God’s Guide for Teasing Heroes

Chapter 100: Uesaka Shino and Shadows of the Past Hunts

Narrator POV. 








Confused about what just happened, Shino thought for a while. 




"What's going on?" <Shino> 

It was not only her, even the other soldiers and guards also noticed this odd phenomenon. 

It was as if those monsters were just illusions. 

When Shino attacked them, she could feel that her daggers were properly dealing damage to the monster. 

Strength-wise, the monster is as strong as it should be. 

They look and act similarly to a monster but they are not real monsters. 

If they were, they should at least leave a corpse behind. 



Shino took cover for a moment. 

[This is really weird.] 

Using her guild ring Shino looked at her status. 

If those monsters were real, then she should at the very least steal their skills with the use of the skill (Skilless). 

"Status." <Shino> 



A holographic status window appeared from the guild ring. 

Shino looked at it and to Shino's surprise, Shino was able to steal some skills. 

"This is..." <Shino> 



Still, something was weird 







A new skill appeared in her status window. 

"Shadow of the Past Hunts?" <Shino> 

Shino muttered reading an odd skill from her skill list. 



Shino was confused reading these words right next to the (Skilless) skill she just gained after killing the odd monster. 

"Is that the monster's name?" <Shino> 

Shino muttered to herself doubtfully. 

Shino was dumbfounded after seeing these words as she looked at her status window projected by the guild ring. 



Usually, the name of the monster that Shino disposed of when acquiring a monster's skill was fixed. 

Normally, the words will be as follows, Skilless: Name of the monster: Name of the skill and its mastery level. 

Thus, she was expecting to see the same results as she opened her status window with her wooden adventurer's ring. 

Shino was expecting to see the phrase "Skilless: Black-fanged Wolf: Howl (I)". 

She knew this since it was a skill that she once had after defeating a similar monster in the past. 

Instead, the words "Skillless: Shadows of the Past Hunts: Howl (I)." were displayed right next to the skill. 



Shino quickly tried to remember a monster who had the name "Shadows of the Past Hunts". 

Shino was unable to remember such a monster in the books she read before. 

"Huh?" <Shino> 

Despite trying to remember all of the monsters listed in the books she has, nothing rang the bell in her memories. 

[Was it a monster that was not listed in the books I've read before?] 

[Was it a new kind of monster that was never discovered before?] 

[Did I forget a monster with that name?] 

That is what Shino was thinking. 

"No..." <Shino> 

Shino knew that this was not the case. 

The monster just now was a "Black-fanged Wolf". 

And yet the word "Shadow of the Past Hunts" was displayed. 

"What the hell is this?" <Shino> 

She said again as she stared at the skill listed in the status window. 

Now, she was even more confused. 



Things continued to become more and more bizarre. 

Trying to think and clear her mind, she needs more information. 

She thought of climbing one of the tall buildings and looking at the situation from a higher vantage point to see if she could find something out. 

She climbed up to the roof of the building right next to her. 

Like a cat jumping up nimbly, she smoothly went up the building by grabbing and stepping on the railings of the building. 

She moved smoothly and in no time she reached the top. 

She then surveyed the surroundings while looking down on the streets to observe the situation from above. 



(Skilless: Mountain Blade Hawk: Hawk Eyes) 

She activated a skill and was able to see much further and clearer than she usually does. 

Her pupil dilated and changed into a sharp plus sign shape. 

From the top of the building, Shino could see the guards and a few adventurers fighting the monsters, assassins, and Inquisitors nearby. 

She can hear all kinds of battle noises coming from everywhere. 

When she looked further away she could see rising smoke coming from all over the city. 

"What is happening." <Shino> 

She said to herself looking at the sight. 

She could tell that similar things were happening from everywhere she looked. 

From that high vantage view, she saw similar situations happening in every corner of the city. 

She looked in the direction of the town, the commoner's residential area, the slums, and the business area. 

Similar things are happening there as she could see smoke rising from those areas as well. 



Shino shifted her gaze back to the things happening nearby. 

