God’s Guide for Teasing Heroes

Chapter 109: Completion and the Saint’s resolve

Narrator POV 







The Morning came. 



Ecclesia Empire's attempt to invade Vestir was over in one night. 

It ended as fast as it started. 

This war has ended short, much shorter than anyone has expected. 

This was all because of the appearance of one man. 

The most powerful adventurer, Svencity. 

With Svencity's presence in the city, Ecclesia did not stand a chance. 

The Ecclesia army was wiped out without much trouble. 

It was a total defeat for the Ecclesia Empire. 

Their invasion failed. 



Unfortunately, many innocent citizen in the city was killed during this event that happened last night. 

Still, the destruction and casualties during this affair were minimized thanks to the people preventing things from worsening. 

The combined efforts of both adventurers and the military minimized the destruction and death tolls within the city. 

The intruders and the monster released in the city had caused a lot of destruction within Vestir. 

Houses and all kinds of structures within the city were destroyed. 

Recovering from the destruction will cause a lot of resources to be restored. 



Despite the destruction and death brought by the intruders who wanted to invade Vestir, the worst has already passed. 

After Guildmaster Svencity shows himself on the battlefield, the war becomes one-sided on the side of Vestir's forces. 

The combined army gathered by Ecclesia and the Nobles who tried to invade the city were wiped out. 

The invaders were either captured, killed, or fled from the battlefield. 

Those who resisted were captured or killed. 

Without their leader, the enemies will not be able to work coherently. 

As a result, it would be easier for Vestir forces to subdue the enemy. 

It was a complete victory for Vestir's forces. 



Right after the total defeat of the enemy army, all that remained was the Inquisitors, assassins, and monsters rampaging within the city. 

A cleanup mission is ordered for both the adventurers and soldiers in Vestir. 

Thankfully, the adventurers and soldiers have already dealt with most of the strong monsters. 

Thus, only the weak monsters are left roaming in the city. 

They were quickly disposed of by the soldiers and adventurers who addressed the cleanup. 



The remaining monster in the city was dealt with efficiently. 

One of the adventurers who contributed significantly to this was Alicia. 

She led her family guards to help solve the problem. 

Alicia also eliminated monsters who gave adventurers and soldiers problems as they were not strong enough to defeat such powerful enemies. 



On the other hand... 

The people working with Ecclesia, the spies, the men of the nobles who committed treason, and the assassins were still in the city. 

They went into hiding within the city. 

They remained in hiding within the city. 

Some of them pretended to be civilians and acted like victims. 




The nobles who rebelled were hunted and captured together with their people. 

These nobles were mainly from the Artesia Empire who wanted to own the lands here in Riles. 

After all, if Vestir, the capital of Riles, fell in the hands of the Ecclesia Empire, it would be easy to capture the remaining lands in the country. 



These nobles who helped Ecclesia were the nobles who were unsatisfied with the current state of the Artesia Empire's rule. 

Currently, Artesia's laws were being reformed to a more "free" rule. 

As a result, the roles of the nobles as the "owners" of the land are now obsolete. 



The nobles, who did not like the idea of their authority as the "owner" of the lands, were very unsatisfied with this change. 

As the "owner" of the land, they should also own the people living there. 

These nobles, who wanted full authority over the people of their land, did not want this change. 

As a result, they wanted to cut off their ties to the Empire. 

They wanted to own Riles for their own. 

They are even willing to leave Artesia once this invasion is over. 

Ecclesia offered them such authority to rule the lands after Ecclesia successfully invaded Riles. 

Ecclesia did not want the land; their only goal was to slaughter the "demi-humans" living in Riles following the teaching of their religion. 



In the end, the combined army of these nobles and Ecclesia Inquisitors was defeated. 

The noble leading these nobles from Artesia is an influential Marquess. 

The Marquess resisted till the end and ended up committing suicide when he saw that their army had no way of winning the war. 

As the leader of this rebellion, his death was a massive blow to those nobles who committed treason. 

Without a leader, the members of the rebellion were in shambles. 

It became easier for them to get captured or killed. 

They were purged. 

The captured nobles will undergo legal trials under the laws of Riles's kingdom. 

Once they are proven to be in cahoots with the Ecclesia Empire, they will be executed without a doubt. 



The remaining problem now is the intruders hiding in the city. 

The "clean up" operation was held. 

Dealing with the intruders was more difficult as they tried to hide by acting like innocent citizens escaping danger. 



Intruders who disguised themselves as innocent bystanders and assimilated themselves with the civilians being protected by the adventurers and soldiers are being hunted. 

