Godslayer's Legacy

Chapter Twelve: Godslayer's Ranks

After hours of training, night had fallen once more. Kael's lessons on power had only fueled his desire to understand his role in the expansive world around him.

Kael couldn't hold back his growing curiosity as they ascended the rugged path. "You mentioned there are others like us—heirs of the Titans, the Godslayers. But how do we measure our strength compared to each other?"

Lyra didn't respond to Kael right away. She sensed that another question was on its way.

After a brief pause, he added the question gnawing at him. "How will I know when I'm strong enough to take on Rasmund?"

"Everyone here detests Rasmund, Kael. But you should keep that thought to yourself for now. It's something beyond you now," Lyra advised.

Lyra slowed her pace, choosing her words carefully. "There is a way to gauge our strength. We have a ranking system that compares everyone—the Godslayers, the Beasts, the Gods, and their followers, the Divine Chosen. This system helps us measure power levels, no matter what side they're on."

Kael's interest sharpened. "How does it work?"

"There are twenty ranks, starting from the lowest, Novice, all the way to Eternal, the highest known rank," Lyra explained. "Right now, you're a Novice, like most who are just beginning."

Kael nodded, absorbing the information. "And what comes after Novice?"

Lyra continued, "In the Lower Continents, the ranks we deal with are Novice, Adept, Valiant, and Guardian. Most gods we encounter here are at the Guardian level."

"Lower Continents?" Kael asked, unfamiliar with the term. Unlike Amna, who loved to study even though he lived in a desolate place like Edrin, he lacked knowledge about the world.

Lyra nodded. "Eldora, our land, where your village and this place is located, is part of the Lower Continents—regions where humans and gods are relatively weak."

"There are other, far more powerful regions, but we're not concerned with those right now. We focus on our reality," added Lyra.

"I see..." Kael thought for a moment. It was hard to imagine how strong the Gods were in the other regions and how troublesome it was for humans to live under their influence.

However, as Lyra said, he better focus on his reality. "Back to the ranks. Novice, Adept, Valiant, Guardian... And there are sixteen more ranks above that?"

"Yes," Lyra confirmed. "The ranks after are unfamiliar to us since Guardians are already a rarity in the Lower Continents."

"I see. You said that there are others like us. But, no Godslayers ever stood against the gods?" asked Kael.

Lyra smiled faintly. "The gods have been in power for thousands of years. Many Godslayers before us have tried, and most of them failed."

Kael's unease grew. "Wait—does that mean others before me have the same legacy?"

"Yes, but a few Titans still haven't chosen their Godslayers... like the Legendary Titans such as Oranos," confirmed Lyra.

After hearing this, Kael fell silent. He realized that if people found out he was the heir to Oranos, it would lead to chaos.

"Many Godslayers have fought and died. But even in their failure, they managed to defeat some gods, especially the least powerful," Lyra explained.

Hearing this, Kael couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. The journey ahead was filled with danger, and it seemed like death was a common fate for those who had attempted it before. "That's… unsettling," he remarked.

Seeing his reaction, Lyra's face softened. "We have two choices. Fight or live under their tyranny. Would you just hide, waiting for the gods to destroy everything we hold dear?"

Kael sighed, deeply moved by her words. Living in constant fear of the gods and their Divine Chosen was the norm in his village.

"Yeah, you're right. Hiding doesn't seem much better," Kael finally said. "Tell me more about how the ranking system."

Lyra nodded. "Each rank has ten levels. You're currently a Level 1 Novice. That's the same across the board, whether you're facing a Beast, a God, or a Divine Chosen."

"How do you know?" Kael was surprised by that revelation. He needed to learn as much as possible from Lyra.

"I could sense. Most of the Godslayers, after a while with their powers, they could sense clearly what level the others that are weaker than them but will find difficulties in sensing those of higher levels or ranks," explained Lyra.

"I see... I need to learn to sense then," Kael replied with a chuckle because he believed that those he could sense and gauge their strength would spell disaster for him. "So, where do you rank?" Kael asked.