The guards, the monsters, the assassins, and the inquisitors are all engaging in a royal rumble. 

Shino noticed a man wearing a black robe distancing himself from battle. 

He was hiding from sight as he was drinking something. 

"That's..." <Shino> 

She focused her gaze in that direction. 



Standing there was a man wearing a similar black robe that the assassins were wearing. 

Unlike the other assassins, this person was obviously trying to sneakily stay away from all the fighting. 

He was there trying to hide his presence minding his own business. 

Unfortunately, he was bad at hiding himself. 

Thus, Shino watched the man. 



The man raised his arm and from there, Shino saw that another monster appeared from the ground up. 

It was as if dust had risen from the ground and formed into a shape. 

The shape turned into a familiar figure of a monster. 

[Black-fanged Wolf] 

After that, the monster ran toward the place where the guards were and joined the fight. 

"What the..." <Shino> 



Shino was perplexed. 

She knew that some of the monsters there were not normal. 

[To think that those monsters were being summoned by one of the men wearing black robes. That person must be the reason why there is some abnormal monster fighting with the guards and adventurers. I have to do something about that guy.]  

She thought. 



Shino jumped down from the tall building and softly landed on her feet. 

After that, she went in the direction from where she saw the man. 

Shino thought about chasing after that man who was summoning the odd monsters. 

Knowing that if that man was left unchecked, he would continuously summon more monsters. 

If he does, it will only make this situation worse. 



Shino skillfully avoided the monsters and took the route that was relatively safe from what she saw from high grounds. 

Hiding behind an unsuspecting lawn of another noble's home where the man was. 

It seems that the man has not noticed Shino just yet. 

Shino did not go straight at the man as she did not know the capabilities of that person. 

If done wrong, Shino might end up in a very bad situation. 

And so, once she reached the place where the man was hiding, she did not make her presence be found right away. 

Shino assessed the situation as she watched the man closely. 



He does not seem to be very skilled at what he does. 

He was also not aware of the things happening around him very well. 

From the looks of it, he seemed confident that he had hidden himself sufficiently from the eyes of others. 

The man did not seem to be a seasoned fighter, he was clearly an amateur. 

Yet, He continuously summoned monsters and sent them away to fight. 

Shino continued to observe the man a bit more. 

The longer she observed the man, the less he thought of his practical skills. 

But still, having someone who infinitely summons a bunch of monsters should not be left alone. 

If left alone, the monster he summons might overrun the adventurers and guards trying to fend them off. 

If left be, those monsters will cause lots of death and destruction. 

Shino thought that she should do something about this. 



After summoning several monsters the man stopped. 

He seemed drained after summoning several monsters. 

Next, he took something from within his pocket. 

The man drank something from the thing he took out and dropped the container on the floor. 

"That's a potion vial." <Shino> 

Shino whispered to herself. 

Shino looked at the dropped container. 

Inside the empty vial, a bit of a liquid can be traced. 

A small amount of blue liquid can be seen. 

From that alone, Shino concluded that it was a Mana potion. 



[He must be using a lot of mana to summon those monsters with whatever skill he was using. To compensate for the large amount of mana he was using to summon those monsters, he is using Mana potions to replenish his lost mana. He must be doing this because his summoning skill might require a lot of mana to use.] <Shino> 

Shino deduced from the fact that the man was vigorously drinking mana potions. 

Looking at the man, Shino figured that this person should have been weak in a straight-up battle. 

If this man was capable of fighting up front he should not be hiding here. 

Plus, the man looked like an amateur, the way he moved was so clumsy that he does not seem like a person who is used to fighting. 

Shino thought that she could somehow do something about this man if they ever ended up fighting. 

So, before the man had an opportunity to summon more monsters Shino called out to the man. 



"Stop right there!" <Shino> 

Shino shouts at him. 

He was startled and panicked like a scared rat. 

It was obvious that he did not want to be found. 

As expected, from the way he was acting earlier, it seems that this man was just an amateur. 

