Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 73 - Before the Royal Banquet (2)

Chapter 73: Before the Royal Banquet (2)

Translator: asassin

The carriage went silent for a while before Ye Li finally opened her mouth: “I don’t like to step on others. However, I don’t like being stepped on either.”

“Your Highness, we are at the destination. Her Majesty has invited Princess Ding.” Ah Jin’s deep voice reached them and the carriage slowly stopped.

Ye Li calculated the location of the carriage in her mind and concluded that it wasn’t anywhere she had been to on her last time in the palace. She estimated that she was somewhere near Fengde Palace which belonged to Her Majesty.

Mo Xiu Yao tilted his head and said: “I’m going to see His Majesty so I can’t go inside with you. Are you okay by yourself?”

Ye Li nodded. She stood up and was about to get off the carriage. Mo Xiu Yao tugged at her sleeve and said softly: “Be careful. If something happens…ask Qing Luan to find Ah Jin at once. He’ll be around Fengde Palace.”

Ye Li frowned: “But you…” Ah Jin was Mo Xiu Yao’s close guard and his most trusted subordinate. If Ah Jin wasn’t by his side…

Mo Xiu Yao couldn’t help laughing: “Do you think I could only trust Ah Jin? It doesn’t matter. Go.”

“Well, see you later.” Ye Li didn’t insist after hearing that from him and got off the carriage. Outside the carriage, maids from Fengde Palace were already waiting for her.

Seeing Ye Li, they hurriedly came over and greeted her: “Princess Ding. Her Majesty asked me to meet you here.”

Ye Li nodded: “I appreciate it.”

“We really don’t deserve it. Princess, please follow us.”

When she got to Fengde Palace, quite many ladies were already seated. Fengde Palace was magnificent but not excessively lavish. Its delicacy showed a special elegance. Ye Li couldn’t help her curiosity towards this empress whose reputation wasn’t exactly celebrated among the people.

“Your Majesty. May you have good health and peace.” Ye Li went inside the palace and bent down to greet the graceful and poised woman sitting at the host seat.

“Princess Ding, you may dispense with curtseying. A seat for Princess Ding.” Her voice was refined and peaceful without the aloofness and remoteness of an empress which Ye Li had imagined.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” Ye Li stood up and followed the maid to the empty seat at the front of the palace. Though Ye Li was young compared with the ladies present and maybe not very senior in terms of order of seniority. However, in terms of her position in the hierarchy, Prince Ding’s Manor was senior than all the princes and marquises, therefore she was senior than all the other ladies. Though she was late, Her Majesty reserved the seat in the front of the palace for her. Ye Li looked around casually and saw many familiar faces. The First Lady of Duke Hua’s Manor brought Hua Tian Xiang with her. By Princess Royal Zhao Yang and Princess Royal Zhao Ren’s side sat Princess Qi Xia and Princess Rong Hua, whom she hadn’t seen for a long time as well as the beautiful and attractive Princess Li, Ye Ying.

Apparently, those who were in Fengde Palace at the moment were more or less connected with the royal family or had a title. Ordinary ladies with an honorary title conferred by imperial mandate weren’t among them.

Only after she was seated did Ye Li look at the empress who was sitting on her phoenix throne. The empress was in a bright yellow dress with phoenix on it, showing that she was the only empress of this land in a graceful and respectable way. When Ye Li looked at her, she was surprised to find that the empress was looking back with a smile. The empress wasn’t extremely beautiful. Hua Tian Xiang was more good-looking than her though they both were from Duke Hua’s Manor. But her grace and poise were incomparable by Hua Tian Xian now or any ladies present.

“Your Majesty, is this Princess Ding?” A clear voice came from across the chamber and attracted all the attention immediately. Ye Li looked towards where the voice had come from and saw a girl in a colorful dress of obvious high status sitting by Princess Royal Zhao Yang’s left side.

The empress smiled: “Yes, this is Princess Ding. Come to think of it, Princess Ling Yun, you haven’t been well since you were here and you haven’t seen Princess Ding yet. Princess Ding, this is Princess Ling Yun of Xi Ling.”

Ye Li nodded: “Princess Ling Yun.”

Even though Ling Yun was the princess of a country she couldn’t treat Ye Li without proper respect. However, this princess who was smiling a moment ago seemed to not hear what Ye Li had said and looked Ye Li up and down wantonly before she finally said: “I’ve heard from my brother that you drew out Sword of Lan Yun, didn’t you?”

Ye Li nodded slightly and smiled: “I did see Sword of Lan Yun.”

Princess Ling Yun wasn’t satisfied with her answer. She stood up and lifted her chin: “I don’t believe you. I want to have a fight with you using swords.”

