God’s Guide for Teasing Heroes

Chapter 81: Disguise and Lies

Kazue POV 





I got back to where I left Calm. 

A day had passed and yet it was obvious that nothing special happened while I was gone. 

I guess my familiars did a great job protecting the saint. 

Just by looking at Calm, I could tell that she was doing well. 



"I'm back." <Kazue> 

"Welcome Back." <Calm> 

Calm greets me while Kaori rests on her lap. 

After that, Calm pats Kaori who was from behind as if saying "wake up". 

Once Calm pats her back, Kaori opened her eyes and lazily yawns before moving aside of her own will. 

Once the little wolf moved aside Calm stood up and happily walked toward me with a welcoming smile. 

[Uwah... It's amazing to see that my familiars are getting along with people other than me...] 



"Welcome back Kazue-chan." <Calm> 

She greets me again. 

"Yeah... I'm back" <Kazue> 

"SO? How're things in Vestir?" <Calm> 

Calm asked right away. 

She must be curious about the things happening in the City. 

"Uh... well... I guess nothing much changed? Aside from the visitor coming into the city to attend the Noble's Summit, nothing really special happened in the city... I think?" <Kazue> 

"Really?" <Calm> 

Calmly said, she seems to think about why nothing much had happened despite the failed assassination attempt on her life. 



"It seems that the news about you is being kept tight. I was not able to find anything related to you. All I could find out was that... The people there are wondering why you haven't shown your face for a long time. Well, people think that you are staying home to keep you away from harm... because of the war rumors and all... I think?" <Kazue> 

"Oh... so the people there don't have an idea of my current situation?" <Calm> 

"That's about right. I also wasn't able to make contact with Aaron-san. I don't have any clue as to where and how to contact him. I think it is safe to assume that he's moving in the shadows to find you?" <Kazue> 

"I...see" <Calm> 



Once I started talking about Aaron-san, Calm immediately showed interest. 

I told her that I was not able to contact him. 

I could see her disappointment clearly. 

[It's safe to assume that the relationship between Calm and Aaron is like "that" right? -wink-] 

A mischievous smile suddenly grew on my face. 



"You look disappointed, do you miss Aaron-san that much?" <Kazue> 

"Of course I do...???...!!!" <Calm> 

Replied Calm without much thought. 

Her voice's volume lowered with each word that left her mouth. 

She realized the meaning of her words while looking at my expression. 

"Hee~... Is that so..." <Kazue> 

I said with a teasing tone. 

Like a ripe tomato, her face suddenly turned red while realizing what I implied. 



She started waving her hands in front of her face and started taking back what she said. 

"I-i-i-i-It's not like that!" <Calm> 

"Eh? like what?" <Kazue> 

I acted cluelessly. 

Her eyes opened wide. 

Her reaction which only made things look obvious caused Calm to be more embarrassed. 

The way she reacted only added to the proof that she was aware of what I was talking about and that she was being too "obvious". 

Her face even showed a brighter tint of redness. 




"Eh! Uh... Um... What I mean is... Uhmm... It's not what you think..." <Calm> 

I only smiled as if I was not aware of what she was talking about. 

"Eh? what do you think I was thinking..." <Kazue> 

"Like I said... it's not like that...." <Calm> 

"Hmnn? Like what? I don't get it... can you explain it to me..." <Kazue> 

"LIKE-I-SAID... ahrr!!!..." <Calm> 

Calm tries to explain things to me. 

I could not help but burst out a giggle as I found the reaction of this "saint" to be cute. 

At that moment I realized. 

Despite being a saint and an oracle, Calm Eastertale is just like any other girl out there. 

She was pure, cute, and easy to tease. 

Her innocent nature complements her kind and happy personality. 

In a way, this image of hers was very saint-like. 



She soon realized that I was teasing her. 

"... Mou... Kazue-chan please stop teasing me..." <Calm> 

"Fufu, Sorry... I just can't help it... Sorry, you were too cute that I wanted to tease you more." <Kazue> 

She flips her extraordinarily long blonde wavy hair. 

"Hmff~" <Calm> 

She pouts and looked away from me. 

[Uwah. Calm reminds me of that template "pure" girl characters from anime. I thought of them as annoyingly useless characters but to see one in action makes me think... "Ah, no wonder why young boys would love such girls". There's a certain charm to them that I could not explain.] 