The man did not strike an impression of someone who can fight at all. 

Shino wanted to ask the man the reason why they suddenly caused such chaos in the city. 



"You people, Why are you doing this?!" <Shino> 

Shino asked the man angrily. 

She wanted to know something about this odd chaotic situation she got herself into. 

The man was looking around, it was obvious that he was looking for a place to run. 

"I don't know what you mean... You must be mistaken." <Man> 

He said, but clearly, he was lying. 

Shino was annoyed hearing how the man acted oblivious. 

"Hah?! Stop acting like you're innocent. I saw you summoning those monsters earlier, you're one of those guys who is causing this mess. So drop the act. Who are you, people? Why are you doing this?" <Shino> 

Shino asked the man again. 

She wanted to at least know the reason why these people suddenly caused this mess. 



"Well... I have no obligation to answer you! (Shadow of the Past Hunts), Kobold Warriors! Black-fanged Wolf!." <Man> 

He raised his arm forward toward Shino, and at that moment, a monster suddenly appeared out of thin air. 

As the man shouted, monsters appeared as if the dust from the ground formed the monsters into existence. 

Two Kobolds and three wolves came out of nowhere. 

The man waved his hands toward Shino as if signaling the monsters to attack Shino. 

Without question, those monsters moved and charged toward Shino. 

It seemed that the monsters were under that man's complete control. 

As the monsters attacked Shino, the man took the opportunity to start running away from there. 

[He's trying to run...] <Shino> 



"Tsk..." <Shino> 

Shino clicked her tongue. 

She wanted to chase after the man right away but the summoned monsters were bothering her. 

Defeating these monsters was a problem for Shino. 

Provided some time she was sure that she could defeat these monsters on her own. 

Yes, if she was provided some "time" 

Unfortunately, she did not have that luxury. 

Shino did not want to lose sight of the man as he was trying to escape from her. 

At the same time, Shino cannot simply ignore these monsters since if she does, these monsters can deal serious injuries to her if she's not careful. 

Thus, her attention was divided between the monsters and the man trying to run away. 



Thankfully the man was not that fast of a runner. 

Catching up to the man was not a problem for Shino. 

Shino only had to deal with the monsters as fast as possible and go after the man. 

Instinctively, Shino pulled out one of the two daggers hanging over her bosom. 


Shino threw a dagger at the man. 



The dagger flew toward the man and pierced him on the back of his right shoulder. 

It pierced the man and he fell on the floor. 

"ARGHH!!!" <Man> 

He screamed in agony. 

The man stumbled on the floor squirming in pain. 

"ARGHH!!! It hurts!!! It hurts!!! It hurts!!!" <Man> 

The man looked pathetic as he squirmed in pain unable to run from the shock of pain. 



Now, all Shino had to do was defeat the monsters he summoned. 

The two Kobolds and the two Black-fanged Wolf attacked Shino. 

Shino slowed down and stepped back to create distance from her and the summoned monsters protecting the man. 

Now her focus is more on the monsters than on the pathetic summoner. 

Shino lowered her body in preparation for battle. 

[Now then...] 

Her eyes changed colors from brown to golden which looked similar to a cat's eye pupils and all of the hair in her body raised. 

With this, her senses were boosted. 

(Skilless: Forest Lion: Beast Sense) 

She activated a skill she usually uses during battle. 

It also meant that Shino was prepared for Battle. 



(Skilless: Forest Lion: Beast Sense) 

This skill would allow Shino to become more aware of her surroundings. 

It was a skill that had very similar use to the skill (Concentrate) only better as it also affected her smell and hearing greatly. 



The monsters summoned by the enemy rushed to attack Shino. 

In response, Shino engaged in battle with those monsters head-on. 

The monsters summoned were two Kobolds and three wolves. 

In normal circumstances, Shino would prefer fighting these monsters one at a time. 

Unfortunately, the current situation would not allow her to do so. 

She was confident that when fighting these monsters individually she would win 100 percent of the time. 

