God’s Guide for Teasing Heroes

Chapter 90: Bloodseeker and Meeting Kazue’s Friends

Narrator POV 






"We need Blood." <Tassilo> 

"Blood?" <Razor> 

"Yes, Blood, We need the blood of the saint." <Tassilo> 

"Blood huh... how will that help?" <Razor> 

Razor asked despite already having a hunch on how the blood could help them find the saint. 

He suspects that someone amongst Tassilo's men has an ability that enables them to find a person with just their blood. 

"As you suspect, This one can find someone with just their blood." <Tassilo> 

Tassilo pointed at one of his subordinates standing right behind him. 

That person stepped forward and showed himself with a perverse smile on his face. 

"This fellow over here is called Edmon, he has the Unique Skill (Blood Seeker). To activate this skill he needs to taste the blood of the target. By doing so, we will be able to pinpoint the location of the target." <Tassilo> 

"I understand." <Razor> 



Razor understood what he needs to do. 

He pulled something out of his pocket and threw it toward Tassilo. 

Tassilo caught the item in the air and looked at the thing that Razor threw at him. 

It was a brown pouch. 

"This is..." <Tassilo> 

"You only need the blood right? There you have it, now tell me where the saint is." <Razor> 

"Hahaha, so hasty, aren't we? Be a little more patient." <Tassilo> 

"..." <Razor> 

Tassilo gave the pouch to the man who had the skill (Bloodseeker). 



Inside the brown pouch were majestic strands of golden hair covered in blood. 

"Yes, this will do." <Edmon> 

Edmon took out the hair from the pouch. 

He placed the hair in front of his mouth and licked the traces of blood from the hair. 

Like a professional connoisseur who was reviewing the taste of exquisite food. 

There was a sense of perversity looking at how Edmon licked the bloody patches of hair. 



"As expected of the saints' blood. It tastes nothing like the ones I tasted before. It's delicious. Ahh~~ I can't get enough of this." <Edmon> 

Edmon licked the blood sticking to the golden hair that was handed to him. 

He licked his lips as if enjoying the aftertaste of ingesting the blood. 

His face looked as if he just tasted the sweetest honey while excessively salivating from it. 

Edmon's face looked like he was in ecstasy, having faces of pleasure painted on his face. 




Razor thought while watching Edmon. 

"Indeed the target is still alive. I can sense her moving in that direction." <Edmon> 

Edmon pointed in the direction where he detects the owner of the blood's location. 

The direction he was pointing towards was no doubt, within the city proper. 

If this man's ability is legit, then the saint is now within the city. 

If so, there is a high chance that she might have been hiding. 

There is no way that the saint could come there on her own. 

Razor was certain that someone helped her to get inside the city. 

The fact that she was able to get past the lookouts without getting detected, the person who helped her into the city must have a lot of connections to secretly sneak the saint in. 




Razor clicked his tongue realizing that they might be too late. 

For all they know, the saint is being kept in a well-guarded location by now. 

If that were true, even if they managed to locate the saint, they might have no chance of killing her there. 

Realizing this, Razor decided to call an emergency meeting for all the members of the Assassin Order ASAP. 

Razor asked his right-hand man, "Scar" to call for a meeting to discuss this with other members of the order. 

"Immediately." <Scar> 



"I will borrow your subordinate for a bit, I need to locate the exact location where the saint is being kept, is that possible." <Razor> 

"Sure, on one condition." <Tassilo> 

"What is it?" <Razor> 

"I need the saint's head. I will be taking it home to show it to the Pope." <Tassilo> 

Without delay, Razor replied. 

"No problem." <Razor> 

The morning of the next day they managed to get the exact location of the saint. 

Thanks to the help of Edmon, they finally found where the saint was. 

The assassin's order scouted the place carefully. 

They moved in secret to find the place where Edmon detects the target. 



"She's in the Azurearozi's Mansion." <Assassin A> 

An assassin reports to Razor after finding out where the Saint was hiding according to Edmon's ability. 

"Azurearozi... so she's under the protection of the blue rose duchess..." <Scar> 

Hearing this news, Razor knew at once that they will be against a problematic opponent. 

If the saint was inside the Azurearozi's Mansion. 

This means that she is in the protection of the Blue Rose Duchess. 

An adventurer knew to have incredible power. 



Alicia Cliffe Azurearozi. 

She is the daughter of the prestigious Azurearozi Dukedom. 

She is also known by her other nickname as an adventurer, "Blue Rose Duchess". 

An adventurer such as Alicia who has reached A-rank often gets glorified nicknames. 

Adventurers with such glorified nicknames are often powerful and popular. 

