God of Nothing

Epilogue II

“Brother!” Someone shouted in Rayse’s ear.

“...Mmn?” He was curious what the ruckus was about, but drowsiness won out almost immediately, lulling him back to bed.

“Brother! Come!” Another livelier voice came next, complete with a decently powerful shove that made him sit up almost instantly.

“Wha–?” Rayse said, confused at what the fuss was about. It was the weekend, and he didn’t need to go tend to the horses today.

“Get up! We’re gonna be late!”

“Auntie’s gonna be so mad at you…”

Auntie… Oh, crap!

Hiik! I’m up! Let’s go!” Sleepiness gone, he tore out of bed and jumped into the well, far outstripping the twins that were trying to wake him up.

After everything that happened, he would have gladly slept through any commotion. He still felt sluggish, maybe as an after effect of his revival. Aleph swore everything was fine but he still felt that something was off.

Rayse crossed the threshold without pause, completely used to the changing space by now. He tore up the stone steps to an eternal morning sky, with the gang already present.

“There you are!” Lacey said, chastising him. “You said you’d ‘be right behind me’. That was an hour ago.”

“H-huh? When did I say that?” Rayse said, scratching his stubble as he tried to remember. He’d been growing it out for a while, but it was only now bearing fruit.

He had no idea what Lacey was on about, though. He was trying to think of a believable excuse when somebody jumped on his back, making him fold like one of those collapsable chairs they used back at the capital.

Ack! Bran, quit it! I’m too tired for your shenanigans…”

“Eh? I just saved your life, pal.” Brandon said, rolling off of him just in time to see a sleek black spear whistle overhead, making a circuit around the sanctuary before sailing right back to a pair in the distance.

“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t throw my wife’s spear like that, Miss Lost. She might just wake up from her grave and smack you around with it.”

“Aleph, don’t try to stop me. This kid’s been full of himself ever since he beat a god...” He heard a voice in the distance.

“And whaddya mean ‘smack me around with it’? I’m literally her, but magic! You’d be burying her again when we’re through.”

“I beg your pardon?”

Rayse smirked at the bickering pair as he tried to pull himself out from under his friend.

“They’ve been at it for a while. Don’t mind them. Or do, since it’s all your fault for being late.”

Lacey sighed as she pulled the two of them up.

“I do wish she’d stay longer, though. I haven’t seen master enjoy himself this much in ages.”

Rayse gratefully let himself be pulled up. His hand lingered on hers, noting her perfectly healthy limbs, before giving it a squeeze.

“Thanks.” He said gratefully, before pulling her in for a hug. “Not just for today. You, too, Bran.” He added, making sure to hook his best friend in the neck for a deep hug. He hadn’t done that in a while.

“...You’ve been hugging us every time you see us lately. Stop being weird.” His best friend said,  completely unimpressed.

“Shut up. I love you, man. You too, Lace.” Rayse admitted, apparently not for the first time. These guys literally fought for him until death, and even beyond that. He’d keep saying thank you til he died.

“Hmmm. I love you too, Ray.” Lacey seemed to like it though.

“I don’t. Ew, gerroff me, ya damn love birds, y'all should get a room and f– duck!” Their ‘sweet’ moment was cut short when the sleek black spear completed its circuit and came shooting right towards them once again.  Rayse saw it coming this time, though.

“Hmph.” A little headbob is all it took to make it sail up over their heads and spinning right back into Lost’s outstretched arm.

That was still surreal to Rayse, casually using magic again. He had gotten too used to the pain that came with it. Apparently, when Aleph healed his soul, his mana veins also recovered. Lacey’s arm was restored in a similar fashion, too. Another one of the long line of things he was grateful for.

Lost continued talking trash until the trio joined her.

“I wasn’t late, though. You would’ve already been gone if I was.” Rayse complained as soon as he was within earshot.

“Don’t give me lip, ya idiot. Seriously… I shoulda kicked your ass a bit more when I had the chance…” Lost smiled, likely reminiscing about the ‘good’ old days when they were trying to kill each other. Rayse smiled back, but for a different reason.