Now that she was facing the monsters at the same time, she was unsure if she could win. 

Fighting several of these monsters at once will be a tough challenge for her. 



Thus, the monsters charged at Shino all at once. 

The first monsters to reach her were the wolves as they moved faster than the kobolds. 

The wolves pounced at Shino. 

Thanks to her past experiences fighting the same monsters before, Shino was able to predict how the monsters would attack. 

She skillfully dodged the monster's until the very last moment by shifting her body sideways to dodge the pouncing attack of the wolves. 



With this... 

1, 2. 

Two wolves passed her completely missing their attack to pounce at Shino. 

As the third one was about to pounce at Shino, she countered with an attack of her own. 

Shino timed her attack to welcome the incoming wolf attacking her. 

She used her dagger to slash at the monster as it passed her. 

With that fatal blow, the summoned wolf turned into dust as it reached the ground. 



[1 down 4 to go.] 

She looked at the remaining monsters. 

One of the two wolves that Shino dodged earlier was behind her. 

It was on its way of turning around after missing her badly. 

Incoming from the front were the two Kobolds wielding their swords to attack Shino with the swords they carry. 

Shino prepared for the two kobold's attacks. 



-Swish- -Swish- 

The kobolds missed Shino after swinging their swords to attack her. 

Shino dodged the first attack easily and the second attack by a hair's breadth. 

After dodging the attacks she kicked one of the kobolds to separate the two monsters. 

She managed to push away that kobold and attacked the other one. 

Using the space she created she attacked the other monster. 



While the kobold was isolated from the rest of the monsters, Shino used this opportunity without missing a beat and attacked the isolated monster. 

As she moved toward the monster, it swung its sword in a desperate attempt to fend Shino away. 


A downward diagonal attack from the left to the right. 

Shino saw this a mile away, she dodged by jumping into the air following up by piercing her dagger into the eye left socket of that Kobold as she fell over the monster. 

Shino and the kobold fell to the ground turning that monster to dust. 



Shino wanted to defeat the other kobold next. 

She tried to attack it as it was still gaining its footing after getting kicked earlier. 

As she did she noticed that the two wolves were already running to attack her from behind. 

She stopped as she was cornered between the kobold and the wolves as she tried to attack. 

She stepped back to create some distance from the charging wolves. 



Meanwhile, the man pulled out the dagger that pierced his arm as he was still in pain. 

He was moving sluggishly, it was clear that he was not accustomed to receiving pain. 

"It hurts! It hurts! You!!! You will pay for this!" <Man> 

He raised his arm in anger.  

Shino knew that the man was about to summon more monsters. 

"Hey! That's unfair!" <Shino> 

The man summoned a new monster. 

Shino complained seeing a large kobold appear in front of the man. 



"Ughh..." <Shino> 

What appeared this time was a Kobold Leader. 

It is a more powerful monster that Shino would not be able to defeat just as easily as the earlier monsters. 

Shino realized that she could not waste time. 

She needed to defeat the monster faster if she wanted to deal with the man summoning them. 

She also knew that she should not be careless when dealing with the monsters as well. 

If she tries to force herself to defeat the summoned monsters faster she might end up hurt instead. 



"Come forth my slaves kill that b*tch!" <Man> 

The monsters growled at Shino in response to their master's commands. 

"Now!" <Shino> 

Shino mustered herself to respond to the attacking monsters. 

She took a deep breath and gripped her dagger harder. 



Shino realized that to deal with this situation she needed to stop the man from summoning more monsters. 

The more time she wastes the harder it will be for her to defeat her foe. 

If so, the only thing she can do is run and leave the man alone. 

If Shino decides to run away from this enemy, he will continuously summon monsters that will only make things harder for everyone. 

As much as possible it would be best for Shino to deal with this person here and now. 



[This won't do... I need to do something.] 

Shino looked around as she thought of a plan. 

Currently, she was fighting the man and the monsters in a wide alleyway. 

There was no one around. 

The building seemed to have been evacuated as she could not see or sense anyone inside the building around them. 

