God level counter attack system

Chapter 1 God Level Counterattack System

Ever since Pengye introduced his girlfriend Yao Sisi to work in his buddy Cheng Hai's studio, Yao Sisi rejected him in various ways, which made him seriously suspicious. Yao Sisi gave him a big green hat.

"Cheng Hai!" Peng Ye yelled as he entered the Blue Ocean studio.

"Brother Peng, why are you here?" The staff in charge of reception at the studio greeted warmly.

"Oh, I haven't been here for a long time, let me take a look." Peng Ye said perfunctorily.

The staff looked at Peng Ye meaningfully: "Brother Peng, wait a minute, our boss will be back in a while, please sit down for a while, and I'll pour you some water."

Before Peng Ye could reply, the staff walked away.

Not long after, a Cayenne GTS parked outside the studio, and Peng Ye looked at it coldly.

The co-pilot had a pair of slender legs protruding out, and the alluring sexy girl got out of the car.

Yao Sisi!
When Cheng Hai got out of the car, Yao Sisi hurried over to help him close the car door, took his arm actively, and the two walked into the studio intimately.

What the heck, he was really cuckolded.

For a moment, Peng Yeqi's body trembled.

Cheng Hai took Yao Sisi into the studio, and when he saw Peng Ye, his expression was obviously unnatural.

Peng Ye took a deep breath, suppressed his anger and asked, "Who will tell me when it started?"

"Brother Peng, I have never been able to tell you about this matter. I treat you as a real brother, but Sisi and I..."

"Brother? Cheng Hai, do you still have the face to mention brother? My brother who has been with you for so many years, you dig into me..."

"Peng Ye, enough is enough! I have been with you for so many years, and I am sorry for you. How could I choose to be with you for the rest of my life when I have nothing like you? I finally found true love. Not only did you not know how to let go, but you even made trouble. It’s a pity that I will think about how to tell you to make you feel better.”

Yao Sisi's words were like sharp knives, which made Pengye feel heartbroken.

Staring blankly at Yao Sisi's flamboyant face, Peng Ye sneered and shook his head: "Yao Sisi, very good, you are right, I have nothing, it is normal for you to leave, I wish you happiness."

After Peng Ye finished speaking, he never looked at Yao Sisi again. He didn't want to mention the efforts he had made over the years, that would be too humble.

He turned his head to look at Cheng Hai, and said seriously: "Cheng Hai, I advise you never to bring her into contact with richer people. I hope you can guard this woman."

Hearing Peng Ye's words, Cheng Hai's face turned ugly for a moment, and he hesitated to speak.

Yao Sisi became angry, and cursed bitterly: "Toad! Don't you look at your ugly appearance, my brother Hai is a hundred times more handsome than you, no, ten thousand times! How could I betray Brother Hai for money? ?”

Hearing Yao Sisi's words, Cheng Hai's ugly face softened.

Just when Peng Ye was about to retaliate, the phone rang.

"Hello, who is it?" Peng Ye answered the phone angrily.

"Peng Ye, I'm Yu Qiuying."

"Director Yu, I have something to do now..."

"What can you do? Peng Ye, with your current work attitude, you are not far from being unemployed. Let me tell you, I may not be able to keep you with your current performance..." Yu Qiuying said crisply The voice came from the mobile phone.

Hearing this, Peng Ye was startled. He gave the dog and man in front of him a hard look, turned around and walked out of the studio.

Seeing Peng Ye like this, Yao Sisi laughed wildly, stretched out his middle finger, and cursed 'stinky dick'.


"Director, what happened?" Peng Ye walked out of the studio and asked anxiously.

"Peng Ye, you need to know that no place in this world supports idlers. If you can't complete your performance, you..."

Before Qiu Ying could finish speaking, Peng Ye quickly answered, "Director, can you give me one last chance? If next month, no, if my performance cannot be completed this month, I will definitely not need you to ask. Walk on your own."