I started a conversation out of curiosity. 

"... Uhhh, but say, Calm..." <Kazue> 

"??? what's up?" <Calm> 

Noticing that I changed my tone to start a new topic, Calm responded as quickly with her normal note. 

It was as if she was not bothered by my teasing and acted unfazed. 

"I am wondering about that SUPER LONG HAIR of yours... Is there a reason why it's so long?" <Kazue> 



Not expecting such questions to arise, Calm was taken aback before she answered. 

"My hair you ask?" <Calm> 

She instinctively touched her hair. 

"Yeah, I was wondering... is there a reason why it's so long??" <Kazue> 

I asked about Calm's extraordinarily long hair. 

Normally, people would only keep their hair's length to about chest level. 

I consider my hair to be on the longer side. 

I haven't had a haircut for over a year so my hair has grown long. 

Once I take off my ponytail my hair would reach up to waist level. 

But... looking at Calm's hair I could not help but be amazed. 



When we first met, her hair was tied up and hidden behind her hood. 

I was surprised when I first saw her hair down, it was abnormally long. 

Her hair if let be, would reach way beyond the ground. 

Calm's hair is even longer than her entire body. 

Calm usually ties her hair in a way that it would not be bothersome even if she moves around. 

And so... I could not help but ask about it. 



"... Come to think of it, I don't have an explanation for this." <Calm> 

"Eh?" <Kazue> 

Noticing that I was not satisfied with her reply, Calm adds more detail to her answer. 

"Well... for some reason I did not have a chance to cut down my hair ever since I became a Saint. The people who were taking care of me would not even dare to cut it off. I think I heard that my body was too "precious" to be mutilated and for such reasons, people don't want me to cut off my hair for some reason." <Calm> 

"huh? what's up with that? You're saying that your hair is too "precious" that people don't want you to cut it short?" <Kazue> 

Calm nods. 

"Right? It makes no sense right?" <Calm> 

"Isn't it hard to maintain such long hair?" <Kazue> 

"I complained about that before. But... Instead of cutting it short they instead provided me, people, to take care of my hair in my stead." <Calm> 

"Uwah... sounds bothersome..." <Kazue> 

"Right!!!" <Calm> 

Calm yelled as she strongly agree. 



We continued to talk in detail about how bothersome it was to maintain her long hair. 

This appearance of her is somewhat of a staple. 

I would imagine people seeing her with her hair down whenever she stood in front of others. 

The people of the church wanted to show the masses Calm's extraordinarily long hair. 

So, whenever she visits the church to pray, her hair is let loose for all the people to see. 

The people of the church think that doing this would somehow amplify their impression of the saint. 

Whenever they see the saint, they would see an extremely beautiful frail young girl with extremely long wavy blonde hair. 

With her dignified white silk clothes, the first thing that would come to mind upon seeing her is the word "Holy", "Saint", "Pure" and such. 



I continued to listen to how bothersome it was for Calm and why she would not cut it off. 






"Anyway... Why did you ask about my hair all of a sudden?" <Calm> 

Calm asked in wonder. 

"Ah... well... I was just thinking if there would be a problem if I ask you to cut it off, from the sound of it, it seems that it is OK to cut it off..." <Kazue> 

"Eh?" <Calm> 

"??" <Kazue> 

"Cut-off?" <Calm> 

I nod 

"My hair??" <Calm> 

I nod again. 

"Ehh?? why?" <Calm> 

And so I explained the reason why I asked such a question in the first place. 






"I see... I understand..." <Calm> 

I explained my reason for suggesting cutting off her hair. 

I may have suggested cutting Calm's hair but it's not because I wanted to cut her hair short for no reason. 



It's fine if she wants to have long hair. 

I explained. 

I have 2 major reasons why I want to trim her hair. 

The first reason, I wanted to use her hair as a diversion for those people chasing us. 

For example. 

I could use her hair as a diversion by placing it strategically at certain locations. 

I will have to make it appear as if she was attacked by monsters and was eaten alive. 

Hopefully, this would make her pursuers think that she's dead. 



The second reason why I wanted her to cut off her hair is to give her a disguise. 