“I don’t know how to wield a sword.” Ye Li said calmly.

“How is that possible? How did you draw out Sword of Lan Yun if you don’t know how to use a sword?” Princess Ling Yun said aggressively with her eyes fixed on Ye Li.

Ye Li raised her eyebrows and smiled slightly: “Princess, drawing out a sword and using a sword are totally different. Who has said that a person who can’t use a sword can’t draw out a sword either?” It was beyond her why those princesses and ladies were so determined to force others into competitions without knowing whether they actually knew how to do it.

“I don’t care. I am definitely going to have this fight with you. Or are you afraid to join in?”

Ye Li stood up: “Princess, since you’ve asked me in front of Her Majesty and all the ladies and misses in the capital, I wouldn’t dare to deny it.”

Princess Ling Yun said with satisfaction: “Well, where is your sword?”

“In fact, I haven’t touched any other sword except Sword of Lan Yun up till now. The other day when the eldest son of Prince Zhennan sent the sword was the first time that I saw this kind of weapon so I don’t have a sword of my own and don’t know how to hold a sword either.”

“Haha, forcing someone who hasn’t touched a sword into a game of swords… Your Majesty, do you think I could ask a great general to compete with me in embroidery and claim that my embroidery skill is the best in the world?” Hua Tian Xiang leaned on Lady Hua and asked sweetly. Though her voice wasn’t loud, it travelled across the whole palace. Many ladies couldn’t help but cover their mouths and laugh quietly.

The empress glared at Hua Tian Xiang with a trace of smile in her eyes: “How dare you talk about your poor needlework?”

Hua Tian Xiang covered her face and laughed: “Aunt, stop it. I do that for a good reputation. How prestigious it is to be the best in the world.”

Ye Li glanced at Hua Tian Xiang with gratitude. Hua Tian Xiang blinked at her in return and leaned on Lady Hua while covering her face pretending to be shy.

The empress held back a laughter and said to Princess Ling Yun: “Princess, Princess Ding isn’t good at swords so let’s pass the sword competition.”

Princess Ling Yun was so angry at Hua Tian Xiang that her face was already blushed. She gritted her teeth and said: “She has drawn out Sword of Lan Yun, how come she doesn’t know how to wield a sword? I say she’s just playing with me.”

“Sword of Lan Yun belongs to Prince Ding’s Manor. Princess Ding can draw it out however she likes. It’s nothing to do with you whether she could wield a sword or not.” Princess Rong Hua who was sitting by the side cast Princess Ling Yun a sidelong glance and sneered: “Are princesses from other countries this strange, forcing others into all kinds of competitions and wouldn’t stop knowing that they don’t know how to do it? Princess, you’d better let Princess Ding admit that she loses and that you are a greater sword player than she is.”

“You!” Hearing that from Princess Rong Hua, both Princess Ling Yun and Princess Qi Xia felt awkward. Those present recalled that at the Ceremony of Hundred Flowers Princess Qi Xia asked Princess Ding to join her in a dancing competition.

Seeing that the situation was going to a deadlock, the empress hurriedly said: “Well, let it pass. Rong Hua, don’t talk nonsense in front of the two princesses.”

Princess Rong Hua snorted slightly and remained silence sitting by Princess Royal Zhao Ren. Compared with Ye Li she hated Princess Qi Xia more, who was arrogant as she was and enjoyed great favor from Princess Zhao Yang, so she also hated Princess Ling Yun who was new here but with the same kind of arrogance.

“Noble Consort is here!”

With that shrill sound of report, Noble Consort Liu walked into the palace in a light yellow palace dress looking quite cold.

“Your Majesty.” Noble Consort Liu was no less cold and arrogant than the last time when Ye Li saw her. She bent down slightly towards Her Majesty which to her counted as a greeting. It seemed that this Noble Consort who was at the top of the imperial harem didn’t intend to show any respect towards either the empress dowager or the empress.

The empress seemed to be used to how Noble Consort Liu was. She nodded slightly and said: “Well, what brings you here today?”

Many of the ladies present were surprised as well since Noble Consort Liu usually didn’t attend banquets in the palace therefore though many of them came to the palace almost once a month, they seldom saw Noble Consort Liu in person.

Noble Consort Liu said indifferently: “I don’t have much to do. His Majesty has said that Your Majesty’s palace is very lively so I come to have a look. Your Majesty, do you have any doubt?”

The empress frowned slightly but said generously: “Since you have such a good mood, have a seat.” She waved towards the maids, signaling them to prepare a seat for Noble Consort Liu.

Noble Consort Liu, on the other hand, walked to Ye Li without consulting anyone and asked: “Can I sit here?”