“You’re always welcome to try, you know. I always enjoy our spars. Just stay for a while longer. I’d love a chance to stab you in the chest a few more times.”

“I’m not losing to any old layabout! As you are right now, I’d lay you on your back in two or three moves!” Lost boasted. Then, more seriously, she added, “There’s a whole cosmos out there caught in those two crazies’ crossfire. Someone’s gotta intervene, doncha think?”

Rayse sighed, shaking his head before answering. “True, but why’s it gotta be you?”

“You know why, Ray. I tried to get away with as much as I can, but there’s still a mountain of dead bodies on this planet thanks to me. And my karmic debt’s easily twice the size of that.”

“But… Do you really need to go right this second?”

“The sooner I go, the sooner I finish the work.” Lost winked, but saw Rayse giving her a look. “Stop it. If I need help, I’ll come knocking.”

“Worry not, Rayse. Lost fights for her own side, so causal forces won’t be working against her. It is unlikely for her to be facing anything as unreasonable as, say, two demon kings.” Aleph reminded. He nodded towards Lost, who nodded in return. The two have always had a weird energy, but they’ve been unusually cordial lately.

“Hmmm.” Lost acknowledged, before walking towards the house. “Well, since you’re here, I’m getting my stuff. Lace, ya mind giving me a hand?”

“Huh? Why me?”

“I’m not letting any of these savages touch my things, so you’re really the only choice here.” She insisted. Without looking back, she added, “Come.”

With one last look towards Rayse, Lacey went running after their guest.

“She’s cool, isn’t she?” Rayse said, smiling as he watched them go.

“Dude, what are you doing? You already got Lace wrapped around your finger. Why go after Lost, too?” Brandon said with an accusing tone.

“What? No, it’s not like that!” Rayse exclaimed, going immediately on the defensive. “I mean, with Lace it is, but Lost is, well, how do I explain it… To me, she’s like mister over here, but, you know, different.”

“...I don’t get it.” He said, still clearly skeptical. Rayse tried changing the subject, this time addressing Aleph.

“Speaking of which, are you going with her, master?” 

“...No. I am needed here for a while.” Aleph said. “Iona’s already sent multiple messages asking for support. The aftermath of the battle had been…difficult to handle, to say the least.”

“She’s just pissed that her honeymoon was cut short. Brig’s been moaning about it the last time we spoke.” Brandon snickered beside him. Rayse smiled too; He was glad those two were finally made it official.

“And that’s just here on Mios,”Aleph continued. “the world is in need of restoration. The military might of the entire world has effectively been culled due to war, not to mention the underlying dissent amongst the populace due to their leaders selling them out to the demons. Vaynard’s doing his best, but his soul is hanging on by the thread, and the connection will soon fade. When he passes, his brother Lord Gunglain will need our support.”

“Sir Vaynard’s what?! Then, we must–”

“We shall not do anything unnecessary, Bran. Vaynard is tired, and wishes to follow his father. If not for Marduk, he would have already returned to the cycle of rebirth, but alas… It is painful, but I will honor his wish, even if his wish is to perish.” Aleph declared. That chilled Rayse, remembering Aleph’s original wish to find his own death.

“...And after that?” He dared ask. The knot in his heart loosened a bit as the older man smiled.

“Who knows? Maybe I’ll see this lifetime through with all of you, then look after the planet. I did claim it, after all.”

It was a noble answer, one that he expected from the man he admired. It almost convinced him, too, if it weren’t for one thing. He was still looking at the house, where it had been a while since Lost and Lacey had entered.

“You should go with her, mister.”

“?” Aleph’s head snapped back to them, smile gone.

“I don’t know when it happened, but Lost… I think you fancy her.”

Between Brandon’s jaw hitting the floor and Aleph’s stunned silence, Rayse was enjoying their reactions. His master recovered after a spell, trying his best to deny it.

“That is… Child, you are mistaken.” Or so he says. Rayse tended to be clueless about matters of the heart. He usually had Lacey explain it to him after the fact. The fact that even he was able to notice was pretty telling.

He had no clue how Brandon missed it, though.

