Glorious Vanity (SI LitRPG)

48 – Copying from the best

Back in a conference room in my floating castle <World Breaker>, I sat at a table while holding a tablet. A live feed of Lee's exploits were playing on the screen, showing him acting up like a typical overpowered Korean Awakened protag.

Alice gave me a blank stare and said, "How can you eat those?"

I shrugged and pulled out one of the blobs- I mean, cookies, that my lovely daughter(?) and wife made for me from my inventory.

It looked terrible. With the black gummy look and the various bits of color peeking out, it looked like either vomit or vile poison that would kill you the moment it touched your tongue. Not only that, but the overwhelming scent was enough to either knock you out or snatch you back from unconsciousness.

But when you actually took a bite, it was pretty good.

The texture was all off with some parts gooey, others crunchy, and some bits powdery. The taste was also really extreme. Way too sweet, with some random chunks of saltiness and hints of bitterness. It was also weirdly savory.

But it wasn't terrible. If anything, it was just like if you went to a buffet and slopped a bunch of food together before taking a bite of everything all at once. And although the smell was overwhelming, it wasn't like it was an overwhelmingly bad smell like vomit or rotting stuff. It was just... everything all at once.

Kind of impressive really.

I finished the cookie and then said, "If they keep working at it, I think they'd be pretty good cooks. For a first attempt, they did an amazing job at balancing everything."

[Many gods recoil in fear.]
[Many goddesses applaud your love and devotion.]
[A Phantom Thief shakes his head in amazement and grants a gift. +1 Bonus Point.]
[Various immortals nod and say that poison and medicine are one and the same.]

Alice shook her head and said, "I'm... fairly certain that anyone else eating that would die, Vain."

"Of course. Do you think my wife would let anyone live after eating something she made with all her love for me?"

I still hadn't forgotten about Freyr's class or who it was inspired from.

Though, it was pretty interesting.

Freyr told me that one of her class skills was <Brynhildr's Love>. She also said that it improved all of her abilities while with the one she loved...

Considering the fact that she managed to pull off a miracle from a disastrous cooking event with all of these random ingredients, did it mean that it was a skill that applied broadly to everything she did? Or was she just that good of a cook normally that she managed to balance everything out even while Avalon threw in random ingredients?

[A Trickster God is still in amazement at the miracle his sister created.]
[A God of Wisdom cannot decipher the means through which his daughter baked something edible.]
[A Goddess of Magic snorts and says that cooking is inherent in Vanir blood.]

...Maybe the former then? Well, I'd find out in a bit since my lovely wife was emboldened enough to make dinner as well.

Alice shook her head and then walked over, peering at my tablet. "Is that your backup plan?"

"It's the main plan." I set my tablet down and then stood up to stretch. "Since we're playing the villains, we need a proper hero. And none of the Chosen here are real heroes considering they don't care about what happens afterwards. So..." I looked at Lee running through the streets of Seoul on my tablet and said, "I might as well give them a chance. After all." I smirked and said, "If they manage to reach me here, they have the qualifications to see the end, don't they?"

"...Are you sure you weren't an actor?"

I pulled out another cookie from my inventory and took a bite. "Act? Why act when you can make the lies become the truth." I tapped my head and said, "All you need is a little faith."

[Many gods cringe at your performance.]
[Many gods of darkness applaud how cool you are.]
[A few gods of justice are grateful for your mercy.]

Alice rolled her eyes and then said, "Definitely not an actor then. That performance would bomb your movie right out of the theaters."

"Perhaps. But infamy is just as good as fame."

"...You've become even more shameless. I hate it."

I laughed and then patted her shoulder. "Come on. Since dinner will be in a few hours..." I pulled out my phone and opened up a navigation app. Scrolling through the list of contacts, I stopped on Akira and said, "There should be just enough time to make my debut."

"...Do I need to come? I can already tell this is going to be cringe."

"Cringe?" I smirked and said, "I think you mean incredible. Now." I swung my arm out, causing my cape to ripple in a non-existent wind and said, "Let's go show the world true despair."


Dragon Princess Sakura. A woman born with the heart and soul of a dragon, bearing powers beyond mortal reckoning. One who had reached the 'Xian' stage from birth.

