God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 1296: the situation outside

After walking out of the laboratory, the dazzling sunlight hit his face. Before Chu Jungui could reflect on the joy just now, he still couldn't help but sigh when facing the whole world.

Lin Xi patted Chu Jungui on the shoulder and said considerately: "Think openly, it's not a big deal. It's just that our universe might be fake, and there aren't that many things worth caring about. By the way, do you mind if I Bring a copy of the research results back to the dynasty?"

"of course not."

Lin Xi and Chu Jungui were bathing in the sunshine side by side. They seemed to be in a good mood. She narrowed her eyes slightly, with joy on her lips, and said in a brisk tone: "When we first came in, how could we know that even the sunshine was fake?"

"For humans, this is real sunlight, and that's enough."

Lin Xi glanced at him and said thoughtfully: "Too much perception may not be a good thing."

“I’m used to the human perspective, but I’m really not used to seeing a world where everything is data.”

"Do you think those Desinos can see concepts directly?"

Chu Jungui thought for a while and said: "It's hard to say. It's possible that they can't see the concept and can only perceive it through indirect means. The concept itself may be of a higher dimension."

"Don't think about this anymore. I'm not a scientist. I'm going to talk to those scientists."

Chu Jungui nodded and watched Lin Xi walk away. Kaitian's voice sounded in his mind: "Boss, can you come over here? There's something unexpected."

Kaitian is currently on the top floor of the research building. This research building was specially built for scientists. It now has dozens of large and small laboratories, and as many as hundreds of researchers working in it. When Chu Jun returned and resurrected Lin Xi, Kaitian built a special laboratory on the top floor and didn't know what he was tinkering with.

With a thought, Chu Jungui appeared in Kaitian's laboratory.

Kaitian's laboratory is also full of Disno style. To ordinary people, only a few minimalist geometric devices can be seen, so smooth that there are no gaps. Chu Jungui naturally saw the countless data interfaces and understood the functions of each device.

Kaitian was looking solemnly at a group of data in the center of the room, and said: "Just now I tried to contact the wise man and Brother Dao to know the situation outside. Now I can't actively contact them, but I accidentally synchronized some data back. Take a look."

That group of data came from the wise man. It seemed that he had left it unconsciously in the universe and was then collected by Kaitian Perception. All Mist tribes have genetic memory, which is actually knowledge stored in the universe. When Kaitian tried to artificially open the storage space of genetic memory, he simultaneously sensed the wise man.

The beginning of data is a war, a war between the community and light years.

Seeing the overwhelming fleet in the image, Chu Jungui suddenly turned pale. At this time, anger is actually another level of emotion and does not need to be displayed on the outside. However, Chu Jun still retains many human habits, and his face will turn green when he is angry.

The community carried out a complete sneak attack, and deployed three fleets at once, and also strengthened an additional capital ship. Lightyear was caught off guard. Many of its main fleets were scattered in other galaxies and had no time to be mobilized. As a result, they had to send out the manned fleet that stayed at N77 to fight. After a **** battle, the outnumbered Lightyear Fleet suffered heavy losses and had to retreat. Multiple orbital docks were destroyed, and three capital ships under construction were captured.

The community is still an unrivaled behemoth in Lightyear. Under an all-round attack, all of Lightyear's manned fleets were quickly defeated. All lines of defense were lost. Several unmanned fleets stationed in the condominium system were also attacked. In the end, the battle ended in total. The army was destroyed.

At the critical moment, the wise man dismissed all the generals from their posts and took over the command according to the order previously reserved by Chu Jungui. It then gathered the remaining fleet, withdrew all mobile fleets from the community, and fled to the unmanned system. All the condominium galaxies within the community were destroyed, Planet 5, which was almost completely covered, was abandoned, all orbital space stations and docks that were too late to be evacuated were abandoned, and all unfinished starships were blown up. In the end, all the prisoners of the community were rescued.

Although there is no specific loss figure in the data, according to Chu Jungui's understanding of his industry, at least 70% of the fleet was lost, with more than 300,000 casualties. Many of these people have joined Lightyear since the first landing campaign on Planet 4 and are part of the backbone of Lightyear. Chu Jungui has been cultivating their various skills. Even if the Mist Clan fleet was formed later, Chu Jungui still did not give up on the manned fleet and always kept investing resources.

In Chu Jungui's plan for the future, there are only three Mist tribes, and humans are the foundation. When immigration starts in the light years in the future, these old people who have been tempered in the fleet will be the backbone of all walks of life. Hundreds of thousands of elite crew members can easily support the social structure of hundreds of millions of people. As a result, the community sneak attack caused 70% casualties in one fell swoop.

This loss was simply irreparable, and Chu Jungui, who had always been calm, couldn't help but become furious. But after all, the information was synchronized back from Kaitian from the outside, and the details were vague. I don’t know why the community turned against it, and how it suddenly became so smart and succeeded in a sneak attack. In the past few wars, the community had changed many generals and changed its tactics many times, but in the end they all returned with disastrous defeats. If a wise man had full command, there would be no possibility of a sneak attack. William has also experienced many battles, and the possibility of making mistakes is very small. Why did the situation suddenly collapse just a few days after Chu Jungui left?

There is no point in worrying now. Mr. Chu will not be able to get out after his return, so he can only wait in the real dream. Fortunately, judging from the limited information, the wise man is still quite decisive and ruthless. When he sees that something cannot be done, he immediately cuts off his wrists to survive. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com All industries in orbital space and unobstructed planets are given up, except for the fourth planet. Fighting troops remained. Planet 4 has a special environment. It killed many of the Federation's ace marines. If the community feels that it is more powerful than the Federation, it will definitely re-correct its positioning on Planet 4.

Chu Jungui didn't know how many resources and troops the wise man had taken away, but with the style of the Mist Clan, nothing that could be taken away would be left behind, and anything that could not be taken away would never be left to the community.

The wise man took over the command and fled to the unmanned galaxy with the remaining soldiers. Although this was Chu Jungui's authorization, Chu Jungui always felt a little uneasy.

At the same time, in a deserted unmanned galaxy, starships suddenly jumped out one after another. Most of the starships had scars on their hulls. It seemed that they had just experienced a big battle.

As a black heavy cruiser jumped out of the void, the surface of the ship was also covered with scars. The light-year mark was incomplete, but a black star was still clearly visible. The Black Sun is the flagship of the Wise Ones. This heavy cruiser can no longer accommodate the Wise Ones. Originally, a battleship under construction was prepared to serve as the new flagship, but the Community suddenly attacked and the unfinished battleship had to be destroyed. destroy.

As the Black Sun completed its jump, the entire fleet suddenly had a soul. All the starships that had completed the jump suddenly turned at the same time and flew to a distant area at the highest speed. Starships are still jumping out of the void, and they all fly to their designated positions immediately.

When nearly a hundred starships jumped out, an unprecedented violent space fluctuation appeared, and then a huge capital ship struggled to break free from the void and entered the star field. This capital ship had no scars, which was in sharp contrast to the scarred starships around it.


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