Alicia is not an exemption. 

Alicia is popular in the world of adventurers. 

So much so that even Razor knew about her and had an idea of how strong she is. 

Alicia is an A-rank adventurer. 

He was certain that if the opponent was that strong, then she must be as strong or even stronger than himself. 

Razor knew that his fighting ability equates to that of a weak A-rank adventurer. 

Alicia Cliffe Azurearozi recently became an A-rank. 

If her abilities equate to her rank then, Razor is confident that he could still kill the saint even if Alicia was protecting the saint. 

But that task would not be easy. 



He called for a meeting to call the members of the Assassin's Order to help him do this job. 

Thus an emergency meeting was held. 

During this meeting, the plan to raid Azurearozi's mansion to assassinate the saint will be discussed. 



But they did not know... 

The Assassin Order did not know that they were having several misunderstandings. 

First is that the Blue Rose Duchess is not in the Azurearozi Mansion. 

The Assassin Order thinks that the saint is in the protection of the Blue Rose Duchess. 

They did not know that the adventurer protecting the saint is only a mere D-ranked adventurer. 

The mansion is well guarded by Alicia's people, but... 

If the order were to attack the mansion at this time, it is almost sure that they will succeed to assassinate the saint. 

Alicia's men, Kazue, and her friend will not be able to stop the Assassin's Order if they attacked at that time. 

Unfortunately, they did not know about this and decided to do proper preparation by calling the other members of the order. 

After all, they are thinking that if they were to attack the mansion without preparation, they will not be able to get past Alicia, much less kill the saint. 



Kazue is not aware that her plan to distract the people after Calm is the reason for them to find her. 

When Kazue came back from Riles after asking for help from Alicia a week ago, she decided to cut off Calm's hair to disguise her by changing her looks. 

From there came the second misunderstanding. 

It was about the blood. 

Kazue used Calm's old clothes as well as her cut hair to make a fake scene. 

A scene where Kazue made it appear as if Calm was attacked by monsters in the forest. 

She left Calm's torn clothes covered in blood somewhere within the forest. 

By doing this, Kazue was able to trick many members of the Assassin Order as well as the people looking to save Calm that she was dead. 

To do this, Kazue used her own blood to cover the clothes and the hair of the saint. 

Kazue even asked her familiars to ravage the clothes in a way only monsters could do. 

She even went to the extent where she wounded herself to leave blood on the clothes and patches of hair that she used to set up that scene. 

Thus, the blood that Edmon used to track the saint was actually Kazue's, and the one being tracked is Kazue not the saint. 



So... was Kazue's plan a bad decision? 

As the way it looks now, it is. 

But at the same time... 

Thanks to her plan, the people who were trying to kill Calm were discouraged to look for her as they think she is already dead. 

They did not need to find the corpse of the saint as they only need her dead. 

They did not want to waste time finding a dead person. 

On the other hand, those who want to save Calm stayed true and wanted to find her at all costs. 

Even finding her dead body means a lot to the people looking for her. 

It would be very sad if they would proceed to mourn at Calm's grave without her body ever being found. 

Thus they wanted to find the saint even if she was already dead. 



Thanks to her plan, they managed to enter the city without many hitches as the assassin was not looking for the saint eagerly. 

If Kazue did not make such a distraction, they might have been caught in the forest before they could even enter the city. 

Her plan was effective. 

Kazue was just unlucky. 

Who would have thought that there was the such person with that ability along with the enemy? 

What kind of joke was that? 

To be able to find someone by ingesting their blood. 

Who would have thought of such an ability? 

On the surface, Kazue's plan worked, it was effective. 

It was just pure bad luck that someone within Ecclesia has such an absurd ability to locate people. 






Narrator POV. 

Alicia's Mansion. 



After a while, Kazue and her company managed to organize their thoughts and are now engaging in simple talks. 

Kazue decided to Introduce Calm to Rio, Nikko, Yuma, and Coco. 

"Ah, right I need to introduce you guys to Calm." <Kazue> 

Kazue said in the middle of a conversation. 

"Really?! Leaving aside this situation I wanted to meet the saint too." <Nikko> 

"Honestly, I wanted to meet the saint at least once too. I heard she's really beautiful. What about you Yuma?" <Coco> 

Coco said toward her lover wanting to see what he was thinking. 

"I guess, I am curious to see what she looks like?" <Yuma> 

Yuma said without thinking much. 

Kazue caught up on the meaning behind Coco's words. 

She decided to raise their expectation before meeting Calm. 



"Actually, she's extremely beautiful... I can even say that she's more beautiful than Chiho." <Kazue> 

Kazue said her honest thoughts. 