“She’s not my Emily. I know that, but…” Aleph drifted off, “Sometimes, the way she smiles, the way she speaks, Even the way she fights, I…”

“Yeah, I know. ” Rayse understood. Lost was more than a little strange, but she was definitely quite a catch. She insists she was different to Emily but, as they’ve all found out, her soul was unmistakable. He couldn’t even fault Erebos for resurrecting her; having such a person on your side could only be a boon.

Rayse’s resolve had been building ever since he found out about Lost and his master, but what truly solidified it was hearing from the person himself. He brushed over his apprentice brooch before activating a similar looking one right beside it.

Shae? Are you there? He called.

Yup, loud and clear, thoughts flew through. 

Call everyone over. We’re doing it soon.

He grabbed his recently repaired chest and gripped it tightly, now fully prepared to act.


They met up with the girls at the bottom of the well, where Jodi was fussing over the portal for some reason. 

“Master, we’re all set.” She declared, moving to the side. She was technically their junior apprentice, but the older woman prefered to keep to herself. Lost walked up to the portal, fishing something out from her pack. He saw a familiar red stone in her hands.

“I have limited knowledge of Erebos’ other campaigns, but I should be able to connect this portal to one of them.”

“Ah, wait.” Rayse said, almost missing his chance. “ Hold on, Lost. I gotta do something.”

“I forgive you for being late, but now you’re just stalling.” Lost grumbled, but stayed put. Rayse walked past her, sticking his hand through the portal. That was the signal.

“Rayse? Is something the matter?” Aleph said as he watched Rayse move with urgency. All he got in return was a big, goofy smile.

A few people walked through the portal to stand with them. Tom, Andrew and Lily walked through, followed by Shae, Sheila and little Cassie, who had begun to walk.

“They came to send you off.” Rayse said.

“I don’t know these people.” Lost looked, well, lost at the procession of strangers. She still ruffled the twins’ hair though. They, at least, have gotten close by proximity.

“Not you. Well, technically also you but– I’m getting ahead of myself.” Aleph seemed to have begun to put things together, so Rayse moved on to the critical part. Still with his hand inside the portal, he summoned his godly mana and proclaimed thus:

“I claim this world, as is my right.” 

A rush of wind blew through the portal as well as from Aleph. It howled all over the cave they were in, circling them all a few times before converging into Rayse. He was stunned. He hardly even touched the authority he received for destroying Erebos, but now he was using it to play matchmaker.

“What did you do?” Aleph looked on, horrified, as to what his student had just done.

“What? I just staked my claim. You didn’t really ask me what I thought when you claimed it for yourself.”

“You were dead, though.” Lacey chimed in. Rayse winked at her, and they both shared a smile. They’d been talking about this for a while.

“More importantly, this means you’re free to follow your passions. Hahaha.”

Aleph seemed too stunned to speak. He just looked back and forth between his students and Lost while the citizens of Alephton streamed through the portal to say their goodbyes.

“Damn, did I miss it?”

Brandon arrived with the crowd. Rayse had him sneak out to do a few more things.

“And what’s this? Brandon’s just arrived with your traveling pack!”

Rayse watched the commotion with a goody smile on his face. Aleph bashfully as he accepted their loving and tearful goodbyes. To them, this man was a warlord, a god, a teacher and a savior. More than that

Rayse walked up to his friends as they took their turn in saying goodbye. By now, their master had fully given himself to the flow of events. But still, even in the end, all he thought about were the people he cared for.


“Where ya goin, mister?” The twins found their way to him at that moment after everyone had passed.

“He’s off to save other worlds, sister. Don’t be a bother.”

“B-but… You promised to tell me about heroes today.” Shae said, eyes wet with tears. Aleph ruffled her head, noting her growth.

“Sorry, child. I’ll finish my business and hasten to your side, alright?”

“Shie! ”

“B-but Shae...”

“We’re strong, but other people still needs help. So mister has to go.”

“...Okay, but we’ll always talk, okay?” She declared, tapping her recently minted apprentice brooch.

“I would like that.”

And so the pair of little girls walked off, one sobbing while the other putting on a brave front while shaking. He’d miss their  conversations.

