God’s Guide for Teasing Heroes

Chapter 76: Conflict in Riles and Gathering

Narrator POV 





Outside the gate of the Capital city of Riles, Vestir. 

A group of travelers has arrived. 

Since all of the travelers were human, they are not originally from Riles. 

These people came from the Empire. 

There were a total of five carriages, one of which looked especially high-class. 

That carriage was also heavily guarded, meaning the person in that carriage must be someone of higher stature. 

Most of the members of the group were soldiers, guards, and adventurers. 

"Finally we're here. We have arrived" <Man> 

Said a man wearing light armor to the person next to her. 



"We've arrived Shino-san" <Man> 

"Ughhh... finally..." <Shino> 

Next to the man was one of 28 students that were summoned into this world 5 months ago, Uesaka Shino. 

Meanwhile, the man talking with her is a fellow adventurer who came with her during this escort quest. 

It was the same man who talked Shino into joining the escort quest back in Kaleen about 2 and a half months ago. 

This person's name is Marlo. 



Shino accepted an "Escort" quest posted by Viscount Gilbert Albern Kaleen. 

The reason for this was that she was in dire need of money after spending all her money on buying books related to Monster's skills. 

Why did she buy such expensive books you ask? 

It was for her to efficiently know the skills of the monsters she will slay. 

She needed those books to help her use her skill "Skilless" to its fullest. 

During that time Uesaka Shino had money problems. 

She came upon a quest that allows her to earn big pay once the escort quest is done. 

It was an Escort mission, all she has to do is to escort the Viscount up until they arrive in Riles. 

And since she managed to escort the viscount to Riles after months of labor, finally her journey was about to end. 



Just by looking at Shino, it was obvious that she's been through a lot. 

Compared to how she looked 4 months ago, her appearance at the present is so much worse compared to that time. 

There were black circles under her eyes. 

She looked haggard and irritable. 

Her clothes are quite dirty and needed some good cleaning. 

When she was notified that their traveling group was about to arrive at their destination, she felt rejuvenated. 

A big smile appeared on her face and the fatigue that she has accumulated faded. 

"Finally! Finally! It's done!" <Shino> 

It was not just Shino, a lot of the members of the group were relieved just like her. 



It was a well-known fact now that the situation in Riles is a bit complicated due to the rumors surrounding the country of Riles. 

Because of this, the people in the capital city of Riles are in low spirits. 

When Shino entered the city she immediately noticed this gloomy atmosphere coming from the city and the people living there. 

"Hmnn... Seems that the rumors about the war are worse than I expected." <Marlo> 

Midway on the road, Shino and most of the members of the caravan of the Viscount have realized the intent of the viscount's visit to Riles. 

The viscount wanted to do something about the turmoils here in the south. 

As noble, this kind of matter is part of their responsibility. 

If the empire goes to war, the nobles who have battle-related Jobs are tasked to join the war. 

It's their responsibility. 



Viscount Gilbert has three children and two of them have fighting-related jobs. 

If the war were to break out, his children will be asked to join the war. 

Joining the war means that if things go bad, they might end up dead. 

The viscount did not wish that to happen. 

So, he came here to stop this from happening. 

He wanted to do something about the conflicts in Riles. 



Upon arriving at Riles, several other nobles welcomed him. 

It was not only Viscount Gilbert who wanted to stop the war between Ecclesia and Riles. 

Other nobles like himself have come to Riles to discuss matters in the hope to stop the war. 

And for him to be able to help with this matter, he had to attend a certain gathering here in Riles. 

Soon a meeting with the nobles here in Riles will be held in the adventurer's guild in a week. 

Viscount Gilbert wanted to attend this gathering to find a way to stop this impending war. 



"Uhgg... the atmosphere in this city is really heavy..." <Shino> 

"You don't say... I guess the rumors about the war are well-known to the citizens of this city. No... Probably this rumor is known in the whole country of Riles." <Marlo> 

"Uhgg... I don't like it here..." <Shino> 

Shino said looking around the town with a displeased expression on her face. 

The lack of presence of people in the town square. 

The unhappy expression of the people in the town. 

The overall mood of the city had made Shino uncomfortable. 



Like any adventurer would do, Shino and the other adventurers of the caravan went straight to the adventurer's Guild Building located near the plaza. 

Together with Viscount Gilbert, the adventurers came to the guild. 