"Seriously? she's that much of a beauty?" <Nikko> 

There is no wonder Nikko was shocked. 

In our school, the most beautiful girl was my childhood friend, Sakata Chiho. 

If I tell him that Calm is more beautiful than Chiho, this naturally raised Nikko's expectations of how the saint looked like. 

Yuma's expectation was raised as well. 

Meanwhile, Coco was looking at her fiance with a sharp gaze behind him. 

[Haha... Yuma you are digging your own grave here... Well there's no way they will be disappointed after seeing her since she really is beautiful.] <Kazue> 

Kazue thought knowing that she successfully raised their expectations of how the saint looked like. 

"Okay let me go see her first and explain our situation can you guys wait for a bit? I will bring her here." <Kazue> 

"Okay." <Everyone> 

Kazue went to the room where Calm was resting. 

She then knocked on the door. 



"Calm, are you here?" <Kazue> 

As soon as Kazue knocked, Calm's bright voice replied. 

"Oh, Kazue is that you? Wait a bit, I will open the door for you." <Calm> 

Calm's voice answered from behind the door. 

Kazue could hear several rumbling from the running footstep headed toward the door. 

"Welcome back Kazue, how was it?" <Calm> 

A smiling Calm appeared as the door opens. 

She looked to be out of breath. 

From how it looks, it seems that Calm was in the midst of playing with Kazue's familiars. 

Kazue's Familiar was also standing right beside Calm. 

They were panting like cute dogs resting after playing in the park. 

It seems that they were doing their job to protect the Saint very well. 

The wolves are keeping Calm entertained by playing with her. 

"It's good news! I found some help." <Kazue> 

Kazue explained what she came across in the city. 



Calm trust Kazue. 

She knew that the people who Kazue trusts can be trusted. 

When Kazue explained what happened. 

It seemed that Kazue met a few of her friends when she went out today. 

Even more so, those friends are Kazue's friends from back when she was still in the other world. 

Hearing this, Calm was convinced that those people will not harm her. 



Calm already knew that Kazue was from another world. 

Kazue already explained this to her a long time ago. 

It was confirmed by her goddess as well. 

Hearing just a little bit about these people made Calm trust them right away. 

Without much explaining, Calm deduced that there is no reason for these people to come after her life. 

Plus, she already decided to trust Kazue unconditionally. 

Even if those people were from this world, as long as Kazue trust them, Calm will also do so. 

After all, she knew that Kazue was doing all she could to keep her safe. 

It was no exaggeration to say that Calm has entrusted her life to Kazue. 

If Kazue thinks that these people can be trusted, then she will trust them without second thoughts. 

Thus, when Kazue asked Calm if she can introduce her to them she agreed right away. 

Then, the two went to Kazue's friends who are waiting in the guest room. 



"It might be a late introduction, but this girl is the saint, Calm Eastertale." <Kazue> 

Kazue introduced Calm to her friends. 

Calm presented herself to Kazue's friend. 

But... doing this, Calm's face became red. 

The boys, Nikko and Yuma were speechless looking at her appearance. 

Even Rio was surprised at how pretty the saint was. 

Calm was fidgety as she stood in front of Kazue's friends. 

But... why is Calm shy? 

Normally, she is not this shy when meeting new people. 

It was just that she was wearing clothes that she doesn't usually wear when meeting people. 

She was wearing clothes that are often worn by a female adventurer with the job class "Thief". 

Those clothes reveal lots of skin compared to the normal clothes she wears. 

She was uncomfortable presenting herself to others like this wearing such clothes. 



The saint appeared before them. 

"Oh my god, she's really beautiful." <Coco> 

"..." <Rio> 

"Uhmm, Uhmm, I am Calm Eastertale. Nice to meet you all?" <Calm> 

She shyly introduces herself to Kazue's friends. 

"And, she's cute too..." <Coco> 

Coco is biting on her nails seeing the beauty of the saint. 

She looked at the boys and her mood fell. 

It was because the boys were stunned seeing the beauty of the saint. 

"a..." <Yuma and Nikko> 

Yuma and Nikko could not muster a word seeing the beauty standing right in front of them. 

Seeing such beauty stunned them and could not think of a word to say. 

Like fish, in a fish tank, the boy's mouth was opening and closing trying to muster a word out. 

Calm acting shyly did not help as it only made her appear cuter than she usually does. 

[My my, is this a critical hit?] <Kazue> 

"Ara... Yuma-san?" <Coco> 

Cold air passed behind his neck. 

Because of this, Yuma realized a gaze looking at him from behind. 