“Are you sure about this, children?” Aleph asked again as Lacey walked up to him. He had been searching for reasons to stay, but every single one of the people in his care had allayed his many concerns as to what he will be leaving behind. 

Of course, he could not find that within his students, either.

“We’ll be fine!” Lacey said. “We’re strong. Not a lot can threaten us anymore.” She jumped the gun after that, going in for a hug. This young lady has a way of  pulling on his emotions like no other.

“I’m so happy to have met you, mister. I wish you could stay, but–”

Hic, hic. She quietly sobbed into his tunic. Aleph laughed and melted into the hug. He had already given so much of it today.

“We’re fine now. Go find your own happiness.”

“Master!” Brandon walked up to him next, greeting him with a smile while handing him his traveling pack.

“You’ve carried your name well, Brandon. I am proud of you.”

“It was all thanks to you.”

This young man, completely unrecognizable from their first meeting, was his biggest success. He would love to take credit for him, but it is now clear that the young man had more than a spark of heroism within. He was taller than him now, or had always been, he wasn’t sure. Regardless, his growth had been far more than physical, and fully earned his spot as senior apprentice.

No more words needed to be said between them. Aleph embraced him for a while before reluctantly letting go. That was the first time he felt the desire to stay; He really wanted to see how this young man would grow.

“What’s with that look, master?” Brandon said, trying to lighten up the mood. “We’re basically gods now. We’ll be here when you get back no matter how long you take.”

“...I suppose.” Aleph conceded, accepting his pack from the young man. “But I shall strive to hasten my return, lest you all get up to some unsavory behavior.”

“I’m past that, master. Really. So take all the time you need.”

Brandon tried to hide a sniffle as Aleph clapped him on the back before he ushered himself off the line.

“Mister!” Rayse came last, going in for a hug as soon as Brandon exited the stage. He was the final person to bid farewell to, and arguably the most important.

“I see you’ve made up your mind.” 

“Yes I have, thanks to your scheming.”

“It wasn’t just my idea, you know.”

“...Okay, it was mostly mine, but still. You deserve so much more than to be stuck here with a thankless job like ‘diety’.” Rayse shuddered, as if he didn’t just take said job from him.

“And that is…?” Aleph wondered aloud, though he already knew where his student was going with this.


“Teaching you three was the happiest I’ve ever been, child.”

“Yeah, well, that might be true, but I know you crave for more.” Rayse said, hugging him even tighter. “And Lost could be your ‘more’.” He added in a low voice.

“Besides, with you there I don’t need to worry about Lost, so if anything, you’re doing me a favor.”

“–Hey!” The person herself exclaimed. Rayse broke off the hug to smile at her, who seemed to have been watching all this time. Aleph had to stop himself from staring; seeing the former demon king being her genuine self reminds him so much of the soul he fell in love with. The soul he loved still.

“You’ve done all you can for us, mister. We can take it from here.” 

“I know you will, godling.”

“Still feels weird, though that’s technically what I am.”

“You get used to it.” Aleph said with a smile, breaking off the hug.

Rayse walked off to give his goodbyes to Lost, letting Aleph have some time to collect his thoughts.

Store helper to force of nature, small town bully to hero, stablehand to godslayer. These were his students. He came to this world to find death, but found a life for himself instead. And now he leaves, this time searching for life. What will he find this time?

“Said your goodbyes?” Lost nodded as he came forward. Rayse had gone back to the crowd as they watched them leave.

“I have. You?”

“Sure. Cute kids, it was a sweet gesture.” Lost smiled at the crowd, giving them one final wave. She then threw the red seed towards the portal, changing its makeup. The blue light turned reddish white, ready to carry them to a new world. The pair walked up to it, prepared to walk through when Lost stopped and addressed him once again.

“I’m glad to have you, but why did you change your mind?” She asked.

“Who knows. God of this world seemed pleasant, but I might prefer being a god of nothing.” 

“Hope I don’t bore you to death. I can get really dull during long trips like this.” Lost said before unceremoniously going through the portal. 

“Boredom is the farthest of my worries, travelling with you.” Aleph followed through with a smile, thinking of what future lay in store for him.

The light took both of them then, as they wisked off into another world.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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