God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 1076

Chapter 1075 Back in time 7

“You two, if something happens to the young master, just wait to go to jail.” Xu Ji left these words coldly, and turned and walked out together with Zhou Li.

Since Qi Yu is not here, they don’t have to stay here anymore.

Moreover, one more glance at Ban Hongcai and Wang Rongfang will remind them of the fact that they were fooled by these two people for an afternoon.

If they don’t leave, they are afraid that they will lose control of their emotions.

“Why, why did you leave?” Wang Rongfang looked out, with a look of shock and fear.

But Ban Hong suddenly reacted and slapped his thigh suddenly: “Hurry up and have a look!”

The two hurried out, Zhou Li and Xu Ji were already sitting in the car and were about to drive away.

“you guys……”

Wang Rongfang and Ban Hongcai couldn’t believe that they were going to leave?

Sitting in the passenger seat, Zhou Li seemed to see the thoughts of the two of them, frowning, and said with a disgusted expression: “We are now going to the town to find someone. If the young master comes back, you will go to the Fuquan Hotel in the town to find us. If you don’t find it, imagine the consequences for yourself!”

After speaking, Xu Ji drove away.

Wang Rongfang and Ban Hongcai stood there, watching the black car disappear into the night.

Because of the words left by Zhou Li before he left, Wang Rongfang and Ban Hongcai were heavy in heart and had no intention of quarreling.

Wang Rongfang stood in place, and it took a long time for Liushen Wuzhu to speak to Ban Hong, “Master, here, what can I do.”

If Qi Yu really doesn’t come back, isn’t she going to go to jail? !

“How do I know!” Ban Hongcai angrily walked in with an impatient look: “If you want to find someone, you can also go out and look for it. I’m going to eat.”

Anyway, it was Wang Rongfang who changed his son at the time, even if he was in jail, he would not be in his turn!

And after waiting for an afternoon, he starved to death long ago.

Wang Rongfang looked at Ban Hongcai’s back in disbelief. For a long time, he raised his hand and wiped his tears and walked in.

It was so dark and she didn’t know where Qi Yu was. Even if she wanted to go out to find someone, she didn’t know where to look.

Thinking of this, Wang Rongfang resented Qi Yu again in his heart.

Had it not been for him to run out suddenly this afternoon, he would not have fallen to the point where he was now panicked.

Ningmeng still stood behind the door and waited for Qiyu.

After watching Wang Rongfang and the others go out, Qi Yu finally sprang out of the bedroom.

Ningmeng opened the door and at the same time paid attention to the movement outside, and then quickly beckoned to Qi Yu.

Qi Yu returned to Ningmeng.

Ningmeng looked at him empty-handed and couldn’t help asking, “Didn’t you find it?”

“Found it, in my pocket.” Qi Yu whispered.

When the words fell, both of them heard footsteps outside.

Ban Hong just came in from outside, sat on the bench carelessly, poured himself a glass of wine and started eating.

Wang Rongfang also followed in and sat opposite Ban Hongcai.

From Ningmeng’s perspective, you can just see the look on Wang Rongfang’s face, fear, resentment, and hatred.

Almost at a glance, she knew what she was thinking. At this time, she still couldn’t realize her mistake, and she couldn’t repent!

A touch of coldness passed through Ningmeng’s eyes.

Qi Yu also turned his head and glanced at the two people who were sitting on the stool for dinner, and his expression was flat.

He grasped Ningmeng’s hand and said softly: “Let’s go.”

“Just let them go?” Ningmeng raised her head, and in front of Qi Yu, she made no secret of her disgust and killing intent towards the two.

Qi Yu spoke, his tone calm: “Let them live first.”

If it were before, Qi Yu would definitely cut them off as soon as he saw them.

The origin of the tragedy of his life can be said to be from the hands of Wang Rongfang.

Regarding Wang Rongfang, Qi Yu did not get rid of her hatred for shaving her bones and cramping 10,000 times.

But now, there is Ningmeng by her side.

Although he would still avenge himself, but he didn’t hate it so much.

And he is also responsible for the future of himself and Ningmeng.

If he was reborn earlier, he might do something to make Wang Rongfang and Ban Hongcai not so comfortable.

But now the Qi family already knew of his existence.

Not completely sure, Qi Yu still doesn’t want to be found by the Qi family.

Moreover, according to the Qi family’s work style, if he has not been found, he will definitely vent his anger on Wang Rongfang and Ban Hongcai.

In short, it is impossible for Wang Rongfang and Ban Hongcai to live as happily as in their previous lives.

It would be better to let Wang Rongfang and Ban Hongcai suffer the Qi family’s anger first, and when he grows up, how to retaliate… it is not a matter of a word.

Qi Yu grasped Ningmeng’s hand, his black eyes were deep.

“Come on, let them live for a few more years.” Ningmeng returned to hold Qi Yu’s hand, remembering what she had just secretly done, and a touch of slyness crossed her eyes.

The two left quietly.

Wang Rongfang and Ban Hong didn’t even know the person they were looking for was so close to them.

I don’t know. Although what happened today made the two of them frightened, compared to what happened in the future, today is actually the safest day.

But these are all things to come.

Ningmeng and Qi Yu left quietly.

In fact, Qi Yu and Ningmeng didn’t want to hurry up at night, but if they don’t go now, it will be even harder to leave tomorrow during the day.

Moreover, the system space only accommodates the souls of two people, and they have nowhere to hide even if they want a place to rest.

Fortunately, although the system space cannot be exchanged for ID cards, it can be exchanged for transportation.

Qi Yu didn’t think of this before, but also thought of riding a bicycle.

But Ningmeng thought about it.

The points accumulated in so many worlds before, don’t need to keep them in the future?

Ningmeng exchanged an electric car directly from the mall.

In fact, they can also be exchanged for cars, but the two of them now have small bodies, even if they have a car, they can’t drive.

Electric cars are already the most suitable choice.

Ningmeng sat in the back seat obediently, pulling Qi Yu’s clothes with both hands.

Qiyu rode a small electric car and slowly drove on the country road with the incandescent light emitted by the electric car.

There are no entertainment programs in the country, and they are still busy working on the ground every day. Everyone goes to bed very early, and there is no one on the road.

Wan Lai was silent, only the sound of frogs in the garden.

Before meeting Ningmeng, Qi Yu had a really hard time.

Only when Wang Rongfang and Ban Hong realized that he was not a real son, they had been beating and scolding him all the time, and did not treat him as a human being.

After being taken back to the Qi’s house, although he was able to eat and wear warm clothes, he was imprisoned freely and used as a storage container for blood organs.

During the time he was detained in the hospital, Qi Yu recalled his days in the country more than once.

If he knew that the Qi family would treat him like that, he would rather die outside alone than live so humiliatingly.

But now, he really returned to time, back to the origin of his tragedy.

Not only did he escape from that sinful place, but he was accompanied by someone behind him.

He was never alone anymore.

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