God’s Cube

Chapter 23

The most challenging and highly awaited event in the Academy was the end-of-semester race. Officially termed "Final Path," it was considered in high regards by the students, as more than a final exam it represented a quiet in house competition, where they could let themselves go and push themselves with no consequence or stress involved. The course ran across the whole island on which the Academy stood, right from the eastern cliffs to the western harbor, across heavy forests, rocky hills, fast-flowing rivers, and plains. Each team was supposed to put their enhancements into good use but only in cooperation with the others in their team. Success depended upon not splitting up.

The sharp and crisp December air nipped at the skin of Thesi as he came to a stop behind the starting line. A cold wind whirled across the open fields, turning exhalations into small clouds of mist. The whole Academy was gathered for this event, while reserved only for first years, second and third years used it as an opportunity to gather information and discover the newly arrived. Thesi glanced sideways at his team, there was Amina, standing tall, her expression as determined as ever, Lyra, fairly vibrating with nervous energy and Eira, her gaze quiet, fixed on the horizon. His eyes lingered a little longer on the latter. There was an air of calm about her that he appreciated, a silent strength, reassuring in a way he wasn't quite sure of.

A voice cut into his reverie and snapped him out of his musings. Headmaster Orion stood before the assembled teams, commanding as ever. He raised a hand in silence.

"The Final Path is an event of celebration, it is your true initiation into the Academy. You are to make use of your enhancements, but only as a team. Lone wolves will fail. Good luck."

With that, the headmaster raised a horn to his lips and blew a sharp, clear note, like the starting gun that propelled them into their race. 

Everyone launched themselves forward, the frozen ground pounding beneath their feet as they flung themselves into the first leg of the course. In front of them was a dense forest that stretched over the eastern side of the island. Almost immediately, the track telescoped down, and Thesi's team settled into a rhythm. Thesi led, peering ahead for hazards in the terrain, while Amina and Lyra followed close behind with Eira keeping pace at the rear.

The forest was a maze of tall trees whose thick trunks stood in the way of the rising sun. The ground was not even, and every step had to be thought of as no maps were provided, and their instincts needed to be trusted to get through the thick darkness. Shadows turned and twisted, playing tricks on the eyes, but Thesi kept his focus wide, his senses tuned to every sound and movement.

"Watch your step, the terrain's going to get rougher up ahead."

He called over his shoulder. Lyra, ever the restless one, darted forward, anxious to prove herself. She moved quickly, but Thesi could tell she wasn't watching her step. She jumped over a fallen log, landing graciously on the far side, but her momentum carried her too far ahead of the group.

"Lyra, stay with us!" 

Eira's voice sliced through the din of their footsteps. Thesi glanced back, enjoying the command in Eira's tone. Her delivery was calm, yet there was a weight to her tone, a sense of command that never needed or used volume. Lyra paused, then slowed, rejoining the team. She muttered.

"Sorry, I just thought I'd scout ahead."

"Scouting is fine, but we move together. We cannot afford to separate."

Thesi returned, and Amina nodded slightly, the first time she had spoken. 

"He's right. This race isn't about individual performance."

The team kept going as the sounds of other students tearing through the underbrush were muffled around them. The path started to slope upwards, the ground rising to a series of hills that would be the next challenge.

A brutal traversal of a trail on the side of a steep mountain. Dew covered the floor, and the hills were dotted with jagged rocks and loose gravel that made every wrong step painful. Thesi and Amina took turns leading, their eyes continually scanned for the safest route to take.

"This incline is going to wear us out if we don't pace ourselves, take it slow."

Thesi warned when they neared the steepest part of the hill. The others followed his suggestion, but it wasn't long before Lyra started to fall behind, the energy that seemed to carry her earlier now apparently flagging. She misstepped on some loose stones, almost falling before she could catch herself on a tree branch.

"I'm fine, just. I need a second.”

She panted, wafting off Amina's concerned look. 

“You can lean on me if you need to." 

Amina said, slowing down to match Lyra’s pace. There was no judgment in her tone, just practicality. Lyra grimaced but nodded. "

Thanks. I didn't think it'd be this hard.”

The higher they went, the more Thesi found himself looking in Eira's direction. She seemed to maneuver in an almost unnatural manner, graceful steps that were sure and precise. She was not the quickest, yet she never seemed to falter-even on the most dangerous ground. There was something about the way she carried herself, as though she were in control, no matter what the situation happened to be.

A little later, as the party came onto a small ledge near the crest of the hill, Eira looked over at Thesi. She gave him a slight, conspiratorial grin, almost as if she knew what he was thinking. Thesi felt a weird burning rise in his chest and looked quickly away, back down the trail. As soon as they reached the top of the mountain, a beautiful view of the river below was visible. It was the biggest river on the island, turbulent and wide, this particular point of the river stretched wide enough to be akin to a small lake. The black waters were swirling from the recent rains. A number of other teams were already on the banks, trying to work out how to get across without being taken away by the current.

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