Viscount Gilbert would be paying the guild for the commission he had to give the Adventurers who accompanied him to this city. 

He paid a visit to the guild to pay this large amount of reward and to talk with the guild master of this city. 



Once the Viscount completed the transaction with the guild receptionist he turned around and bowed toward the adventurer standing behind him. 

"I thank you for accompanying me to this city. I gave the guild 2 times the amount I promised, meaning you will be paid 2 times the promised amount." <V Gilbert> 

"""OH!!!!""" <Adventurers> 

The adventurers who heard about this good news roared in happiness. 

Despite the heavy atmosphere of the town, this news gave a huge smile to the adventurer's face. 

With the help of this large amount of pot money that would be shared by the adventurers who joined this expedition AKA, Escort Quest. 

They could not help but have a huge celebration in the guild. 

As soon as they received their rewards they immediately ordered food and drinks at the guild to celebrate the completion of this 3-month-long quest. 

With this, the adventurer's guild became lively forgetting about the rumors about the war and they focused on indulging themselves in such happy times. 



Meanwhile, after paying the commission for the adventurers who accompanied him, Viscount Gilbert went straight to the office of the guild master of this city. 

Since Vestir is the Capital of Riles, the guild master of this city is a member of the members of guild's top leaders and a member of the Guild Master's round table. 

A collection of the most influential, powerful, and charismatic Guild masters all over the world. 

This was the main purpose of his walking inside the adventurer's guild aside from him paying for the reward was to meet the guild master in person. 

"Viscount Gilbert, welcome..." <GM Riles> 

The viscount nods respectfully at the guild master of the city of Vestir. 

The guild master who's in charge of overseeing all of the adventurer's activities in Riles. 

"I'm honored to meet you Guild Master Irkarus Dorzon Olgith." <GM Riles> 



Guild Master Irkarus Dorzon Olgith. 

The Guild Master of Vestir, The top adventurer amongst all adventurers in Riles. 

He has cemented his name as one of the most powerful adventurers in the world.

Irkaruz Dorzon Olgith is one of the strongest A-ranked adventurers in the world.

He is a demon-kin who protected this land from Monsters and the threat of the Ecclesia Empire. 

Despite Gilbert being a Viscount, the fact that Irkarus is an A-rank and the guild master in charge of all adventurers in Riles means he has a higher authority than Gilbert himself. 



Viscount Gilbert Albern Kaleen. 

The Viscount Who Governs the City of Kaleen in the Artesia Empire. 

He came to this city to meet up with the Guild Master of Vestir in person so he could grasp the current situation about the conflict happening in Riles. 

He wanted to stop the war to progress. 

He came here in person to help alleviate the tension between the Nobles of the Artesia Empire, The Nobles in Riles, and the forces of Ecclesia who is trying to invade the country. 



The guild master and Viscount Gilbert knew that some of the Nobles of the Artesia Empire are frustrated with the fact that they don't hold much political power over the people of the land. 

The Empire of Artesia turned into a state where nobles only act as governors over certain domains around the empire and they don't have much power over the people they govern. 

Compared to how it was before, where nobles practically have all the power over the people they govern. 

This was because the Empire of Artesia holds the freedom and happiness of its people as its top priority. 

The Emperor of this Empire, Emperor Arcane Pau Artesia VI only primarily acts as the symbol of the empire. 

The Empire might have had a monarchical political structure but the way they manage the people is similar to that of a free country. 



Originally the Empire was not like this. 

A generation ago, Nobles holds power over their domain and could implement their own rules in their domains. 

Those nobles who still held to these old times weren't happy with the Empire state right now. 

They wanted power, they wanted dominance, and they wanted to be treated as the masters of the land. 



Nowadays, since the people of the Empire were happy. 

The people of the country think that this kind of rule was better. 

Even more so, 2 of the most powerful nobles in the empire, the dukedom of Azurearosi and Beaumount support this kind of free-spirited rule. 

And because of these two dukedoms standing behind this idea of governing people. 

No one in Empire was able to do otherwise. 

In a way, you can say that at the current time, the empire is transforming itself from a pure "Monarchy" to a more "Federal-ish" type of politics. 

Leaders, in other words, Nobles should serve the people so all of them could live a comfortable life. 



This made the nobles who take pride in their pure blood unhappy. 

They believe that they should have more "power". 

They believe that they should be treated as "special". 

