Glorious Vanity (SI LitRPG)

7 – Character interactions huh? I’ll just… be quiet.

When the light died down, I noticed that I wasn't alone.

It was a similar place to the first chamber I arrived at. Runes and other markings lined the floor and ceiling. The main difference was that the place was a lot bigger, enough to hold a thousand or so people. Like a small stadium.

The next thing I noticed was that the Chosen had split up into four main groups.

The first was led by that silver-haired woman... I think her name was Freya? Or was it Freyr...? Either way, she was standing at the front of twenty or so people. She also looked furious, her blue eyes sharp and glaring at everyone around.

The second group was led by that black-haired Japanese teenager with the glasses. His group was smaller, only about ten or so. Notably though, they were all young women. Beautiful ones... and a mix of both human and other creatures, like an elf, vampire, and half-dragon.

In comparison to the Freya... Freyr, whatever her name was. In comparison to her, the guy was relaxed, idly spinning his knife around in his right hand.

The third group was the largest, fifty or so people, led by that pink-haired woman who seemed to be from a wuxia world or something. And as expected, they were mostly male admirers... or in other words, simps. There were also some monsters and animals mixed in with the group too, like a few tigers, slimes, and other things.

Like the Japanese isekai protag, she seemed relaxed as well, idly leaning along her spear and staring at Freyr with an amused look in her eyes.

The last group was the smallest, consisting of just that axe-using madman with brown hair and five demonic looking women. From the way that he was holding onto them with a lecherous grin on his face, as well as the way the women seemed happy about it, the dude seemed like he had found a match made in heaven.

And he was also pissing Freyr off, the silver-haired woman glaring daggers at the guy.

Of course, just because there were those four groups didn't mean that all the Chosen had taken a side.

Like me, there were a couple of other people standing apart from the four MCs as well. A surprisingly decent sized group, though all just normal humans.

Most of them were unremarkable, just some scared people that probably managed to survive by the skin of their teeth because I ended the mission early.

I did notice one guy that seemed strangely calm though. He was... probably Korean? Asian, at the least. Anyway, that guy was standing with a spear, sweeping his gaze around the room. As he did, his eyes widened and he seemed confused by something.

I shrugged and opened my status screen again.

Since there was a brief pause, I had to make sure to make the most of it.

Let's see...

Mana had been a bust... Well, maybe not. I *was* notably able to affect a larger area using [World Creator (Minor)] after dumping my points into it. I doubted that I would have been able to cover such a large fortress with flour before I added those points into Mana.

But was it worth it to add more?

I had leveled up twice, but my stats were still pretty low. And I also didn't feel much different... Dammit.

System bro, could you give me something to compare my stats to? Like what's normal for someone my level? Or maybe what those four MC-type people have?


Why not?!

[Stats vary widely among Chosen and creatures alike. There is no 'normal', only averages.]

Then could you give me the average at least?

[Request confirmed. Calculating... Rounding... The current average stats among the chosen are:]

[Strength - 50]
[Agility - 50]
[Vitality - 50]
[Intelligence - 30]
[Mana - 100]
[Luck - 10]

...Well crap. Didn't that mean I'd be at a disadvantage no matter what...? Even if I dumped my 40 bonus points into one stat, I'd only be barely average. The only ones I had a lead on were Intelligence and Luck... which didn't help much in a situation like this.

And if this was the *average*, that meant that there were also people who were much higher and lower... which could be seen from that crazy high Mana stat.

So then... It wasn't worth dumping my points into my physical stats. That just confirmed that I'd still get insta-killed... Well, maybe not. It could just be that those irregulars were skewing the average super high... but my gut was telling me that wasn't the case.

I sighed.

Might as well keep investing in Mana then. The description *did* say it included things like spiritual energy... and maybe I could finally use [A Different Path] to make things if I had more Mana.

[Would you like to invest your bonus stat points into Mana?]

Yes, yes. You know the drill already.

[Your request has been completed. Please confirm your status at the earliest opportunity.]

Huh. Those messages were starting to get a bit more fluid. Was the System leveling up alongside me?

...Nah. Couldn't be the case.

Like before, I felt a soft 'pop.' My senses sharpening just a bit more. Because of that, I could see it.

Before, ambient mana only looked like a faint colorless mist, but now it carried a clear hue. Not only that, but the different people around were emitting various colors... as well as varying intensities.

Most of the ordinary looking humans only let off a soft white light, but the non-humans were like neon signs, lit up with light.

