Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 117 - Mr. Jun Wei, Out of Danger (74.1)

Chapter 117: Mr. Jun Wei, Out of Danger (74.1)

Translator: asassin

When secret Guard No.1 and No.3 took Mo Jing Li between them and walked out of the room, Xiao Yun arrived outside the room as well. She followed Ye Li, with glaring eyes which were about to shoot fire. “Let my lord go!”

Behind her, Secret Guard No.2 and No.4 landed on their feet from the top of a wall. “My Lady.”

Ye Li waved at them as a sign to spare all the curtsies and looked at Xiao Yun with smiles: “Xiao Yun, thank you for taking care of me for the past few days.”

Xiao Yun glared at her and said with clenched teeth: “What do you want to do? Let His Highness go and I won’t kill you!”

Ye Li hid behind Mo Jing Li and pretended to be intimidated by her. “Ouch, Xiao Yun, don’t frighten me. I’m as timid as a mouse. So… Xiao Yun, you’d better put away all your dangerous little things or I might…” She lifted her hand and her sharp nail left a trail of thin blood on Mo Jing Li’s neck. Then she blinked at Xiao Yun innocently: “Well, like this. If I accidentally poke a hole on His Highness’s neck, will you be able to sew it back up?”

“You!” Seeing that Ye Li use Mo Jing Li’s clothes to clean the blood on her fingers, Xiao Yun was so angry that her face turned red. But she calmed down soon enough. She gave Ye Li an innocent and charming smile and said: “Miss, His Highness has invited you to be his guest. You can go if you like but is it proper to seize His Highness?”

Ye Li smiled: “Xiao Yun, it surprises me that you not only look pretty but know the etiquette of our land well. But I don’t think it’s proper to drug your guest’s food, is it?” Putting stress on the four words, “etiquette of our land”, she saw Xiao Yun’s expression change a little who looked towards Mo Jing Li out of habit.

Ye Li didn’t intend to let her play for time. She looked at Xiao Yun with a cold smile and said: “Xiao Yun, please get us a few swift horses. Besides, I heard that two of my maids were missing, too. Send them back, or… I won’t be sure sure if I’ll give His Highness back to you in one piece.”

Smile finally disappeared from Xiao Yun’s face. Her pretty little face full of malice. “His Highness is Prince Li of Great Chu. You can’t get away if you hurt him.”

Ye Li raised her brows and said with a smile: “Do you not know I’m Princess Ding of Great Chu? Even Prince Li can’t get away with kidnapping me. You’d better be sensible and follow my instructions or… I promise that your prince will die horribly even if I can’t get away with it. No.3, if anyone acts rashly, don’t go easy on Prince Li. If anything happens, I’ll take the responsibility.”

Secret Guard No.3 answered in high spirits: “Yes, My Lady!”

Mo Jing Li snorted coldly and said: “You don’t need to threaten me. Xiao Yun, do as she bid. I’ll see them off myself.”

Hesitantly, Xiao Yun wanted to refuse but took it back seeing the dagger with cold glow that was against Mo Jing Li’s waist. She stared at Ye Li and warned: “If anything happens to His Highness, I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth.”

Ye Li smiled: “Easy, I’m not interested in your prince. It’s you… that ought to be careful. Don’t let me see you again!”

Secret Guard No.3 took Mo Jing Li whose acupoint was controlled with the other three surrounding Ye Li in protection and went out of the yard. A short time ago, the four of them had knocked down many a guard quietly. Now they were strutting out and nobody got in their way. Once they were out of the gate, they saw a few horses. Secret Guard No.1 and No.2 went forward to check then they nodded at Ye Li. Ye Li said: “Secret Guard No.3, you take Prince Li. The rest of you go with me.”

Xiao Yun, who followed them out hurriedly, walked forward, saying: “I’ve given you the horses. Why don’t you let His Highness go?”

Secret Guard No.3 sneered: “Do you think we are fools, setting Prince Li free so that you can catch us again?” As he put Mo Jing Li on the horseback, he got on the horse himself.