People who've seen Calm would remember her eye catchy long hair. 

In a way, people would associate Calm's total appearance as a girl with extraordinarily long hair. 

Luckily, when Calm prays in the church and shows herself to the people, she would always has her hair down. 

The people remember Calm as the frail girl with extraordinarily long hair. 

The girl wears dignified and blessed clothes that amplify her "Holy/Saint" image. 

And so, I wanted to give Calm a disguise that does not resemble her usual self. 



Back in Vestir. 

I met one of my former classmates, Uesaka Shino-san. 

We visited a certain workshop and there, it came to me. 

I thought of creating a disguise for Calm. 

People see Calm as a pure, dignified, holy, and innocent lady. 

In contrast to this, I picked a set of equipment that the job class "Thief" would wear. 

At first, I wanted to dress her up like a "Cleric" but I thought... 

Would it be better if I dress her up in a way that would not remind people of the saint? 

After all, Calm is a stunning beauty, no matter what I do, she will still be a beauty. 

Thus, in hope of hiding her from the eyes of her pursuers, wouldn't it be harder to recognize her if she wears revealing, thin clothing? 

I would reverse her image into sexy, beautiful wearing thin and revealing clothing. 

Who would think that the saint would wear such clothes? 

If someone was to recognize her even after I cut her hair shorter and dress her up like a thief, the only one who would recognize her would be the people who know her face very well. 

I even hope that I would be able to deceive the eyes of those people as well. 



Hmnn? Why can't I just hide her face behind a cloak or mask you ask??? 

Stupid, won't that look more suspicious? 

If I was someone who is looking for the Saint. 

When I see someone trying to hide their identity, I would investigate that person. 

Thus, I say we hide in plain sight and openly enter the city. 


I found this method to be very funny. 

Maybe it was just me wanting to see the saint in such provocative clothing. 

[Call it, "Me, being malicious". Hehe.] 

Well, if I think that the disguise won't work I will have to think about it. 



I pulled out a dagger that I bought as a fake weapon for Calm to wear with her disguise later. 

"Shall we?" <Kazue> 

I approached Calm. 

I await her reply to give me a "go". 

"Kazue-chan... I can't shake off the feeling that the reason you wanted to cut off my hair has nothing to do with all the things you explained." <Calm> 

"Eh... that's not true at all Calm-san." <Kazue> 

"But your face... it looks scary." <Calm> 

I was smiling and was looking at calm with bloodshot eyes. 

"Fufu... that's not true... not true... not at all..." <Kazue> 

"Hii! S-s-s-s-sto---" <Calm> 






"Uwah... this might work..." <Kazue> 




It's been 3 days since I was able to meet up with Calm. 

The two of us ended up wandering the outskirts of the city of Vestir. 

I left traces that would lead our pursuers to think that Calm have already perished from the monsters roaming around. 

I looked for a monster's nest and placed her hair close by together with her old clothes which I tore with the help of my familiars. 

That way I was able to create believable monster traces on the clothes using the fangs and claws of my familiars. 

I cut myself and smeared some blood on those torn clothes. 

[Aa~ I don't want this as it was painful. -sigh- I will have to waste a healing potion for this...] 

I made sure to create a scene that would appear like a monster attack. 

I hope this will create an illusion to divert the attention of the pursuers. 

They will assume that the saint is dead. 



During those three days, we purposely took our time in hiding. 

I am hoping that the news of the Saint's death would spread amongst the faction that wanted the saint dead. 

Using those 3 days. 

I hunt down the monster that was on the request forms I took from the guild before I left the city 3 days ago. 

[For Money---, I mean to protect Calm...] 



We slowly moved closer and closer to the city of Vestir. 

At the same time, we are trying our best to stay away from people as much as possible. 

Thanks to the scouting abilities of Hayate who have keen senses we made sure to keep our distance away from other people. 

I dispatched monsters in our wake and use these opportunities to sharpen my senses. 

If worse comes to worst I would have to engage in battle. 

Moreover, I know that this time around the enemy I must face are real people. 



This time is different from the time when I faced the Kobold general who was once a person. 

This monster "Kobe Yasuo" was a person from our original world. 

He was reincarnated as a monster, inside a kobold's body. 

I had an opportunity to kill him but I hesitated and it almost cost my life. 

