God’s Perspective

Chapter 8: Defeating the Stormpelt Wolf

Deep in the dense forest, sunlight peeked through the trees, creating patches of light on the ground where fifteen hunters stood together. They had already taken down three huge wild boars, each one proving their skill and strength. These boars were unlike any on Earth; they were twice as big, with tough hides and sharp tusks that shone dangerously in the light.

At the center of the group was Brennan, their leader. Though aging, he held a commanding presence and spoke with a firm voice that guided the others. His body had weakened over the years, but his mind remained sharp, giving orders that kept the hunters focused. Next to him, Tom and Garrick, experienced hunters, exchanged looks, gauging how ready their teammates were for the next hunt.

In a quieter spot, seven-year-old Eliza clutched her mysterious floating book, its pages glowing with an otherworldly light. Despite her innocence and fear, her powers were clear. After the last hunt, she had healed the injured with soft words and bright spells, serving as a beacon of hope among the rugged hunters.

"Let’s eat before we head out again," Brennan called, breaking the heavy silence that had settled over the group. The hunters nodded in agreement, relieved for the opportunity to rest and replenish their energy. They formed a circle on the forest floor, unpacking their provisions for a much-needed meal.

Tom produced a small pot, stirring a simple stew made from the herbs they had gathered and the remnants of their previous hunts. Meanwhile, Garrick maintained a vigilant watch over their surroundings, his instincts alert for any hidden dangers. Eliza sat quietly, her wide eyes taking in the scene, fascinated by the older men and their meal preparations.

As the hunters began to settle down and enjoy their food, a sudden rustling in the nearby bushes drew their attention. Before anyone could react, a magnificent yet fearsome creature burst forth from the underbrush. The Stormpelt Wolf, its fur a striking blend of gray and white, stood poised before them, its intense gaze locked onto one of the hunters. The atmosphere crackled with tension as the wolf prepared to spring into action.

The hunter, caught off guard, barely managed to dodge the wolf's initial attack. However, the wolf's razor-sharp claws still managed to graze his arm, leaving a deep gash. Eliza, innocent and scared, yet determined to help, reached out with her power. The floating book, a gift from the gods, glowed with a soft, pulsing light as Eliza channeled its energy to heal the hunter's wound.

In the meantime, the other hunters sprang into action. Tom and Garrick quickly unsheathed their swords, the glint of steel reflecting the urgency of the moment, while the archers efficiently prepared their bows for combat. At the forefront stood their leader, Brennan, whose aged eyes sparkled with a fierce determination. As the captain of the hunters, he took a firm step forward, his own bow drawn and ready for use. “Take it down!” he commanded, his voice ringing with authority as the hunters charged into the fray. Despite his advanced years, Brennon’s aim remained remarkably accurate, and he provided vital support with his well-placed arrows, guiding his team with a series of precise commands.

The wolf, keenly aware of their impending assault, relied on its remarkable agility to evade the initial barrage. It weaved gracefully between the hunters, her powerful jaws snapping shut just inches from their faces, a menacing reminder of her ferocity. In response, the hunters swiftly reorganized, tightening their formation to encircle her more effectively.

The wolf, spotting an opportunity amid the chaos, focused its attention on one of the distracted hunters. Seizing the moment, Garrick deftly slashed the wolf’s side with a heavy and powerful sword. Despite the wolf’s tough fur, Garrick’s sharp blade managed to deliver a significant wound, igniting the beast’s fury. Infuriated, the wolf swiftly turned its gaze toward Garrick, who prudently decided to retreat to safety. Meanwhile, the archers, recognizing the wolf's brief distraction, unleashed a relentless barrage of arrows that fell upon the creature like a deadly storm.

The hunters quickly come to understand that the Stormpelt Wolf’s remarkable agility and dense hide render it a formidable adversary. They adapt their strategy, opting to wear the beast down through continuous, coordinated attacks rather than attempting a single, decisive strike. Taking turns, the hunters engage the creature, employing gorilla tactic in an effort to exhaust her while looking for any weaknesses in it's defenses.

The battle raged fiercely, with both sides exchanging brutal blows. Despite their bravery, the hunters began to feel the toll of exhaustion, their movements becoming sluggish as fatigue set in. Eliza’s healing abilities were pushed to the brink as she worked tirelessly to keep her comrades standing. Yet the wolf remained relentless, its body a testament to its ferocious resilience. Garrick's sword slashes left deep marks on its flesh, and arrows clung deeply in it's body, but still the creature fought on without yielding.

In a last, desperate attempt to take down one of the hunters, the wolf leaped into the air, only to falter mid-flight. Weakened by the relentless barrage of the hunters' attacks, its body finally gave out, and it crashed heavily to the ground. The hunters, battered and bruised, emerged victorious, but the victory came at a significant cost. As they paused to catch their breath, they couldn't help but admire the wolf’s unyielding spirit, which persisted even in the face of defeat.

They watched as Garrick approached the fallen beast. Its droopy eyes still held a ferocious glare, fixated on him as he stabbed its chest with his sword. The once-majestic eyes of the Stormpelt Wolf grew vacant, and its breath came to a halt.

After the intense battle, Brennan decided it was wise to return to the village urgently to recuperate. Suddenly, Eliza gasped with excitement. "Look, Grandpa! I earned 270 quarks! I’m still halfway short of leveling up..., but maybe I can buy some sweets at the system store!" Unlike Eliza, who could access the Divine Interface through her holy book, the rest of them were unable to do so outside the village. They had no way to confirm whether they had earned any quarks during the fight. They could only wait until they returned to the village to check in front of the altar.

Paul observed this situation and realized that the lack of access to the Divine Interface was becoming an urgent problem. He needed to refine the system further and also rank up, which would allow him to utilize his abilities more easily while refining the system.

He look at his gains in his very own user information that he made for himself.

Name: Paul Davis  

Divine Title: Andriel, God of Imagination  

Age: Timeless (existence depends on worshippers faith)  

Race: Embryonic Deity Rank 2

Divinity to rank up required: 0/3,000 divine energy units

Class: Deity / Creator 


  - Imagination 12%

  - Creation 10%

  - Healing 1.2%

  - Magic 0.8%

  - Light 0.4%

  - Beauty 0.6%

  - inaccessible 75%

Divine energy - 13,644 units 

or 136,440 quarks.



- Divine Interface: A system that provides followers with skills, items, and abilities through tokens and experience points.


- Ravenshade Village: Initial base of worship and divine influence.

I've accumulated enough resources to rank up twice, which would elevate me to rank 4. However, this would leave me with only a little over 4,000, not nearly enough for the major project I have in mind. I’m considering ranking up just once instead, allowing me to reserve some resources for refining the system. With 40 percent of the villagers now reaching 300 quarks, they are eligible to unlock a class. I'm really excited to see what classes they will choose!

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