God of Nothing

Chapter 60: Lost

Rayse heard the gasps from all around him, directed at something Lord Vaynard was holding. They were quite far back, but even from here he could feel the malice dripping from whatever it was. He felt a warm wind in his face, but that did nothing to stop the cold dread forming in his stomach. A sinister gleam solidified it.

The blade of the kingslayer felt dangerous, but there was a reason Rayse felt so nervous.

"Ray, isn't that–" Lacey whispered from the side, but he was already nodding his head. Yes, it looked similar, but for he who held it in his hand, it was unmistakable: that was the blade he used to kill a herald.

His mind raced, thinking back to the end of the battle. Like everyone, he assumed it was lost when Miss Iona rained fire upon the battlefield. He said as much to his master, who came asking for the blade while he was recovering. Still, he came back out onto the plains to look for it once he recovered, but all that was in the area where they fell was a deep crater and a blackened corpse. Rayse poked around there for a while, but all he saw was Deceit's burnt, but resilient remains and the spear he drove through its stomach. The blade he embedded into its eye was nowhere to be found.

Rayse looked up once again, snapping back into reality. He stared hard at the blade, as if it would morph into a different one in front of his very eyes. But alas, that wasn't one of its abilities. Instead, all it left him with was a sense of confusion. Why would it appear here of all places!?

Vaynard was telling the crowd how it was this weapon that was found plunged deep into his father the king, which was why he rushed to the capital upon hearing the news. Rayse couldn't quite put a finger on it, but that story seemed suspect. 

The crown prince's speech wrapped up right as the sun set, before one of his attendants led them to the palace. A feast was under way, and the capital seemed alive. There was singing and dancing in the streets, and every home you'd visit would offer you a drink. The death of heralds warranted such an event, especially after years of sending their men to die in their hands.

The city was festive enough, but none of them were in such a mood so soon after what they endured. The remnants of Kyrios shared a modest meal in the king's hall, then retired for the night with no further fanfare. Rayse himself was a bit restless though, so he ventured out into the night alone.

There's just too much to think about, he thought to himself, as he walked along the square, nodding absently at the cheerful faces that welcomed him. He'd preached to his master about celebrating the little things some time ago, but this time, he found it difficult to care. That didn't stop these people though, offering him a platter of sweetbreads and alcohol. The spread looked good, even to him who had no desire to partake. Living this close to the palace, he would have guessed that these people were nobles or some sort. Their clothing certainly left no room for doubt.

Instead of reaching towards the outstretched mugs of ale, Rayse offered his hand.

"Excuse me." He told the closest one. "I'm looking for this place. Could you point me to–" He read out the unfamiliar place from the note he was given back at the palace. It was the name of the district where Sonia's family lived. He wanted to pay his respects to them as soon as he could.

"Hmmm?" The older man was taken aback for a bit, as if it was the first time someone didn't want what he was offering. His smile remained though, and graciously offered to walk him to where he wanted to go. With him coming from the palace and his manner of clothing, it was clear to the crowd who he was. He really didn't want to go with these people though.

"No, no. It's okay, I'll find my own way."

He started backing out, but he was finding it difficult to refuse. Especially the aunties, who he could tell had definitely recognized him as one of the people they were celebrating. He began being pulled into their homes, and getting offered a lot more than food and drink. Rayse was itching to leave, itching to fly away into the night, but it was difficult without magic, and he was loath to use force on these people who just wanted to have fun, so it put him in a difficult spot. As he was considering what to do next, he heard a voice call out to him.

"Hey, kid! There you are!" A familiar voice called. The crowd opened up to see a dark haired woman, smiling at him in the crowd.

"Lost!" He called out, relieved to see a familiar face.

She wore the same thing she did when they first met: Leather pants and a white button down shirt. Things regular workers would wear, but in a sea of gowns and dress suits, she certainly stood out. Regardless, the people reverently parted.

"My lady? This is–" The older man began to cut in.

"Yeah, yeah, I know who he is." Lost said testily. He began to pull Rayse back along the path she had made, everyone not daring to block her path for some reason. "In fact, he's my guest."

He let himself be pulled along, deeper into the city. Every time they came across people, they would either go out of their way to not directly look at them, or outright ignore them. It was a fascinating ability that Rayse was sure was done with magic. Unfortunately, he recognized the ability.

"...You took it?" He said out loud, far more accusingly than he intended. That stopped them in their tracks. He wasn't sure yet, but there was a good chance that she'd taken Deceit's heart. He noticed the little wisps of shadow that clung to her, the same ones that clued him in to the ability, extended to envelop him as well. He couldn't see what he now looked like to the merrymakers and drunkards passing by, but everyone moved around them as if there was a wall around where they stood. Lost looked at him, face showing curiosity more than anything else.

"...How'd you know?" She asked in a neutral tone.

