Goddess of Ice: Corrupting Bleach

Drinking with a Captain

Moments later, Yuna and Shunsui were leisurely smiling while drinking from a cup, while Nanao was glaring so hard at Shunsui that it was only a question of time before he was set ablaze by the glare alone.

"This is highly inappropriate, Captain."

"Mah, if someone asks, I will just claim that I was waiting for my enemy to let their guard down. No big deal~"

"You could also claim that you were trying to get me drunk, to make me spill some information."

"Ohh! That one is pretty good as well!"

As Nanao somehow started glaring even harder at Shunsui, Yuna and he clicked their cups together and took another sip.

"Mhh~ This is pretty good. However, are you interested in something homemade?"

The moment Yuna finished speaking, she flicked her wrist, causing a bottle to appear in her hand, resulting in Shunsui raising his eyebrows.

'Where the hell did that bottle come from?'

Despite his confusion, he still nodded his head, curious about what Yuna would serve him.

"Captain, this is an even worse idea. She could try to poison you!"

Hearing his Lieutenant's worried words, Shunsui actually started frowning. As a Captain, he was quite resistant to poison, but that didn't mean a strong one might affect him. However, before he could do anything else, Yuna chuckled in amusement as she started filling the cups on the table.

"Obviously, I want to poison you two. Alcohol poisoning that is."

Hearing Yuna's words, Shunsui raised his eyebrows in doubt. Getting drunk is one thing, but causing a captain like him alcohol poisoning is pretty much impossible.

So, he couldn't help but raise the cup and smell what was inside, causing his eyes to widen as he felt a tingling feeling in his nose.

'Strong! Very strong! And... damn, this smells amazing.'

He couldn't help but lick his lips as he thought about just taking the risk. At first, he wanted to listen to Nanao's warning and not drink it, but after smelling it, he really wasn't sure anymore. After a few more seconds of pondering, he decided to just take a sip, and considering Yuna had already done so, he felt like he might as well do the same.

So, he slowly took a sip, enduring the seething glare he was receiving from Nanao, and moments later, his eyes opened wide in surprise as stars seemed to sparkle inside them, causing Yuna to make an ugly expression.


"Urgh, who wants to see a middle-aged man make that kind of facial expression? That being said... Nanao-chan~ How about you take a little sip~

A disgusting grin appeared on Yuna's face while she tried to make Nanao drink alcohol, making her look like a sexual predator that tried to get their prey drunk.

Seeing Yuna's wretched expression almost caused Shunsui to do a spit take as it was his time to make an ugly expression.

"And who in the world would want to see such a wretched expression on a young woman? No! No one wants to see that kind of expression."

Ignoring Shunsui's words, Nanao took a deep breath while she decided that she might as well give Yuna's drink a try. At the very least, it wasn't poisonous.

So, she carefully raised her cup before taking a small sip, and moments later, she opened her eyes wide as stars appeared inside them while a moan of pleasure escaped her mouth.

"So delicious~"

Seeing that kind of expression on the usually stern-faced Nanao, Yuna and Shunsui both nodded their heads in approval while smiling in satisfaction.

"*Cough* A-Anyway, the taste is pretty good."

Nanao quickly realized what kind of facial expression she had made and regained her bearing while trying to dismiss her previous action with a clumsy statement and a flushed face.

Obviously, Yuna and Shunsui knew what she was doing, causing them to chuckle in amusement, resulting in Nanao blushing even harder.

"Anyway, aside from my cute little Nanao-chan being even cuter than usual, what have you been up to?

"So you DID plan to interrogate me, huh? Oh well, I honestly don't mind since I didn't do anything too dangerous~"

[Excuse me, what!? Are you having a stroke!? This city is in shambles!]

'Mah, but no one died, right?'

[At least not physically...]

'See? Everything is fine.'

Hearing that Yuna was willing to talk about what she had been up to, Shunsui and Nanao's attention instantly was on her, curiosity brimming from their eyes.

