Glorious Vanity (SI LitRPG)

37 – New Game Plus (Loaded Character)

Apocalypse Eschatology.

I knew those words. No, I knew that 'title.'

It was a story I wrote in the past. Well, one that I started to write about.

A typically zombie apocalypse story with a twist. Essentially, the world was in a cycle of life and rebirth. The divine pantheons fought for the right to decide the end and beginning of the next world.

In short, a story borrowing a lot from typical apocalypse stories and also Shin Megami Tensei.

But the most important part about that was-

[You have arrived in the first scenario <Apocalypse Eschatology>.]
[This is a world of mortals and technology.]
[Supernatural and paranormal abilities have been sealed.]

[Status has been limited to the level of an ordinary human.]
[Your companion <Alice> is restricted to spectator status.]
[Your companion <Avalon> is restricted to an ordinary shield.]
[Your party member <Gale Tempest> has changed class to <Jock> and had his combat arts sealed.]
[Your party member <Aqua Marinus Elemens> has changed class to <High School Girl> her magic has been sealed.]
[Your lover <Freyr Valhalla> has changed class to <Vain's Wife> and her status has been adjusted to match yours.]

[You have obtained a message from the guide.]

[Message from the Guide]
I don't know what's happening here. This scenario is weird. Be careful, alright, Friend? I think you'll be fine, but your companions might be in trouble if they're careless. This is going to be a bloodbath, so pay close attention.

The others are scrambling as well to help their Chosen, but we're helpless in this first round. Still, if it's you, you should be fine.

Your friend, Louis Cypher.

[External System functions are sealed.]
[Communications are sealed.]
[Titles and skills are sealed.]

[Error: Due to your true nature, your abilities are uninhibited.]

[<World Creator (Minor) allows you to modify the setting.]
[<Hero Creator> allows you to take central role of the narrative as the protagonist.]

[Warning: The Absolute Causality will send counterforces if you break the narrative.]
[Warning: The Absolute Causality will exact its price from your companions if it cannot reach you.]

[Mission Objectives]
Goal: Reach the State Capital
Success: Secondary Objective revealed
Failure: Death
Reward: <First Awakening>

[Due to your role, you have been separated from your party members.]

[Warning: Due to your unbalanced abilities, you have been marked as top priority by all hostiles in the world.]

“Well isn’t this a complete mess.”

I stared at the flurry of messages and then let out a long sigh. After that, I took a look around my surroundings.

It was a familiar area. Eerily familiar, actually. The place was the same setup as an apartment that I rented once.

At the moment, I was standing in my bedroom, at the back of the apartment. The door was closed, and both the bed and some various belongings were strewn all across the floor.

In short, the typical cliched opening of a guy waking up in the middle of a night while a zombie apocalypse broke out.

It was also dead silent- No. If I listened closely, I could hear some low groans and shuffling nearby. Not only that, but very faintly, I could make out some screams of terror and dread in the distance.

None of that sounded familiar though. That was good.


"I'm the protagonist this time, huh?" I took a look around the room for potential weapons and muttered, "So much for not being in the spotlight."

It seemed like whatever powers at be were trying to make me get hit with all the plot points. Whether it was out of spite or not, it was something I had to deal with now.

"Let's see what we've got."

This was a modern setting. And from what it looked like, I had to play mostly by the rules unless I wanted to deal with some crazy shenanigans. Probably stuff like mutated zombies spawning or something. Not only that, but it looked like stats and abilities for people were sealed.

It was probably something like figuring out how to survive according to the rules of the world?

"Heh. Three ways to survive the apocalypse... Don't exist here. This isn't Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint." I picked up a backpack on the ground and stuffed it with a few textbooks lying around. After that, I used <World Creator (Minor)> to strengthen its seams. Mostly so it wouldn't fall apart in a blow or two.

I waited, wondering if there would be some warning or backlash. But nothing.

Hm. Maybe it didn't matter as long as it was 'plausible?' I probably couldn't materialize a gun or something out of thin air, but making things more durable were allowed?

Before I could dwell on it more, violet light began stirring from the other side of the closed door. At the same time, a low groan started to echo. The typical zombie moaning sound effect.

I shrugged and then walked over.

This should be a cinch. Compared to that insane hydra, slimes, orcs, and other fantasy creatures, a zombie was just completely mundane.

...Well, I guess there was the 'bite' to worry about-


My eyes widened as it hit me.

Classes were changed. Abilities were sealed. And this setting was a zombie apocalypse.