Ye Li smiled slightly and said: “As long as my lady don’t mind. Please.”

Seeing that Noble Consort Liu had sat beside Ye Li, the empress didn’t take any trouble to prepare her another seat. As to Noble Consort Liu, the most favored consort of His Majesty, the empress had always kept away from her. It was a comfort that though Noble Consort Liu could be extremely arrogant and sometimes very willful and rude, she would restrain herself in front of the empress. Indifference and rudeness like today were the limit. At least compared with empress dowager, the empress felt that she had reached a strange balance with Noble Consort Liu.

Noble Consort Liu sat by Ye Li with her face all cold and serious. Those ladies who had wanted to talk to Ye Li, the new Princess Ding, remained on their own seats instead. Though they didn’t know that Noble Consort Liu seldom show others any respect, it would only look embarrassing for them if they came to her not welcomed.

Since nobody talked to her, Ye Li could only sit by herself and listen to others’ conversations. It was lucky for her that she had enough patience.

“I’ve heard about what happened here just now.” Ye Li stopped for a second hearing the calm voice beside her since she had thought that Noble Consort Liu wouldn’t talk to her.

“You are so useless! Last time you don’t know how to dance when a princess from Nan Zhao asked you to compete in a dancing game. This time you don’t know how to wield a sword when the princess from Xi Ling asked you to take part in a competition of swords. What on earth are you capable of?” Noble Consort Liu’s voice was full of discontent and contempt.

Ye Li didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry hearing Noble Consort Liu’s blame. If she was right, this Noble Consort Liu was an admirer of Mo Xiu Yao rather than his mother. What was wrong with this woman and her contempt? “My lady, I’m not interested in dancing, besides… Prince Ding’s Manor doesn’t need a princess with the best dancing skills in the world either. As to sword… I don’t think that is something young ladies in the capital ought to learn about.”

Noble Consort Liu snorted slightly: “You forget to mention that you are quite an ordinary painter and you need someone else to write you a poem as well. You better watch out. If you embarrass yourself, I won’t let you off easily.”

My lady, are you really not Mo Xiu Yao’s mother?

“What are you talking about with Princess Ding, Noble Consort Liu? You seem to have quite a good time.” Princess Royal Zhao Ren who was sitting opposite suddenly asked.

Noble Consort Liu raised her head. She stared at Princess Royal Zhao Ren for quite some time before she finally opened her mouth: “Princess Royal Zhao Ren, which one of your eyes sees that I’m having a good time?” Hearing that, Princess Royal Zhao Ren didn’t know how to come back at her immediately. Secretly, Ye Li was extremely jealous of Noble Consort Liu for being able to say what she had on her mind. However, not everybody had the power to act like that. If it wasn’t for His Majesty, Noble Consort Liu wouldn’t survive long enough in the palace with her temper even though she had a powerful background. Seeing that Princess Royal Zhao Ren was left without an argument and gloomy, Noble Consort Liu seemed to be in quite a good mood. She stared at those who were sitting opposite towards her and said arrogantly: “Didn’t you ask what I was talking with Princess Ding, Princess Royal? I said that since Princess Ding doesn’t know how to wield a sword, how about I play with Princess Ling Yun instead?”

“Noble Consort!” The empress frowned in disapproval.

Noble Consort Liu didn’t mind that only staring coldly at Princess Ling Yun, saying: “Princess, what do you think about that?”

Though Princess Ling Yun had not been in the capital for very long, she knew well that Noble Consort Liu was the emperor of Dong Chu’s favorite consort. No matter what happened, she would never fight with Noble Consort Liu. Result aside, if she accidentally hurt Noble Consort Liu, she would lose the initiative when the emperor of Dong Chu looked into the matter. She was in Dong Chu right now after all. “I was just joking with Princess Ding. I won’t dare to fight you, Noble Consort Liu. Please forgive my naivety.”

“Well, Noble Consort. Princess Ling Yun is just a kid. Besides, she doesn’t know that Princess Ding doesn’t know how to wield a sword so she didn’t mean to embarrass us.” The empress said indifferently, however a determination that was seldom seen on her face showed that she didn’t tolerate any disobedience. That Noble Consort Liu came forward on Princess Ding’s behalf could turn both ways. Besides, it wasn’t a secret among many nobles that Noble Consort Liu admired Prince Ding before she came to the palace. What the empress needed to do was to find an appropriate excuse for Noble Consort Liu’s behavior.

After talking for some time, since it was still early for the royal banquet, the empress invited the ladies to enjoy the scenery of imperial garden. The ladies thanked Her Majesty and headed towards imperial garden. Before leaving, Noble Consort Liu was asked to stay by the empress.