"Well, I honestly only did the usual stuff one does when entering a hostile city: I got drunk, seduced a few women and added them to my harem, broke a few minds, fought a few Captains, publically exposed someone to be into public masturbation and played a few little pranks involving cake and ice~"

The more Yuna spoke, the more dumbfounded Shunsui and Nanao became. Getting drunk was still fine to some degree, but every other point was utterly outrageous, and when Yuna finally talked about the cake and pranks, the atmosphere stilled instantly.

While Nanao was simply shocked that the culprit of this whole mess exposed herself so easily, Shunsui seemed to be in a weird mood as he was constantly mumbling to himself while his eyes were unfocused.

Suddenly, Shunsui's Spiritual Pressure soared as his hands shot towards his two swords while he seemingly was still in a trance.



Before he could draw his swords and finish speaking, Nanao's eyes widened in shock before instantly appearing behind Shunsui and smacking the back of his head.

"Captain Kyoraku! We are in the middle of Seireitei! Do you want to wipe out half the city's population!?"

Hearing Nanao's words and receiving a slap to his back, Shunsui's eyes refocused as he looked around in confusion.

"What happened? I felt like I had suddenly lost control of my body."

Hearing Shunsui's words, Nanao could only look at him in disbelief while Yuna chuckled in amusement.

'Hehe, I wasn't him to have that kind of heavy reaction. Now that I think about it weren't most Shinigami dispatched to Karakura from his Division.'

[Postcakematic Stress Syndrome.]


Realizing what had just happened, Shunsui quickly regained his bearing and directed an intense glare at Yuna. He might not want to use his Bankai within Seireitei, but that didn't mean he couldn't fight.

"Do you even know how much chaos you have caused within Seireitei?"

"Mhh, not exactly, but it should have been quite a lot~ Anyway, I don't see the problem with me having some fun. It's not like anybody died."

As soon as Yuna finished speaking, one of the doors to the courtyard opened, revealing another Shinigami, who hastily ran towards Shunsui.

The Shinigami briefly wondered who that unknown woman his Captain was drinking with was but quickly discarded all questions.

'Since she is drinking with the Captain, she must be someone important.'

"Please excuse me for interrupting you while you are entertaining a guest, but I have to make an urgent report."

Shunsui briefly pondered on whether he should clear the misunderstanding that Yuna was an "important guest" but discarded that idea moments later. After all, he would rather not cause rumors of him drinking with an enemy to spread.


"Yes! Around one hour ago, Captain Aizen was found dead, pinned to a wall by his own Zanpakuto. Although we don't know the culprit yet, we suspect one of the invaders to be responsible."

As soon as the Shinigami finished his report, Shunsui and Nanao's eyes landed on Yuna, making her cough awkwardly while scratching her head.

"*Cough* Well, I WILL take responsibility for raising that flag, but I'm not involved in the murder itself."

As these words left her mouth, Shunsui slowly stood up while drawing his blades, causing Yuna to smile wryly.

"So, in the end, it comes to this, huh? A pity, I thought this could have been a more leisurely encounter~"

As soon as she finished speaking, Yuna slowly stood up while resting her arm on her blades, quickly followed by Nanao doing the same, confusing the newly arrived Shinigami greatly. Before anyone else could say a word, Yuna resumed speaking.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Wouldn't you rather continue leisurely drinking with me and having a relaxed conversation?"

Hearing Yuna's question, Shunsui shook his head with a sad expression.

"Frankly, I want to, but this isn't a moment where I can just back down like that. Since a Captain died, I need to take things a little more seriously."

"Mhh, I see. That's annoying. How about I give you a good reason to continue drinking with me and keep me docile?"

"Ohh? There is such a thing?"

Clearly hearing at least a pinch of interest in Shunsui's voice, Yuna couldn't help but smile.

"Oh yes, there is such a thing. After all, if we were to fight here, in the middle of Seireitei, just how much damage would we cause?"

As soon as Yuna finished speaking, her Spiritual Pressure erupted out of her, instantly knocking out the unnamed Shinigami, while Nanao fell to her knees, having trouble breathing. Although Shunsui wasn't affected that strongly, he still could feel cold sweat flowing down his back as he looked at Yuna in bewilderment.

'What incredible power! How could a former human possibly reach such a ridiculous level of power?'

