Goddess of Ice: Corrupting Bleach

More Intruders Enter Seireitei

Yuna was currently lazying around in a lounge chair carefully hidden on one of Seireitei's rooftops, sipping a cold drink while spectating what was going on in the Kuchiki clan compound.

The massive ice phallus she planted there was currently surrounded by a massive amount of blade-like sakura tree petals. Unfortunately, none of them could leave even a scratch on it.

If it were Soi Fon's Bankai, there would be a good chance to actually destroy this ice construct, as it wasn't as dense as Yuna's statue. However, unlike Soi Fon, whose Bankai is a single highly-powered attack, Byakuya's millions of small attacks couldn't do any damage.

Anyway, in front of her was a pink wiggling mass firmly wrapped around a giant penis; she didn't even need to do anything to make this look lewd.

So obviously, she did some more to make sure no one missed what was happening.

Suddenly, without any warning, pure white snow erupted out of the ice statue's tip, resulting in it slowly falling down all over the compound.

Or that was at least what would have happened if an unknown Kido spell hadn't blasted all of it away.

'Ohh~ Someone is getting a little angry, huh?'

[What a surprise. Oh well, that guy looks like a high-strung noble, so I can't bring myself to pity him.]

[Gahaha, giant penis~]

While the trio was chatting with each other, the giant ice penis started shrinking; however, as the sakura petals continued winding around it, it quickly started growing again and was back to its original size within seconds.

'As if I would go limp from a single shot. I can keep it hard for days!'



As the trio continued chatting and watching the spectacle, Yuna raised her head and looked skyward, where she saw a huge light sphere approaching the barrier protecting Seireitei at high speed.

'*Whistle* That's quite the flashy way of entry. Didn't I provide a good way to enter the city for them? Why are they doing something so flashy? Well, I guess it's cooler like this.'

Moments later, the sphere collided with Seireitei's barrier, causing it to wobble dangerously, but as the sphere started slowly pushing through the barrier, it started to destabilize, causing Yuna to frown.

She focused her sense on the sphere and immediately noticed that it was composed of the Spiritual Power of multiple people mixed together evenly. However, occasionally one of the Spiritual Powers would spike, messing with the sphere's stability.

However, suddenly the sphere's flow of Spiritual Power was heavily influenced; clearly, something else had gone wrong. Then, all the other Spiritual Powers were pushed out of the sphere and were replaced with a single very powerful one. This would undoubtedly destroy the sphere, but this move would at least allow it to safely pass through Seireitei's barrier, leaving the most dangerous hurdle behind.

And, as expected, the sphere broke a few seconds after passing through the barrier and hurled its inhabitants away with a somewhat strong explosion.

Yuna's eyes scanned everyone present and immediately noticed a new addition to Naruto's group. However, the moment Yuna noticed that it was a burly man, her eyes instantly ricocheted away from him and landed on Yoruichi instead.

'Mhh, should I get myself a nice pussy?'

As these thoughts passed her mind, she could feel a spike of Spiritual Pressure as her eyes landed on the Kuchiki clan compound, where the sakura petals were gone and replaced with a realm filled with swords.

'Mah, I can get her any time I want, but this crystalized wrath of a noble whose pride has been stepped on is something that tastes the most delicious when the wrath is still fresh. Delicious~'

[*Sigh* It pains me to say that I actually agree. Too bad that is no Uchiha clan to bull... *cough* interact with.]

[Gahaha, bullying!]

'Remember, Chaos; you can't bully the weak, only the arrogant.'

[Okay, gah~]

Meanwhile, a few hours earlier back with Naruto's group. By now, everyone had learned how to use the Spiritual core, with Ichigo being the slowest, so the group found themselves inside the massive canon, ready to be shot at Seireitei.

At first, everything went well as the sphere was safely launched into the sky, and despite Ichigo occasionally putting too much power into the Spiritual Core, things still went decently well.

Unfortunately, as everyone was telling Ichigo to tone it down, Ganju had to read an incantation, resulting in him messing up and reading a line twice, resulting in the sphere destabilizing.

Seeing that things might get dangerous due to the sphere still being trapped within Seireitei's barrier, Naruto decided to act, flaring his Spiritual Power and pushing everyone else's power out of the Core, resulting in it temporarily stabilizing again before breaking apart due to the one reading the incantation no longer being connected with the sphere, messing up the launch and flight process.