Which meant that it was entirely possible that people could turn into zombies if they were bit.

I didn't ever define the parameters for it in my story... Mostly because I stopped writing before I got far enough in it, but I was sure. If people were bitten, they would get infected.

And for people who suddenly got their abilities nerfed and didn't know about that danger...

"Screw this. I don't have time to waste."

I flung the door open.

A rotting corpse turned towards me, its mouth opened to reveal decaying gums.

Strangely, it didn't stink. Though, that was probably because the infection was partially magical in nature.


But anyway...

I swung the bag. There was an impact, and a disturbing squelching sound.

The zombie staggered, falling backwards. But it wasn't dead yet.

For good measure, I spun around and slammed the bag on its head.

Again, a disturbing squelching sound. But this time, the zombie stopped moving. And then shortly after, it dissolved into black mist, leaving behind a glowing wristwatch on the ground.

Seeing that, I sighed. "Yeah." I picked up the watch and put it on. "This is definitely cribbing from my story, isn't it?"

The moment I put the watch on, a pair of voices echoed in my head.

[Vain! What happened!?]

<Master! You suddenly vanished! Are you okay?!>

I smiled and stood up, looking around the room. "I'm fine. Not sure about the others though... So we should get going."

There was a small kitchen nearby. And if I remembered right...

I grabbed the bag again and checked it to make sure there wasn't any weird gunk. Thankfully, when the zombie vanished, so did all the gore. So that wasn't a problem.

After ensuring I wouldn't get rotten flesh all over me, I dumped out the books and walked over to the kitchen, grabbing useful items. Mostly knives, forks, projectile weapons... things that any zombie apocalypse character would use to craft stuff.

"I'm fine." Checking the bag again to secure it, I slung it over my shoulders and started leaving the room. "What about you guys?"

[Everything got hazy and I can't use my powers, but I'm fine.]

<It's the same with me, Master! I can't protect you here...>

"Don't worry about it." I waited at the door to the apartment and listened.

Again, faint screams and muffled shouts. Low groans as well, but distant.

"I've got a feeling that I'm going to be the one protecting people today anyway."

[So you know what's going on then? I haven't gotten any information. Until now, Avalon and I were just in my room watching movies.]


I walked out from the apartment, palming a kitchen knife in my right hand. As I did, I thought about that guy I saw. Akira.

The story here didn't originally have a guy that strong, but...

[Your recollection of the Zombie Slayer with Deadly Eyes expands.]
[The story of the Moon Princess is assessed.]
[The Zombie Slayer with Deadly Eyes has been deemed 'plausible' in your setting as the protagonist]

[First Night: Slash (Fake) has been unlocked.]
[A Different Path recreates the skills of the original skill user.]
[Satsujinki (Temporary) has been obtained.]

Thought so.

The knife in my right hand suddenly felt light. At the same time, the world around me suddenly seemed fragile, like it would split apart at the seams any minute now.

But it was an illusion.

Unlike that guy and the person he was definitely modeled after, I couldn't see the lines and dots of death.

If anything, it was just like being able to hit crits all the time.

But that was enough for a 'normal' Earth like this.

[Still haven't answered my question!]

At that time, doors slammed open. Shortly after, low moans echoed. The sounds of zombies shambling towards me from the other apartments.

And then in the distance, a faint scream echoed. A familiar one.

Not Freyr's, but instead...

"Of course." I spun the knife around and said, "Aqua is useless even if she isn't a goddess."

A horde of zombies started forming in front of me, shambling out from the apartments on the floor.


<Master! It's dangerous!>

I chuckled. "Don't worry about it." I stepped forward with the knife in my right hand, holding it in a reverse grip. "Not sure what idiot decided to use this setting, but either way..."

I kicked forward, blurring across the floor.

Silver flashed and I burst through the horde of zombies unscathed.

As for them...

Bodies dropped to the floor and then purple mist filled the air. The result of the zombies dissolving from being defeated.

I reached up to raise some non-existent glasses and smirked. "I'm something of a main character here, you know?"

<*gasp* Master! So cool!>

[Ugh. Could you not be so cringe?]

I laughed and then started off in a light jog.

The scream sounded like it came from the third floor. And if I remembered the story right, that should be where reinforcements showed up for the MC.

Now, just to avoid all the death flags that I laid down for that guy in my story...

Dammit, me. Why did you have to try and write a serious dark apocalypse story in the first place...?

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