Adventurers and soldiers are looking for those intruders who hide within the city. 

Thus, the "clean up". 



The city went into lockdown to address this problem. 

No one is allowed to leave, and no one is allowed to enter. 

People within the city were interviewed. 

Their backgrounds were thoroughly investigated. 

By doing this, suspicious individuals were exposed quite easily. 

The spies from the Ecclesia Empire were exposed. 

Those who were proven guilty were held in prison. 

Those who tried to resist capture were executed on the spot. 



Still, thanks to the combined effort of the adventurers and soldiers, they managed to apprehend and eliminate these intruders. 

They were easily exposed, thanks to the help of the residents who reported "suspicious" individuals amongst the refugees. 

One by one, the intruders were exposed after a bit of investigation. 



By the time the sun comes down on that very day. 

Most of the monsters in the city were eliminated entirely. 

Intruders who tried to hide in the city were either subjugated or captured. 

The disguised intruders among the city residents were the last problem to be addressed. 

They worked quickly and urgently. 

Exposing these intruders to innocent citizens was one of the main problems to be solved. 

They worked around the clock nonstop. 

Thus, they worked hard to deal quickly with his problem. 

It was a matter of time for all of those disguised intruders to be exposed. 



Time passed... 

The next day came. 

Reports and minor problems arose and were dealt with by both the Adventurers Guild and the city's local leaders. 

Vestir was on high alert, but things were mostly settled. 

The citizens are still gathered in the city plaza as things haven't ultimately settled yet. 

Everyone is working around the clock. 

It was only a matter of time before the city returned to normal. 

Of course, repairs and restoration of the city will take a while, but the peace in the city is returning to normal. 



With each day past, things are getting better little by little. 

Adventurers and soldiers thoroughly inspect each corner of the city to look for potential dangers to its citizens. 

The soldiers who participated in the war also helped to inspect the city, and things were settled quickly with the help of competent leaders working there. 



At the same time. 

Kazue and their group are preparing to return to Vestir. 

It had been two days since they escaped from the city. 

They hid in a secret location outside the city for those two days. 

A message reached Kazue and the group that things had settled down in the city. 

It was okay to go back to the mansion. 

Thus, the group decided to return to Azurearozi Mansion. 



They re-entered the city using the secret underground passageway they used to escape from the city. 

They did not try to enter the city using the gates to avoid prying eyes. 

As such, they found themselves hiding within the Azurearozi Mansion once again. 



In the mansion awaits the Lady of the house, Alicia Cliffe Azurearozi. 

She welcomed Kazue and the group as valued guests. 

The workers of the mansion treated them as VIPs. 

They ensured they would feel comfortable within the mansion as they stayed. 



As Calm and the people protecting her stay in Alicia's mansion, it is not a joke to say that the Azurearozi Mansion has become a fortress. 

Alicia had informed the higher-ups about this. 

Only the king, the guild master of Vestir, and a few other top-ranking officials knew about Calm's situation. 

For most, Calm is still missing. 

Officially, the whereabouts of the saint are still unknown; her status is "Unknown." 



Now, the mansion is protected by the Adventurers Guild and the King of Riles. 

This turned Azurearozi Mansion into a fortress to protect the saint. 

They will not allow the saint to be in danger once more. 

The saint is the symbol of peace and hope for all the people who lived in Riles. 

They could not allow that symbol to be harmed. 

The safety of the saint is now secured. 



The people of the Azurearozi have been a great help to the people of the city. 

As Alicia commanded her people, they helped the guards and adventurers deal with the monsters and assassins wreaking havoc in the city. 

"By the name of the Lady of the House Azurearozi! We have been ordered to deal with the situation." 

The mansion's people exclaimed as they helped the adventurers and soldiers fight the monsters and assassins. 

Because of this, the citizens and adventurers greatly acknowledge the help of Alicia's men in this crisis that has fallen in the city. 

This will surely boost the popularity of their already famous Lady to an even higher level. 

Of course, this impression is not just for show. 

Alicia was really contributing to extinguishing the problem in a big way. 

Alicia herself is fighting on the front lines, leading all the people of the Azurearozi to exterminate the monsters and the intruders in the city. 

None of the assassins could do anything in front of Alicia. 

On top of being the only heir of the Azurearozi dukedom, Alicia is also a legit A-rank adventurer. 

Her abilities and accomplishments prove that she is one of the most powerful adventurers in the world. 

As someone who is noble by birth, Alicia's popularity is only second to the "Empress". 

