Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 151 - Brother Meets Sister (85.2)

Chapter 151: Brother Meets Sister (85.2)
Translator: asassin
Watching Han Ming Xi disappear from the yard, Xu Qing Chen turned around and gave Ye Li a faint smile as he said: “My little sister, it seems a lot happened on your way here?”

She smiled at him ingratiatingly.

Given Xu Qing Chen’s intelligence, it took him no time to figure out that Chu Jun Wei and Chu Liu Yun were one person. He watched her unease with smiles and said with a nod: “I haven’t seen you for almost a year. How about we go inside and have a chat?”

Ye Li blinked and stepped aside, speaking in a small voice: “Big brother first.”

In the study, Xu Qing Chen sat behind the desk and looked calmly at Ye Li who had a guilty conscience.

Ye Li stood with her head down, her eyes wandering. From time to time, she would look up and steal a peek at him. Like the older generation of Xu Family was most afraid of Xu Hong Yan, her generation was most afraid of Xu Qing Chen, since she spent most of her childhood in Xu Family.

“Big brother…” Since that Xu Qing Chen stared at her without a word for this whole time, Ye Li called in a small voice with grievance.

Xu Qing Chen looked at her pitiable expression and sighed slightly: “Li-er, I haven’t seen you for a while. Now you are doing much better, having learned how to put on a pitiable look, aren’t you?”

Blinking, she said with curling lips: “Big brother… I’m not putting on a pitiable look. Why are you angry…”

His brows rose and he asked: “You don’t know why I am angry, Li-er?”

Ye Li shook her head.

He asked again: “Who is Chu Jun Wei and who is Chu Liu Yun?”

It was a waste of energy trying to beat about the bush with her brother. She lowered her head, a bit frustrated. “Big brother…”

Xu Qing Chen pointed at a chair in front of him as he spoke: “Take a seat and tell me slowly.”

Sitting down obediently, she told him everything about being set up by Ye Yue in the capital to coming here for him. Only by the time she finished did she feel thirsty. As she looked up, she saw Xu Qing Chen pass her a cup of tea. With a faint smile, she took the tea and have a sip.

After she had the tea, Xu Qing Chen started to speak: “Let me leave the issue that you were set up by Ye Yue aside. Why did you go to Guangling, seek Han Ming Xi out and bring him here?”

Ye Li answered below her breath: “I didn’t want to alert those in the capital so I couldn’t seek the help of secret guards. Han Ming Xi followed me here. I didn’t bring him.”

Xu Qing Chen looked at her with a smile yet not a smile as he said: “It was wise of you not to alert anyone of the capital. But didn’t you consider the relation between Han Ming Yue and Prince Ding? What if it is known to the world that you, Princess Ding, went to Tianyi Pavilion using an alias? Most importantly, if Han Ming Yue wants to investigate you, he will know who you are. If he places obstacles in your way, how are you going to deal with that?”

Ye Li looked up and saw Xu Qing Chen with a smile. She said: “I left Secret Guard No.4 to watch Cool Breeze Bright Moon House. If Han Ming Yue is back, No.4 will let me know immediately. Besides, I didn’t have Tianyi Pavilion handle any important matters. I only wanted it to help secret guards create more chaos.”

Xu Qing Chen nodded and said: “I’ll let you pass on that. Well… who asked you to get involved with the Sick Scholar?”

“Big brother, you know him too?” She asked. Though the Sick Scholar was a big name in the world of outlaws, she was a bit curious as to why Xu Qing Chen knew him.

Xu Qing Chen looked at her calmly. “Ling Tie Han, the First Master of the Hall of Darkness, is my friend.”

Ye Li was at a loss for word. She was planning to set the Sick Scholar up since he was a threat after all. “Big brother, if I do anything to the Sick Scholar, it won’t affect Master Ling and your friendship, will it?”

Xu Qing Chen raised his brows and said: “What do you want to do to him?”

With a frown, she told him about the Green Void Flower in detail.

After hearing that, he was quiet for a moment before he said: “So, you are afraid he is going to harm Prince Ding if he gets the Green Void Flower. You think the Green Void Flower might help Prince Ding with his illness and want it too? You sure consider the interests of Mo Xiu Yao, don’t you? You are indeed Princess Ding now. Father and uncle worry that you won’t grow close to other people. But I don’t think they would like to see you too close to him either.”

Hearing that, Ye Li felt awkward. “Big brother, what is that? Mo Xiu Yao has always been kind to me. Now that we are married, I hope for his best, naturally. Do you hope he die soon and I, your poor cousin, become a widow?”

He grinned seeing Ye Li speak bold and assured. Coughing slightly, he said: “Well, be careful with the Sick Scholar. As for Ling Tie Han, I’ll talk to him. I won’t let the Hall of Darkness get in your way.”

“Thank you, big brother.” Ye Li said smilingly.

Xu Qing Chen looked at her with a smile yet not a smile as he said: “You are welcome, cousin Li-er. Now, let’s talk about my fiancée. Right, I’ve sent a message back to the capital about that.”

“Ah… brother …why did you do that? Why are you so quick?” Thinking how many letters she was going to get because of that and all the lectures her first and second uncle were going to give her gave her headache.

Xu Qing Chen said with a smile: “In fact, the first time I knew about that fiancée coming here, I sent a message back. Or do you think I wouldn’t be able to send out a message under house arrest? I think I’ll have an answer in five days, Sister Liu Yun…”

Ye Li wanted to shout. Big brother is so… so evil!

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