Goddess of Ice: Corrupting Bleach

The Usual and Ichimaru Gin

A few moments later, Hinata and Retsu reached a steaming hot spring with two naked women comfortably resting inside it. Seeing the blonde woman's breasts floating in the water, Hinata's eyebrows twitched in irritation before she took a deep breath to calm herself down.

'No need to be jealous; I'm still growing. Surely, I'll reach that kind of level as well after when I'm fully grown.'

While Rangiku looked at Hinata in confusion, Yuna only gave her a leisurely smile.

"Yo, it's been a while, Hinata."

Hinata could only roll her eyes after hearing Yuna's greeting, causing her to chuckle in amusement.

"Maybe it was for you, but I just arrived in this place."

"Oh, right, should have been an offset of around a week; I hope you arrived here without any further problems."

Hinata couldn't help but snort in disdain as soon as Yuna finished speaking while simultaneously removing her clothing, entering the hot spring, and sitting down on Yuna's lap.

"The arrival itself was no problem, but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to think when the first thing I realize after coming here is that you have picked up another two women."

While Rangiku realized who Hinata was due to her words and actions, Yuna couldn't help but chuckle in amusement while resting her chin on Hinata's shoulder and hugging her waist.

"Hehe, no matter how you look at it, I was seriously holding myself back. After all, it's only two people, and the city isn't even damaged."

Hinata could only shake her head while glaring at Yuna from the corner of her eye, resulting in another amused chuckle from Yuna.

"What do you mean by 'didn't damage the city'? Pretty sure that massive explosion that happened not too long ago counts as damage."

Hearing Hinata's words, Yuna's hands, which were currently slowly advancing towards Hinata's breasts, stopped moving as Retsu and Rangiku started glaring at Yuna.

Obviously, Yuna had told them that Naruto and a few others would be invading Seireitei soon, but she also told them that there very likely wouldn't be any causalities. So, how couldn't they look at Yuna in doubt when they heard a massive explosion occur in the middle of the city?

Noticing that everyone was staring at her, Yuna couldn't help but awkwardly scratch her head as she smiled wryly.

"Well, this might surprise you, but I swear that however that explosion came to be, I haven't planted any explosive materials within Seireitei yet."

"Although that DOES surprise me, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to think about you using the word 'yet' in that sentence."



Hearing the conversation between Yuna and Hinata, Retsu and Rangiku briefly glanced at each other before they simply shrugged their shoulders. Since Yuna was stronger than both of them combined, it was not like the duo could do anything to stop her, so they decided not to bother with this matter and just enjoy themselves down here for a few more days. Seireitei will be fine... probably...

"*Moan* S-Stop it~"

Retsu and Rangiku's heads immediately snapped towards the source of the sound they had just heard and noticed Hinata squirming on Yuna's lap while frantically pressing her hand on her mouth in an attempt to stop herself from moaning.

"Mhh~ S-Stop it already, I-I've known these two for like *moan* five minutes."

"So? I don't see your point. Don't you like being watched~"

"*Urgh* *Moan* Didn't you bully me into having that fetish!?"

"Well, you like being bullied as well, so don't see the problem~"

While Hinata was squirming around on Yuna's lap, resisting but not really resisting, Retsu and Rangiku could only smile wryly at each other. Since Hinata could simply stand up from Yuna's lap, neither of them believed that Hinta actually wanted to get away from Yuna, and considering the usual pattern when they took a dip in the hot spring, the duo wasn't even surprised with this outcome.

"Come over, Rangiku. As I said, Hinata likes getting bullied~"

"Hee, is that so? Then don't mind if I do~"

While Rangiku was slowly approaching Yuna and Hinata while wiggling her finger, Retsu could only smile wryly at the scene in front of her. She briefly wondered whether she should sit this one out of not before simply shrugging her shoulders while starting to undress.

'Oh well, might as well have a little fun.'