"Ah! Coco! this is. No, no, it's not like that... I was just." <Yuma> 

"Are you cheating on me?" <Coco> 

Coco threatens Yuma seeing his reaction upon meeting the saint. 




Coco Yandere Stare



"Kawaii, Holy shit, she's so beautiful." <Nikko> 

Nikko said seeing the face of the saint, Calm Eastertale. 

His heart was pounding like crazy. 

He even thought she fell in love at first sight. 

[Wow no wonder she is called a saint. She has a pretty face. I did not notice this when we saw a glimpse at her when she and Kazue-chan entered the city but damn... she is a beauty.-de gozaru-] 

[Yeah... damn, I could not help to look at her beautiful face.] 

There was a voice that sounded in Nikko's mind. 

It was the kind of voice a typical fat otaku may sound like. 

The voice is coming from the sword dangling on Nikko's waist. 



4 months ago, Nikko picked up this peculiar sword. 



The sword has its own sentience. 

The sentience within this sword is from a person just like himself. 

Once upon a time, this person was somebody from the same world that Nikko and his classmates came from before getting Isekai'ed. 

Matsuo Masahi was his former name before becoming a sword. 

His life had ended and was transported into this world. 

After talking with the goddess who manages this world, he was reincarnated as a sword. 



Right now, Nikko and Masahi are working together to work as adventurers. 

Nikko and Masahi agreed to keep Masahi's existence a secret. 

It was because Masahi's existence as a unique weapon is very special. 

People of this world call weapons with sentience "Intelligent weapons". 

Intelligent weapons are weapons that often come out from folk tales and legends. 

For example, the weapon that the Hero, Hano Ryuusei is looking for in Giah forest is one such weapon. 

There is no saying that Intelligent weapons are very rare and very valuable. 

Thus, it would be a problem if people find out that Nikko is carrying an "Intelligent Weapon". 

Masahi is especially unique amongst those kinds of weapons as he was originally from another world. 

It will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble. 

Thus, he keeps Masahi's existence a secret. 



"Uh..., uhh... nice to meet you!" <Nikko> 

Nikko said stuttering and was very shy to talk to the saint. 

"Uh nice to meet you" <Calm> 

"..." <Yuma> 

Yuma was troubled greeting the saint. 

Coco was locking arms with him as if saying Yuma to not look at other girls other than her. 

She did not act like this to Kazue or Rio since Yuma did not show any signs of attraction to them. 

But to Calm, it was a different story. 

Seeing how Yuma reacted after seeing the saint made her weary of the saint as a potential rival and so, Coco clung to Yuma more than usual. 



Kazue looked at the two with an amused face. 

She notice that Coco was pinching Yuma hard on the back as he greets Calm. 

His face was trying its best not to let it show. 

"Uwah..." <Kazue> 

[Coco is that kind of girl after all huh... Yande- Ahem...] 

She thought. 



After her introduction, they all sat down to talk. 

They explained to Calm what they plan to will do next. 

In two days, they will have to ask for help from Coco's father who is a general serving the country. 

While waiting, they will have to collect information about the surrounding to better help protect Calm. 

As planned they will keep this mansion as their temporary base and keep Calm safe there. 

The wolves, Kazue's familiars will stay with Calm to protect her. 

The servants of the mansion are trying to contact Aaron, Calm's most trusted knight. 

If things go well, they will be able to successfully protect Calm. 



Seeing that the discussion was over, Nikko started a new conversation. 

"Uhmmm... Calm-sama." <Nikko> 

Nikko carefully called for Calm while raising his arm. 

"Hmnn? What is it Nikko-san?" <Calm> 

"Uhm... Actually..." <Nikko> 



Nikko pulled up his sword so everyone could see it. 

He made sure to not make it look like he was hostile. 

"???" <Everyone> 

"Let me introduce to you, my partner." <Nikko> 

"Nice to meet you, I am the great Matsuo Masahi." <Matsuo> 

"!!!" <Everyone> 



Everyone noticed that the voice was not coming from Nikko. 

They tried to locate the voice by following its origin. 

There was no doubt that the sound came from Nikko's direction. 

But... Nikko was not the one speaking. 

To be exact the voice was coming from the sword. 

It was not as if Nikko was doing a ventriloquist act either. 

"?!" <Kazue> 

"Is the voice... coming from that sword?" <Yuma> 

"Is that voice coming from..." <Calm> 

Calm whispered to Kazue.  

"It seems so..." <Kazue> 

Kazue answered but she was confused. 



"Yeah, it's coming from this sword." <Nikko> 

"So it's really coming from there! But... how?" <Yuma> 

Yuma said in curiosity. 