As these thoughts passed through Shunsui's mind, he looked skyward and noticed that the gentle snowfall was slowly turning into a blizzard. Next, he looked at the downed Shinigami and the suffocating Nanao and sighed deeply.

'If I fight her here, at least half the city will be destroyed. Additionally, I probably wouldn't be able to use my Bankai due to too many people being around, handicapping me greatly. *Sigh* This has reached a level where it isn't even an excuse to laze around anymore.'

"Hahaha, now, now, I was just joking around. Since you were with me when the murder happened, how could you possibly be the culprit? Let's sit down and continue drinking~"

"Hahaha, obviously, I was just joking around as well. I don't want to scare my drinking buddy after all~"



As the duo continued laughing, Nanao slowly regained her bearing due to Yuna retracting her Spiritual Pressure. She couldn't help but look at Yuna with a tinge of fear after experiencing how ridiculously strong she was. Additionally, she realized that this casual drinking event was just upgraded to something that could destroy large parts of Seireitei if it went wrong, putting a lot of pressure on her.

Yuna easily noticed Nanao's distress and only chuckled in amusement.

"Now, now, no need to be so stressed over this whole matter. Let's relax, drink and have fun. I might be crazy, but... uhhh... mhh... Well... Anyway, no need to worry."

Nanao was worrying! In fact, Yuna's words made everything even worse. So, she did the only solution she could find in the current situation: She grabbed her cup and took a huge gulp before exclaiming in satisfaction.


Meanwhile, inside the hidden underground cave, Ichigo was facing a middle-aged man with black hair and clothes wearing sunglasses while surrounded by hundreds of blades that looked a little similar to Ichigo's Zengetsu.

The man shot toward Ichigo, wielding another replica Zangetsu and slashing it down. Ichigo cautiously raised the sword he was holding to bloke the strike; however, as soon as the man's blade made contact with Ichigo's, Ichigo's blade shattered, resulting in a bloody gash appearing on his body.

"What a fascinating method. As expected of THAT Urahara Kisuke."

Meanwhile, on the sidelines, Retsu and Yoruichi were spectating Ichigo's fight with interest. Kisuke has given Yoruichi a special training dummy that, after getting stabbed by a Zanpakuto, manifests its Zanpakuto Spirit, greatly reducing the time it takes to learn Bankai.

"Yeah, say what you will about that weirdo, but he certainly is an inventor genius."

Retsu simply nodded her head and put her focus back on Ichigo, who had already picked up another sword to continue the fight.

"I can't claim I'm not a little jealous. Reaching the manifestation stage took me almost three years."

"Isn't that quite monstrous as well?"

Retsu only shrugged her shoulders when she heard Yoruichi's question. Obviously, three years were pretty good, considering Shinigami usually took about ten, but how can that be compared to the true monsters she has met?

"Well, Yuna has only been a Shinigami for a few weeks and can already use it, and Kenpachi pretty much awakened his Bankai on the side just to have more fun fighting. I consider learning Bankai in three years the act of a genius, not a monster's."

Hearing Retsu's words, Yoruichi could only smile wryly and agree to her words. Indeed, the level of a monster was indeed different.

Moments later, Retsu's head snapped towards the entrance of the cave, and around a second later, Yoruichi mimicked her movement.

"Someone is coming. Two people."

Yoruichi simply nodded her head as she slightly lowered her stance while Retsu's hand slowly wandered towards her blade. Both of them could feel that at least one of the people coming was very powerful.

However, after a few seconds of waiting, Yoruichi relaxed her stance before chuckling in amusement.

"Seriously, how does everyone manage to find this place so easily? No need to be on guard, Retsu; one of the people coming is Yuna's little brother, and the other one is his girlfriend.

Hearing Yoruichi's words, Retsu lowered her guard as well, and moments later, two figures appeared at the cave's entrance: A young man with long spiky hair and a young woman with spiky black hair. Obviously, these two were Naruto and Tatsuki.

"Ohh~ Another one of these places! However, this one has snow falling from the ceiling, so I guess nee-san went on a rampage in here~"

As Naruto spoke those words out aloud, he let his gaze wander around the cave and immediately noticed Retsu and Yoruichi standing next to each other while they watched Ichigo fight his Zanpakuto Spirit. So, without waiting any further, he used [Flash Stap] and instantly appeared in front of Retsu and Yoruichi, almost causing Retsu to attack him out of instinct.

