God of Nothing

Chapter 9- A Shared Fate

Aleph handed Rayse and his friends some potions, herbal medicine he had catalyzed with some crystals that aided in healing. The three drank gratefully, clearing away any wounds they may have suffered.

While recovering, they watched as he started looting the battlefield. He went for the high ranking demon's bodies first, taking his clothing. He thought for a moment, and Rayse watched in disgust as he stabbed around his heart and stuck his hand in, coming out with a glowing crystal as big as his fist.

"Is that… A mana crystal?" He said, trying to recover from the shock.

"Of sorts. It's organic unlike the stones we use, but yes, all followers from the abyss have mana hearts." Aleph said as he placed the crystal inside a bag.

"They're really the invaders, then? The ones that killed my mom?" Brandon asked.

"Have you recovered? Come help me with the harvest."

Brandon seemed hurt by the dismissal, but reluctantly stood, going over to his master. Aleph had moved on to 'harvest' the other demons. Fortunately, he seemed to notice his disciple's misgivings, so he kept talking.

"Stay calm, Bran. I wasn't planning on ignoring you. I know of the anger you hold towards these creatures, but it would do more for your growth that you harvest these beings. What you have before you is an opportunity to get stronger. Learn their weaknesses and take their power for your own. This is how your vengeance is best served."

"...Yes, master." Brandon finally responded. It was more controlled this time, but Rayse could tell that Aleph had the right idea. Brandon put his all into the work, poring over the dead bodies like a sick project. Soon, the two were covered in blood and guts. Aleph was especially terrifying, with blobs of demon blood in his grey beard and long hair.

At Aleph's instruction, he pulled out one of the demons' mana hearts, which was surprisingly much smaller than the emissary's. 

Lacey gulped from beside him. Honestly, Rayse was close to gagging too. But he was responsible for much of the death in this forest, and so he steeled himself.

"They are different from the ones I've encountered in the past, but yes, these are this worlds' enemy. They are followers of Erebos, the god of the Abyss. They kill all life on the planets they attack, and then offer the whole thing up to their twisted god." Aleph was saying.

"Judging from the mana stones, these-'' He gestured to the demons that grew massive, "Seem to be the harbingers Iona was referring to. Even disregarding the hounds, these demons you each had so much trouble bringing down were mere foot soldiers, barely even worth notice."

Rayse's spine grew cold, "So there are thousands of these on the frontlines?"

"And thousands more soon to come on our doorstep." Aleph responded, not even looking.

They carried on with their work silently, taking far longer than the battle itself. It was past midday when everyone returned to Aleph's home, exhausted and disheartened at the enemy they will soon face.

Lacey bathed inside the house, while the men went to the river to clean themselves. It was there that Rayse insisted on cutting Aleph's hair. 

"The smell of blood will be hard to get off, mister." was all he said.

Lacey caught up with them at the river, feeling refreshed and ready to go. She joined up just as Rayse was getting done cutting Aleph's hair. Her shocked voice announced her arrival.

"M-mister Aleph!?"

Rayse had already gotten used to the change, but he empathized with her reaction.

"I know, right?"

They discovered that Aleph was far younger than he let on by a couple of decades. Rayse had always seen him as a middle aged man because of his graying hair, vast experience and antiquated way of speaking, but seeing his cleanly shaven face, if he had to guess he would bet on him to be in his early thirties.

"Are we done, Rayse? I need to finish absorbing mana." 

"Uhh, yes mister. All done. You can go now." was all Rayse could say.

Aleph stood and started making his way back home, but Brandon stood in his way.

"We are done for today, Brandon. Go home and rest." Brandon knelt in response.

"Master, please. You are right, I do need to know more about the enemy before I can go about vengeance. It is clear that you have some history with the invaders. Would you please share it with me? I'm sure it will help."

Aleph sighed, "Why must you be so hasty, young one?"

He stood there for a while, but eventually he relented.

"Very well. I see now that we have a shared fate with Erebos and his ilk. As your master, I am obligated to see you through this. Come to the well. We have much to discuss."

Rayse made to follow, but Aleph brought it up before he could.

"You two will go home. Matters from here on are for me and my apprentice alone."

And so the pair watched as the master and apprentice left from view, clearly drawing a line as to their relationship. They were merely being instructed for their survival after all. Facing a crazy god and his genocidal followers was never in the cards.

