God’s Perspective

Chapter 16: Divinities and Rewards

The god of imagination sat deep in thought, contemplating new concepts to grasp and incorporate into his divine essence. He glanced at his status, reviewing the concepts he had already acquired:

Divinity Concepts:

- Imagination: 12% → 12.3%

- Creation: 10% → 12.2%

- Healing: 1.2% → 1.8%

- Magic: 0.8% → 0.9%

- Light: 0.4% → 0.5%

- Beauty: 0.6% → 0.6%

- Unoccupied: 0% → 5% - 3.3% = 1.7%

- Inaccessible: 75% → 70%


He had already established "Imagination" as his primary concept, with "Creation" closely following. The rest of his divinity was fragmented into smaller portions shared by "Healing," "Magic," "Light," and, unexpectedly, "Beauty." When he had previously tried to incorporate "Knowledge" into his divinity by spreading its doctrine among the villagers, it did not manifest as an acquired concept. Instead, the villagers, captivated by his divine beauty, began to worship him, inadvertently causing him to gain the "Beauty" concept—something he hadn’t sought.

Now, he found himself with a rare opportunity. However, after recent bursts of comprehension in his existing concepts, only 1.7% of his available divinity remained unallocated. This limited fraction would need to be divided among three new concepts of his choice. In addition, he had managed to unlock access to 30% of his total divine power, a notable increase from the previous 25%.

Before this epiphany, he had fully utilized his initial 25% divinity by creating the Divine Interface, a holographic display that appeared in the minds of his believers. This creation had been the pinnacle of his power, merging imagination with creation. Through the interface, he introduced level-ups, class systems, items, and products—all seamlessly integrated into his believers' daily lives. The magic concept was invoked in the skills his followers could acquire, while healing, a branch of magic, had grown as one of his followers' most requested blessings. The beauty concept, though unintended, had attached itself to his divinity through the awe his appearance inspired.

But now, he needed new concepts to expand the functionality of the Divine Interface. He would attempt to incorporate the "Knowledge" concept once again, recognizing its vital importance to his vision. His current divinity was stretched across too many concepts, with his largest share—12.3%—a far cry from those gods who devoted their full power to a single domain. However, he remained convinced that having a broad range of concepts was more advantageous than relying on a single one. His essence was still grounded in "Imagination", but "Creation" was quickly catching up. Though he recognized that this might eventually redefine his essence, he continued to use both in tandem.

The remaining two slots in his divinity would be devoted to "Time" and "Space" —both essential to enhancing the RPG-themed conduit that is his Divine Interface. With "Time", he could accelerate dungeon progression or reduce cooldowns for his followers, while "Space" would allow him to implement teleportation functionality for his altars and open the way for selecting different maps. Despite his doubt about what he could achieve with just 1.7% of available divinity, he knew these concepts were crucial for the future growth of his divine presence.


The god of imagination got out of his contemplation, while hovering in his divine realm, the prayers of the top ten winners, their souls resonating with their deepest wishes, called out for his attention.

He promise them prizes for the event mission, weapons and tools that would help them grow, defend their homes, and nurture their potential. Each prayer he felt carried with it a sense of hope, trust, and expectation. And he was doesn't want them to disappointed.

He began with Isabella, a humble Aid class whose faith in him had always been unwavering. She had asked him to choose what was best for her, her prayer is full of trust. He smiled, and from the ether of his divine realm, he control his essence of "imagination" along with "creation", A simple bangles began to take form, crafted from the strongest, most resilient wood, yet light enough for her to carry with ease. At the middle of the bangles, he placed a softly glowing crystal, radiating warmth.

"This is the Healer’s cuff of Vitality," he whispered to himself as he completed it. Bangles that would enhance her healing powers, giving her the strength to restore others without exhausting herself. The crystal pulsed gently, as if in anticipation of the hands that would wear it. 