It seems that when the chaos started the people within those buildings left to escape somewhere safe. 

There are small dark passageways in between some buildings. 

[Alright... I think this could work.] <Shino> 



They reached the back alley of the large homes of the nobles who lived in the area. 

She ran toward one of the dark tight passageways. 

"Ha... hahaha! That's right run!" <Man> 

The man assumed that Shino was running away. 

"But I will not allow you to run, I will definitely kill you!!!" <Man> 

The man shouts at Shino who suddenly runs toward the dark passageway. 

The monsters followed her in that dark passage to chase her. 

The man followed after to see where Shino might have run to. 

[That's right... follow me.] <Shino> 



When they gazed at the tight passageway, Shino was nowhere to be seen. 

"She... she disappeared?" <Man> 

The man said as he could not see Shino. 

He became confused realizing that Shino suddenly disappeared. 

"Where did she go? Did she manage to run in that short time?" <Man> 

The man angrily glared at the alleyway as if he were glaring at Shino. 

"Look for her!" <Man> 

He ordered his summons. 

The wolves and Kobold went in search of Shino. 



[Wow, I did not expect that to work.] <Shino> 

Shino thought as she watched the man and the monsters get confused after she mysteriously disappeared. 

In actuality, Shino used her skill (Skilless: Rainbow Lizard: Stealth). 

A skill that she obtained from a chameleon-like monster living near Vestir City. 

With this skill, she was able to hide herself by blending with the surroundings as if she was never there. 

She was clinging high up to the wall of that narrow passageway by using a skill (Skilless: Giant Tree Spider: Climb Crawl) and remained attached to the concrete wall. 



Shino knew that the man was an amateur. 

She knew that the man had not much experience in battle. 

She is sure that this man is not the type of person who is used to fighting. 

He was easily startled, he was not used to pain, and he lacked good judgment in combat. 

The fact that he tried to use his summoned familiar to chase after her is already a wrong decision. 

He should have left several of them to guard himself as he has no means to defend himself. 

This only proves how this man cannot respond correctly in this kind of situation due to his lack of actual battle experience. 

This was all under Shino's expectations.  



Shino planned to attack him unprepared when his summoned monster was near him or in a location where they could not help him if she attacked the man. 

As Shino has seen, it is obvious that the man has no way to protect himself other than using his summoned monster to cover for him. 

If she was able to sneak close to the man, she could easily defeat him as the man had no combat capabilities by himself. 



In Shino's eyes, the decision of the man to order his summoned monster to chase after her was a stupid idea. 

Having them chase her means that none of his monsters can help him if she manages to close their distance. 

It also appears that the man was not aware that she was using her skill to hide herself so she could catch him by surprise. 

The man was more agitated and furious with the fact that Shino appeared to have escaped from him and his monsters. 



"Where is that bitch?! I will make sure that I will kill her!" <Man> 

The man made a furious scream cursing at Shino. 

He was so pissed at the fact that Shino was able to injure him with the dagger she threw at him as he ran. 

The monster moved forward leaving the man unguarded. 

The only monster near him was the Kobold leader who was unable to pass through the narrow passageway. 

If the passage was a bit wider, the man would have let this monster chase after her too. 

Not knowing that Shino was nearby, hanging on the wall above him while hiding as she waited to attack at the right moment. 



Shino patiently waited for the two kobolds and two Black-fanged wolves to be far enough from the man. 

With only the Kobold leader protecting the man. 

Shino was confident that she would be able to deal with him. 

The man seemed to assume that Shino had run away from him and his flock of monsters. 

Without the man knowing that this was all according to Shino's plans. 



A few moments have passed. 

The monster was far enough that they would not be able to come back in time to protect the man. 

When the man was calmed down he took a potion from his dimensional bag to replenish his mana reserves. 

As quietly as she could. 

Shino jumped down from the wall like a cat falling from above. 




As soon as Shino's feet touched the ground, she activated the skill (Skilless: Spiral Rabbit: Burst) to close the distance from where she fell up to where the man was standing. 

