Aqua?"

"N-No! Of course not! Haha..." She said that, but she secretly took a look at Vain. If she was sweating from seeing the prices, then he'd... Huh?

"Hm." Vain frowned and said, "Looks like prices are in yen? 1K for a pasta dish... sounds about right. Wine is 3K though... but that's a bottle. Hey, Freyr. Did you want some wine- Ah wait. Bad idea."

Freyr huffed. "And why would that be a bad idea, Vain?"

"Because I've got a feeling that I won't be getting up the next day if you get drunk."

Freyr turned a deep red. "V-Vain! J-J-Just what are you-" She paused, staring at something invisible in front of her. And then she groaned and glared at the ceiling. "Brother! Stop peering on my personal matters! And stop laughing!"

Vain chuckled. "See?"

Freyr rubbed her cheeks, as if trying to get rid of the color. After that, she sighed and said, "Very well. I will pass on the wine. For now. But..." She looked at Vain and said, "I truly would like to share a glass with you at some point, Vain."

"One. A single glass. Got it? And no touching."

Freyr huffed. "Why are you so concerned?"

"I'm concerned because my hips were almost pulverized and my ribs were cracked."

"V-V-Vain! Not in public!"

"Ah, don't worry. After the princess's last outburst, I put up a bounded field thingy. Either way, sound won't travel to the other guests. And we're among friends, right?"


Aqua gave Vain a blank stare.


"Hah..." Aqua shook her head.

Well, if he wasn't bothered by it...

Aqua tentatively selected a few dishes.

A plum pudding. Some baked pastries that had fluffy whipped cream. A blended fruit drink...

"Princess." Gale gave Aqua a sidelong glance and said, "Order proper food as well."

"I-I wasn't going to just order sweets!"

"Of course not. Just a friendly reminder."

Aqua blushed and quickly ordered a salad and a roasted poultry dish called "Peking Duck."

...Though why there would be a King called Pe and why they would name a duck after him, she had no idea.

Then, for the grand total...

Aqua clicked confirm and then froze at the total.

"T-Twenty thousand...?"

"Hm?" Vain looked over and said, "Only that much?"

"What do you mean only that much!?"

Vain blinked. "It's only about two hundred bucks, right?"

"Two hundred deer? What?"

"Ah. Right. Slang doesn't really translate, huh...? Anyway." He waved his hand and said, "I already selected the option to pay for everyone. Get whatever you want. You've got an item box too, right? Pack some away for takeout if you want. Good food brings up morale on the go."

Aqua blinked and then slowly turned to look at Freyr. "Is he crazy?"

Freyr giggled. "Well... I wonder that myself sometimes."

"Hey!" Vain frowned and said, "I am perfectly sane." His eyes darted to the side, reading something. And then he huffed and said, "No one asked you guys!"

Gale laughed. "What a lively group of misfits." He looked to Aqua and said, "Didn't I tell you that it would be fun to hang around these two?"

"Hmph." Aqua confirmed her choices on the menu and then said, "No one asked you either, Gale!"

Gale smiled and closed his menu out as well.

Vain tapped the floating menu in front of him and then looked around. "Looks like everyone's done ordering... So how about we chat for a while and properly introduce ourselves?"

Gale nodded. "Of course. Then allow me to begin." He placed his hand over his chest and bowed his head. "Gale Tempest, Royal Guard and the Princess's personal knight." He looked over at Aqua and said, "Princess?"

"Why me?"


Aqua sighed and said, "Fine, fine." She straightened herself and turned up her head at Vain. "Be honored! You're in the presence of First Princess Aqua Marinus Elemens!"

Vain tilted his head and said, "...Did your parents hate you or something? Or do they just like color puns?"


Freyr sighed. "Vain."

"Oh. Right." Vain cleared his throat. "Different worlds, different cultural standards. Sorry."

Freyr shook her head and said, "You two know me already, but... I suppose I never did properly introduce myself to you, Vain." She turned towards Vain and then laughed. "Our initial meetings were quite rushed."

Vain nodded. "Tell me about it. I almost skipped first base and hit a homerun without even getting to know your full name when we met."

Freyr blushed. "Y-Yes. That was... Ahem. I-In any case..." Freyr smiled and said, "I am Freyr Valhalla, the youngest daughter of Lord Odin and Lady Freya. I am also an Aesir- Ah, no. I suppose now I am a Vanir... But regardless, please, just treat me as you would anyone else."

"Hm?" Vain blinked and said, "You're not a goddess anymore?"

"I still am. But... Well..." Freyr blushed and poked her fingers together.

Aqua tilted her head. "Did something happen?"

"N-No! Just..." Freyr's face turned a deep red. "...It is a private matter."

Gale laughed and reached over to pat Vain's shoulder. "I misjudged you yet again, Friend! To go so far with a goddess like that... I'm more and more impressed every time I see you."

Vain laughed. "Well... I'm pretty lucky."

"And it seems that you got lucky too, hm?"

Vain's eyes widened and then he laughed again. "That's a saying over there too, huh?"

"If you're thinking what I'm thinking about the intimate affairs with a man and a woman, then yes."

Aqua looked between Gale and Vain and said, "Stop acting all chummy! That guy still hasn't introduced himself!"

Gale leaned back. "My apologies, Princess."

"Hmph." Aqua turned to Vain and said, "Now... Introduce yourself!"

Vain chuckled. "Fine, fine." He let out a faint smile and said, "The name's Vain Glory. First name Vain, second name Glory." He held up his hands and said, "I'm nothing special. Just an ordinary human from a magicless place called Earth. And like Freyr said, I just got plopped here one day. Thankfully, I'm pretty luck and managed to survive."

Freyr gave Vain a sidelong glance and said, "I still doubt your story about being an ordinary human, Vain."

"Yeah, me too. But that's what my status tells me. Same with my name. But enough about me." Vain leaned forward on the table and said, "Let's talk about us." He looked at Aqua and Gale and said, "I'm guess you two still haven't met the quota yet, right? Well, I've got a proposition for you two..."

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