Kazue and Calm listened carefully as they were curious as well. 

"Yes, I will explain. Uhmm... Let's see... how do I start." <Nikko> 

Nikko thought about how to start to introduce Matsuo. 



"Right, Let me start by telling you guys why I came to Riles in the first place. It all happened 5 months ago. I was exploring randomly from a quest while adventuring in Artesia Empire. I found this sword inside an abandoned house. As you can see, this sword could actually talk." <Nikko> 

"Indeed. -de gozaru-" <Matsuo> 

"Right, right... As you can see, this sword is formerly a person before he was sent to this world." <Nikko> 

"Sent to this world?" <Kazue> 

"Yes! Like you guys, I came from that world. My life ended in that world and I was reincarnated in this one. I talked to a goddess and after that, she reincarnated me into a sword. I think we had some miss understanding and she end up reincarnating me into a sword. -de gozaru-" <Matsuo> 



"Just as the sword said... The reason why we are here in Riles is that we wanted to meet the saint. We heard that the saint can contact the goddess. So, we wish to talk with the goddess to do something about Matsuo's situation." <Nikko> 

Nikko looked at Calm after stating his purpose. 

Matsuo also talked to ask Calm to help him. 

"So... Calm-sama is it possible for us to talk to the goddess. If not, can you ask the goddess if she can do something about my situation? Please, I hope you can help me -de gozaru-" <Matsuo> 

The sword respectably asked Calm. 

Although to Yuma, Kazue, and Rio, he sounded really funny as he ends his sentences with the phrase -de gozaru-. 

It was as if he was trying to role-play as a Japanese man of the Edo era. 



"I understand... I will try to ask the goddess. Can you wait for a bit?" <Calm> 

"Really! that would be great -de gozaru-" <Matsuo> 

"Please, Calm-sama." <Nikko> 

Calm smiled at Nikko and Matsuo. 

"No problem, now if you excuse me, I will talk to the goddess for a bit."  <Calm> 

Calm clasped her had together and knelt on the spot as if trying to pray. 

She closed her hands and went into a trance as she usually does when trying to contact the goddess of life. 

Calm was motionless, It was as if she was frozen in time. 

She even stopped breathing altogether. 

Although Calm was right beside them they could not feel here there. 

It was as if she became a lifeless object. 

Yuma, Rio, Coco, and Nikko found her state to be interesting 



On the other hand, Kazue had seen this state of Calm several times before. 

Kazue knows that when Calm is in this state, she will stay still for a while. 

There is nothing else to do but wait until Calm returns to normal. 

Thus, while waiting Kazue wandered into her thoughts. 

"That thing... That sword is also a person..." <Kazue> 

Kazue mumbled in a very soft tone. 



Kazue was reminded of a monster she had fought inside a dungeon once before. 

It was a monster who seemed to be a reincarnated person just like Matsuo. 

But, unlike Matsuo whose soul was placed inside a sword, it was the same for that monster, just that his soul was placed inside the body of a monster. 

The name of the monster was, Kobe Yasuo. 

A person from their world. 

A criminal who died in their world and was reincarnated into this world. 

Kazue remembered that this monster was also looking for the goddess who placed his soul inside a monster's body. 

Yes, just like Matsuo who met a goddess before arriving in this world. 

[Is it possible that the goddess that reincarnated the monster was also the one who reincarnated this Masao guy?] 

Kazue thought. 



Kazue knew that there was another goddess other than Gaiah, the goddess that the church of Life worships and the goddess that is in contact with Calm. 

Kazue knew this as there was another goddess who was involved with her, a goddess named Themis. 

After knowing that two goddesses are overseeing things in this world. 

Kazue assumed that there were other gods and goddesses in this world as well. 

Because of this prior knowledge, Kazue did not assume that the goddess who reincarnated the sword and the monster was Gaiah or Themis. 

She was right. 

The one involved in this matter was not the goddess of Life, Gaiah. 

Nor was it the Goddess of Judgement, Themis. 

The goddess involved in this was none other than the Goddess of SoulCycle, Ledia. 

The same goddess works with the Goddess of SpaceTime, Eudom to cause troubles all around the world. 

The incident happening right now is all their doings. 

But, there was no way for Kazue to know about this. 



After a while, Calm came back to her senses. 









Author Note:

I will be posting the next chapter in 2-3 days.

After that, I will be fully caught up with the advanced chapters I made.

I will return to writing a chapter from scratch.

I do hope to keep the weekly as I am slowly getting back into a grove to write stuff once again.

Well, if I end up not posting the new chapter in 2-3 days then, the next one will be posted next week >.<v

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