I vowed not to do the same if I ever face such a situation again. 

But, unlike the time when I killed "Kobe Yasuo" who is a monster who was once a human. 

Despite having self-awareness, he was still a monster and a vicious killer. 

I conditioned my mind that I might have to kill an actual person this time around. 

[I hope it won't come to that... That is why I am hoping to avoid a fight.] 



"Hey, Kazue-chan..." <Calm> 

A girl called me out after I killed a snake-type monster that we encountered in the field. 

"Hmnn?" <Kazue> 

I replied as I cleaned the blood of the monster off my weapon. 

"I am just wondering, when will we go back to Vestir? I am sick of walking in circles. Also... I want to have a bath." <Calm> 

The girl voiced out her complaints toward me. 



I looked back 

A blonde girl was wearing a ponytail. 

His hair looks fluffy despite being tied in a ponytail. 

She was wearing revealing clothes that remind one of those adventurers with the job class "Thief". 

Revealing her body line and wonderfully shaped large breasts under a revealing shirt. 

She was even covered with dirt and dust all over her body. 

But, Despite having a ragged attire, her emerald-colored eyes shine brightly with a pleasing beautiful face. 

This lady is Calm Eastertale in disguise. 

[I must say, I did a great job. The feel, the impression, and the aura she gave off were different compared to her original looks. I am confident that one would not recognize her unless they knew Calm. I would say the ones who can recognize her would be the people who are close to her. Some random dude would not be able to recognize her now. I would say, the way she looks now resembles a random cute adventurer with the job class "Thief".] 



"Hmnn, Ok... I guess it's about time we go back." <Kazue> 

Calm's eyes glowed excitedly while clasping both of her arms over her large chest. 

"YES!" <Calm> 

She rejoiced, I wonder why, for some reason, I wanted to tease her right at this moment. 

"Yeah, I want to see how would the people react to your costume. Oh! what if we come across Aaron-san on the way!" <Kazue> 



Calm looked down and saw her revealing attire. 

She immediately noticed the slit between her breast. 

Her shirt made it possible for people to view them in all their glory. 

Her smooth legs are exposed as she was only wearing mini short pants. 

She tried to hide it with her arms. 

She closed her legs closer to each other in an attempt to hide her exposed legs. 

Calm's face suddenly turned bright red. 

I bet she imagined how would Aaron-san react upon seeing her in these clothes. 

As expected, her face turned red. 

[Yes, just as planned.] 

It's my time to rejoice. 

"Ughh..." <Calm> 

Calm has a second thought. 

Wanting to tease her more, I did not give her the chance to back down. 

"Ok! Let's hurry up! TO VESTIR!" <Kazue> 

I announce enthusiastically. 

"N-n-n-n-no... Wait... We can stay here in the field after all... NOOOOOO!!!" <Calm> 

"YEEESSS!!!!" <Kazue> 



Thus we marched toward the city. 

Because of Calm's tantrums and hesitation from all of my pranks, we ended up wasting another day. 

Well, it's not as if I am rushing or anything. 

I have no reason to rush. 

But... the fact that we lack the necessary information about the situation still looms 

In all honesty, we can choose to stay here in the fields but if we are unlucky and encounter the enemy... then... we're dead for certain. 

It is much safer if we found a place to safely hide from the enemy. 

Also, the enemy might be waiting for us in Vestir but this also goes the same with our ally. 

The only problem with this is... 

We have no idea who's an enemy and who's an ally. 

It's not as if the number of our enemies is equal to our allies. 

In reality, we have more allies than enemies. 

I may be gambling by letting the saint out in the open but in this way, I also hope that our allies would notice us before the enemies found us out. 



Anyway, we need to find a safe place to hide. 

That place is Vestir, at miss Alicia's mansion. 

"We're here." <Kazue> 

"Uhmm... Kazue-chan..." <Calm> 

Calm nodded, she was fidgeting and was trying to hide spots of her body that she was not used to letting others see. 

[fufu, her reactions are interesting as always... fufu] 



The scene at the gate is not that different from 4 days ago. 

There was a long line of adventurers and travelers going in and out of the city. 

If I am to point out a difference, there are a lot of carriages leaving Vestir. 