This crisis would boost Alicia's popularity once more. 



Thanks to their help, the crisis in the city has settled down much more quickly. 



Since the battle between Vestir's army and Ecclesia's army ended because of Svencity's involvement, many soldiers came to the city to help with the problem. 

What was left on that battlefield was to "clean up" the confused soldiers of Ecclesia and rebel nobles. 

This is why the army of Vestir can now send more soldiers to help with the extermination of monsters and assassins in the city. 

The people of Azurearozi, the adventurers, and the soldiers all worked together to deal with the problem. 



The assassins and Inquisitors were not expecting the defeat of their allies outside the city. 

They also underestimated the abilities of the Adventurers in the Vestir. 

They did not expect this much resistance from the fighting force within the city. 

At this rate, they will be wiped out. 



Time passed. 

With each day that passed, the better the situation became. 



It had been several days since they returned from hiding in the forest back to the Azurearozi Mansion. 

Since the situation in the city had calmed down a lot, the group decided to return to Alicia's mansion. 

Sure, it might be wiser for them to stay in the safe house hidden deep within the forest on the city's outskirts. 

Still, they decided to return to Alicia's Mansion due to the favorable situation. 

Alicia herself had suggested that they should return to the city. 

She vouched that it was safe to go back. 

Thus, the group returned to rest in Alicia's mansion. 



Aaron and the rest of Calm's personal guards have also returned to the city. 

Now, they are back to protect the saint they vowed to protect with their lives. 

This time, none of them are working with the Assassin Order. 

These traitors had been dealt with when they first attempted to assassinate the saint but failed. 

Those traitors were exposed and were killed as punishment for attempting to assassinate the saint. 

Only the most loyal guards remained now. 

And now, they are back to their mission of protecting the saint. 

No one will let a traitor slide amongst them anymore. 



The information about the saint was also conveyed to the King of Riles. 

As a result, he sent some of his most trusted Royal Knights to help them protect the saint. 

With all these people wanting to protect the saint, she had no reason to hide in the forest. 

Calm Eastertale can now return to the Azurearozi Mansion, where these people can protect her. 



Of course, Kazue and the others are still guarding Calm closely. 

No one was allowed to get near her aside from Kazue's group, as they were the only people who were 100% not after the saint's life. 








A few days have passed since then. 

At the moment, Kazue and Calm are inside the Azurearozi mansion. 

They were inside the same room where the hidden passageway entrance was, the same room Calm had stayed in before Ecclesia's Invasion. 

Kazue and Calm are sitting on the large bed placed in one corner of the room. 



It was nighttime, and only the lights from magical crystals illuminated the room. 

It was noisy outside. 

They asked everyone to leave the room, leaving just the two of them in there. 

Kazue and Calm were alone inside the room, with Kazue's familiars sleeping beside the bed. 

No one else was in the room. 

No one can hear what is happening inside either. 

After all, they both wanted this to be a secret between just the two of them. 



The two wanted to keep Kazue's secret. 

Her secret as a potential "Oracle". 

After all, Kazue is the Apprentice Oracle of the God of Judgement. 

Kazue, as the "Oracle" of another god other than the Goddess of Life and Death, should be kept a secret. 



Kazue has her eyes closed for some reason. 

She was waiting for something. 

So did Calm.  

She is also waiting for that "something" to happen. 

In her mind, she was waiting for something. 

That "something" only she, as the "Apprentice Oracle of the God of Judgement," could see. 

Then that, "something" happened. 

"Ah!" <Kazue> 







Today marks the 15th day since Kazue received the task of protecting the Oracle, Calm Eastertale. 

The "something" Kazue and Calm were waiting for was this. 

They are waiting for that 15-day period to end. 



"... Protect for 15 days." <Kazue> 

Kazue said with a soft voice. 

That 15 days felt so long. 

It was the most stressful 15 days in Kazue's 17-year life. 

Today was the 15th day since she received this "task" from the God of Judgement. 

With the mission being completed, she can finally breathe a sigh of relief. 



Kazue hears a soft -Ting- in her mind. 

With her eyes still closed, she saw a peculiar message appearing in her mind. 








With this, the task given to her by the god of Judgement is complete. 

"Thank god... it's over." <Kazue> 



"Is it over?" <Calm> 

Calm asked Kazue. 

She knew that Kazue had received that very mission thanks to her being the Oracle of the Goddess of Life and Death. 

She also knew that Kazue was the "Apprentice Oracle of the God of Judgement". 

