Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 189 - Discussion at Xu Family’s Manor (99.1)

Chapter 189: Discussion at Xu Family’s Manor (99.1)

Ye Li told Mo Xiu Yao about Qing Yu and Qing Luan. He had his men investigate it. No matter who had pretended to be him, the woman appeared in the palace on the day of the fire wouldn’t have been Su Zui Die. Anyone who planned to sow discord between Ye Li and Mo Xiu Yao, even Xu Family and Prince Ding’s Manor knew Prince Ding’s Manor and Mo Xiu Yao well. In fact, Mo Xiu Yao wasn’t worried about the man who pretended to be him for his subordinates only answer to orders rather than men. Though that didn’t include him or Ye Li, his men all knew that neither Prince nor Princess Ding would bypass ranks when giving orders. Besides, if the secret guards couldn’t tell a fake Mo Xiu Yao from the true Prince Ding, they would have lost their jobs already.

On the second day that Ye Li was back in the capital, she visited Xu Family’s manor to see her uncle and aunt.

Though not many commoners knew about what happened in Yong Lin, those in the palace and those with powerful connections had their means of information.

Now that Mo Xiu Yao had recovered, he needed to take the responsibility of Prince Ding.

Therefore, as Princess Ding, Ye Li didn’t need to keep a low profile anymore.

As soon as Ye Li entered Xu Family’s manor, Xu Qing Yan came to her like a whirlwind and chattered on incessantly.

Xu Hong Yan followed with a vein bulged. “Qing Yan!”

Xu Qing Yan froze and squeezed his eyes at Ye Li for help, then turned to Xu Hong Yan with an ingratiating smile. “Uncle, I’m so happy to see Sister Li back…”

Xu Qing Ze looked at him quietly while Xu Qing Bai threw him an angry glance and said: “We are all happy that Li-er is back safe. Look at you. You are lucky that you aren’t in Yunzhou. Otherwise, grandpa and father would have punished you for your bad manner.”

Xu Qing Yan flinched and made a face at his fourth brother.

Seeing her family, Ye Li felt a sense of security and said smilingly: “Uncle, second brother, fourth brother, please don’t blame fifth brother. I’m happy to see you all as well.”

Having watched her closely for a while, Xu Hong Yan nodded with content and said: “It seems that you haven’t had a difficult time when you weren’t in the capital. You look even healthier now.”

Lady Xu went up to Ye Li, inquired after her well-being and expressed how worried she was when she was missing. She thought Ye Li had lost weight and should build up her health with nourishing food and tonic.

Knowing that her husband, sons and Ye Li were going to have a discussion, Lady Xu left to prepare lunch after speaking a while with Ye Li.

Having sat down in the study, before the discussion even started, Xu Qing Yan was babbling with his eyes on Ye Li like a puppy: “Sister Li, did you really guard Yong Lin?”

Ye Li’s brows rose in surprise. “Even you know about it? Information does travel fast.”

Xu Qing Yan shook his hands and said: “Some information is indeed secret, but that’s not the case in the capital. Now, many people know about it. Someone has asked me about you a few days ago. Humph! Did he think I’m easy to fool just because I’m young?”

Xu Qing Ze nodded and turned to Ye Li. “Qing Yan is right. Not many people could extend their hands to Scattered Snow Pass but few secrets remain hidden here.”

Ye Li shook her hands and said: “I’ve talked with His Highness about it. It isn’t a secret that Princess Ding commands Hidden Cloud Soldiers. I was on the battlefield in Yong Lin and I couldn’t hide it. So, it doesn’t matter if people know about it.”

With a frown, Xu Hong Yan spoke: “What’s His Highness’s opinion?”

Looking at his beautiful niece who looked like his younger sister, Xu Hong Yan didn’t know whether he got it right.

Though generations of Prince Ding respected his Princess regardless of her background, the only Princess who truly held military power was Princess Qing Yun. If Prince Ding…

Though Xu Hong Yan was happy that Prince Ding trusted his niece, he was also worried about that. Once Li-er had the power of the sword, she wasn’t simply a princess anymore. By then, what awaited her would get out of his control.

Ye Li turned to Xu Hong Yan and said in a serious tone: “Uncle, I know you are worried about me, but… since the day of my wedding, I’ve become part of Prince Ding’s Manor. If I can’t avoid certain things, I would rather face it directly. His Highness and I are more powerful together than alone.”

Xu Hong Yan sighed. Though he tried to stay away from state affairs, he knew what was happening.

After Prince Li rose in rebellion, His Majesty kept giving power to Liu, Wang, and Yun Family. It was fair to say that His Majesty openly beat down ministers who were close to Prince Ding with the excuse of eradicating Prince Li’s henchmen.

At the moment, the sudden rise of Wang and Yun Family in the place of Ye Family even threatened to overshadow Hua Family. It was worse that Liu, Wang, and Yun Family had joined forces. Separate, it wasn’t intimidating, yet together, His Majesty’s power came out first.

Not even Xu Qing Yan would believe that the emperor’s action was taken against Prince Li.

Xu Hong Yan understood that the emperor’s target was always Prince Ding’s Manor, who didn’t even see his younger brother as a threat.

Xu Qing Ze sounded cold as ever. Yet his voice was warm to Ye Li’s ears. “I think it is alright for Li-er to take the responsibility as long as she has the ability.”

Xu Hong Yan had no alternative but to nod and turned to Ye Li as he said kindly: “Your first uncle has mentioned it in a letter a while ago. He has guessed what’s on His Highness’s mind after you showed up in Yong Zhou with an army. Yet you must be very cautious from now on. Except your third brother, we are a family of scholars. I’m afraid we won’t be much of a help.”

That Xu Hong Yan wasn’t a general didn’t mean he didn’t know generals. Different from ministers, generals, especially experienced ones wouldn’t listen to a princess if she wasn’t capable enough.

Ye Li nodded with a faint smile as she said: “Please don’t worry about me, second uncle. Back in Yong Zhou, His Highness has asked a military officer as well as the leader of Hidden Cloud Soldiers to work for me. I know them well so don’t worry.”

Hearing that, Xu Hong Yan’s frown finally disappeared and said with a nod: “His Highness is very thoughtful.”

Xu Qing Yan said smilingly: “Had we known Sister Li was going to command Army of Mo Family, third brother wouldn’t have had to join the army. He could have followed Sister Li.”

Xu Hong Yan glared at him and said: “Nonsense. If Qing Feng isn’t a soldier material, he will be a drag on Li-er. If he is, he will be successful no matter where he is.”

Blinking, Xu Qing Yan said: “I just think that Sister Li will feel safer with family around.”

Ye Li said smilingly: “It’s still early to discuss that. Now, I’m not in charge of Army of Mo Family. Besides, if third brother knows he is recruited to Army of Mo Family because of me, he will run away and make achievement on his own judging from his personality.”

The thought of his son’s personality made Xu Hong Yan grin as if he was happy about it. Then, he told Ye Li sincerely: “Though His Highness trusts you, remember to make a clear distinction between the public and the private for power is dangerous. Do you understand it?”

Ye Li nodded and answered: “I see. Thank you, uncle.”

Seeing that Ye Li had listened to him, Xu Hong Yan nodded in relief and sighed softly.

Li-er was really different from his intelligent but weak little sister. Although Li-er’s surname wasn’t Xu, he still had a sense of pride that Xu Family had brought up a good daughter. He believed his father would be very happy to see Li-er grew into the person she was now.

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