"Orihime, shield. Sado, brace. Ishida to Orihime. Ichigo, Ganju... good luck..."


Obviously, Naruto didn't randomly take action and knew what was about to happen, so as soon as he gave his orders, Orihime conjured her shield, and Ishida, who was sitting next to her, hid behind it as well.

Sado simply crossed his arms in front of his head while making himself as small as possible and activating his right arm's power, making it tougher. He was a tough guy who could even tank a steel beam falling on him with ease, so Naruto wasn't worried about him.

As for Ichigo and Ganju... They would probably be fine. Both of them were muscle heads with quite tough bodies as well, so they would probably fine as well.

As for Yoruichi, he wasn't worried about her as the moment she realized what had happened; she had already dashed away with a ridiculously fast [Flash Step].

Finally, there was Tatsuki, causing Naruto to grin as he swiftly picked her up in a princess carry, earning him a cute blush and a pinch to the waist, making him laugh.

"Hahaha, you can complain as much as you want after we land."

As soon as Naruto finished speaking, the Spiritual Core started glowing and exploded moments later. A wind barrier immediately appeared between the explosion and Naruto, who was carrying Tatsuki, resulting in them getting pushed away without incurring any damage.

As he was controlling the wind around him to allow him to drift slowly to the ground, he quickly glanced at everyone else and nodded his head in approval, as everyone seemed to be fine.

Unfortunately, the explosion pushed everyone away from their initial position, resulting in them getting separated into multiple groups, causing Naruto to frown.

However, in the end, he decided he wouldn't mind; after all, this arrangement would allow him to have a date with his girlfriend behind enemy lines. How exciting.

Meanwhile, deep within Seireitei, absolute silence covered the 11th Division compound, which was only broken by the sound of a single person swinging around a sword.

While that person was methodically moving around with complex steps, everyone else in the 11th Division who was present could only look at the person swinging the sword in utter confusion and bewilderment.

After watching for a few more minutes, one of the spectators had enough and stepped forward. He was a bald man with a thug-like face: Ikkaku Madarame, the 11th Division's Third Seat.

"C-Captain Kenpachi, w-why did you suddenly start training?"

That's right, the person swinging his blade around was none other than Zaraki Kenpachi. He had never properly trained before, as he felt like that would make him too strong to enjoy combat properly, but now things were different.

"I've finally awoken from my dream of fake fun fights. Now that I know what true battle is, I need to get stronger."

Frankly, Kenpachi wasn't a smart man. He never was, and he never will be. He himself was fully aware of that and couldn't care less. However, when it came to battle, he had at least a little smartness to him. After fighting Yuna, he realized one very important aspect of that fight: Yuna was young, very young. There was no doubt that her body was far away from her prime and that she would only grow stronger.

'I won't fall behind. While she grows stronger due to getting closer to her prime, I'll get stronger by training for the first time in my life. I want to win... No, who cares about that? I just want another battle where both of us can enjoy the thrill of a real battle. I will not allow her to leave me behind. Next time we fight, we will yet again fight as equals.'

While Kenpachi was deep in thought, Ikkaku could only look at him in bewilderment after receiving such a cryptic answer. He pondered what he had just heard a while longer before simply giving up and asking his next question.

"Captain, it appears that you are training to use a variety of different techniques. Since when do you care about stuff like that."

True. Zaraki Kenpachi never bothered using techniques. He swung his sword with one hand with seemingly no goals in mind except for cutting his opponent. But now, he was going through complex motions of footwork and swords swing, almost making it look like he was dancing if it weren't for the aura of death surrounding him.

"How could I possibly match that if I restrict myself? I need to use everything I can to yet again enjoy a true battle."

During his fight with Yuna, Kenpachi slowly started using different kinds of combat techniques without even noticing himself. Now that he was fully conscious and thought about his fight with Yuna, he still vaguely remembered the way he moved, resulting in him trying to master what he assumed he had copied from Yuna.