She knew that Kazue would become an "Oracle" later down the line, just like herself. 

If that happens, she will have another thing to share with Kazue. 



"Is it really over!?" <Calm> 

Calm Eastertale asks Mizusawa Kazue with a lively voice. 

Kazue replied with a nod, her eyes still closed. 







The "Rite of Equinox". 

Kazue still has no idea what this "Rite of Equinox" was about. 

All she knew was that if she managed to finish all of the five tasks given to her by the God of Judgement, she would become a full pledge "Oracle". 

Like Calm Eastertale to the Goddess Gaiah, Kazue will become Themis' Oracle. 


Three more to go. 



The "Rites of Equinox" task had progressed to 2/5. 

The first time she managed to progress this task was when she gave "Judgment" to Kobe Yasuo. 

Kobe Yasuo was also an otherworlder, just like herself, who became a monster inside a dungeon in Luron. 

She defeated and killed Kobe Yasuo and completed 1/5 of the task there. 

And now, after successfully protecting Calm Eastertale for 15 days, the task has progressed again. 

This means that in the eyes of the Gods, she had successfully protected Calm. 



Kazue opened her eyes. 

Knowing that the worst had passed and things would be better from now on, she opened her eyes. 

With most of her stress lifted, her heart felt light.  

The first thing she saw was Calm's face, looking at her curiously. 

Once again, she was reminded of how beautiful the girl was. 

"Is it done?" <Calm> 

"Is it? ... It seems so." <Kazue> 

Kazue replied in her usual monotonic voice. 



Despite answering in such a manner, Calm felt how relieved Kazue was. 

Calm smiled, knowing that the worst had passed. 

Calm also felt relieved. 

They both felt relieved. 

"fu fu..." <Calm> 

Calm instinctively let out a small giggle. 

"...?" <Kazue> 

"fu fu fu fu fu..." <Calm> 

Calm could not stop giggling. 

As to the reason why she let out a giggle, she did not know either. 

As such, Kazue watched Calm with a satisfied look on her face. 



"Mou~ You can at least look happier, you know..." <Calm> 

Calm said to Kazue. 


"You're right... I can finally sleep with ease." <Kazue> 

Kazue answered back. 



It was as if all of the stress in Kazue's body was gone, watching Calm giggling nonstop. 

She then allowed her body to fall on the soft bed where they sat. 

She stretched her body, expelling all the stress that had fizzled out. 

Kazue became relaxed. 

She felt her tired mind finally released from all the burdens. 

"Haa~ That was so tiiiiiiiring~" <Kazue> 

He raised her arm and stretched her body as a sign of relief. 

"fu fu~ Surely it was..." <Calm> 



"I want to sleep. Don't disturb me." <Kazue> 

Kazue pulled the soft blanket over her entire body. 

She pushed her head over the soft pillow on the bed. 

"Ah..." <Calm> 

Calm wanted to talk with her, but Kazue buried her face into the soft pillow on the bed. 

She refused to do anything other than to rest. 

Calm shook her head helplessly and allowed Kazue to rest as requested. 

She knew how hard Kazue worked to protect her. 

So, she allowed Kazue to have her well-earned rest. 

"Thanks for the hard work Kazue-chan." <Calm> 



Calm gave Kazue a soft and warm gaze and left the room to her. 

She stood up and walked toward the door. 

Calm left the room as quietly as she could. 

She used her hand to touch a crystal located next to the door. 

The light dimmed, and the room became dark. 

"Good night." <Calm> 



Kazue allowed herself to enter a long and well-deserved sleep. 








As soon as Calm exited the room where she and Kazue rested, Aaron was already outside the door waiting for her. 

He did not even try to bother the two inside the room. 

This is despite the fact that he had something important to say to Calm; he did not bother them. 

Now that Calm came out of the room of her own volition, Aaron took this opportunity to say what he needed. 



"Calm-sama, the church priest is waiting for you downstairs." <Aaron> 

"Is that so? Why are they here?" <Calm> 

Calm asked why the people of the Church of Life came to the mansion of the Azurearozi. 

It is not as if the priest could help with her security. 

In the mansion, Royal knights from the Royalties of Vestir, Calm's Personal Guards, the people of the Azurearozi Mansion, and Kazue's friends are all gathered there to ensure that Calm is well protected. 

The priest does not need to add more people to protect her. 



Even if they send people to protect Calm, they will be rejected. 

This is to make sure that no traitor would be able to enter their ranks. 

They all knew that during the first attempt at the assassination of the saint, many of the priests were under strict investigation. 