Ye Li smiled at Xiao Yun on horseback and said: “Don’t worry. I promise I’ll let your prince return to you safe and sound. But… if I find anyone follows us, I’ll stab him each time I find such people.”

Gritting her teeth, Xiao Yun didn’t have any choice since Ye Li had Mo Jing Li. She only said with hatred: “Set your mind at ease. I won’t send anyone after you. I only hope that you keep your word.”

“So do I.”

Five horses bolted and only slowed down after they were ten thousand meters away from the house.

Secret Guard No.1 looked back and said: “It seems that she has kept her promise and hasn’t sent men after us.”

Secret Guard No.3 snorted: “If she wants Prince Li to be poked with holes, she could send as many men as she wants to.”

Mo Jing Li, who was forced to bend over the horseback had already turned pale. He glared at Ye Li as if he wanted to eat her alive. However, no matter how fierce he looked it wouldn’t hurt so Ye Li chose to ignore him.

“My Lady, are we going back to the manor? His Highness is very worried about your safety.” Secret Guard No.1 asked in a deep voice.

Ye Li shook her head and said: “No.”

Secret Guard No.2, No.3, and No.4 all turned to Ye Li who looked at the ghastly pale man and smiled: “It has taken Prince Li a lot of trouble kidnapping me. I couldn’t let it pass easily.”

Mo Jing Li stared at Ye Li vigilantly and asked: “What do you want?”

Ye Li gave him an innocent and harmless smile. “Nothing. Even if I want to do something… I won’t tell you about it, Your Highness!” She bent down, and lifting her hand she struck Mo Jing Li on the neck who passed out completely since he was already dizzy from the journey.

The four secret guards didn’t know what Ye Li wanted to do exactly so they all looked at her, waiting for instructions.

Ye Li smiled: “Find a suitable place and leave Prince Li there. Let’s get a few new horses and have fun somewhere else.”

“My Lady, His Highness…” Though they only followed the princess’ instructions, but it was necessary to remind her that His Highness was still worrying about her.

Ye Li tilted her head and thought. “It’s already spring. His Highness will be all right for now. No.3, take a message to His Highness after you take care of Mo Jing Li. We’ll go back later.”

“Yes, My Lady.” Secret Guard No.3 smiled. He felt life was more interesting than ever after he started to work for the princess.

“Don’t call me that. I’m Mr. Chu now.”

“Yes, My Lord.”

Secret Guard No.3 went to deal with Mo Jing Li and sent the message. Secret Guard No.2 and No.3 took care of the traces they left behind. Meanwhile, Secret Guard No.1 walked after Ye Li quietly. As they were walking, Ye Li remembered to ask him what had happened in the past few days. She was a little worried about Qing Luan and Qing Yu, who was missing as well.

“Qing Yu and Qing Luan were left outside Yaohua Palace. I think they were taken away when they intended to enter the palace after the fire broke out. Why did Mo Jing Li kidnap two maids? No, not like that… it would be impossible for him to take so many people out of the palace at one time. Therefore, Qing Yu and Qing Luan are still in the palace.”

“My Lady?” Secret Guard No.1 admired this new master he started to work not long ago. If it wasn’t for the fact that the princess had taught the four of them many skills, they wouldn’t have been able to find the clues left behind by her and get to that secret house outside the capital in such a short time.

“My Lady, you are worried about Qing Luan and Qing Yu? If they are still in the palace, His Highness will find them eventually. You don’t need to worry.”

Ye Li frowned slightly and sighed to herself. She said: “It doesn’t matter if they are just locked up. I’m afraid that…”

“If the secret guards couldn’t find them in the palace, it won’t help worrying. I believe that the Heaven stands by the good man. They’ll be fine. If Prince Li has them, his men will free them just for his safety.”

Ye Li nodded and said: “I hope so. Let’s go. We are going to stay in the capital for half a month. I’ll ask Secret Guard No.3 and No.4 to go to the palace to see if there is any clue.”

Secret Guard No.1 stopped for a second and hurriedly kept up with her. “Yes, My Lady… We are going to leave the capital?”

“That’s right.”

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