They believe that their Noble Blood was something that makes them "superior" to those commoners. 

They believed that people under their rule should do what they want without question. 

They believed other people's purpose is to serve them, not them serving them. 

They are blinded by these thoughts and it pushed them to do something to change the current situation. 

Thus, they used this opportunity to somehow gain their power over the Empire, by helping the Empire of Ecclesia conquer Riles so they could "Rule" over the people of this land. 



The guild master informed Gilbert about the current state of the matter. 

Battles had already sparked south of Riles. 

The seaside of the country where the entry point of the Ecclesia Empire going into the country of Riles was in a state conflict. 

"So it's that bad huh..." <V Gilbert> 

The Guild master nods. 

"Not only that, what I am about to tell you is top-secret information." <GM Riles/ GM Irkarus> 

"What is it?" <V Gilbert> 

"Actually... The saint is missing." <GM Irkarus> 

"What?!" <V Gilbert> 

"2 days ago, her carriage was attacked by assassins aiming for her life. Thankfully she escaped using "Angel Wings" and her current status is unknown. At this moment we are now searching for her where about at this very moment." <GM Irkarus> 

"I see... so they end up doing this..." <V Gilbert> 

"I was also surprised, I did not expect them to aim for the Saint, This will only make things worst on their part as the people of this country knows that the only faction who wants the saint dead is the Empire of Ecclesia." <GM Irkarus> 

"Those who targeted the saint... was it Ecclesia really... or..." <V Gilbert> 

"Well, there is no doubt that the Empire of Ecclesia is behind this but... It seems some nobles had instigated this assassination attempt this time around." <GM Irkarus> 

"Meaning..." <V Gilbert> 

"They are eager to start the war..." <GM Irkarus> 




2 weeks ago. 



Yoshitte Yuma and Coco had arrived in Vestir. 

The two were traveling as a duo and as lovers. 

They traveled here to Vestir to meet up with Coco's father. 

Coco's father, a War General tasked by the country of Claren to oversee the soldiers they sent to stay in the borders of Riles. 



Yes, Coco's Father was a General. 

When Yuma first found out about this, he did not know how to react. 

Just think about this. 

One day a girl proposed to you and asked you to marry her just because you defeated her in a fistfight. 

Then she asked you to meet her father to make your relationship "Official". 

You agreed and after some time you learn that the father of the girl was a GENERAL. 

What would be your reaction? 

Yes, that is what Yuma felt at this moment. 



"Alright, we've arrived at our destination..." <Coco> 

"Oh... so this is the capital of Riles, Vestir." <Yuma> 

Yuma said, faking an enthusiastic reply. 

"Yep, Now we only have to relax for several days until my dad comes here to report to the guild master about his work in the borders of this country." <Coco> 

"Relax... huh... he-he-he-sigh- ..." <Yuma> 

Yuma could only laugh dryly. 

Even though Coco said that he should relax, Yuma could not do so. 

Yuma looked at Coco, she seems to be happy that she was about to introduce Yuma, her lover to her father soon. 

"Aren't you excited to meet my dad?" <Coco> 

"Coco's father huh...  To be honest I'm unsure about meeting with your father." <Yuma> 

"Don't worry, despite how he looks he's kind and nice. I'm sure he'll be surprised knowing that I now have a fiance'." <Coco> 

Coco snuggled onto Yuma. 

Yuma was happy whenever Coco does this to him, but imagining how would her father react was another issue. 

When Yuma imagined meeting her father, he imagined all kinds of torture a Military guy would do after they found out that their daughter was seeing a guy like him. 

He smiles since he felt the warmth of the bunny girl hugging him and showing him a cute smile. 

He turned pale after imagining what would happen next. 



In about 2 weeks, Coco's father will be coming here to Vestir to report about the borders in the Southern Regions of Riles. 

The Region where the conflict between the Ecclesia Empire is the most active. 

Knowing that he had to meet Coco's father soon also makes him feel uneasy. 

Originally Coco and her father promised to meet up here to have some bonding time. 

The fact that Coco is now with her "Lover" and was about to introduce him as such, how surprised would her father be? 

Yuma could only imagine what would be his reaction. 



[Considering that Coco's father is a General leading the soldiers of Claren, there is no doubt that her father is Strong. What will he do to me when he sees me getting engaged with her daughter all of a sudden?] 