It is probably because of the "Noble's Summit" that happened 4 days ago, the same day I left the city and meet up with Calm. 

Since the "Noble's Summit" is over, the nobles as well as the important figures who came to Vestir are going back to their homes and working. 

Those people who are staying in the city are those nobles who have matters to attend events after the summit. 

[I guess... There are lots of after-parties and socializing with other nobles after the summit. I think that those who chose to stay here are the most "suspicious" as there is a high chance that these people are the ones who are after Calm's life. But I bet, a lot of them are allies too. Tsk... it's annoying not knowing who's who.] 


I sigh dejectedly thinking about this complicated stuff. 



"What's wrong Kazue-chan?" <Calm> 

"Nah, I am just thinking how complicated the situation is right now. It's annoying." <Kazue> 

"Hmnn... Sorry..." <Calm> 

"Why are you apologizing?" <Kazue> 

"Ah, no... I am sorry because I dragged you into this mess, that's all." 

"Aa~ since I've been involved this much in this, At some point, I thought... Aa~ I don't care anymore." <Calm> 

"-nods-, of course, you don't care..." <Kazue> 



Calm was looking at me with passionate eyes. 

A look that says, "I see that you're not honest, But I know, you are doing this all for me" -gaze. 

[Uwah... it's that gaze...] 

Calm then smiled at me eagerly and tilts her head. 

[tsk... I can't talk back after you show me that kind of smile, damm*t] 


"Whatever." <Kazue> 

"Fufu." <Calm> 



Standing in line together with other adventurers trying to enter the city just like us. 

As usual Kaori, Hayate, and Isamu caught the attention of most people. 

And to a lesser extent, me. 

I am a female swordsman. 

I am the master of those imposing wolf familiars. 

My unusual attire took their attention too. 

Well, normally I would hate this attention but this time it's fine. 

This will help me hide the saint in plain sight. 

But well, in the end, she took the attention of some male adventurer. 

After all, despite being dirty and ragged. 

Despite the dull set of clothes she's wearing. 

There is no way to hide her beauty. 

A lot of male adventurers are looking at her with lustful or admiring eyes. 

Well... it seems that no one was able to recognize her as a saint, Why? 

[Ah! I see, most of the adventurers here in Vestir right now are those adventurers who came with the nobles and the important people's "escorts". Almost all of them haven't seen the saint in person before. There's no wonder why no one can recognize Calm as a saint. Most of the adventurers here are visitors. They don't know each other personally, but we can easily blend with them perfectly. These people only think of Calm as another cute adventurer who came to Vestir for the same reasons as them. This is perfect!] 



While we are in the line, I was on full alert. 

Some adventurers were trying to hit on Calm and me but I ignored them. 

I shielded Calm from other adventurers trying to hit on her. 

Well, in reality, I was being cautious of those people approaching us. 

Her disguise might be effective but I am still feeling uneasy so I was trying to block their views, just in case. 

I would not hesitate to show them the meanest glare I had. 

Surprisingly enough it was effective, they would back off after meeting my mean glares. 

I feel like I am a bird trying to protect my young. 

[Aa~ these are the times when I appreciate having an in-born sharp gaze.] 

In the end, they end up avoiding eye contact. 



Time passed. 

It is our turn to get past the gate. 

There, I saw the uncle that I talked to a few days ago. 

I hope he remembers me. 



"Hello, uncle I'm back again." <Kazue> 

The guard squinted his eyes looking at my face while trying to remember who I was. 

He immediately recognizes me and replied. 

"Oh, it's you... Are you done with your quest?" <Uncle> 

"I am." <Kazue> 

The guard looked behind me, I think he remembered what we talked about the last time. 

His eyes went wide as he saw 3 monsters waiting patiently behind me. 

"Missy... Are these..." <Uncle> 

"Yep, my party members...." <Kazue> 

"oi, oi... aren't these monsters?" <Uncle> 

"Hahaha, come on uncle! those are just my familiars." <Kazue> 

"Oi! Missy! I thought you were a swordsman, but you're a tamer?!" <Uncle> 

"Nah, I am a legit, Swordsman..." <Kazue> 

"Hoo~" <Uncle> 

The guard let out a groan of admiration. 

"Hahaha! As I thought you are an interesting kid." <Uncle> 

I handed him a pass and entered. 