Meanwhile, a weird-looking person with pure white skin and the top half of their face painted black wasn't having fun at all. Additionally, three golden protrusions decorated his chin and the sides of his head, and he wore a weird hat that pointed sideways. His name was Mayuri Kurotsuchi. He was the Captain of the 12th Division of the Gotei 13 and the second president of the Shinigami Research Institute.

The last week went rather horribly for him, and all his worries could be summarized with three simple words: Ice, snow, and cake.

He was currently deep in his research room and was surrounded by cake and ice, while an ice statue of a beautiful woman stood in the middle of the room.

All these things were samples that were brought to him from all over Seireitei, while the ice statue was delivered to him from Soi Fon's destroyed home. She had claimed that the invader had probably infiltrated her house and planted a bomb inside.

As for the ice statue, Soi Fon claimed that she had no idea where it came from, making Mayuri highly suspicious of her. Unfortunately, as a fellow Captain, he couldn't interrogate her. Anyway, he got the second-best option: The statue itself. However...

"No matter how many tests I run, this is normal ice. So why doesn't it melt, while not even I can put a scratch on it? The snow at least melts normally, but considering Captain Hitsugaya claimed that he couldn't control it, there must be something special about it as well. Despite that, it appears to be normal snow. What is happening?"

As soon as he finished speaking, his gaze landed on one of the cake samples delivered to him, causing his frown to deepen even further.

"And what's with these cakes? Exactly like the ice and snow, it appears to be regular cakes. Well, some of the people who delivered the samples to him claimed that it was especially tasty, but that isn't exactly useful for my investigation."

As he spoke those words, he crouched in front of the ice statue to inspect it closer, leaning forward while adjusting the magnifier covering his right eye.

"It's highly detailed, and if it weren't entirely made out of ice, I could almost think of it as alive. Such fascinating craftsmanship. I really wonder what the purpose of this statue... *GAG*"

As Mayuri was talking to himself, his head came closer and closer to the statue, inspecting every little detail, trying to find something that wasn't "just" ice.

And as he was lost in his curiosity, his mouth came rather close to the statue's crotch area, and before he could understand what was going on, something long entered his mouth and hit the back of his mouth, causing him to gag and reel backward.

He looked and the statue in bewilderment, and as soon as he saw what had happed, his Spiritual Pressure erupted out of him explosively, instantly covering the whole research institute.

Instead of its previous thumbs-up pose, it now had both of its hands resting on its hips while a large phallic object was proudly pointing skyward from the place between its legs. There was no need to say what that phallic object was.


As another explosion occurred in Seireitei, Naruto and the rest of the group had decided to simply slip through the hole in the wall Yuna had left behind.

Unfortunately, as soon as they had slipped through, a rather surprising person appeared in front of them: Gin Ichimaru, one of Seireitei's Captains.

Initially, Naruto considered fighting him, but fighting a captain-level thread this early in the game was not a good idea. After all, who knows how many more people will come here while Naruto is fighting?

So, Naruto quickly decided that retreat was the correct choice; unfortunately, before he could say anything, Ichigo attacked Gin, almost causing Naruto to facepalm.

"You idiot, GET BACK!"

Hearing Yoroichi's yell, Naruto nodded in approval, while everyone else wasn't entirely sure what to do. Seeing everyone's indecisiveness, Naruto rolled his eyes in annoyance as he shot forward to assist Ichigo while simultaneously giving out a command.

"Retreat; I'll fetch Ichigo!"

"No, that's too dangerous!"

While everyone decided to obey Naruto for now due to the authority deeply ringing in his voice, Yoruichi tried to stop him, but Naruto wasn't bothered by that.

"It isn't for me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he vanished from his position, closing half the distance toward Ichigo almost instantly, causing Yoruichi's eyes to widen in surprise.

'Shit, that one's a monster as well!'

"Very well, everyone retreat! We'll look for another point of entry."


Since the two people who were more or less considered the leader of this group came to consent, they moved immediately and retreated for now as Naruto had almost caught up to Ichigo.

Unfortunately, before Naruto could reach him, he had already clashed swords with Gin, causing the latter to grin in a creepy fashion.