There was no way for the Assassin Order to know the information of the saint leaving Riles that day if there was no traitor within the Church of Life. 

Since the information was leaked, someone within the church is a traitor. 

As such, Aaron has been very suspicious of them ever since that day. 



"They said they have found the traitor." <Aaron> 

"Who was it..." <Calm> 

Calm asked with a heavy heart. 

After all, Calm knew all the priests working in the church. 

Calm has a good relationship with many priests in the church. 

She did not want to hear that one of the priests she had known was someone trying to kill her. 

It made her heart sink. 

She did not want to believe that such an individual was inside the church after all these years. 



"It was Father Gavril." <Aaron> 

As Aaron stated the priest's name, Calm tried to remember who the owner of that name was. 

She recalls a friendly older man who was in his 50s. 

He looked normal and did not seem to be suspicious in any way. 

Calm was not close to Father Gavril. 

All she can remember is that Father Gavril was a hard worker, as she could always see him doing paperwork. 

Father Gavril had been working in the church for four years now. 

No one ever noticed that he was affiliated with Ecclesia and the Assassin Order. 

This only shows how long the Empire of Ecclesia had been trying to eliminate her. 

She can't believe such a nice person would aim for her life. 



"I see." <Calm> 

"They seemed to have found that he had been collaborating with the Assassin and Inquisitors when the invasion started. He allowed Inquisitors and assassins inside the church during the invasion." <Aaron> 

"Is that so..." <Calm> 

Aaron nods. 

"They also said that they wished to meet you." <Aaron> 

"..." <Calm> 



"You can say no if you don't want to. You can leave it to me." <Aaron> 

Aaron said before Calm could even say a word. 

He seemed to think that Calm did not want to meet them yet. 

"... No... I will go." <Calm> 

"Are you sure?" <Aaron> 

Aaron asked, surprised that Calm was willing to meet the priest despite what happened within the church. 

Aaron looked worried, but he did not oppose Calm's decision. 

Instead, he was surprised to see a determined look on Calm's face. 

Aaron was expecting Calm to look down.  

Instead, she looked strong. 

Upon seeing this strong emotion coming from Calm, Aaron also stood tall. 

He decided to follow Calm. 

He decided to follow and respect her will. 



The two walked to where the priests were waiting. 

Four old men wearing white clothes similar to those Calm had worn before. 

The same white clothes and white robes with golden silk accents. 

The clothes exude the look of "Holyness" just by looking at them. 

It was the familiar robes that the priest of the "Church of Life" was often seen wearing. 



These priests bowed down to their knees when Calm entered the guest room. 

It is a common courtesy for the priest to perform in front of the saint of Riles. 



The church of Life. 

A religion that worships the Goddess of Life and Death, Gaiah. 

It is the same Goddess with which the saint of Riles, Calm Eastertale, is affiliated. 

Although this religion already existed long before the saint of Riles appeared, its popularity exploded when Calm Eastertale became the Oracle of the Goddess Gaiah. 

Thanks to the appearance of the Oracle, it practically confirmed that this religion was well justified. 

Calm Eastertale, being the Oracle of the Goddess, proves that their Goddess is real. 



Just like that, the "Church of Life" was spread throughout the land. 

And, in just seven years, their influence has reached wide and far. 

The "Church of Life" was even recognized as the official religion of the Artesia Empire. 

It was the religion the majority of the people who lived in this world believed in. 



It is no exaggeration to say that Calm Eastertale is the heart of this religion. 

And the heart of that religion was the living proof that their Goddess does exist. 

As the heart of a religion, Calm became a figure for many people as a symbol of worship. 

People may see Calm not as a person but as a symbol directly related to the Goddess Gaiah. 



To Calm, things were a bit different. 

To her, the Goddess of Life and Death is like her third parent. 

Calm would often ask for advice from the Goddess, just like how children ask their parents for advice. 

Just like a parent cares about their child, the Goddess looks over Calm like she is her daughter. 

The Goddess often communicates with Calm whenever she needs her. 



Recently, Calm asked the Goddess a question. 

A question she had asked the Goddess many times before. 

A question she would often ask with a light heart. 

"Why did you choose me as your Oracle?"  



The Goddess's answer was simple and the same every time. 

The Goddess would answer her with a light-hearted answer. 

"Because I am fond of you." 

Before, Calm did not mind this answer. 

When Calm asked this question to the Goddess, she would often answer those very words. 

Then, the answer ends there. 

In the same way, Calm would stop probing after that. 