He let us pass without a problem. 

Or so I thought. 



At the last moment, he was able to notice a girl walking along with the wolves. 

"Oi, missy!" <Uncle> 

"Hiii!!!" <Calm> 

I heard the guard raise his voice. 

[Tsk... So he ended up noticing her...] 

All this time, I instructed Calm to keep her presence low. 

She was able to hide her presence for the most part by keeping her mouth shut. 

When the guard called her out, she froze. 



"Oh, Uncle, that girl is my partner, Carise." <Calm> 

I explained. 

I used the false name Calm told me when we first met to introduce Calm. 

"...yeah...Hmmm." <Uncle> 

The guard glared at Calm. 

No, he was observing Calm. 

He was looking at Calm as if he was trying to remember something. 



"You look familiar." <Uncle> 

"Oi, uncle... are you trying to hit on my partner?" <Kazue> 

I gave the uncle the same look I showed to the other adventurers trying to hit on Calm earlier. 

"no... uhh..." <Uncle> 

He looked troubled. 

He somehow recognized Calm. 

Well, as a citizen of this city, he must have seen Calm before. 

I tried to shift the attention of the guard in another direction. 

So I accused him of hitting on Calm. 



"Uncle, Honestly, that's an old pick-up line, that would not work on her." <Kazue> 

"No, no! don't miss understand, I just think I've seen this missy before." <Uncle> 

[This is bad...] 

The guard inspects Calm from head to toe. 

He was trying to remember where, when, and who this girl reminds him of. 



The uncle mumbles. 

"Blonde... Curly hair... A stunning beauty... Hmmm..." <Uncle> 

The uncle started scratching his chin as he tries to recall where did he saw Calm's face before. 

[At this rate... Kuh... I guess I have to use this.] 


I came close to the guard. 

I then spoke in a soft voice that is similar to whispering. 

"Uncle... actually." <Kazue> 

I showed something to the guard. 

I acted as if I was trying to hide something under my clothes that I have to show to him. 

I showed him what I was hiding. 



A blue jewel. 

It was a jewel that has the sigil of a rose. 

His eyes opened wide and looked at Calm. 

"I see! Is she a member of the noble, Azurearosi family?" <Uncle> 

"Eh?" <Kazue> 

[Uwah... This is not how I envisioned this to go. Uncle-san seems to miss interpreted something. He probably thought that Calm was a member of the Azurearosi Family. Well... Calm is a blonde, like miss Alicia. Calm had weird hair, curly hair, well miss Alicia had Drills but it works? The two are beauties that are worthy to be called noble ladies, Calm is prettier though... This works... I think?] 

"No wonder she looked familiar... Hmnn, sisters... I see, so this missy is trying to follow the path of her sister... That is great..." <Uncle> 


Carise Lia? Azurearosi


"... THAT'S RIGHT!" <Kazue> 

"K-k-k-Kazue-chan?!!!" <Calm> 

Calm was startled, this lie about her being a nobility is not in our original plan. 

[Argh!!! it's all a mess but whatever!] 

"Ah! yes, her true name is Carise... Lia? Azurearosi." <Kazue> 

I lied with a straight face. 

Like a loyal servant, I tried to present Calm as Carise Lia Azurearosi as a total lie, a scam. 

I could feel that my head was turning as I work on the lie, after lies, after lie. 



The guard gave us a respectful bow and let us through. 

We walked forward. 

I looked back and saw the uncle giving us a thumbs up and a bright smile. 

I replied with an uncomfortable smile. 

Little by little, we walked faster. 

We wanted to be as far away from the gate as possible. 

I went toward an empty alley and then... 


I let out a huge breath. 

Calm did the same. 

My familiars looked clueless as usual. 



"KAZUE-CHAN! Where the hell did that lie come from?! That was not in the plan! Kazue-chan!!!" <Calm> 


"Me? a noble? and an Azurearosi at that?! What the heck! Are you crazy?!!!" <Calm> 

"Crazy? No! I am a genius!" <Kazue> 

"-nods vigorously- You're crazy!" <Calm> 

"..." <Kazue> 

"..." <Calm> 

"Hahahahaha!" <Kazue and Calm> 

We laughed uncontrollably. 

















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