Rayse remembered Aleph's words.

'Do what you can to keep the ones that are precious to you safe. So long as you do that, I can throw my all into fighting. That is sufficient in this upcoming battle.'

There was suddenly a whole new layer of meaning in that statement. Aleph felt indebted, and so he taught them a few tricks to defend themselves. That was all it ever was and yet…

Why does it feel wrong?

Lacey nudged him from the side, interrupting his thoughts.

"Hey, wanna follow them?"

"What? You heard them! It's between master and apprentice!"

Lacey just stared at him, and he caught on soon after.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I want to protect the people back home from these things, and from what Aleph was saying, the fighting doesn't stop until one side's wiped out. What do you think?"

Rayse thought for a moment, but there really was no need to. It was clear what he had to do.

"Mister Aleph is amazing, but he's just one man. I'm worried about Bran, too. This war has taken much from both of them. Remember mister's Lacey? I'm scared that they'll do something reckless…"

Lacey looked at him, and for a moment, her expression softened up. "They took your parents too, Ray. Aren't you angry?"

Rayse almost reeled back. All the events lately had put it off his mind. Maybe it was different, as his Mom and Dad had always prepared him for that possibility. 'One more life is worth all this trouble, Ray.' His father would always say, and he really admired that. He eventually found pride in their demise, and sought to honor them by protecting their legacy. In fact, it was his friends who taught him that when he spiraled into despair at the news of their passing.

It was hard to explain, so he struggled to answer. 

"Honestly Lace, I haven't thought of them much lately. It's taking all I have to keep everybody else that is precious to me." He admitted. 

"But you're right. We need to fight. The world is far too big for us to protect, but mister Aleph and Brandon should live through this, at the very least. I wanna make it happen."

Lacey hugged him tight, "Good, because I'm gonna need you to keep those two in check."

The pair set off into a run towards the well.


Aleph felt a headache coming on. A bit of it was him absorbing so much mana today, but it was mostly because of the two sitting in front of him.

"See, master? I told you this would happen." Brandon said from his side.

The pair practically swan dived down the well just as he was about to reveal his past life to his disciple. And now this pair of headaches had boldly asked to become his disciples.

"I could not shield you from the upcoming battle, but I hoped that that would be the end of it for you. I wished to spare you from the war, even more so now that I know of whom we are facing."

"We do not wish to be spared, mister. Besides, it doesn't look like we have a choice. These guys want everyone dead, not just a few. If I'm gonna fight, I'd rather it be by your side." Lacey explained.

"Besides, I can't let you do this alone. My mother would kill me. She really likes you, you know? Says you remind him of grandpa. She's gonna freak out when she sees you!" She added with a wink.

Aleph ignored that final remark and looked at Rayse. "And you?"

"A man that I greatly admire once said that 'the spear that protects is the strongest there is'. I will use this strength to protect those I love, and unfortunately for both of you, that includes you too." He said simply.

"Dude, how can you say that with a straight face?" Brandon commented. Aleph put his hand up to silence him.

"I've forgotten that heroes are a stubborn lot. Very well, you are now both my apprentices. Carry yourself well."

"Yes, master!" The pair said in unison.

"As my first, Brandon here will tell you the details. He may do so at his own time, but for now, it can wait."

Aleph opened up the portal to his domain. The trio was shocked as the doorway opened up, shrinking back as if it were another beast they had to fight.

"The answers you seek lay within. It is… difficult for me to go in with you, but once inside, you will know what to do. Return once you've had your fill." With that, Aleph sat to the side, resuming his task of absorbing mana, this time with the hounds' mana hearts. It contained far less than the crystals from here, but it was not as wasteful.

He stared as the group hesitated, suddenly unwilling to go.

"Do not worry. Nothing in there will be a danger to you. Hurry along now. I will see to your business while you are away." 

After some time, the trio finally mustered up the courage to enter. Aleph saw them off.

With this, I've fully tied their fate to mine. He thought. As a former member of the divine, he was never one for things like destiny, but there were far too many coincidences here that he had been glossing over. From the remnants of the Abyss, to these children sharing the names of his old comrades in arms. Was this the overgod's intent?

He saw little point in prayer, but seeing as he was now human, he felt that it wouldn't hurt.

He focused his thoughts on one thing.

I wish these children happiness.

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