God of Nothing

Chapter 43: Opening Salvo

Rayse awoke to a huge commotion going on around him. He exited his tent to find everyone scrambling towards the battlements, soldiers and citizens alike. He stepped aside as one of the children almost passed, carrying a basket full of arrows. He briefly questioned giving that many pointy things to kids, but there's no time for philosophy when there are demons beyond the gates.

The ground was rumbling that familiar rhythm Rayse felt when Hios was attacked. It got his blood pumping, waking him completely. The camp was close to the gates; they practically dragged the entire town here, hoping that concentrating their forces here would make it easier to defend. People were running to and fro. Most of the ones left in the camp were the noncombatants. The older men and women helped in their own way, huddled in their little circles to cook, create more arrows and spears, whatever they could to help. They've been at it since Rayse had come to rest, and with his keen senses, he could already see fatigue lining their faces.

It's gonna be a long night, he sighed. 

Regardless, the first thing he did was make his way towards the cookfire, where a fragrant smell was emanating from. He briefly greeted the old ladies that were chopping away, accepting a mug full of hearty soup. He sipped away at it as he walked atop the wall, occasionally chewing on a stray carrot or bits of meat. At the end of the stairs, he found his friends surrounded by a different group, listening intently to what Brandon was saying. He stood beside Lacey, finishing his meal as he listened.

"–to the defense of this wall, we may be called to defend other areas at times. That means you guys have to fend for yourselves. Any questions?"

A grizzled middle aged man raised his hand. He was lean but exuded strength, likely from a lifetime of tending the fields. The others turned to him at once, respect evident in their gazes, but when he spoke, it was full of venom.

"We came here to follow Lord Aleph, so why did he pass us over to you kids?"

"What's your name, sir?" Brandon asked him in turn.

"Jean, if it pleases your majesty." He said mockingly.

"Master has his own part to play. One that we can't follow him to–" Brandon began, but Jean cut him off.

"We are here because Lord Aleph deigned to share his vast wealth of mana crystals with us. Sorry, but I don't care if you're his disciple or his landlord, I just don't feel assured with you leading us instead. I'm not about to be ordered around by spoiled nobles with their flashy dresses, either." He pointed a thumb at Lacey as he said this. "We are fighting for our lives here, kid, so if we see that there's no hope in this fight, we're getting down this wall and taking off. Bet you'd do that before any of us, though." Some laughter resounded at that.

Rayse could feel Lacey heating up at that comment, but luckily she was able to endure. He gave her hand an encouraging squeeze. He had to keep himself in check, too, but then Brandon answered back.

"And go where? Hide away in your cellars again?" The laughter instantly died down at that. The entire crowd glowered at him, and Rayse felt that it could turn violent any moment now.

"I mean, you are farmers, after all. Did you think that if you plant yourself in the ground, the demons will mistake you for the shrubbery?" 

"Bran, enough."

"No, Ray. These fools need to hear this. Do you know why you lived, Jean?"

"I–" He started, but Brandon cut him off immediately.

"You lived because you were weak. These things have hounds that were trained to hone in on anyone who's a threat.They could have taken you out if they pleased. You know this, so why are you acting tough now?"

He started pacing, looking each man in the eye, but not one of them could look back at him now.

"Oh yeah, these sumbitches think that just because master gave them a few pity crystals that they're so strong? I should let these fools run out of here then, maybe they'd regret their words as the hounds rip them to shreds."

"Brandon, enough!" Rayse shouted, but Brandon kept going. The mocking tone was gone from his voice in an instant, replaced by a seething rage that surprised even his best friends.

"I was once one of you! Silently living my life until these demons popped out from god knows where to ruin it! Helpless as my mother was slaughtered by these wretched things, just like you were when they razed your town to the ground!" He said so loudly that it stunned Rayse. There were tears forming in his friend's eyes now, and he could only watch as he bared his souls to people he didn't even know.

"But I lived too somehow, left to bitterly grind my teeth in shame at how useless I was. I took it out on people, just like you're taking it out on me now. Not even strangers, in my case. I took it out on people I loved…"

He stopped pacing and stood right in front of Jean. He was quiet now, but the crowd hung onto his every word.

"The entire squad could have just left you all to die. Hell, I can probably get away right now if I wanted to, except that's not why we're here. Rayse, tell 'em why we're here."

"Because we can't let these people die." Rayse answered.

"No Ray, that's why Iona's squad is here. Tell them why we're really here."

Brandon looked intently in his eyes, and Rayse saw it: the same hollow look he'd sometimes get when thinking about the departed. It was a feeling he'd tried to avoid, the very same one Brandon pulled him out of back at Hios. The same one he'd see in Brandon's eyes back when their relationship wasn't as good. His own heart echoed the sentiment now, reemerging as if Brandon pulled it out of him, and at that moment he knew how to answer.

"...Because these bastards attacked our home. They killed our families, and will not stop until we are wiped out. We're here to wipe them out instead, or at least die trying."

"Good man. We're here to wipe them out. Now, I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure these demons are scared. See that?" He pointed beyond the wall, at a massive yellow demon in front of the army.