She chose to climb Babel out of curiosity to test her strength. After gathering enough insight from those before her, she built up a force to carry her throughout the lower floors and intended to make her way to the top to clash against the seniors who came before.

At least, that was her intention. But now...

"How interesting."

[<World Breaker>]
A story brought to life. Legends of a castle floating in the sky have been actualized at the hands of one who rewrites destiny.

A floating castle forged of pure obsidian, floating in the heavens.

It wasn't too impressive. She had seen countless such sights prior to Babel. However, the fact that it was manifested in a realm where the laws were so ironclad was worthy of respect. Moreover...


[Updated Mission: Rally Against the Heavens]
The Throne has been seized by <Demon Lord Seeking the World's Destruction>. The one who claims the throne has the authority to dictate the world's end.

The native inhabitants of the world have been informed and will begin to seek the Throne as well.

Warning! Defeating <Demon Lord Seeking the World's Destruction> will not end the scenario! In order to advance, one must claim the Throne as well as defeat <Demon Lord Seeking the World's Destruction>.

Goal: Defeat <Demon Lord Seeking the World's Destruction> and claim the Throne that he holds.
Success: End of the First Scenario.
Failure: ???
Reward: Unique Title, various rewards based on efforts.


Sakura glanced at the sudden message and then tapped her chin.

It was impressive. She had underestimated Vain. It seemed like he was more than a mere trickster relying on the favor of that foreign goddess.

The question now was if he was truly a human, or if he had been divine from the beginning and simply masqueraded his abilities.

It would be laudable if it was the latter. But if it was the former... For such a feat to be performed by a mere human...


A voice broke Sakura out of her reverie. She blinked and then saw that the person who had called out to her was one of those locals who flocked to her banner.

She blinked again and then recalled that they were in the midst of a battlefield, monsters pouring out from glowing portals stretching in every direction.

The nameless local grit his teeth and said, "What are you doing just standing there?! At this rate-"

A silver flash. Immediately afterwards, the rude person who interrupted Sakura's thoughts fell to the ground, collapsing in a bloody heap of flesh. Not only that, but a bit of that blood splashed on Sakura's robes.

She wrinkled her nose and then waved her hand, sending a wave of qi through her robes to clean it. And for good measure, she vaporized the corpse so that she wouldn't get any more stains on her.

"Hah... Such troublesome affairs..."

Sakura pulled out her spear from her inventory and then took a look around.

A ruined city with the undead and other monstrosities rising in every direction. Monsters from foreign lands pouring through glowing portals behind the undead.

It was nothing. Something like this was a trifling task for her to deal with. But she had hoped to make at least marginal use of the locals provided by the Scenario.

And yet...

Stares filled with fear. Faces that were in despair and regret, likely from choosing her side.

Sakura clicked her tongue and muttered, "Perhaps I should have followed suit with Akira."

That man had cut his way through everyone in his path and brought his harem out to wander the city.

As a result, he became the object of fear from the few Chosen that remained as well as the locals... but he was free.

'Alas, the duty of a ruler is heavy indeed.'

Sakura shook her head and then stepped forward. As she did, she spread out spiritual pressure and said, "If you wish to live, you will follow my order to the letter. Put your life on the line and you will survive. Fail to do so... Well, I have no need for useless men."

It was rough. She would have preferred a more elegant approach, but Vain had thrown all of her plans into disarray. Moreover, in this hectic situation where her men were out searching on their own, it would be annoying if there were ants who thought they could rise up against her.


Sakura shifted her stance, preparing to unleash an attack to eradicate all the enemies around so that they could continue their advance.

And then she felt it.

A tremendous aura that was more oppressive than any god she had faced. Malice that seemed to cling onto her very soul.


A being beyond your comprehension is descending! Retreat at the earliest opportunity!


Crimson flames erupted, turning all of the undead and monsters to ash. The portals cracked and shattered, leaving nothing behind.

And then at that time...

<Play: One-Winged Angel>

War drums reverberating through the air. Harsh strings and a flute trills echoing all around. Brass instruments starting a fanfare. A rising crescendo...

"H-Holy crap!"

One of the locals serving under Sakura stumbled backwards onto the ground. "W-W-Why is there boss music?!"