Not only that, but the four MCs were like stars, letting off blinding light.

Freyr was an electric blue, like icy lightning. That pink-haired woman was a bright pink. The madman with the axe... well, he didn't emit 'light' per say, but was stained black with shadows. And then the Japanese isekai guy had a royal violet aura around him.

I blinked, stunned by the sudden surge of light.

And then a sharp voice cut through the air.

"Curses! Which one of you ignorant fools destroyed the Dungeon Core?! A key advantage has been lost as a result!"

Freyr's voice. The silver-haired woman spun around, glaring with fierce blue eyes.

I blinked away the spots in my eyes and then frowned, glancing at the others.

"Relax, lady." The Japanese MC raised his hand and said, "We cleared the mission anyway and got the bonus points from that Shade thing. That's plenty."

Freyr frowned and looked towards him. "That may be true, Sir Kadashi. But did you not read the announcement? This next scenario-"

"Oh shut up already." The brown-haired man with the axe frowned and said, "If people die, lettem. Not like a strong woman like yourself is gonna wipe to some random monsters... Or are you scared? Because if you are..." He grinned, sweeping his gaze up and down Freyr.

The silver-haired woman bristled and drew her sword. "Should I cut those eyes out?"

A bell-like laugh echoed. The pink-haired woman. "Relax, Miss Valhalla. Like Mister Doe said, we're plenty strong, aren't we?"

Freyr frowned. "That is true, Miss Sakura. But if it is like this..." Her gaze shifted towards my group.

When her gaze landed on me, I flinched, wondering if she would find me out.

But it seemed that she misunderstood my reaction as her gaze filled with pity and she let out a sigh.


And then, one brave soul from the group beside me spoke up. An unremarkable man. "U-Um... So what now?"

Freyr looked to him and let out a kind smile. "Now... we wait for the guide."

"The... Guide?" The unremarkable man blinked. "What-"

"She means me." A suave male voice, one that seemed to linger in the air.

I frowned and turned towards the voice, instinctively taking a step back.

A man with slicked back blonde hair and clear blue eyes. A sharp and pristine white suit paired with matching pants and shoes. Looking at us, he gave a graceful bow and said, "Welcome to Babel, Chosen Ones." Raising his body, he said, "Please, allow this humble Lucifer to guide you all through the rest of this tutorial."

A smile crossed the man's face.

It seemed kind. It seemed natural. But...

Goddammit. This is a hundred percent a death trap...

...There was no missing the sadistic flash of crimson in those eyes as he looked over us.


[Status Screen]


Name: Vain Glory

Age: 20 (Adjusted)

Race: Human (Heaven Defying)

Current Condition: Healthy

-Racial Traits-

Divine Anathema - Those not only forsaken by their gods, but those who have killed their gods and constructed their own. Drastically reduces effectiveness of Divine Attacks. Minor probability of obtaining partial Divine Authority through analysis and perception. Greatly increased hostility by Divine Beings.


Man of a Thousand Faces (Can filter emotions and experience through personas)

Well-Read (Increased intelligence growth)

Self-Determined (Luck is treated as 100 for calculations)


World Creator (Minor) - Allows construction of non-magical items through one's will

Hero Creator (Minor) - Removes growth limitations on user and their allies


Level: 4

Strength: 14

Agility: 12

Vitality: 12

Intelligence: 50

Mana: 70

Luck: 15 [100]

Bonus Stat Points: 0


No One's Story - A gambit that defies the gods through sacrificing one's identity and very memory. All attempts to scry your status are denied. Removes skill requirements. Memory and visualization abilities are enhanced.

A Different Path - Direct interference with a hero's fate, granting him a new path and divergent futures. Allows reproduction of 'conceptual weapons' provided the requisite materials. Allows reproduction of 'sword skills' provided the requisite understanding.

Flames of Muspell (Heavily Degraded) - A miniscule spark of the flames that will harken the end in Ragnarok. However, though miniscule, it is still an authentic spark of the world-consuming flames. Immune to all but extreme temperature changes. Mild resistance to Absolute Zero or Absolute Flame. Can summon a tiny ember of Ragnarok's flames.

First Aid - A basic healing spell that stops bleeding and accelerates the body's natural regeneration.

Disengage - A skill that allows the user to immediately retreat from battle as well as return the user's condition to the state prior to engaging in combat. Can be used once per engagement per hostile opponent.


Full Restore x1

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