Yu Qiuying was silent for a while, then said after a long time: "Okay, I'll give you the last month, don't let me down again."

"No supervisor, I will definitely work hard."

"Well, that's it for now."

"Thank you supervisor."

After hanging up the phone, Peng Ye heaved a sigh of relief.

The next quarter's rent will be paid soon, and if he loses his job at this time, he will sleep on the street.

Fortunately, the job is temporarily saved.

Back at the rental house, Peng Ye became more and more angry as he thought about it. He opened a bottle of white wine and took a sip. He was ready to get drunk.

The wine is full of sorrow, and Peng Ye's drunk eyes are hazy.

At this time, the cell phone rang, and Peng Ye found the cell phone and connected the call.

"Hey buddy, what's up?"

"Drink, drink."

"What's the matter? Didn't you quit drinking a long time ago?"

"Fuck, that bitch Yao Sisi, and that bastard Cheng Hai..."

"Hey, buddy, don't be too sad. Isn't she just a woman, there are all over the street, and you can find a beautiful woman with just a WeChat shake!"

"real or fake?"

"Of course! If you don't believe me, try it! Let me tell you, I've already got quite a few girls..."

"Thanks bro, I'll try."

After hanging up the phone, Peng Ye felt a little better.

The call was from Liu Hao. Although Liu Hao was unreliable, he was really a friend to Peng Ye.

Thinking that what Liu Hao just said was so true, Peng Ye was a little moved.

He picked up the phone and turned it on, shaking it, shaking it.

With a ding, it really shook a person!

The WeChat account of the other party is called Mengyou Wonderland.

Peng Ye clicked on the image and looked at it, and couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

The photos in front of me are truly beautiful.

Of course Peng Ye knew that most of the current photos were generated by PS, but that didn't stop him from feeling restless when he saw the beautiful woman.

The beauties in the photo are not only beautiful, but also have a good figure. The bust is proud, and the long legs are even more against the sky.

Peng Ye, who had drunk a lot, suddenly had an irresistible urge.

"Beauty, get to know"

After thinking for a long time, Peng Ye sent a request to add a friend without skill.

Feeling anxious, Peng Ye waited for a while.

When he was about to give up, unexpectedly, the other party replied, "Okay!"

This made Peng Ye a little overjoyed, and replied: "I don't know how to call it?"


"Hi Alice, I'm Mr. Mad Hatter."

"Mr. Mad Hatter, you are really humorous. I created a WeChat group, do you want to join everyone to get to know each other?"

Peng Ye thought for a while and replied, "Okay!"

Then Alice pulled him into the WeChat group.

There are not many people in the group. At this time, some people are giving out red envelopes, but no one grabs them.

Peng Ye didn't dare to mess around, after all he didn't know anyone here.

Alice seemed to see Peng Ye's concerns, and sent a private message, "The group is all my friends, and everyone usually sends a red envelope for entertainment, and you can also order it."

Peng Ye replied with a good and bared face, and then snatched a red envelope from a person named Little Mermaid in the group.

When the red envelope was opened, it was not money, but a system called God-level Counterattack, and the automatic download started.

This is?

A virus hidden in a red envelope?
Are you still playing like this?

Peng Ye shook his head and turned off the phone.

Unexpectedly, the phone could not be turned off.No matter how hard Peng Ye tried, the phone was fixed on the download page.

After a while, the god-level counterattack system was downloaded and started to be installed automatically.

"Damn it! What nonsense!" Peng Ye looked at the simple system and exclaimed.

At this time, a line of red introduction is written on the system interface:

This system is still in the testing period. The testing period is three days. You can choose to change the following attributes: appearance, career, charm...

Peng Ye didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but out of curiosity, he still tried to check his appearance.

According to the steps, Peng Ye uploaded the photos and used the tools to enhance the beauty to integrate and modify them.

After a while, Peng Ye P showed a face comparable to Wu Yanzu, observed it with satisfaction, and clicked OK.