Yuma thought as he was imagining what his first meeting with Coco's father would be like. 

He looked at his partner sitting beside him. 



At this time a rumor started circulating Vestir. 

The rumors about an all-out war between Riles and Ecclesia started. 

This was the only talk coming out of the city people-mouth recently. 

A few months ago it was just small talk but some time ago, these talks became serious and the inevitability of this situation happening became clearer and clearer as time passed by. 

The guild and the nobles in the area denied these rumors and labeled them as false. 

But as days passed it became apparent that things were getting bad from the words of the people coming from the south. 

The rumors spread like wildfire, from a simple... "This is only a rumor", turned into "This might be serious", to "We must flee, the war is about to get serious". 

They saw the city transform from a lively town into a gloomy place in just a few days. 



It is not uncommon to hear Ecclesia Empire sending people to cause trouble here in Riles. 

Ecclesia Empire would send small forces to cause trouble in Riles all the time. 

This is how unreasonable Ecclesia Empire does to eradicate the country of Demi-humans. 

Yuma and Coco heard all the talks that are happening in the south. 

It seems that battles had already occurred more than they usually did. 

Ecclesia is starting to attack more often and each attack is getting more and more intense. 

Coco's father, who is one of the generals stationed in the south must have had his hands full at the time. 



At a diner located within the city, Yuma and Coco were eating lavishly. 

Yuma ordered a big slab of meat, while Coco ordered some sort of vegetable salad. 

"I wonder if you're dad is fine." <Yuma> 

Yuma asked while putting a piece of meat in his mouth. 

Coco's ears twitched hearing my voice. 

She finished chewing the vegetables in her mouth and swallowed them before she spoke. 

"He's fine but I wonder if he can meet me now that the matters in the south seem to be getting worse." <Coco> 

"??? you don't seem to be very concerned with your dad's well-being..." <Yuma> 

"???... what do you mean? Why would I be concerned?" <Coco> 

"I mean... if the rumors were true, your dad might be in trouble right?" <Yuma> 

Looking at how Coco reacted she doesn't seem to understand why Yuma was so concerned. 



"Like I said... why should I be?" <Coco> 

"Eh, if the rumors were true, that means that a lot of people are dying there..." <Yuma> 

"And?" <Coco> 

Coco just looked at Yuma with a face that was asking "So what's your point?" 

Yuma ended up scratching his head having trouble how to explain things to Coco. 

Yuma was trying to imply to her that if things were that bad in the south, won't you're father be in trouble? 

[He might get hurt or worse die on the battlefield.] <Yuma> 

That is what he wanted to say. 



Coco who is still unable to understand what Yuma wanted to imply after trying his best to explain his worries, then wonders. 

[Does Coco don't imagine her father dying? Did it not cross her mind? Did she lock her mind so that she would not think about such a thing? I don't know...] <Yuma> 

He decided to ask Coco more directly. 

It seems that asking her in a roundabout way won't do. 

Thus he asked. 

"Are you not worried that your dad might die on the battlefield?" <Yuma> 

"Nope..." <Coco> 

[Oh, that reply was fast...] <Yuma> 

"How can you be sure?" <Yuma> 

"???, because my dad is the strongest..." <Coco> 

Coco said without any doubt in her mind. 

"ah... I see now... I see..." <Yuma> 



Yuma finally understood Coco. 

Coco believed in her father so much that she could not think of the possibility that her father might die in battle. 

"I see... your dad is the strongest after all..." <Yuma> 

"Yep..." <Coco> 

Coco replied like an innocent girl. 

She showed him a lively smile. 





Days passed by quickly and before they realized it, 2 weeks had passed. 



"Even though there's a rumor coming around that there will be a war soon, I wonder why a lot of people keep on coming here in Riles." <Yuma> 

Yuma wonders while watching the people entering the gates of the City. 

"I heard that Nobles from the Artesia Empire are coming into town to see what is going on." <Coco> 

"Oh... so that's why." <Yuma> 

"Well, since there will be a meeting of the leaders here in Riles in 3 days there's no wonder why Nobles coming from all parts of the country and even the nobles of the Empire are coming." <Coco> 

"Will your dad be there?" <Yuma> 

"That is what he said to be 6 months ago. Every year the nobles of Riles and the Generals would discuss matters in the state of Riles. And this year's gathering will happen in 3 days." <Coco> 




Yuma and Coco watched people enter the city. 