Shino maneuvered past the Kobold leader who noticed her bursting toward his master. 

Unfortunately, the monster noticed Shino too late. 

The man was not even aware of Shino's presence. 

He was too busy drinking the bottle of Mana potion he had just taken from his bag. 




Shino did not give the man a chance to respond. 

She aimed at the man's torso, to be more precise at the man's heart. 

This was not the first time Shino had aimed her dagger towards a living human. 

She has used her dagger to deal with bandits during her travels with the Viscount Kaleen's caravan. 

They were attacked by thugs and bandits a lot of times during their travels. 

Shino killed bandits with her own two hands many times before this day. 

Because of those experiences, Shino did not hesitate to kill this man too. 

He was dangerous and killing him was the best choice of action. 

If not, he will only summon more monsters and it will be more difficult to deal with him. 






"Gahk!!!" <Man> 

The man who was caught unaware let out a painful groan. 

The dagger pierced his chest. 

She pushed her dagger with her body as she tackled the man causing the dagger to pierce his chest even deeper. 

She twisted the dagger to further cause a more serious injury with the dagger. 




The man coughed blood in pain. 

She then pulled the dagger with force and kicked the man causing him to fall on his back. 

He grabbed onto his chest and coughed. 

Blood gushed out of his mouth after a few coughs. 

The man looked at the girl who just stabbed him. 

She was looking at him with fierce eyes, she was watching him squirming in pain. 

Some blood was still on the blade of the dagger she was holding in her right hand. 

Life slowly but surely left his body as the blood flowed out of his mouth and chest. 

The monsters he summoned dissipated into dust as a result. 

The man stared at Shino's face as things faded to black. 

It was the last thing the man saw as his consciousness faded. 

Soon... his breath stopped. 

He... died. 



"..." <Shino> 


"I still can't get used to this feeling..." <Shino> 

Shino killed the man. 

It was something that she did not imagine doing back when she was in her original world. 

It's not as if she was a psychopath or some cold-blooded killer. 

Thus, she still feels bad after ending the life of another person with her hands. 



When she first killed a bandit several months ago, she became so guilty that she feared holding her dagger for a while. 

She undergoes some kind of a traumatic phase after killing a man for the first time. 

After a while, she convinced herself that what she did was necessary. 

If she did not kill the bandit, the one who would be dead is her. 

She convinced herself that it was the right thing to do. 

That is how things work in this world. 

After some time, she accepted the fact that as long as she is in this world, such a thing is inevitable and she could not waste time feeling bad about it. 

As she traveled with the viscount caravan, Shino became more and more accustomed to this reality that it came to a point that she no longer hesitated to kill others if necessary. 



Shino decided to go back to where Marlo was and help deal with the monsters who were still rampaging in the city. 

As she walked forward and looked at the dead body for the last time. 

She closed her eyes and bowed her head, asking for some kind of forgiveness. 

She started running forward to return to her comrades and help them eradicate monsters. 






Somewhere far away, a certain someone was watching this all happen. 

The Goddess of SoulCycle, Ledia was pleased with what she saw. 

"I hope you like my gift... little hero from the other world..." 

She said while caressing the crystal ball where she watched all of this happen. 














  Author Note:

There we go~ we have reached chapter 100.

Unfortunately, I have nothing special to do XD

Like I said in the last chapter, I already finished writing up until the conclusion of this Arc.

I plan on drawing the next Arc's cover picture and I am hoping to finish it before I publish the end of this Arc. (@ chapter - 115 <- needs some editing).




Right now...

I am seriously thinking making a webtoon for this story.

I even sketched the first part already... and as expected it's a lot of work.

Still~ I will do my best, so wish me luck.


I really want to make a webtoon and this story might be the perfect one to start.

Like I said a long time ago, I consider myself an artist/illustrator than I am a writer.

I write for some self-satisfaction XD.

Still, I learned a lot by just writing a story by itself.




iNanashi: em` Out~











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