After many things had happened these past few days, Calm wanted to ask this question again. 

Now, She asked the same question to the Goddess. 

"Why did you choose me as your Oracle?" 

As expected, the Goddess answered. 

"Because I am fond of you." 

She was not satisfied with this answer. 

Calm wanted more. 



Many of the bad things that happened in the past 16 days were because of her. 

Because she is the saint of Riles. 

Because she is the Oracle of the Goddess of Life. 

For this reason, there was an attempt to assassinate her, and this caused a lot of ruin in Vestir. 

A significant conflict between The country of Riles and the Ecclesia Empire ensued. 

Many got hurt. 

Many died. 

She may not be the main reason for Ecclesia's attack, but she was a massive part of why they attacked. 



A question passed through Calm's mind. 

What if I was not the saint? 

What if I did not become the Oracle of the Goddess of Life? 

What if Calm Eastertale died that night when Ecclesia Inquisitors attacked the small village? 



Thus, Calm continued to ask the Goddess. 

"Why me?" 

With a heavy heart this time, Calm wanted a more satisfying answer other than "Because I was fond of you." 

The Goddess knew what Calm wanted. 

Thus, she added more words to her answer as if to comply with Calm's wish. 



A conversation happened with Calm and the Goddess as she prayed. 

"At first, it was just a whim. Do you remember the time when you became my Oracle?" <Gaiah> 

"Yes, It was when the Ecclesia Inquisitors attacked our small village." <Calm> 

"That time, I did not want to see anyone die because of some unreasonable act brought upon an individual who wanted to claim that he is "GOD." I am not allowed to meddle with mortals' fate. That one day, I had enough and decided to act. Themis even punished me due to that decision. As a result, I lost my authority over the concept of "Death". Still... that day, when I used your body as my vessel, as a reminder of that decision, I've been fond of you. I do not regret my decision." <Gaiah> 

"So if you did not use my body as a vessel that day, none of this would happen?" <Calm> 

"Simply put, the answer to that question is Yes." <Gaiah> 

"I see..." <Calm> 

"Calm Eastertale, My lovely Oracle. This Goddess knows that you are a good person, and I like you, like a parent to a child. As the Goddess in charge of this world, I cannot interfere with mortals directly without "justifiable" reasons. All I can do is give you my blessings. Thus, I made you to be my "Oracle." This will not change nor determine your fate. It is up to you how to use these blessings. In the end, it's all up to you. Will you use it for evil or for good? I don't care." <Gaiah> 

Calm continued to listen to the Goddess's will. 



[In the end, I am not that special. It was just an accident that the Goddess chose me. I was just lucky.] 

These silly thoughts play through her mind. 

As if knowing what was on her mind, The Goddess continued to speak her will to Calm. 

"Don't feel bad. You should see this as a nice trick of fate. A trick of fate that led you to me. In the same way, Mortal cannot choose their parents. You became my child once you became my Oracle. I may have chosen you on a whim, but this is not something you should feel bad about. My child, I don't regret choosing you as my Oracle. My fondness for you is genuine." <Gaiah> 

"... A trick of fate..." <Calm> 

"My child, remember this: I wish you happiness since I am fond of you. Use the blessings I've given you for your happiness. I did not make you my oracle to become a symbol or means to worship me. I never intended that from the very beginning. Be happy; that is my only wish. I know you; You are my Oracle; no one can take that away from you. Calm Eastertale is worthy to be called the Goddess of Life and Death's Oracle. No one else can replace you. Remember that." <Gaiah>  

"Use this blessing for my happiness." <Calm> 

"Yes." <Gaiah> 

"Can I really do that?" <Calm> 

"Yes. You can, and you should..." <Gaiah> 

"What if I become a bad person? What if I use this blessing for my selfish reason?" <Calm> 

"So what? I don't care. I gave you that power; I allow you to do so, so do it. Plus, I know that you are a good child. I am confident that you will not become a bad person for chasing after your happiness." <Gaiah> 

"I..." <Calm> 



What would Calm Eastertale, the Oracle of the Goddess of Life and Death, do with her power? 

Calm decided on what to do with this fate of hers. 

She now has an answer. 
















Author note: 

Hi there, everyone! 

I was thinking of posting this last Wednesday, but I stopped myself. 

I have around seven chapters written in advance, but I still have not edited them. 

Well... I decided to go back to my once-a-week release so I can have leeway in writing, editing, and drawing some sketches for the upcoming chapter. 




Also, I am working on the new cover page for the next arc. XD. 


Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.