"The bastards sent a goddamn herald. A HERALD! That thing reports directly to the demon lord. Now, can anyone tell me why they'd send one way out here in the sticks?"

He looked around as if expecting them to answer. Of course, as noncombatants that lived so far away from the front, they had no idea what a herald even was, so they held their tongue.

"No? Well, that is what master needs to take care of. Do you understand? That one man scared the demon lord enough to send one of his generals and an army at least ten times as big as ours. Not surprising, considering that this afternoon, master already faced a force about an army a third of this size by himself. He killed them all alone, so he can give my friend here time to repair what was left of your pathetic little wall. Then, he carved out their hearts and handed them to you."

"Did I hear that right? T-then these things are–" 

"Yes, Arnold. While it is true that it's a significant part of master's wealth, each of those crystals were once embedded in the chest of a harbinger. Now, how many did he give you?"

He let the question hang in the air, but the words were effective. 

"You are all lucky. Master gave you each the chance for revenge. Will you not take it? What will the Abyss take this time? Your homes? Your horses? Your one remaining child? Well, screw that! I say we stamp them out here, before they take anything else from us. What do you say?"


A chorus of reponses sounded from the younger members of the group. The others still looked a bit hesitant, but they would soon be more enthused as Brandon sweetened the pot.

"In fact, I say it's our turn to do some taking! All of you keep a tally of your kills, and I'll personally see to it that you're compensated adequately. You think you're strong now? Put some more crystals on you and you can do–"


The group gasped as Brandon slowly closed his fist around a nearby wall, gouging a sizable

"–things like this. Eventually, you'll all be strong enough to pull these bastards' heads right from their body. Quite satisfying if I do say so myself. So? Who's with me?"

A clamor was the only response he got. It felt different, though, as this time the venom was no longer pointed at Brandon, but at the demons below. Brandon was in charge now, giving his recruits detailed instructions about how they could contribute in the battle to come.

Rayse nodded, taking mental notes at how swiftly Brandon rallied these people around him. He was really coming into his own now, much more in line with what he expected his friend to become before his downward spiral. He backed away from the group, letting his friend prepare their freshly minted soldiers for war.

"...Well, maybe not die. I'd like to keep you guys alive if I can help it." He whispered to Lacey as they stepped to the side. They were fully behind him now. Even Jean, though he was silent, was still nodding along with the crowd.

'Good Work' He heard Aleph say in his mind. He looked at Lacey, who also seemed to hear the same message. Apparently his master had been listening in, though Rayse could not see from where. Brandon was beaming, though, clearly proud of what he had stirred up in these people.

His speech was more than just empty platitudes, after all. Rayse felt his own feelings getting stirred up as he looked at his friend. Those dark feelings he held towards the army of darkness… He usually preferred to keep them out of the fight, as they distracted him from what needed to be done. God knows, keeping himself alive had already taken pretty much all of his focus. But now, as he faced a herald and his army, he felt that these feelings could summon enough strength to overcome it. So he let it run rampant.

"You alright there Ray?" Lacey asked. She sounded concerned, which was strange, because he didn't even seem phased by the army outside.

"Yeah, Lace, I'm good. It's just… Bran's right about these bastards. They keep taking things from us. 'Bout time we take things back."

"I guess… But don't overdo it, okay? I've seen how reckless you could get."

"Nawww. Me? I could never. Could you imagine if I died here? You'd kick my ass so hard!" Rayse joked, but he appreciated her saying so. He kissed her on the cheek before raising his hands. Seconds later, his shield and spear came flying them. The rumbling was getting stronger; it was almost time.

He looked across the wall towards their opponents. A crowd of demons were running towards them now, accompanied by a few dark shapes in the sky. Rayse pointed them out to Lacey, who spread her arms wide in response.

"Air step."

The winds picked up, forming little pockets of solid footholds in mid air. They were barely visible in the dark, but Rayse could pick them out now over the numerous times he fought against it.

"You know how to work these?"

"Yeah. Hey Bran!" He called out to his friend, who was at his side near instantly.

"What? I was just about to– oh." He drew his weapon, the blade glowing a sinister red in the moonlight.

"You know, I never asked. What was the thing that attacked your mom?" Rayse asked as he raised his shield. He aimed it at the mass of blue below.

"It was an emissary. Wind user, like that thing we first fought with master."

"See one among the ones flying towards us?"


"Too bad. Well, let's just make do with these things for now."


"Stop the macho act and let's go."

"Cmon, Lace, you're ruining the moment… Ugh, fine. Men! Form up!" He shouted, and immediately, the wall was lined with farmers armed with crossbows. The tips of their bolts glowed a menacing blue, just like Aleph's axe from months ago. Rayse had no doubt that these were just as effective.

"Shoot at the guys below. We can handle the flying ones."

""Yes, sir!""

"Good answer. Now then," He turned to his friends with a smile. "Shall we?"

The three jumped into the air, meeting the emissaries in their domain as glowing bolts rained down on the harbingers below. Thus began the battle for Kyrios.

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