Immediately after he said that, eerie voices echoed from above, like an angelic choir.

*Estuans interius, Ira vehementi*


Panicked screams. The forces that Sakura barely reined back starting to scramble and break formation.

Sakura clicked her tongue, but she didn't pay them any attention. Instead, she stared at the figures emerging above.

A pillar of light, breaking through the ash-colored sky. Within it, a man wreathed in shadows slowly descended while being held by a beautiful angel with black feathered wings.

*Estuans interius, Ira vehementi*

Words that Sakura didn't know, but words with a meaning directly imprinted onto her mind by the system.

[Burning inside with violent anger.]

"H-How are we supposed to beat something like that...?"

A timid voice filled with fear.

Sakura glanced at the speaker, memorizing his face to chastize later.

But then the music changed, coming to a lull. Percussion that sounded like a heartbeat, followed by low chanting.

*Sors immanis, et inanis*

[Fate - monstrous and empty]

The man... No. The Demon stopped his descent and then waved his hand. The moment he did, the ground trembled and broke apart, twisting upwards to form an obsidian stairway connecting to a floating platform.

He landed without a sound while the angel quietly released him and took a step back, meekly bowing her head with a blank expression.

Silence- No. A silence filled with music that seemed to reverberate from the air itself.

Low masculine voices chanting at an increasing speed.

*Veni, veni, vanitas*
*Ne me mori facias*

[Come, come, Vanity]
[Do not let me die]

Ethereal female voices singing.

*Gloriosa, Generosa*

[Glorious, Generous]

The Demon smirked as his glowing crimson eyes swept across the surroundings. "So these are the ones who would defy the end..." He slowly raised his hand and said, "Shall I show you despair?"


A power that cannot be discerned is spreading! A power that cannot be stopped is emerging!


Sakura laughed and then started running towards the stairs.

She knew it. She didn't need those flashing messages to tell her it was dangerous.

But at the same time...

She wanted to know.

How strong was that man? Was this just a farce? Or... was he truly someone strong? And more importantly...

...Was it Vain?

Illusory cherry blossom petals filled the air as Sakura rushed towards the Demon. Wreathed in her qi, she swung her spear and sent forth an energy wave-

Only for it to be split apart. Not only that, but immediately after, crimson flames shot towards her.

Sakura swung her spear to bat them away.

But then her weapon suddenly broke, split clean in half by an attack she couldn't see or sense.

And the flames reached her.

Pain. A burning sensation...

But nothing too terrible. At most, it felt like when she endured her father's flames for body tempering.

"Hoh?" The Demon tilted his head and said, "To withstand Ragnarok's Flames... Impressive. But I suppose Dragon Blood should provide at least that much protection."

Sakura tossed aside her broken spear and looked up at the man, trying to see through the shadows wreathing his figure. "...Are you Vain?"

The Demon laughed and said, "Vain... I suppose I am. But so are you, Dragon Princess." He snapped his fingers and said, "It is far too early for you to reach me."




A bright red message window. At the same time, Sakura's instincts screamed at her to run. But-


For a split second, she saw it.

A simple white cube fell from the sky before distorting as if being sucked into itself.

And then everything turned white and she lost consciousness.


[SYSTEM: Subscenario <Advent of the Demon Lord> has been accepted.]
[SYSTEM: Favor with <The Inviolable Morning Star> allows usage of some of his authority to recreate the story.]
[SYSTEM: You have perfectly reenacted the descent of the <One Winged Angel>.]
[SYSTEM: Recalculating causality...]
[SYSTEM: The probability that the 'Hero' emerges from the Chosen has declined.]
[SYSTEM: The probability that the 'Hero' emerges from the native inhabitants has drastically increased.]
[SYSTEM: Your cruel actions have generated negative karma. It has been severed by <A Different Path>.]
[SYSTEM: You have done the impossible and defeated an opponent that vastly outclasses you through extraordinary means. The debt of bonus stat points has been erased.]
[SYSTEM: Continuing Subscenario <Advent of the Demon Lord>...]
[SYSTEM: Warning! The protagonists of <Apocalypse Eschatology> are being supported by the world!]
[SYSTEM: Warning! You must succeed in the role of <Impossible First Boss> in order for <Rally Against the Heavens> to prevail!]

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