"Ohh~ You aren't afraid of me?"

"Of course not!"

While Ichigo confirmed that he apparently wasn't afraid of Gin, despite not really understanding how strong he actually was, Gin put some more strength in his blade, forcing Ichigo to slide back a few meters, allowing Naruto to catch up with him.

"What are you doing, Ichigo? We are not here to defeat the Captains but to save Rukia. What's the purpose of picking a fight with a powerful opponent we don't even need to defeat."

"But he stands in our way! We need to defeat him!"

"Are you an idiot? Is this a linear RPG? We don't need to defeat every boss to clear the game! There are other paths we can take!"

Hearing Naruto's words, Ichigo couldn't help but awkwardly look away while a small blush appeared on his face. For some reason, he felt like he shouldn't back down and just continue fighting until he had rescued Rukia, but after hearing Naruto's words, he felt a little silly for thinking so.

Anyway, as the duo was briefly chatting, the creepy smile on Gin's face widened as he pointed the tip of his weirdly small sword at Ichigo.

"Ohh~ So you are Kurosaki Ichigo? In that case, I definitely can't let you pass. [Shoot to kill Shinso]."

Hearing Gin activate his Shikai, Naruto's instincts flared as he could already make a good guess about what would happen next due to Gin's stance. So, he immediately got between Ichigo and Gin as he drew his blade, instantly turning it into a pair of well-fitting gloves.

As he expected, Gin's blade extended at an incredibly fast pace and pierced towards Naruto, who angled his gloves in an upward manner, so he wouldn't have to tank the full impact of Gin's sword directly.

And, just as he had planned, the moment Gin's sword collided with Naruto's gloves, the upward force of the collision was too much for Gin to control, forcing his sword to point slightly upward, cleanly missing Naruto Ichigo and everyone running away behind them.

However, as soon as he realized that he had missed, the size of Gin's sword was reduced instantly, returning it to its original state at a frightening pace.

"Retreat, Ichigo!"

Ichigo couldn't help but grit his teeth when he heard Naruto's authority-filled voice. However, he also realized that he could barely see the attack Naruto just deflected, making it rather clear that this fight might be a little much for him to take part him.

Realizing this, Ichigo gritted his teeth as he turned around. Only now did he truly understand that there was no point fighting this fight right now. Someone caught them at the gate, but there probably were other means of entrance. If they had been attacked while already in the middle of Seireitei, it would have been a different matter, but there was no reason to commit to such a high-risk fight when they hadn't even entered Seireitei yet.

"Don't die, Naruto!"

Hearing Ichigo's "order", Naruto couldn't help but chuckle in amusement as the wind surrounding him grew stronger.

"So, you are not going to stop him?"

"Nah, I'm fine."

Naruto couldn't help but raise an eyebrow after Gin answered his question. It was rather clear that there was more to this whole encounter than meets the eye. The fact that Gin knew about Ichigo was already suspicious enough, and now it appears that Gin wasn't even willing to fight Ichigo properly.

'Something is definitely fishy here. I need to ask nee-san what is going on; I'm sure she has already figured out quite a bit.'

As those thoughts passed his mind, Gin adjusted where the tip of his sword pointed before it extended yet again, causing Naruto to chuckle in amusement as he used the same method as before to deflect it.

"Say, that extending sword..."

A smirk appeared on Naruto's face as his gaze landed on the place between Gin's legs.

"... are you perhaps compensating for something?"

The everpresent smile on Gin's face twitched for a moment as he adjusted where the tip of his sword was pointing yet again, causing Naruto's eyes to widen.

"Hey! What am I supposed to tell my girlfriend if you cut that part off? I still need that!"

As he said that, he lightly sidestepped, dodging the tip of Gin's sword, which quickly burrowed itself into the ground a few meters behind Naruto.

"Oh? The previous attack held no killing intent, but this one did. Did I hit a weak point?"

