Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 167 - Night Raid (91.2)

Chapter 167: Night Raid (91.2)

Translator: asassin

For two days, Mo Jing Li took no action since there was no news on the Hidden Cloud Soldiers. Every time he saw several men of the Hidden Cloud Soldiers up the wall of Yong Lin from afar, he became suspicious if there were indeed a lot of them here and if Mo Xiu Yao was here too. However, every time he made up his mind to launch an attack, he was afraid that Mo Xiu Yao was presenting a weak defense in order to lower his guard. Mo Xiu Yao had always been full of craft and cunning so he had to be vigilant. Therefore, though men of Nan Zhao had urged him to attack, he insisted on holding his troops outside this little town.

“Your Highness, Nan Zhao has pressed for an attack several times. Are we going to act tomorrow?” In a large tent, a middle-aged man who looked like a military adviser asked.

Mo Jing Li said, frowning: “What’s the rush? If they are in such a hurry, why don’t they do something about Scattered Snow Pass first? They haven’t harmed a single hair of Murong Shen so far!”

The military adviser shook his head with a bitter laughter: “Scattered Snow Pass has stood strong since ancient times. It is understandable that they haven’t take it over.”

Hesitant, Mo Jing Li’s brows drew tightly together as he looked at the military adviser and asked: “Is it really useful to… let men of Nan Zhao in this country?”

The military adviser was a bit at loss and looked at him in confusion: “Your Highness, what do you mean?”

Snorting slightly, Mo Jing Li said: “I’ve swept across Yong Zhou without any help from Nan Zhao. However, if those men enter Scattered Snow Pass, I’m afraid… it will be difficult to send them back.”

Though Nan Zhao was cooperating with him now, he knew it wasn’t as honest as it pretended. Once the unbroken legend of Scattered Snow Pass was shattered, more would raise challenge against it and invade Great Chu.

“Your Highness, once you’ve shot the arrow, there’s no getting it back,” advised the military adviser. “If we go back on the agreement, I’m afraid Nan Zhao will pull back its troops at once. By then, Murong Shen will be able to deal with us. In addition, if the relief troops arrive… the consequences will be disastrous. Therefore, it is better if we act promptly.”

Mo Jing Li nodded. He understood what the military adviser meant. “Do you have any thoughts on… why the Hidden Cloud Soldiers arrived so fast?”

The military adviser was a bit uneasy as he said: “Prince Ding is known for his insight. We haven’t dug up anything about that group of Hidden Cloud Soldiers for the past two days. I’m afraid Prince Ding has them here a long time ago.” Thinking of that, he sighed. If it wasn’t for this group of Hidden Cloud Soldiers, they might already have Yong Lin, even Scattered Snow Pass in their palms by now.

“You mean Mo Xiu Yao knew there would be war here a long time ago?” Mo Jing Li asked, his face ghastly pale.

However, the military adviser didn’t dare to answer positively so he simply said: “Perhaps Prince Ding stationed the Hidden Cloud Soldiers here as a precaution against Nan Zhao. After all, he has fought many battles here a few years ago.”

Back then, the royal family was worried the young commander of Prince Ding’s Manor would get himself too good a reputation and too outstanding military service so it forced him to withdraw. Otherwise, there Nan Zhao might not exist by now. Needless to state Nan Zhao’s hatred for Prince Ding in detail, Prince Ding might hold the same resentment toward it after it came back at Great Chu again.

Mo Jing Li curled his lips in disdain. “Mo Xiu Yao thought himself a superb military commander but it took him a year and he still didn’t have Nan Zhao. However, I’ve had Yong Zhou in half a month. Given another six months, I’ll have all the territory south of Yunlan River!”

“Your Highness is wise.” The military adviser said smilingly as he wiped his sweat without Mo Jing Li noticing.

This journey had been almost too smooth for them. It must have been the help of god.