"I'm an Adept, Level 5," Lyra replied. "The highest-ranking Godslayers in our sanctuary are Guardians. They're rare, but they can rival the gods in the Lower Continents."

"Guardian ranked Godslayers?" Kael was deep in thought. "Then... Why are they not taking down Rasmund?" Kael asked.

"Rasmund isn't just a Guardian-ranked God of Dust, Kael. He commands many Divine Chosen, which makes him a formidable opponent even for Godslayers of the same rank."

Kael frowned, deep in thought. "Even if I reached the top and became a Guardian-ranked Godslayer, I might still stand no chance against him."

"Exactly," Lyra confirmed. "The gods have armies—thousands of Divine Chosen who serve them. On the other hand, Godslayers are scattered and rarely united. Some have even abandoned their mission."

"Abandoned? Why?" Kael asked, surprised.

"Some of the Godslayers had enough of the fighting. They turned their backs on the Titans, either siding with the gods or deciding to just look out for themselves, prioritizing their survival over the mission their Titans had given them."

"How selfish of them..." Kael concluded, his voice tinged with frustration.

"Or perhaps, how selfish the Titans?" came the counter-question, prompting a puzzled look from Kael.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked, genuinely confused.

Lyra chuckled, a knowing sparkle in her eyes. She realized her next statement might stir some controversy. "Just think about it. They could easily give us all their power and guidance. Don't you think expecting us to figure everything out alone is selfish?"

"Perhaps they have their reasons for doing so?"

"Well, if that's the case, we shouldn't call those who abandon their missions selfish. They might have their reasons, too."

Kael took a moment to process what he'd just heard. This mission was more than a quest for power; it was about loyalty and finding one's purpose. "It is hard, isn't it?"

"Yes," Lyra replied. "The gods maintain control because of their numbers and influence, not just their power. We Godslayers have the strength to challenge them, but without unity, our efforts are scattered."

Kael nodded thoughtfully.

"That's why even reaching the Guardian rank isn't enough. You need more than power—allies, tactics, and understanding of the world we're up against," added Lyra.

Kael's mind raced. He had always thought defeating the gods was a matter of becoming strong enough, but this was far more complicated.

"So, I'm now a Novice who was at the bottom of the ladder," Kael realized, feeling the weight of the journey ahead.

Lyra nodded. "Everyone starts as a Novice. Even the gods. But the journey to Guardian can take hundreds of years for most Godslayers, and even longer to reach ranks beyond that."

Kael's eyes widened. "Hundreds of years? How long does it take to reach the Eternal rank?"

"No one knows," Lyra said quietly. "No one has reached that rank, at least not in the Lower Continents."

The enormity of it all hit Kael. He had thought this journey would take years, maybe a lifetime, but the idea that it could take centuries or even longer shook him.

Still, a part of him burned with determination. The journey was long, but he was ready to face it. His thoughts were interrupted as Lyra suddenly raised a hand, her eyes narrowing.

"Stop," she whispered, her tone tense. "We're not alone."

Kael's heart quickened. "What is it?"

"Beasts," Lyra murmured. "Probably Shadehounds. I've encountered them before around here. They're fast and can merge with shadows. Their weakness is their eyes—light can disrupt them."

Kael gripped the hilt of his knife, his body tensing. "How many?"

"Five," Lyra said, drawing her Blade of Shadows. "Stay calm. Channel your Titan Essence and be ready to strike."

Kael tried to steady his breathing, channeling the Titan Essence as growling grew louder around them.

Out of the shadows, a Shadehound darted toward him, its glowing eyes fixed on his throat. Kael barely dodged in time, his heart pounding as the creature circled him.

Lyra's voice cut through the chaos. "Keep moving! Don't let them trap you!"

Kael nodded, trying to stay focused as the Shadehound lunged again. He felt the Titan Essence surge through him, strengthening his body. He narrowly avoided the creature's fangs, adrenaline flooding his veins.

"Five of them…" Kael muttered under his breath, his knife at the ready.

"Use this fight to test your strength," Lyra said calmly, her blade gleaming in the dim light. "This is your chance to prove you're ready for what's ahead."

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