Yuma's eyes widen as he saw a familiar face entering the city. 

"Wait... those people are..." <Yuma> 



Three boys were walking beside a lady wearing a nice blue dress walking on the road of the city. 




Outside Vestir's City Gate. 



"Have we arrived yet?" 

A whispering voice echoed. 



"Shhh... keep quiet." 

A typical-looking Japanese boy said. 

Weirdly enough there was no one near him and at first glance, one would think that he was talking to himself. 

The boy was wearing light armor over his clothes and from the way he looks one can tell what his work was. 

He is an adventurer, he is also a reincarnator who was transported here in this world about 6 months ago. 

His name is Aoki Nikko. 



Some time ago, Nikko came upon an odd discovery after visiting an abandoned home in the middle of nowhere back in Altus while doing adventurer-related things. 

There he found an odd sword. 

A talking magic sword... 

A sentient sword. 

The existence of swords that has their sentience is not unheard of. 

But something about this sword makes it special like no other sword in existence. 

This sword is a Reincarnation of a person coming from the world where Nikko came from. 

The personality reincarnated into this sword is Matsuo Masahi, a former NEET/Otaku/Trash. 



Aoki Nikko and Matsuo Masahi started traveling together after their fateful meeting. 

For now, Nikko and Masahi are looking for a way to turn back Masahi into a human. 

Doing that, they need to ask a goddess. 

To ask the goddess they have to meet a person who can let them meet the goddess. 

As to who that person was, only one person came to mind. 

The saint of Riles, Calm Eastertale, the oracle of the Goddess. 



They came traveling a long way just to meet the Saint of Riles. 

It was for Masahi to ask the goddess to bestow him a human body. 

Masahi suspected that the goddess made a mistake and misunderstood him and end up reincarnating him into a sword. 

But... the two did not know they are having 2 major mistakes. 

1 is that the goddess that Calm Eastertale was in contact with is not the same Goddess who reincarnated Masahi into a sword. 

2 is that the goddess of SoulCycle - Ledia, never misunderstood Masahi's words from the start, she was just annoyed with his attitude and intentionally reincarnated him as a "sword". 



As the two approached the gate of the city of Vestir, Aoki Nikko noticed a familiar face. 

A girl wearing familiar-looking clothes that did not mesh with the people around her. 

While the other people lining up at the gate of Vestir were wearing shabby looking to fancy-looking armor, this person's clothes did not belong. 

She was wearing a black coat over a school uniform. 

There were three wolves of all sizes who stood next to her. 

This familiar-looking girl gave Nikko nostalgia. 

It has been a while since he saw this girl. 

It was Mizusawa Kazue. 



"Oh... isnt that Mizusawa-san?" <Nikko> 

Nikko exclaimed, surprised to see a familiar face in such a place. 

It was like meeting an old classmate after a long time in a foreign country during a visit. 

The chances of this happening were so low that he could not believe his eyes. 

"Someone, you know?" <Masahi> 

"Yep, It's one of my former classmates." <Nikko> 

"Hee~~~" <Masahi> 

The sword reacts to Nikko. 



Nikko watched Kazue from afar as the line was long. 

He did not even try to greet her as he was not close to her in the first place. 

It would be enough for Nikko to nod at Kazue if she somehow looked in his direction to show that he acknowledges her presence. 









Kazue and Calm




The girl was talking with a beautiful blonde girl wearing simple clothing. 

The blonde beauty seems to be an adventurer like her. 

The wavy hair of the blonde beauty was tied into a ponytail similar to that of Kazue's. 

She had a dagger on her waist and a small shield attached to her left arm. 

You can say that this adventurer standing next to Kazue must be a thief. 

She was looking stiff and seems to be very uncomfortable about something. 

[It would be nice to see that girl if she was wearing a more beautiful-looking dress. I am sure that if that girl tried to dress up, that girl will certainly be a stunning beauty.] 

Nikko was a bit disappointed with the fact that the adventurer talking with Kazue was wearing shabby clothing. 



"I wonder if that blonde girl is a party member of Mizusawa-san?" <Nikko> 

"Whoa, your classmate looks good but that blondie sure has nice-looking breasts." <Masahi> 

"Right..." <Nikko> 

Nikko looked at the sword on his waist with disgust. 

[Oi, oi, where are you looking at?... This old man is a "pervert".] <Yuma> 





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