Grand Line’s Lord Of Shadows

Chapter 124: Judge’s Achievements

In a blink of an eye, three months passed by in a hurry.

Calm Belt, next to the dilapidated island group.

One by one, snail battleships gathered there.

It soon forms a huge castle standing on the sea with the flag of Germa 66 blowing in the wind.


A dark figure fell from the sky.

Putting away the shadow wings, Luke looked at the tall figure in front of him who had been waiting for a long time: "Judge, I have been looking forward to it for a long time, don't let me down..."

For three months, he hasn't made any big moves.

He just sent someone to the Water 7, took the drawings of Ark Maxim, and placed an order with the Galley-La Company.

No expense was spared to hire Fishmen Tom's disciple to redesign it on this basis and build a large battleship capable of flying.

He stayed patiently on the Thriller Bark, training day and night.

With part of the memories obtained from Golden Lion, Armament Haki can be said to have been honed to perfection and has even mastered the technique of internal destruction.

Even the technique of Conqueror Haki's entanglement has been mastered easily, and it is no longer as jerky and rough as when he first learned it when fighting Shiki.

It can be said that the strength has been greatly improved compared to the past.

The only pity is that the inherent Observation Haki is stuck at the bottleneck.

There is still no way to predict the future.

"Don't worry. Although there were some accidents, and it took about ten days longer than expected, it was a complete success!"

Judge was full of confidence, then he moved his right hand: "Please follow me!"

Inside Germa's underground laboratory, a circular pool of no less than ten cubic meters appeared there.

Moreover, there are several huge iron ropes in the pool.

"All these are?"

Looking at the green unknown solution inside, Luke was a little surprised.

"No, those are just special nutrient fluids added with SIQ..."

Judge shook his head.

He directly took out a tube of dark green reagent and gestured to Luke: "Because this kind of evolution doesn't happen slowly, but happens overnight… Once this special lineage factor serum is injected, you can evolve quickly, but you will need a lot of nutrient fluids!"

"However, due to the transformation of genes, the process may be extremely painful..."

"In order to prevent you from losing your mind due to the severe pain and destroying everything around you, you must be locked with pure Sea Prism Stone. Otherwise, not only this experimental base but the entire castle may be destroyed!"

Judge added there: "Furthermore, I still have to carefully remind you that this kind of comprehensive transformation and enhancement of the human body is full of risks. If you can't hold on during this period, you may... have a nervous breakdown and become a demented fool!"

He was acting on instructions from Luke.

Fully evaluate Luke's will, body, and strength from all aspects.

This special lineage factor serum was tailor-made for him, and its effect greatly exceeded the basic version during the experiment.

An ordinary person would not be able to bear it at all. 

The unimaginable pain may directly cause him to have a mental breakdown and directly turn him into a fool who has lost himself.

"For me, being stepped on by someone stronger than me and having to struggle helplessly is the most humiliating and painful thing..." Luke waved his hand and directly interrupted Judge's words. 

Naturally, he knew very well how risky this transformation was, but he still decided to try without hesitation.

If you want to become stronger, how can you not pay the price?

Without any procrastination, Luke took off his casual clothes, revealing a body of extremely strong muscles.

On the chest, a shallow scar that was left by the Golden Lion can be vaguely seen.

After more than three months, the traces are actually very faded.

If you don't look at it carefully, you won't even be able to spot it.

The green solution surged, and Luke lay inside.

The researchers in Germa who were responsible for acting as Vinsmoke Judge's deputies stepped forward to lock Luke's limbs and even his head.

Except for the handcuffs, which are made of the highest purity Sea Prism Stone, not only those thick chains but also the material of the pool seems to be an extremely hard memory alloy.

This shows how cautious Judge is.

After all, a strong man like Luke.

Once he really loses his mind and goes crazy, it may cause immeasurable losses.

In particular, after becoming the perfect lineage factor warrior, maybe Sea Prism Stone really can't restrain him anymore when he goes crazy.

"Then, I'm going to start, Luke-sama!"

Judge held up the lineage factor serum.

The dark green injection is full of weirdness.

It makes people feel a little panicked for no reason.

"Come on!" Luke's expression remained unchanged.

Soon, Judge inserted the needle directly into Luke's left arm.

The tube full of dark green reagent was injected into his body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It seems… it's not a big deal!"

Luke's eyebrows raised, except for a slight pain in the arm when the lineage factor reagent was injected; there was no major reaction at all.


The next moment.

His heart suddenly shook.

The powerful heartbeat accelerated violently.

Then his pupils suddenly dilated, and his eyes turned terrifyingly bloodshot.

His fists were clenched tightly, and his nails dug directly into his flesh.

The blood vessels all over the body are bulging, and the veins are exposed, making people's scalp numb.

"Damn, it's actually so painful..." 

His handsome face became distorted and turned ferocious.

In countless arduous trainings, he has already sharpened his iron will. 

Even if he uses the mountain as a sandbag and his whole body is bruised and bloody, he does not say a word.

He found that he had completely underestimated the exaggerated side effects of the lineage factor serum.

At this moment, as if he was completely out of control, he screamed in pain: 


"I'm sorry, Luke-sama..."

Judge reminded loudly there: "Because it is not transformation during the embryonic period, this process of forcibly transforming and evolving the genes directly through drugs is too harsh and will make people extremely painful, even if they are able to maintain their sanity all the time, but during this process, the pain has been magnified several times, and it is impossible to simply lose consciousness and faint..."

"But once it's over, your genes will be completely transformed, and you will become the most perfect genetic warrior!"

"Having extremely tough steel skin and an invulnerable exoskeleton, you have become infinitely powerful... and even have the ability to heal yourself beyond imagination. You can also master fire, electricity, and other special abilities like the Lunarian or Mink Tribe."

"And the intensity will far exceed that of my daughter and son!"


The next second, the veins all over Luke's body popped out.

A series of shocking blood vessels bulged as if they might explode at any time.

His whole body was in endless pain, and he felt that all the cells in his body were about to collapse. 

Luke was already covered in blood, and he could no longer care about Judge's words.


In the green fluids, stained with blood, a tall and violent figure was struggling crazily.

Since he is a devil fruit user, Sea Prism Stone has greatly weakened him.

The limbs are even tightly bound by iron ropes made of memory alloy, and there is no way to break them.

Luke's eyes turned redder, and his teeth broke due to clenching too hard.

At this moment, he was struggling like a wild beast while roaring in pain.

Not even Sea Prism Stone can completely restrain his power.

An unimaginable wave of Conqueror Haki's suddenly swept out in all directions.

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