"It's the shadows. After Deceit forced its mana into me, I've been able to see through illusions and the like. As in, the same magic you're using now."

"Oh. Isn't that neat?" She answered sarcastically, but as always, her real thoughts were hard to decipher. She pulled out a deep purple gem. It sparkled from within, and all the shadows in the area flickered for a moment, and he understood: he was looking at Deceit's mana heart.

Rayse was torn. Lost had always been a friend to him, even when he tried driving her out of the sanctum. Plus, from the little he'd seen of her ability, she was far from weak. Even now, the subtle change in her stance when he figured her out sent enough signals to him that she would have wiped the floor with him in his prime, let alone in his current state state. He stood his ground though, not because he was brave, but because he genuinely believed she wouldn't harm him.

"Did you take my knife, too? Dammit, Lost!  You're a follower of E–"

"Don't finish that sentence, Rayse." She said, cutting him off by cupping her hand onto his mouth. They stayed like that for a while, before Lost relaxed, pulling her hand back. "...Yes, I did it." She confessed.

Rayse expected it, but he was still hurt. It felt like a betrayal. He learned a lot about fighting from her, after all. And regardless of her loyalties, she still saved him at Kyrios. He struggled to calm himself down, letting her continue.

"Listen, kid. My master isn't looking right now, but if you say his name in my presence, he'll stare in this direction, forcing me to take you to him–" The warm evening air dropped into a blizzard, "–or strike you down."

"So it's true then. You're one of His." Rayse spat out that last word, packed it with as much venom as he could. He may have liked Lost, but his master was a totally separate matter.

"And what's with that, anyway!? You said you served Mar–" Lost raised an eyebrow at him, so he didn't mention Marduk too, just to be safe. Instead, he said, "–that other guy!"

"Well so~rry! If you don't want people getting the wrong idea then stop bandying abyssal magic about! You know that isn't meant for human bodies, right!? I mean, seeing your current condition, you can see why."

Okay, she's got a point. He conceded in his head, but he's still a bit irritated. Lost wasn't done, though.

"It's MY knife, by the way.. always has been. I just lent it to that bitch because she said we needed it for conquest. I was on my way to take it back for the next phase in our plan, but I couldn't believe what you did to her. Good job with that, by the way."

"Wh– what's that supposed to mean!?"

"It means," Lost went closer to him again, but this time, he could read her expression plain as day. Her brows furrowed in concern. "that if the Lord of the Void was merely interested in you before, now he downright covets you."

That got to him. Rayse thought back to when Lost was trying to get him to come with her, now fully understanding what she meant. "What do I do?"

"...You'll be fine. Not only is the godling on your side, but the Many-Eyed one as well. They can protect you. I'll do what I can, too." Her expression grew soft, then, and he found her giving him a rare smile. She began to back away, taking the shadows with her. Looking at her back was like a lie; He felt none of the threatening aura from before. Instead, all he felt was deep loneliness. Enemy or not, he felt he couldn't just leave things like this.

"Hey, Lost!"

"What?" She turned back around, and so returned to her strong front. It was amazing how she could go back and forth like that.

"Did you leave your knife behind to help me survive that night?"

That got her to crack. She was stunned for a while before answering.

"...Nah, I just forgot it."

"Hahahah. What a dork." He teased. "Next you're gonna tell me you just happened to pass by as soon as I won, is that it?"

Lost chuckled along, but it was more resigned than hopeful.

"The Void had its eye on me at the time, I couldn't–" 

"I know. I'm just thankful you didn't join in on the fight." Rayse smiled sadly.

"Yeah… Well, at least you're out of commission. Now I don't have to kick your ass." This one felt more genuine, but her sad expression became far more pronounced.

They stood there for a while, not really knowing what to say next.

"Seriously, Rayse. Don't go out there anymore. The rest of the world is about to bend the knee. In fact, most of them already have. What your people are doing is just dumb. See what it cost you to beat a herald? Well, you gotta go through six more of them. And then…"


"...Yeah. With another one on my level. I'm stronger, though." And there it was. Rayse always thought Lost felt similar to Aleph in a way. They both gave him an unfathomable feeling, like he was staring at a lake with the bottom all in shadow. Now he understood. 

Lost turned back around, about to leave his life altogether. 

"Can't you stop it?"

"Sorry, kid. These little freedoms aside, I'm bound by a lot more than just my word."

With a gesture, the shadows surrounding them disappeared. Lost resumed her departure, going back to the noble district.

"I suppose I'll see you later. Though, if you have any sense, you should stay away from this country altogether."

"Is that a threat?"

"It's a wish, Rayse. Good bye." She waved lazily, this time not turning to look at him any longer. It was her usual distant manner, but now it felt a bit forced. He hoped that he didn't just imagine that.

He thought he was done losing people, but tonight, he lost another one. There goes his friend, the demon king.

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