After a while, the system prompts Peng Ye that the change has taken effect.

Peng Ye happily turned on the camera function, but to his disappointment, the face that had followed him for more than 20 years still appeared on the screen of the phone.

Oh shit!Liar!

Peng Ye angrily threw the phone on the sofa.

Although Peng Ye didn't have any hope from the bottom of his heart, he still had some expectations after all.

Being tricked, of course I feel upset.

With a wry smile, Peng Ye took the pillow and fell asleep with his head covered.

In the early morning, Peng Ye set off from home one hour earlier and arrived at the company before the morning rush hour.

As time went by, many colleagues came to the company one after another.

These people who usually don't pay much attention to Peng Ye, unexpectedly greeted him one by one.This flattered him.

What the hell is going on?

Is it?

Thinking of the changed appearance of the system, Peng Ye hurried to the bathroom and carefully looked in the mirror in front of the glass mirror.

Kong was overjoyed, but his appearance in the mirror remained unchanged. Peng Ye walked out of the bathroom in frustration and returned to work.

"Brother Peng, Director Yu asked me to inform you to go to her office to find her." Zhang Jing, a well-known beauty in the company, warmly greeted Peng Ye.

"Understood." Peng Ye replied in a low voice, feeling uneasy.

Here, Yu Qiuying must be talking about dismissal today.

"Brother Peng, you look so ugly. Are you worried that the supervisor will say you? Don't worry, we all know that the client you are in charge of is a very picky person. I think the supervisor will not blame you for this."

Zhang Jing has always been targeting Peng Ye, and laughing at Peng Ye has become her daily pleasure.

This sudden comfort made Peng Ye suspect that she had taken the wrong medicine.

"Brother Peng, do you have time to have dinner together at noon? There is a restaurant downstairs, and the dishes in it are very good, high quality and cheap."

Zhang Jing didn't seem to notice the unnatural smile on Peng Ye's face, or just ignored it. She dragged Peng Ye to Yu Qiuying's office and extended an invitation.

"That... okay." Peng Ye agreed with some embarrassment.

Pulling Peng Ye to the door of the supervisor's office, Zhang Jing winked at him and left.

Peng Ye coughed twice and knocked on the office door.

"Come in." A cold voice came from the door.

Peng Ye gently pushed the door open and closed it carefully.

Facing his immediate boss, Peng Ye felt a little flustered.

"Xiao Peng, come and sit down." Seeing Peng Ye coming in, Yu Qiuying smiled and said kindly.

Peng Ye sat down awkwardly, his palms slightly sweating.

Yu Qiuying handed over a glass of water, and sat opposite Peng Ye, with a pair of slender legs unintentionally laid aside: "Peng Ye, your performance is really worrying."

"Director, I will try my best to win the client..." Peng Ye patted his chest and promised.

"Don't be nervous, I'm mainly looking for you to talk about what's wrong with you, and I can't talk about business after so long."

Yu Qiuying is a well-known social girl in the company. These words are not derogatory, but truly show her ability.

At a young age, she is good at dancing with long sleeves, can speak well, handle affairs impeccably, plus she looks beautiful and has a good temperament. She is the goddess in many people's hearts.

Many people couldn't ask for Yu Qiuying's guidance.

Flattered, Peng Ye pretended to be listening carefully.

"You, the biggest problem is that you don't know how to take advantage of your natural advantages. You are so handsome, and if you are more enthusiastic and positive about customers, it should not be difficult to achieve some results. Let me demonstrate to you. If you are my client now, I will ..."

Yu Qiuying leaned forward directly, put her arms around Peng Ye's arm, held a cup to feed him water, and begged him to agree to sign the contract.

Facing the sudden seductive provocation from the beautiful supervisor, Peng Ye panicked for a moment, and agreed repeatedly.

"Okay, I won't tease you. By the way, I have a party tonight, and I just need a male companion. Do you have time?"

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