Gin couldn't help but frown when he heard Naruto's words. He admitted that his last move was a little childish, but for his opponent to actually detect that he never meant to kill them was rather abnormal to him.

'It's one of the twins, so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised about abnormal things surrounding them, but for him detecting that I actually didn't plan to Ichigo is rather disturbing.

"Of course, I don't try to kill him. After all, isn't he just a little brat, just like you? I might as well cut down stones."

"Heee~ But the dick joke got you, didn't it~"

Hearing Naruto's teasing words, Gin's eyebrows twitched in irritation as he gave his best to maintain the snake-like smile on his face.

'Seems like the sister isn't the only one who is infuriating to talk with. This guy is really annoying.'

"Whatever, it is time for you to leave, so I'll make you leave."

Yet again, the tip of Gin's sword shot toward Naruto, who couldn't help but smirk at that. Unlike the previous time, Naruto blocked the sword tip with his armored-covered right hand while the left one stabilized the sword, so it would slip away. Simultaneously, Naruto jumped as a smirk appeared on his face.

"Hehe, what made you think I wanted to stay here? See you soon~"

Since Naruto was mid-air, Gin's sword instantly pushed him backward at high speed, pushing him outside the walls of Seireitei due to him slightly adjusting his position beforehand, allowing him to retreat as well."

Gin frowned deeply as he realized Naruto had gotten away just like that. Although he didn't plan to capture or kill him from the start, he didn't like how Naruto got away.

Gin was a powerful Captain, who had maintained that position for quite a while now, but despite that, he was somehow played with by a young man that hasn't even reached the age of twenty.

He wanted to have the upper hand in this confrontation, only allowing the other party to flee when he wanted to, but he utterly failed.

Not only was his release easily blocked, even his manhood was insulted while allowing Naruto to control the pace of the encounter, making Gin somewhat angry.

For a split second, he considered going after Naruto, but he briefly shelved that idea. After all, there was a plan to follow, and he didn't have the leisure to act on his own.

'Whatever. If I get another shot at him, I'll kill him, and if I don't, then so what.'

So, Gin turned his back to the situation and walked away, a pinch of destratification clearly visible on his face.

Meanwhile, Shunsui was sprawled on a table while his Lieutenant, Nanao, was sprawled on the floor not too far away from him.

"Nono-chan, a kiss~ Give me a kiss~"

"Shudup, stipd Captn~"

Both of them were pretty drunk as empty bottles were spread all over the ground surrounding the duo.

Moments later, another Shinigami entered the courtyard, immediately pausing his steps as he noticed his Captain and Lieutenant drunkenly sprawled around.

"Err, is it okay to make a report?"

"Ehh~ More cake attack? Get lost, not interested~"

The Shinigami wiped away the sweat on his forehead as he slowly approached the drunken duo.

"I-It's not that. T-There was some serious damage dealt to the 2nd and 12th Division."

Hearing that there was actually some damage aside from giant ice penises and cake, Shunsui immediately sat up. Although he was still pretty drunk, now he was at least paying proper attention.

"What happened *hic*"

"Well, errr... A giant explosion tore apart Captain Soi Fon's home, luckily resulting in no causalities. She claims that the intruder must have snuck into her home and planted some explosives. Additionally, huge parts of the Shinigami Research Institute had been severely damaged. Captain Kurotsuchi claims that the invader entered it and went on a rampage while he wasn't there and destroyed all the evidence that had been collected about them, except for a single ice statue. This one had no causalities either."

As soon as the Shinigami finished their report, he couldn't help but sweat a little. After all, even they, a low-ranking Shinigami, could tell that this report was suspicious as hell. However, he could only report what the higher-ups had told him, so they really didn't know what else to do.

"Okay, you are dismissed. *hic*"

Surprisingly, Shunsui dismissed the Shinigami instantly, confusing them greatly. However, after seeing Shunsui's empty eyes and Nanao chugging another bottle of alcohol, the Shinigami immediately nodded his head and quickly left.

'I did what I was supposed to do, so it's no longer my problem~"

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