'I always felt using stuff like Kendo was lame, but this is different. These techniques make me stronger. I'll use everything I can to grow stronger and stronger. I was always reluctant to grow stronger since that would mean there were fewer people I could enjoy fighting with, but now things are different. At my full strength, using everything I had, I was defeated. How could I possibly continue idling about when there is someone stronger than me out there? Haa~ I'm already excited about our next fight~'

While Ikkaku still had no clue what was going on, Kenpachi continued moving around the training hall while swinging his sword with a ferocious smile. The first time he did so, he destroyed quite a few buildings, forgetting just how strong he was now. To counter that problem, he added another two seals to his body, resulting in him now wearing an armband on each of his arms, allowing him to swing his sword without destroying everything.

Anyway, seeing Kenpachi's smile, Ikkaku decided to simply drop this matter. Although his Captain had calmed down quite a bit since he joined the Gotei 13, he would rather not wake a sleeping lion. Or rather, it seems like someone had already done so, so he would rather not become collateral damage to someone else's actions.

'Might as well patrol the city. I hope I can fight an intruder or two. It's been a while since something interesting like this happened, after all~'

Meanwhile, a few minutes earlier, in the highest building in Seireitei, an old man with a bald head and a long white beard was overlooking Seireitei with a frown on his face. This man was Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto, the Captain-Commander of the Gotei 13 and the Captain of the 1st Division.

Currently, his gaze rested on the Kuchiki clan compound while his eyebrows twitched in a combination of irritation, bewilderment, and a hint of amusement. Or rather, he was looking at the massive ice monument growing out of it.

He considered just going there and burning that thing down, but he decided not to do so. After all, was he the Kuchiki clan's maid? Why would he go over there and clean up their compound for them? Obviously, if something dangerous was going on that could damage Seireitei, he would make a move, but the only thing this thing seemed to damage was the Kuchiki clan's pride, which was a good thing, in his opinion.

As he was pondering, white snow erupted out of the giant ice penis, causing the old man to chuckle lightly.

'Well, I don't know who the intruder is, but they sure know how to break someone's pride. Oh well, if the Kuchiki clan asks for my help, I guess I'll help them.'

While thinking about the unknown intruder, Genryusai couldn't help but frown. There was basically no information about them. Hell, not even the intruder's gender was known as far as he knew.

'Seriously, what is going on? A Lieutenant and a Captain are missing, and there are no reports at all. No sightings, no further incidents, nothing. Something fishy is going on.'

Funnily enough, the only two people in Seireitei that didn't know about the cake incidents were Genryusai and his Lieutenant. After all, who would want to report to the Captain-Commander that their divisions are getting bullied with cake pranks? None of them wanted to get scolded for not securing their division properly.

Obviously, Genryusai's own division was attacked as well, but the 1st Division was considered to be filled with elite troops, so neither of them was willing to make a report either, their pride getting in the way of doing so.

As Genryusai's gaze continued wandering over Seireitei as if that could somehow grant him knowledge about the intruder's whereabouts, his head snapped upwards while squinting his eyes. It was rather far away from him, but he noticed that something had just penetrated the barrier surrounding Seireitei.

'More intruders! They really treat Seireitei like an amusement park! However, this time we surely will be able to capture a few people to find out what is going on. Although we can't be sure yet that the first and second waves belong to the same group, my guts are telling me they are.

Besides, two groups of people intruding on Seireitei within a week is too much of a coincidence if they weren't from the same group.'

As soon as he finished that thought, he called his Lieutenant to give out an order to the other Divisions: If an intruder is found, they are to be captured if it wasn't too much of a risk. They needed information about the first group, especially how they could navigate Seireitei without being detected.

At the same time, a leisurely mood reigned inside the hidden cave underneath Seireitei as Hinata, Retsu and Rangiku were relaxing in a fully furnished house entirely made out of ice.

Although it goes contrary to common sense, the ice building was made out of was actually not cold, allowing comfortable room temperature. Well, Yuna was never someone who bothered with common sense. As for the furniture, that clearly wasn't made out of ice... Well, let's just say the people of Seireitei were generous and donated it.

Anyway, a half-naked Rangiku was currently lying belly first on a massage table while Hinata stood next to her, her hand carefully wandering over Rangiku's calves, occasionally squeezing them. Additionally, Retsu was standing not too far away, watching Hinata's massage technique with some curiosity. As a healer, she could tell that Hinata's massage had quite a positive effect on Rangiku, relaxing and refreshing her.