'Fast! This one is incredibly powerful as well. Guess the sister isn't the only one out of the norm. I was a little disappointed when the Quincy that came here barely had the strength of a weak Captain, but I guess not everyone in her group can be strong. Hinata is definitely someone worth fighting, and Yuna's brother seemed to be the same.'

"Hello, ladies; how was your day~"

Seeing Naruto approaching the duo so frivolously, Retsu couldn't help but be somewhat dumbfounded while Yoruichi chuckled in amusement. Simultaneously, Tatsuki appeared next to Naruto with a somewhat clumsy [Flash Step] and pinched his waist with a pout on her face.

"Why do you start flirting with other women as soon as you see him."

Naruto chuckled in amusement due to Tatsuki being unreasonable and shrugged his shoulders.

"Mah, I'm not flirting; I'm just greeting part of the family. Isn't that right, sisters-in-law~"

While Tatsuki needed a minute to digest what she had just heard, Retsu chuckled in amusement while Yoruichi glared at him.

"Who are you calling sister-in-law? I haven't married anyone yet."

"Yet, huh? Are you one of those types that are constantly in denial?"


While Yoruichi was giving Naruto a seething glare, Retsu could help but be a little interested in Naruto. Surprisingly, or maybe unsurprisingly, the brother had a similar outrageous personality as his sister.

'Rather than getting suppressed by Yuna's... vibrant personality, he adapted to and copied parts of it. This one is probably a menace as well.'

As Retsu became a little curious about Naruto and Yoruichi continued glaring, Tatsuki finally managed to put one and one together and comprehended what Naruto meant.


Hearing Tatsuki's outcry, everyone else present simply nodded their heads, not really understanding why there was any doubt about that. After all, she made her ambitions rather clear whenever she felt like it.

Seeing that everyone was simply nodding their heads, Tatsuki couldn't help but continue being angry about this issue.

"What about Hinata!? How can Yuna betray her like this!?"

"Mhh? Did somebody call my name?"

While Tatsuki was yelling, another woman approached the little group and tilted her head in confusion due to thinking that someone had just called her.

"Yo, Hinata. I see that you have found this place as well."

"Ohh, Naruto. Good to see you again."

Tatsuki was utterly dumbfounded as she noticed Hinata approaching their group, casually chatting with Naruto as she walked towards the two people who had slept with her self-proclaimed wife.

'What's wrong with her? How can she not be angry? Maybe... she doesn't know about it?'

As Hinata and Naruto were chatting, Tatsuki interrupted their conversation and pointed at Retsu and Yoruichi.

"Hinata, did you know that these two slept with Yuna?"

Hearing Tatsuki's words, Hinata only looked at her weirdly before shrugging her shoulders.

"What are you talking about, Tatsuki? How can I not know about that? After all, I was present as well."

As soon as Hinata stopped speaking, Tatsuki's brain ground to a halt as she looked at Hinata while her chin hit the ground. She stayed like that for a full ten seconds before her brain finally rebooted.


Suddenly, all kinds of sinful images passed through Tatsuki's head as her gaze shifted from Hinata to Retsu and finally to Yoruichi, causing her face to flush crimson.

"Heee~ Someone is having perverted thoughts~"

Hearing Naruto's teasing words, Tatsuki flushed even harder as steam threatened to shoot out of her ears. She shot Naruto a seething glare, but considering her whole face was tomato red all the way up to her ears, she only looked cute instead of dangerous.

"Haha, okay, okay, I'm sorry for teasing you."

Since he didn't want Tatsuki to faint out of shame, Naruto decided to paddle back a little and apologies while petting Tatsuki's head, allowing her to calm down a little.

"You're an idiot."

Hearing Tatsuki call him an "idiot" a smile bloomed on Naruto's face, slightly flustering Tatsuki.


Meanwhile, seeing what was happening in front of her, Retsu could only shake her head with a wry smile.

'Yup, these two twins sure are similar ~'

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