Next was Eliza, his saintess, whose heart beat for her village. Her request had been clear—a magic barrier to protect her people. He knew what she needed: a tool that could shield her village from harm. Inspired from the shifting, silver mists of his domain, with using his divinity, he crafted a small, unassuming orb. It shimmered faintly with magic, almost invisible to the naked eye, but within it lay the power to create a protective barrier. 

“This will be your Orb of Protection,” he said softly. He infused it with the ability to form a shield strong enough to repel attacks, when inserted into the socket that he created at the bottom of the altar, a barrier that encompasses a 1 kilometer radius will appear. A simple but potent enough to defend the people she loved so dearly.

Clara’s request came next—a set of alchemical equipment. Her excitement had practically jumped through her prayer, her desire to create and experiment clear as day. The god manipulated his concept of magic and from earth and fire, shaping them into a compact yet sturdy alchemical kit. The mortar and pestle were smooth and finely made, the vials clear and durable. Each piece was crafted with care, ensuring it would last through countless experiments. 

“Beginner’s Alchemical Kit,” he said. Not too complex, but enough to help Clara grow her skills and create with confidence.

For Martin, he crafted a weapon—strong, sharp, and dependable. His request had been for a sword, something a hero of old might wield. Out of nothing, Paul pulled strands of iron, shaping and forging them into a blade. It was not ornate or flashy, but it was perfectly balanced, a weapon that would serve Martin well as he honed his skills. The handle was wrapped in leather for a comfortable grip, the blade gleaming in the divine light.

“Hero’s Steel Sword,” he murmured, watching the sword as it materialized fully. Martin’s ambition and desire to protect would be satisfied with this blade.

Nina’s request for more knowledge was different. She wasn’t after power or glory, but wisdom. He crafted a book for her—plain on the outside, but filled with magical theory and simple spells she could study and master. The tome was enchanted, its pages growing in complexity as Nina’s understanding deepened.

“This Novice Scholar’s Tome will guide you,” he whispered as he infused the book with power. It was not just a source of knowledge but a gateway to more, a tool that would evolve with her.

Brennan’s prayer had been the most selfless—he wished for nothing more than the safety of his village. Paul smiled at Brennan’s request and decided to craft something that would useful for his status. He pulled from his divine essence a medallion, simple yet powerful, engraved with protective runes. It would bolster the defense of those within its reach, granting Brennan the ability to shield his people without ever drawing a blood.

“Village Guardian’s Medallion,” he named it, knowing it aligned in Brennan's temperament and compassion.

Luca and Simon were next, both requesting weapons. Paul crafted for Luca a pair of finely balanced daggers. They were sleek and quick, perfect for someone who fought with speed and precision. The daggers were simple, but deadly in the right hands.

“Hunter's Twin Daggers,” he declared, as the leather-bound hilts took shape.

For Simon, he crafted something different—a large, iron battle axe. Its weight was formidable, but Simon’s strength would be more than enough to wield it. The axe was designed for raw power, each swing capable of devastating damage.

“Iron Battle Axe,” the god said, satisfied with the weapon’s heft and simplicity.

Finally, Aidan’s request—a book of medicine. The god carefully crafted a tome filled with knowledge of herbs, salves, and healing techniques. Its pages were enchanted to resist the wear and tear of time, allowing Aidan to carry it with him through any journey, ensuring that his knowledge would always be at his fingertips.

“Healer’s Compendium,” he called it, a guide that would help Aidan become the craftsman that focus on medicine he aspired to be.

As the last of the gifts took form, the god of imagination paused for a moment, feeling the weight of what he had created. These were not just tools. Each item was a reflection of the person who had prayed for it, crafted with care and purpose. If this items leaked to the outside world, this will bring prosperity or trouble from the people who will took it. 

The god of imagination thinks that he might've overdone it, he will be frequently create this virtual altar event for his plans. "Maybe I'll tone it down next time." He mused. 

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