"Mhh~ You are really good at this, Hinata."

Hinata hummed in acknowledgment as her hands wandered toward Rangiku's thighs.

"If you truly want to go to heaven, then you should ask Yuna for a massage as well."

"Oh? I'm looking forward to it~"

Retsu briefly pondered whether she should do the same, but seeing Hinata currently smiling with a tint of evil on her face, she decided to see what would happen first.

"Anyway, Hinata, don't you have too much stamina? How the hell can you continue to swing your hips like that while I can't even move a finger anymore and then not wake up with some muscle aches?"

If it were the young Hinata from her first life, she would have blushed furiously after hearing such a question, but now she only rolled her eyes while continuing the massage.

"Over the long years with Yuna, I have gotten used to it. When you do something a lot, you'll someday learn how to do it more efficiently."

Rangiku hummed in acknowledgment, despite already having predicted such an answer. Frankly, she was hoping that there was some kind of secret method, but as expected, there was none.

"So, anyway, you're into spanking, aren't you?"

Hinata's hands briefly paused as a slight blush crept up her face, but a short moment later, she continued the massage.

"What makes you ask that question?"

"Well, I mean, yesterday evening, you and Yuna..."

"That's not what I meant!"

Before Rangiku could say too much, Hinata interrupted her, claiming that Rangiku misunderstood her.

"I mean, why are you suddenly asking a question like that?"

"Oh? Well, we'll probably spend a lot of time together, so I was curious about what you are into."

As Hinata briefly nodded her head, she thought for a moment whether she should answer that question, and after deciding that it wouldn't cause any harm, she opened her mouth.

"Technically, it's not the spanking I'm into. I just like to get dominated, so spanking is just a part of it."

While Hinata was trying to contain her blush due to saying something like that out loud, Rangiku nodded her head in understanding before speaking as well.

"Honestly, I'm not even sure what I'm into. I've already told this to Yuna, but the people in Seireitei are all super prudent, so I didn't really have a chance to try things out~'

As soon as Rangiku stopped speaking, a hand landed on her butt, resulting in a loud smack, a shout of surprise, and a light pink handprint of Hinata's right hand left behind on Rangiku's butt.

"Well, you liked that~"

Hearing Hinata's teasing words, Rangiku glared at her,l before giggling in amusement.

"Although the sting surprised me, it's a very unusual feeling. I honestly can't tell whether I liked it or not. Anyway, people sure a restrain less around Yuna, aren't they?"

Hinata had to giggle as well before shrugging her shoulder.

"They are. Anyway, since you aren't sure yet, we can only continue experimenting."

As she finished speaking, she raised her hand and was just about to deliver another playful slap when the door opened, revealing Yuna watching the current scene in curiosity.

Yuna scanned the room with her eyes, and seeing the pink handprint on Rangiku's butt, a smirk appeared on her face. Before anyone else could react, Yuna pointed at Hinata and started speaking.

"You are bullying Rangiku; I guess I need to punish you."

Hearing the righteousness in Yuna's voice, Hinata could only shake her while sighing deeply. However, before she could comment any further, Yuna had already tossed her over her should and delivered a firm swat to her bottom.

"*Sigh* I really walked into this, didn't I."

"You sure did~"

Although Hinata seemed to have resigned to her face with reluctance, a quick sniff of the air immediately told Yuna that Hinata was already getting excited.

Before leaving the room with Hinata in tow, she turned around and looked at Retsu and Rangiku.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Don't you want to watch Hinata getting spanked?"

Frankly, both of them were curious about what kind of play this would lead to, but neither of them was sure what Hinata wanted to do. However, those doubts quickly disappeared as they met Hinata's eyes, almost causing them to take a step back.

There was a lot of heat in those eyes, making Hinata's desires very clear. So, both of them quickly made a decision.

"I'm coming~"

"Yes, I'm coming as well."

"N-No, it's embarrassing."

"Hush, you are getting punished."

As Yuna delivered another smack to Hinata's bottom, a loud moan escaped Hinata's mouth, making her desires rather clear.

Retsu and Rangiku briefly shared a glance before nodding their heads while having the same thought at the same time.

' 'After all, Hinata likes to get bullied.' '

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