However, since Murong Shen arrived at Scattered Snow Pass, the emperor had slashed the forces in Yong Zhou with all kinds of excuses while the governor of Yong Zhou did his utmost to cause Murong Shen trouble which led to a weak defense of the whole province and the success of Mo Jing Li who launched a sudden attack. Now that the court had known what was happening, favor might abandon Mo Jing Li. However, he was right about Scattered Snow Pass. As soon as he had Scattered Snow Pass, he would also have everything south of Yunlan River.

“Your Highness! There’s an attack on the west flank!” A soldier outside the tent reported loudly in a hurry.

Stunned, Mo Jing Li stood up abruptly and walked out of the tent. Looking at the distance, he saw flames light up the western sky. “Damn! How come they still have men for a raid?”

The military adviser followed him out, stunned by what he saw from the west too and reminded Mo Jing Li hurriedly: “Your Highness…”

Mo Jing Li said coldly: “Send men over to help!”

“Your Highness, look the other way!” Generals and officers that came in a hurry suddenly cried in shock. The east flank was set to fire as well.

One man said in horror: “The east flank was under attack too!”

The military adviser’s eyes lit up as he said in a serious tone: “Your Highness! There aren’t many men in Yong Lin. With both the west and east flank under attack, there must be few men left in the city. If we launch an attack now…”

Mo Jing Li turned around abruptly and stared at him. “Do you think the two lads at Yong Lin have the nerve to empty the city in order to make a raid?” He didn’t know Yun Ting and Xia Shu well, but he knew something about them – two young military officers under Murong Shen who were just over 20. They wouldn’t dare to carry out a raid without leaving enough men to guard the city. Besides, only idiots didn’t know that a mere night raid wouldn’t deter an army of over one hundred thousand people. It might even be a waste of forces of Yong Lin.

“Your Highness, you mean…” The military adviser said with a frown.

“Send out our scouts! General Zhang, General Li, go to the west and east flank’s aid!”

“Yes, Your Highness!”

Up a hill not far away from Prince Li’s camp, Ye Li looked down the hill where it was ablaze with fire with air-rending battle cries.

By her side, Xia Shu, Secret Guard No.2 and No.3 looked down the hill too.

“The relief troops are on their way!” Xia Shu said as he pointed at a group of soldiers that moved quickly to the west flank.

Ye Li smiled thinly. “They are about to end at the west side, aren’t they? Ask our men to play with them for a bit longer.”

Xia Shu answered, laughing: “Sure. Talking about this area, we have been here for a while and know this place better. I’m afraid the east flank can’t hold their strength for much longer.”

Ye Li said: “Leave that to themselves. Ask secret guards to get ready. I don’t want more of Mo Jing Li’s relief troops.”

It will kill if one eats more than one can chew.

Secret Guard No.3 answered with a smile: “Don’t worry, My Lady. Though we aren’t good at battles, we are the best at creating disturbance! They won’t expect their own men to stab them on the back.”

An attack from behind at night would lead to a fierce battle. Thanks god Prince Li hadn’t had the time to make any changes that the rebellion troops shared similar weapons and uniforms as troops of Yong Lin. As for whether his men could tell enemies from fellow soldiers in the dark of the valley, it depended on their fortune.

Ye Li nodded with contentment. “Let’s go and have a look.”

The four mounted on horses that were put not far away. Quietly, they headed for another hill in the dark of the night. What was certain was that there would be another intense battle over there.

This night, everybody was involved. The battles didn’t end until dawn. The result made Mo Jing Li’s dark mood even worse. The east and west flank including the relief troops he sent out had suffered a casualty of almost 30 thousand while there were less than three thousand dead bodies of the enemy. In addition, in the valley where the east flank stood, all corpses belonged to his men. If he didn’t figure out what had happened by now, he would be an idiot!

Losing almost 30 thousand men over one night including the commanders of the west and east flank as well as two commanders of the relief troops hit the originally high morale of his army hard.

Slowly, rumor spread across his army that Prince Ding and his Hidden Cloud Soldiers were in Yong Lin which terrified almost all his men.

Prince Ding’s Manor and the Hidden Cloud Soldiers had unwavering authority over every soldier.

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