Once Ye Li was out of Fengde Palace, Hua Tian Xiang rushed towards her and smiled: “Princess Ding.”

Ye Li glanced at her: “Do you have nothing else to do?”

Hua Tian Xiang waved her hands and said: “What’s that about? I have to greet Princess Ding as a rule. Well, Noble Consort Liu didn’t give you a hard time just now, did she?”

Ye Li was confused: “Why would she give me a hard time?”

Hua Tian Xiang looked at her with great pity: “Ah Li, I’ve told you to go out more often. Why don’t you listen to me? Didn’t you know that Noble Consort Liu…” Hua Tian Xiang had finally realized that it wasn’t wise to gossip about a noble consort in the palace, she got closer to Ye Li’s ears and said in a low voice: “Before she came to the palace, Noble Consort Liu was… an admirer of Prince Ding.”

Ye Li was speechless. Since Hua Tian Xiang also knew about it, it seemed that Noble Consort Liu was more in love with Mo Xiu Yao than mere admiration. She nodded: “I know that. She didn’t give me a hard time.”

Hua Tian Xiang walked next to Ye Li. She shrugged and said: “To be honest, I was shocked that she would come forward on your behalf. It seemed to me that she didn’t look like she was treating you favorably.”

“Is she good at swords?” Ye Li decided not to tell Hua Tian Xiang about how disdained Noble Consort Liu was towards her.

Hua Tian Xiang sighed, full of envy: “Come to think of it, every year the capital holds competitions for the most talented girl and most beautiful girl. It has become a cliché. But Noble Consort Liu… She is a genuine gifted beauty. It was said the Ceremony of Hundred Flowers that year was the most splendid one since the establishment of Great Chu. The first two girls in Han Ming Yue’s Reigning Beauty in the Capital of Great Chu took part in that competition. You could imagine that…”

Ye Li deeply agreed with her. Though she never saw that competition, she could imagine how fierce it was. “So did Noble Consort Liu win at last?”

“No, she lost.” Hua Tian Xiang said in pity: “Noble Consort Liu was only 13 at that time while Su Zui Die was already 16. Though Noble Consort Liu is an exceeding beauty now, she was only a beauty in the bud when she was 13. So the leading beauty of Reigning Beauty in the Capital of Great Chu is Su Zui Die. The painting of Noble Consort Liu was painted by Han Ming Yue when she was 15. To be honest, I haven’t seen any woman who was more beautiful than Su Zui Die in terms of appearance. It was fair that Noble Consort Liu lost.”

“Hum. Then what happened?”

“Then the two of them was in a competition. The Ceremony of Hundred Flowers that year basically had nothing to do with anyone else. Su Zui Die won the competition in dancing, painting, poem and musical instrument while Noble Consort Liu came first in chess and calligraphy. Besides they got second places in the competitions where the other one got first places. After that Su Zui Die was engaged so she didn’t take part in the Ceremony of Hundred Flowers any longer. In the following three years Noble Consort Liu had won all the first places in the Ceremony of Hundred Flowers, dancing, painting, poem, musical instrument. You name it, she had won it.”

Ye Li was completely convinced that it was understandable that Noble Consort Liu looked down on her since she was in a position to do so.

Seeing Ye Li didn’t mind, Hua Tian Xiang said angrily: “How about you show some resolution to improve? Don’t you feel threatened?”

Ye Li sighed: “You think too much.” She wasn’t the same kind of person as Noble Consort Liu, who was gifted. She would rather take part in a field exercise than become an exceedingly talented woman. She was capable of drawing topographic map as well as the structure of firearms while in terms of drawing she could only copy. Her performance in the Ceremony of Hundred Flowers was beyond her normal self.

“Forget it.” Hua Tian Xiang waved her hands casually. She glanced at Princess Ling Yun who was staring back at them not far away and asked: “What did you do to that Princess Ling Yun?”

Ye Li had no idea: “I’m sure this is the first time that I meet her. Before today, I’ve only met the eldest son of Prince Zhenan from Xi Ling.”

Hua Tian Xiang was confused: “Why does she look like she wants to eat you alive?”

“Could it be Sword of Lan Yun?” It was the only thing that Ye Li could connect with Princess Ling Yun.

“Sword of Lan Yun? That belongs to Prince Ding’s Manor. What does it have anything to do with her?”

“Everyone knows that it has been sent back from Xi Ling. I guess she hates to give it back. Let’s go to somewhere else.” Seeing that Princess Ling Yun was coming over, Ye Li suggested.

Hua Tian Xiang curled her lips: “What must be must be. Do you want to run like a bolting horse in the imperial garden?”

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